Azure Search default database type - azure

I am new to Azure Search and I have just seen this tutorial on how to create/delete an index, upload and search for documents. However, I am wondering what type of database is behind the Azure Search functionality. In the given example I couldn't see it specified. Am I right if I assume it is implicitly DocumentDb?
At the same time, how could I specify the type of another database inside the code? How could I possibly use a Sql Server database? Thank you!

However, I am wondering what type of database is behind the Azure
Search functionality.
Azure Search is offered to you as a service. The team hasn't made the underlying storage mechanism public so it's not possible to know what kind of database are they using to store the data. However you interact with the service in form of JSON records. Each document in your index is sent/retrieved (and possibly saved) in form of JSON.
At the same time, how could I specify the type of another database
inside the code? How could I possibly use a Sql Server database?
Short answer, you can't. Because it is a service, you can't specify the service to index any data source. However what you could do is ask search service to populate its database (read index) through multiple sources - SQL Databases, DocumentDB Collections and Blob Containers (currently in preview). This is achieved through something called Data Sources and Indexers. Once configured properly, Azure Search Service will constantly update the index data with the latest data in the specified data source.


How to access an azure Database containing data from Azure Log Analytics Query

I have a working query for my app data to be analyzed.
currently it analyzes the last two weeks data with an ago(14d).
Now i want to use a value containing the release date of the apps current version. Since i havent found a way to add a new database table to the already existing database containing the log data in azure analytics, i created a new database in azure and entered my data there.
Now i just don't know, if i can get access to that database at all from within the web query interface of Azure log analytics, or if i have to use some other tool for that?.
i hope that somebody can help me on this.
As always with azure there is a lot of stuff to read about it, but nothing concrete for my issue (or at least i haven't found it yet).
And yes, i know how to insert the data into the query with a let, but since I want to use the same data in different queries, an external location which can be accessed from all the queries would be the solution I prefer.
Thx in advance.
You cannot access a db directly. You are better of using a csv/json file in blob storage. In the following example I uploaded a txt file with csv data like this:
2a6c024f-9093-434c-b3b1-000821a15b1a,"Customer 1"
28a658a8-5466-45ea-862c-003b20507dd4,"Customer 2"
c46fb949-d807-4eea-8de4-005dd4beb39a,"Customer 3"
e05b67ee-ff83-4805-b004-0064449f196c,"Customer 4"
Then I can reference this data from log analytics / application insights in a query like this using the externaldata operator:
let customers = externaldata(id:string, companyName:string) [
] with(format="csv");
| extend CompanyId = tostring(customDimensions.CustomerId)
| join kind=leftouter
on $left.CompanyId == $
The url is created by creating a url including a SAS token by using the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer, selecting a blob and then right click -> Get Shared Access Signature. In the popup create a SAS and then copy the uri.
i know Log Analytics uses Azure Data Explorer in the back-end and Azure Data Explorer has a feature to use External Tables within the queries but I am not sure if Log Analytics support External Tables.
External Tables in Azure Data Explorer,and%20managed%20outside%20the%20cluster.

Azure Data Discovery and Classification

With the recent preview release of 'Data discovery & classification' for Azure SQL databases, has anybody found where this data is stored and if it can be queried directly from the Azure database? I know for on-premise databases if you right click on a database and choose 'Tasks - Classify Data...' anything you enter into that interface is stored as extended properties on the 'table/column'. However, after entering the same data via the interface in the Azure portal, there are no extended property values that I can find in my Azure SQL database. I would really like to be able to query this classification data directly so I can incorporate other metadata about the column such as data type, sample value, collation etc.
For Azure SQL DB, this metadata is stored in new attributes that have been introduced into the SQL Engine to support tagging column sensitivity, which are currently not exposed. We plan to expose them via REST/Powershell/T-SQL as the feature continues rolling out.
Please follow our announcements and the online feature documentation for updates.
Gilad (MSFT)

Best solution for dynamic spatial data

I'm trying to find the best solution for storing dynamic spatial data. I wonder if any of Microsoft's Azure solutions could work. Azure Table Storage would let me create a lot of custom and dynamic structures stored on fast SSD disks.
Because of data's dynamic nature, common indexing seems useless. I would also like to create a lot of table-like structures so the whole architecture cannot be static. Using Azure Table Storage I would dynamically create a table based on country, city, etc sorted by latitude or longitude.
I would appreciate any clue.
Azure Table Storage has mostly been replaced by Azure Cosmos DB.
At the time of writing the Table Storage page even says:
The content in this article applies to the original basic Azure Table storage. However, there is now a premium offering for Azure Table storage in public preview that offers throughput-optimized tables, global distribution, and automatic secondary indexes. To learn more and try out the new premium experience, please check out Azure Cosmos DB: Table API.
You can use Cosmos DB via the Table API, but you'll probably find the Document DB API to be more powerful.
Documents are "schema-free". You can just throw your documents in to a collection, and then you can query against them.
You can create documents which have geo-spatial properties which are indexed automatically.
Then you can perform geo-spatial queries against those properties.
For example you might give each of your documents a point, and then create a query to select all documents that are inside of a polygon.
Or maybe you want to find out how far away each document is from a given point.

Windows Azure table storage or SQL Azure

I have an application that looks up data for a page. The data is looked up by primary key and row key in table storage.
I am considering SQL Azure storage. Is there some advantage in my going to this kind of storage being that the look up will always be very direct. Note that I do NOT need any reporting. ALL I want is single row look up
I am considering SQL Azure storage. Is there some advantage in my going to this kind of storage being that the look up will always be very direct. Note that I do NOT need any reporting. ALL I want is single row look up
Assuming that your requirements are fully stated as will only ever need single row access, and assuming that you only want to know about advantages and not disadvantages, then the only advantages I can think of are that SQL azure offers:
time-based subscription pricing instead of pricing per transaction
options for backup (in CTP)
options for replication/synchronisation
more client library options (e.g. Entity Framework, Linq2SQL, etc)
more data types supported
more options for moving your app outside of Azure if you ever want to
Use Table Storage if you don't need relational database functionality.

Alternative to Windows Azure tables out of the cloud

I'm developing a .NET app, which needs to run both on Azure and on regular Windows Servers(2003). It needs to store a few GB of data and SQL Azure is too expensive for me, so I'll use Azure tables in the cloud version. Can you recommend a storage solution, which will run on standalone servers and have an API and behavior similar to Azure tables? From what I've seen Server AppFabric does not include Tables.
If you think what Windows Azure Table Storage is, it is a Key-Value pair based non-relational databse which is accessible through REST API. Please download this document about Windows Azure and NoSQL database details.
If I were in your situation, my approach would have been to find something similar to Azure Table Storage which I can access over REST and have similar accessibility API. So if you try to find the similar database to run on a machine you really need to look for:
Key Value Pair DB
Support for basic operations i.e add, delete, insert, modify an entity
Partition Key and Row Key based Accessibility
RESTful Interface to connect
If you would want to try something you sure can look at:
DBreeze (C# based Key Value Pair NoSQL DB) I just saw it and looks exciting
Googles LevelDB (Key Value Pair DB, open source and available on Windows) I have no idea about API
Redis (Great Key-Value Pair DB but not sure for Windows compatibility and API)
Here is a list of key/value databases without additional indexing facilities are:
Berkeley DB
Tokyo Cabinet/Tyrant
If none works, you sure can get any of open source DB and modify to work for your requirement and then make that available to others as your contribution to community.
Now you can use Windows Azure Virtual Machine to run any kind of Key-Value pair DB on Linux or Windows Machine and connection with your application.
I'm not sure which storage solution to recommend, but just about any database solution would work provided that you write an Interface to abstract all your data storage code. Then write implementations of that interface for Azure Table storage and whatever other database you want to use on the non-cloud server
You should be doing that anyway so that your code isn't tightly coupled with Azure Table Storage APIs.
If you combine coding against that Interface with an IoC container, then a single line of code or a single configuration setting would enable you to switch between data implementations based on which platform the code is running on.
