p:graphicImage and Fancybox Integration - jsf

I'm using JSF 2.2 with PrimeFaces 5.3 under the GlassFish 4.1
Inside the application I use the approach to show the images from the database.
So that means I don't have an URL.
There're tons of example from this point of view, but I will paste here in order to be more useful.
Here the facelets
<p:graphicImage value="#{applicationScopedBean.imagesFromDb}" class="img">
<f:param name="imageId" value="#{actualAd.favouriteImageId}" />
<f:param name="cvlTimeStamp" value="#{now}" />
And here the Backing Bean
public StreamedContent getImagesFromDb() {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
if (context.getCurrentPhaseId() == PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE) {
// So, we're rendering the HTML. Return a stub StreamedContent so that it will generate right URL.
return new DefaultStreamedContent();
} else {
// So, browser is requesting the image. Return a real StreamedContent with the image bytes.
String imageId = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("imageId");
return new DefaultStreamedContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(imageManager.getById(Long.valueOf(imageId)).getContent()));
Here an example of a the generated HTML code
<img src="/myWebApp/faces/javax.faces.resource/dynamiccontent.properties?ln=primefaces&v=5.3&pfdrid=GgwXKejrBbRvnC%2Fxp98FzlaymhDf7Gb%2BEVoD%2BlqKVRmYUBBZeMmjKw%3D%3D&pfdrt=sc&imageId=23&myTimeStamp=Sun+May+15+19%3A19%3A08+CEST+2016&pfdrid_c=true">
By design, in order to use the gallery that comes from fancybox we need a code similar to the following
<a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="resources/bootstrap/css/images/single/1.jpg">
<img id="img_01" alt="" class="raised" src="resources/bootstrap/css/images/single/1.jpg" style="width: 100%" />
But using graphicImages with streams, I don't have the link needed in the href value.
There's a chance to retrieve the generated image url?
Basically I need to retrieve the generated string used to fill the src attribute of the img tag.
Is it possible to solve the problem?
Thank you!

The solution is to mark every p:graphicImage and his h:outputLink with a custom id.
<c:forEach items="#{myController.images}" var="img" begin="0" class="hidden-xs" varStatus="loop">
<h:outputLink id="aInsideLightbox#{loop.index+1}" class="fancybox imgCVLGalleryDetail hidden-xs" rel="group">
<p:graphicImage id="imgInsideLightbox#{loop.index+1}" value="#{applicationScopedBean.imagesFromDb}" class="img">
<f:param name="imageId" value="#{img.imageWrapper.id}" />
and then in the front-end side when the page is ready
<h:outputScript library="js" name="external.js"/>
$(document).ready(function () {
and in an external .js file the following functions.
function setUrlInTheFancyboxLinkAndImage() {
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
$imgToImprove = document.getElementById("imgInsideLightbox" + i);
if ($imgToImprove !== null) {
$aToImprove = document.getElementById("aInsideLightbox" + i);
if ($aToImprove !== null) {
$aToImprove.setAttribute("href", $imgToImprove.getAttribute("src"));
function setTypeImageInFancybox() {
type: 'image',
openEffect: 'none',
closeEffect: 'none'
}); }


How to disable Choose button in PrimeFaces FileUpload until the upload is complete

Is it possible to block/disable the "Choose" button in FileUpload?
I use the p:fileUpload in advanced mode and set multiple="true". If I click on the Upload button to start the upload of all file, I want to prevent the adding of more files until all files are uploaded.
Version of PrimeFaces is 5.1.
Definition of p:fileUpload:
<p:fileUpload id="fileUpload" update=":form:uploadTable :msg :msgs" fileUploadListener="#{fileUploadBean.handleFileUpload}" mode="advanced" dragDropSupport="false"
multiple="true" sizeLimit="3221225472" fileLimit="100" style="margin:15px 0px;width:900px;" />
Workaround with p:blockUI
I found a workaround with using of blockUI element. So on start the blockUI is show and after all uploads are completed the blockUI is hide. For that javascript code is needed.
<p:fileUpload id="fileUpload" update=":form:uploadTable :msg :msgs" fileUploadListener="#{fileUploadBean.handleFileUpload}" mode="advanced" dragDropSupport="false"
multiple="true" sizeLimit="3221225472" fileLimit="100" style="margin:15px 0px;width:900px;"
onstart="setUploadFilesCount()" oncomplete="handleUploadComplete()" />
<p:blockUI block="fileUpload" widgetVar="wVarBFileUpload" />
Javascript Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var fileCounter;
var numberOfFiles;
function setUploadFilesCount() {
fileCounter = 0;
numberOfFiles = $('.ui-fileupload-preview').size();
function handleUploadComplete() {
if(fileCounter == numberOfFiles) {
You can use onstart and oncomplete to achieve this:
<p:fileUpload onstart="disableChoosing()"
function disableChoosing() {
PF('uploadWV').chooseButton.find('input[type="file"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
function enableChoosing() {
if(!PF('uploadWV').files.length) {

Radio buttons using twitter bootstrap - unable to get value

I've browsed SO, and found some answers that have guided me closer to getting working radio buttons, but I'm stuck now.
I have the buttons, but am unable to get the value of the selected one.
I'm using JSF, hence the #{searchFlightsBean.setDir()}
Here's what I currently have:
<div class="btn-group" data-toggle-name="is_private" data-toggle="buttons-radio" >
<button type="button" value="0" class="btn" data-toggle="button">Public</button>
<button type="button" value="1" class="btn" data-toggle="button">Private</button>
<h:inputHidden id="hiddenDir" value="0" valueChangeListener="#{searchFlightsBean.setDir()}" onchange="submit()"/>
$(function() {
$('div.btn-group[data-toggle-name]').each(function() {
var group = $(this);
var form = group.parents('form').eq(0);
var name = group.attr('data-toggle-name');
var hidden = $('input[name="' + name + '"]', form);
$('button', group).each(function() {
var button = $(this);
button.on('click', function() {
if (button.val() == hidden.val()) {
In my bean, when setDir() is called, I am logging the value that it receives, like so:
public void setDir(ValueChangeEvent e) {
this.dir = e.getNewValue().toString();
log.info("NEW DIRECTION: " + this.getDir());
It doesn't log - setDir() is never called. For some reason the valueChangeListener attribute on the h:inputHidden tag doesn't work. Am I missing something?
Your concrete problem is caused because you used valueChangeListener the wrong way.
<h:inputHidden ... valueChangeListener="#{searchFlightsBean.setDir()}">
This does not match the method signature. You should omit the parentheses ().
<h:inputHidden ... valueChangeListener="#{searchFlightsBean.setDir}">
Otherwise JSF expects an argumentless setDir() method. Then, you're nowhere in JavaScript triggering the change event on the input element. The onchange="submit()" is therefore never invoked. You should be doing hidden.trigger("change") in JS to achieve that.
But, after all, this is somewhat clumsy. You're sending a full synchronous request and your JS code is rather overcomplicated (and stops working once you ajax-update the form). Provided that you're indeeed using JSF 2.x, I suggest to bring in <f:ajax> — which unfortunately doesn't work in <h:inputHidden>, hence the <h:inputText style="display:none"> — and to make use of $.on() in jQuery to keep the functions working even when you ajax-update the DOM.
<div class="btn-group" data-toggle-name="is_private" data-toggle="buttons-radio" >
<button type="button" value="0" class="btn" data-toggle="button">Public</button>
<button type="button" value="1" class="btn" data-toggle="button">Private</button>
<h:inputText id="is_private" value="#{bean.dir}" style="display: none;">
<f:ajax listener="#{bean.changeDir}" />
<!-- Note: <h:inputText id> must be exactly the same as <div data-toggle-name> -->
$(document).on("click", "[data-toggle=buttons-radio] button", function() {
var $button = $(this);
var id = $button.closest(".btn-group").attr("data-toggle-name");
var $input = $button.closest("form").find("input[id$=':" + id + "']");
if ($input.val() != $button.val()) {
(noted should be that the whole script should really be placed in its own .js file which you include by <h:outputScript name="some.js" target="body">; note that you don't need $(document).ready() nor $(function() {}) mess; also note that the very JS function is reusable on all other <div data-toggle="buttons-radio"> groups without changes)
With this bean:
private Integer dir;
public void changeDir() {
System.out.println("New direction: " + dir);
// ...
(noted should be that when you're doing further nothing relevant in changeDir() method, then you could just omit the whole method and <f:ajax> altogether and revert <h:inputText style="display:none"> back to <h:inputHidden> and remove .trigger("change") and rely on the regular form submit. It'll work as good)
You cannot just call any backing bean functions via Expression Language calls (#{...}) in JavaScript.
What you could do, is using a4j:jsFunction to offer your bean method to the java script code. That might look like this:
<a4j:jsFunction name="setDir" action="#{searchFlightsBean.setDir()}" ajaxSingle="true">
<a4j:param name="dir" assignTo="#{searchFlightsBean.dir}" />
See http://docs.jboss.org/richfaces/latest_3_3_X/en/devguide/html/a4j_jsFunction.html
and http://showcase.richfaces.org/richfaces/component-sample.jsf?demo=jsFunction&skin=blueSky

How to create a button in JSF page with custom label

I have this simple JSF button:
//Question Dialog
function deletedialog(button, a){
$("<div />", {
text: a
width: 600,
buttons: {
"Ok": function() {
// $('input[id$="deleterow"]').click();
button.value = "Processing...";
button.disabled = true;
"Cancel": function(event) {
button.value = "Delete";
button.disabled = false;
<!-- hidden button -->
<h:commandButton id="deleterow" value="HiddenDelete" action="#{AccountsController.deleteSelectedIDs}" style="display:none">
<f:ajax render="#form"></f:ajax>
<!-- the delete button -->
<h:button onclick="deletedialog(this, 'Do you want to delete the selected rows?'); return false;" >
<h:graphicImage name="small-hover.png" library="images" title="Delete" />
I want to create png image which will be the visual body of the button. The only thing that I will change will be the title of the button which I will set every time using the value attribute of the button. Is this possible? Now when I load the JSF page I see only empty button without label.
P.S 1 I get this result:
Use a command link that will wrap your image:
<script type="text/javascript">
function deletedialog(button, a) {
$("<div />", {
text: a
width: 600,
buttons: {
"Ok": function() {
//using the hidden button click
// $('input[id$="deleterow"]').click();
button.value = "Processing...";
button.disabled = true;
"Cancel": function(event) {
button.value = "Delete";
button.disabled = false;
<h:form id="myForm">
<h:commandLink onclick="deletedialog(this, 'Do you want to delete the selected rows?')) return false;">
<h:graphicImage name="small-hover.png" library="images"
title="#{someBean.imageTitle}" />
<h:commandButton id="deleterow" value="HiddenDelete" action="#{AccountsController.deleteSelectedIDs}" style="display:none">
<f:ajax render="#form" />
Also, there is a good example of <h:graphicImage/> in mkyong site.
Based on your comments, it looks like you want to have a button with an icon. Also, the real action is performed by your hidden <h:commandButton>. so I recommend you to read this answer:
HTML / CSS How to add image icon to input type=“button”?
Your code would be like this:
<h:commandButton id="deleterow" value="HiddenDelete" action="#{AccountsController.deleteSelectedIDs}" style="display:none">
<f:ajax render="#form" />
<button type="submit" onclick="deletedialog(this, 'Do you want to delete the selected rows?')) return false;"><img src="resources/images/small-hover.png" /> Delete</button>
Yes, you can mix basic HTML with JSF code, but read the link warning about this implementation on IE 6 browser clients.
I'd start from basics. Since you don't even see an image, when you right click on the browser window, and select 'view source' does it provide any meaningful information on whether the image is even being inserted onto the page? If you don't have the image path correct, it won't render the image on the page. That is the first thing to check and try to correct. (i.e. is the computer plugged in).

<f:selectItems> JSF tag custom tooltip attribute

Is it possible to add a "title" attribute to the tag in JSF, for example:
<f:selectItems value="#{foo.fooList}" title="{foo.fooDescription}"/>
Generated HTML:
<option value="foo1" title="description1">foo ex1</option>
<option value="foo2" title="description2">foo ex2</option>
I don't have an elegant solution, but it can be done. I'm assuming JSF 2+ & Facelets VDL.
For a managed bean Foo:
#ManagedBean #RequestScoped
public class Foo {
private List<SelectItem> fooList = Arrays.asList(
new SelectItem("value1", "label1", "description1"),
new SelectItem("value2", "label2", "description2"));
public List<SelectItem> getFooList() {
return fooList;
You can use JavaScript to set the title attribute on the DOM node:
<h:selectOneMenu binding="#{requestScope.fooSelectOne}">
<f:selectItems value="#{foo.fooList}" />
(function() {
var selectName = '#{requestScope.fooSelectOne.clientId}';
var kids = document.getElementsByName(selectName)[0]
var index = 0;
<ui:repeat value="#{foo.fooList}" var="_opt">
kids[index++].title = '#{_opt.description}'; //TODO: escape this
I think for f:selectItems tag there is no such (title) attribute available. You have this attribute in plain option tag in HTML but not in jsf. I think you should use plain select tag instead of selectOneMenu to get title value.
Assume your <h:selectOneMenu is as below.
<h:form id="myForm">
<h:selectOneMenu id="myCombo">
<f:selectItems value="#{foo.fooList}"/>
Now at window.onload you can iterate through options and add the title as below
window.onload = function() {
var options = document.getElementById("myForm:myCombo").options;
for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
options[i].title = "description" + i;
itemDescription attribute will not appear in seam 2.2.
Best solution would be using javascript to show tooltip for each select item.
<script type="text\javascript">
function getTooltip(id){
var options = document.getElementById(id).options;
for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
options[i].title = "description" + i;
if your id is generated dynamically or other way, for eg.
<rich:dataTable value="#{mybean.list}">
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{mybean.selectedValue}" onmouseover=getTooltip(this.id)>
<f:selectitems value="#{mybean.selectlist}">
This solution will work for all dynamically generated id's as well as simple
To generate a title attribute on your generated options, you can simply use passthrough attributes like this:
<f:selectItems value="#{values}" p:title="Your title here"/>

Using CKEditor instead of PrimeFaces Editor

I am trying to use CKEditor in my JSF application. How to get the content of CKEditor into backing bean..?
<form action="" method="post">
My Editor:<br />
<textarea cols="90" rows="20" id="editor1" name="editor1" value="#{EditorBean.value}"></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1',
uiColor: '#85B5D9'
<input type="button" value="Clear" name="clear" onclick="clear1()"/>
public class EditorBean {
private String value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
System.out.println("Content: "+value);
When I tried to print the value, It is not printing. Help me on this issue. PrimeFaces Editor is not supporting "Insert Table" function. So, I want to use CKE.
As el wont be able to evaluate non-JSF component.
Add this to your page :
<h:inputHidden value="#{EditorBean.value}" id="editorValue"/>
and onblur of editor textarea assign the value to the hidden element using
document.getElementById(editorValue).value = this.value;
Since this question bumped up somehow....
There is another option:
You can use the PrimeFaces Extensions , here is the link PrimeFaces Extensions CKEditor
Here an example from the showcase
<p:growl id="growl" showDetail="true" />
<pe:ckEditor id="editor" value="#{editorController.content}" interfaceColor="#33fc14">
<p:ajax event="save" listener="#{editorController.saveListener}" update="growl"/>
<p:commandButton actionListener="#{editorController.changeColor}" update="editor"
value="Change color with AJAX" style="margin-top:10px;"/>
try this:
<textarea class="ckeditor" cols="80" id="editor1" rows="10"/>
<h:inputHidden value="#{tskCtrl.selected.dsc}" id="editorValue"/>
<p:commandButton onclick="document.getElementById('editorValue').value = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData();" action="#{tskCtrl.create()}" value="Post" />
The answer from niksvp was helpful and set me in the right direction, but
the problem I found was that the blur handler never fires. I had to copy
the value from the textarea to the inputHidden on the onclick handler of
the commandButton:
<textarea id="textareaValue" .../>
<a4j:commandButton execute="editorValue" onclick="document.getElementById('editorValue').value = document.getElementById('textareaValue').value;"
<a4j:commandButton execute="editorValue" onclick="jQuery('#editorValue').val(jQuery('#textareaValue').val())"
I tried using onbegin & onbeforedomupdate but they didn't work.
Another option is to use the JSF versions of form and textarea. (It is likely possible to do this with passthrough elements as well, but I didn't try that.)
<h:form id="form">
My Editor:<br />
<h:inputTextarea cols="90" rows="20" id="editor1" value="#{EditorBean.value}" />
<script type="text/javascript">
.then( editor => {
console.log( editor );
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( error );
} );
This assumes that you do not have prependId=false.
The weird \\: is an escaping issue. It won't work without that. You'd get the "is an invalid selector" error in the console.
You can ID form and editor1 with other names, but you'll need to change the selector as well. You don't want to leave it to the defaults, as those are fragile, often changing as you update the page. Now it will only change if you change the structure of where editor1 is relative to form. E.g. if you add a fieldset around editor1, that would make the ID something like form\\:fieldset\\:editor1, where fieldset is the ID of the fieldset as specified in JSF. JSF will create the long version for you.
This also requires the CKEditor script to be added to the head, e.g.:
<script src="https://cdn.ckeditor.com/ckeditor5/11.2.0/classic/ckeditor.js"></script>
This particular example is for the ClassicEditor version. If you want a different version, you'd need to change the script and the part that says ClassicEditor.
Differences between the script as called in the question and this version may be that this is the current version (as I write this) while the question is older.
Alternately, you might prefer to use h:outputScript. But then you might need to host the script in your resources folder rather than using the version from the CDN.
See also:
Is the ID generated by JSF guaranteed to be the same across different versions and implementations?
Select element with double dot in id, error: “#octo:cat” is not a valid selector
Acquire full prefix for a component clientId inside naming containers with JSF 2.0
How to find out client ID of component for ajax update/render? Cannot find component with expression “foo” referenced from “bar”
How to include JavaScript files by h:outputScript?
