When do I need to run nodetool upgradesstables while upgrading multimode cluster? - cassandra

I am in process of upgrading Cassandra from 2.0.9 to 2.1.14. In the upgrade instructions, it says we should run nodetool upgradesstables after the upgrade process.
I have 12 nodes in my cluster. When I start the upgrade process on a node, do I need to run nodetool upgradesstables on that node after starting it with the new version? Or after all nodes have been upgraded to the new version?

You'll want to do it after all nodes have been upgraded.
nodetool upgradesstables can take a while to complete (depending on the size of your data). But the good news is that Cassandra 2.1 can read 2.0 sstables, so you can run it at your leisure (good idea to do so during off-hours).
That being said, make sure it runs to completion on all nodes, as your next upgrade (2.2) depends on it (2.2 cannot read 2.0 sstables).


Does cassandra upgrade require to run nodetool upgradesstables for cluster holding TTLed data

I am running 3 node apache cassandra cluster as docker container holding timeseries data with 45 days TTL.
I am planning to upgrade the current cassandra version 2.2.5 to cassandra 3.11.4 release. Following steps are identified for the upgrade -
Backup existing data
Flush one of the cassandra node
bin/nodetool -h cassandra1 -u ca_itoa -pw ca_itoa drain
Stop the cassandra1 node
Start the new cassandra 3.11.4 container
Upgrade the SSTable
bin/nodetool -u ca_itoa -pw ca_itoa upgradesstables
Check the node status. Repeat the process for the rest of the nodes
I have few questions about the upgrade process -
Are the steps correct?
Is it manodatory to run upgradesstables command. It is time consuming, and I want to see if I can avoid. The data has TTL set. Will the cassandra continue writing in new SSTable format whereas the old SSTable data get cleaned-up on expiring? Assumption is that, after 45 days, all SSTable would be in new shiny format.
Just some additional thoughts:
For Step #6, you actually don't have to run upgradesstables right away. In fact, if you're upgrading a production system, it's probably better that you don't until the application team verifies that they can connect ok. Remember, older versions of the driver which work in 2.2 may not work with 3.11.4.
To this end, I would wait until the entire cluster is running on the new version before running upgradesstables on each node.
Is it manodatory to run upgradesstables command?
As each Cassandra version is capable of reading its own SSTable format as well as the prior major version, I guess it's not mandatory. But it's definitely something that you should want to do. Especially when upgrading to 3.x.
Cassandra 3 contains a significant upgrade to the storage engine, which results is a much smaller disk footprint. One cluster I upgraded saw a 90% reduction in disk needs.
Plus, you'd be incurring additional latency when reading records which may be spread across the old SSTable files as well as the new. Reads for records across multiple files are bad enough as it is. But now you'd be forcing Cassandra to read and collate results from two formats.
So while I wouldn't say it's "mandatory," I'd definitely say it qualifies as a "good idea."
Yes, you need to run nodetool sstableupgrade on each node after cassandra upgrade as you are upgrading from 2.2.x to 3.11.4. sstable file format and ext also will change. You may run this process on background and it will not create any issue. please refer below links for more details https://blog.thethings.io/upgrading-apache-cassandra-cluster/

Cassandra Upgrade limitations

We are upgrading from DSE 4.5 to DSE 4.8.9 in 10 node PRODUCTION cluster.
We have daily batch jobs running in our application which bulk load the data in the cluster , some jobs TRUNCATE the tables and load fresh data and some loader jobs which continuously insert the data.
Consider these scenarios :
Case 1 :
Let say my one node has DSE 4.8 installed but upgradesstables is running .
All nodes are online at this moment and 2 different schema exist (9 nodes on dse4.5 and 1 node on dse4.8.9).
In this case , will TRUNCATE work ?
Case 2:
One of my nodes is fully upgraded to DSE 4.8 , which makes my cluster to be in partially upgraded state, all nodes online,2 schema exists (9 nodes on DSE 4.5 and 1 node on DSE 4.8).
Will TRUNCATE work in this case ?
Please suggest.
Its not recommended to issue a TRUNCATE command during an upgrade, this is one of the limitations outlined here
To quote the link:
Do not enable new features.
Do not run nodetool repair.
Do not issue these types of CQL queries during a rolling restart: DDL
During upgrades, the nodes on different versions might show a schema
Failure to upgrade SSTables when required results in a significant
performance impact and increased disk usage. Upgrading is not complete
until the SSTables are upgraded.
It should be a practice to upgrade the binaries first on all the nodes so that we have one schema across the cluster .
Avoid the use of TRUNCATE till all nodes have completed running "upgradesstables".
Comment given by markc is also to be noted :
Do not enable new features.
Do not run nodetool repair.
Do not issue these types of CQL queries during a rolling restart: DDL and TRUNCATE.
During upgrades, the nodes on different versions might show a schema disagreement.
Failure to upgrade SSTables when required results in a significant performance impact and increased disk usage. Upgrading is not complete until the SSTables are upgraded.

DSE 5 and DSE 4.8.9 in Same Cluster

Is it at all possible to have two different DSE versions in the same cluster? In my case, I have a a cluster of two DSE 5 nodes and another one of two DSE 4.8.9 nodes. Can I connect them such that data is replicated from DSE 4.8.9 to DSE 5 in real time?
No. If you were to try this, you'd be in an "Upgrade State." And clusters in an upgrade state are bound by these restrictions:
Do not enable new features.
Do not run nodetool repair.
Do not issue
these types of CQL queries during a rolling restart: DDL and
During upgrades, the nodes on different versions might show
a schema disagreement.
Failure to upgrade SSTables when required
results in a significant performance impact and increased disk usage.
Upgrading is not complete until the SSTables are upgraded.
Trying something like this would be further exacerbated by the fact that 4.8.9 is based on Cassandra 2.1 and 5.0 is based on Cassandra 3.0. There were some significant changes between the two, so you would undoubtedly run into problems.
The best way to go about this would be to upgrade your 4.8.9 nodes to 5.0 first, and then add your new 5.0 cluster nodes afterward.

Cassandra Opscenter repair causes Null Pointer Exception

Got a four node apache cassandra cluster (2.1) with DataStax opscenter 5.0.1 running. Everything's running smoothly...I can restart nodes from opscenter. However, if I try to run a repair on a node from the Opscenter UI, I get the following:
"Error during repair on [hostname]: java.lang.NullPointerException:"
I can ssh into the node and run nodetool repair without problems.
Any idea what the problem might be?
Opscenter 5.0 doesn’t support managing Cassandra 2.1 clusters yet, but that’ll change after 5.1 gets released.

migrating cassandra from 1.1.2 to 1.2.6

My current cassandra version is 1.1.2, it is implemented with a single node cluster, i would like to upgrade it 1.2.6 with multiple nodes in the ring. is it a proper way to migrate it directly to 1.2.6 or i should follow version by version migration.
I found the upgrading steps from this link
There are 9 other releases available between this two versions.
I migrate a two cluster nodes from 1.1.6 to 1.2.6 without problems and without doing version by version. Anyway, you should take a closer look into:
Because there are a lot of new features from version 1.2 like the partioners maybe you need to change some configurations for your cluster.
You may directly hop on to C1.2.6.
We migrated our 4-node cluster from C1.0.9 to C1.2.8 recently without any issues. This was a rolling upgrade i.e. upgrade one node at a time and after each upgrade of a node, allow the cluster to stabilize (depends upon the traffic during upgrade)
These are the steps that we followed:
Perform below on each node,
Run Disablegossip and disablethrift, such that this node is seen as DOWN by other nodes.
flush/drain the memtables, run compaction to merge SSTables
take snapshot and enable incremental backups
This stops all the other nodes/clients from writing to this node and since memtables are flushed to disk, startup times are fast as it need not walk-through commit logs.
stop Cassandra (though this node is down, cluster is available for write/read, so zero downtime)
upgrade sstables to new storage format using sstableupgrade
install/untar Cassandra 1.2.8 on the new locations
move upgraded sstables to appropriate location
merge Cassandra.yaml from previous version and current version by a manual diff (need to detail out difference)
start Cassandra
watch the startup messages to ensure the node comes up without difficulty and is shown in the ring with mixed 1.0.x/1.2.x
