trying to stringify, circular structure error - node.js

I'm getting an error when trying to stringify a global variable in sails:
TypeError: converting circular structure to JSON.
I know what the error means, but the question is, what's happening that's causing there to be a circular reference. And, why does it happen to my custom variable?
Then the next question is: how can I stringify the object the way I created it in globals.js?
In config/globals.js:
module.exports.globals = {
mystuff: {
Url: "http://localhost:8080",
APIKey: "2bb67717b99a37e92e59003f93625c9b"
In a hook initialize:
module.exports = function (sails) {
return {
initialize: function(cb) {
var str = JSON.stringify(sails.config.globals.mystuff);

This helped identify circular culprits:
Detecting and fixing circular references in JavaScript
Another portion of the app was injecting objects into the globals.


Cannot read properties of undefined using "This" in JavaScript class

I'm using Node JS and ExpressJS to write my web server. I use JavaScript OOP fromfew time. I get an error running this class:
class myClass {
constructor(path) {
this.path = path;
var fileControllerInstance = new FileController(this.path);
fileControllerInstance.fileExist(function(fileExist) {
console.log("file exist");
return false;
new myClass("filePath").myFunction();
module.exports = myClass;
Running this class I get an error on printSTR function. Error is the follow:
file exist
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'printSTR')
Without this I get ReferenceError: printSTR is not defined. To solve my problem I need to create another class instance and to use that to call the function. Something like this:
new myClass("filePath").printSTR("test") instead to ``` this.printLine("test"); ```
Why using this my code not working? Thanks
Inside the function(fileExist), this has a different value than outside. To inherit the value inside, you must bind the function:
fileControllerInstance.fileExist(function(fileExist) {
You're calling this inside a callback. You can find this post useful to solve your issue.
Also you try to call printLine("test") but your method is printSTR(str)

What is exports.install in node js?

Hi I found a framework where they use a lot this pattern.
exports.install = function(){
but usually you see this pattern in nodejs
module.exports = {
Is this the same thing or is this something else ?
exports is the object corresponding to module.exports before you do anything to it. I think it's due to some legacy code, but basically folks use module.exports if they want to replace the whole object with their own object or a function, while they use exports if they just want to hang functions off the module. It's a little confusing at first, but essentially exports.install just means that calling code would do something like:
const mod = require('that-module');
mod.install(params, callback); // call that function
The framework you're looking at is probably using it as part of a bootstrapping process, afaik it doesn't have significance to the node engine itself.
Yes, it is the same thing. You can use one of 2 ways to setup your code.
The different thing is memory. They point to same memory. You can think exports like a variable and you can not use this way to export your module:
Given this module:
// test.js
exports = {
// you can not use this way to export module.
// because at this time, `exports` points to another memory region
// and it did not lie on same memory with `module.exports`
sayHello: function() {
console.log("Hello !");
The following code will get the error: TypeError: test.sayHello is not a function
// app.js
var test = require("./test");
// You will get TypeError: test.sayHello is not a function
The correct way you must use module.exports to export your module:
// test.js
module.exports = {
// you can not use this way to export module.
sayHello: function() {
console.log("Hello !");
// app.js
var test = require("./test");
// Console prints: Hello !
So, it just is style of developer.

Typescript : Lost scope of 'this'

I'm trying to assign a value to myImage. When I look at the js target file myImage doesn't even exist. Obviously this throws an error. How do I preserve the scope of this within typescript classes?
What I'm trying to do here is load an image using the Jimp library. Then have a reference to that loaded image to perform operations on, for example resize is a method of a loaded image inside Jimp, so I'd like to be able to call i.myImage.resize(100,100).
"use strict";
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var Jimp = require("jimp/jimp");
class Image{
public myImage:any;
Promise.all([new Jimp(newImage)]).then(function(img){
this.myImage = img;
var i = new Image('./jd.jpg');
The output:
[TypeError: Cannot set property 'myImage' of undefined]
With Callbacks :
var Jimp = require("jimp/jimp");
class Image {
public myImage: any;
constructor(newImage: string, typeOfImage: string) {
var self = this;
new Jimp(newImage, function(e,img) {
self.myImage = img;
var i = new Image('./jd.jpg');
console.log(i.myImage) // outputs undefined
The Jimp constructor does not return a promise so your use of Promise.all() here is likely not doing what you want it to do. As some people get confused by this, promises do not have any magic powers to somehow know when the Jimp object has finished loading it's image so if that's what you're trying to do here, it will not work that way. The Jimp constructor returns a Jimp object, not a promise.
I don't see any particular reason to not just use the Jimp callback that you pass into the constructor and make your code work like this:
var Jimp = require("jimp/jimp");
class Image {
private myImage: any;
constructor(newImage: string, typeOfImage: string) {
var self = this;
new Jimp(newImage, function(img) {
self.myImage = img;
// you can use the img here
// you cannot reliably use the img here
But, doing it this way looks like it still leaves all sorts of loose ends because the outside world has no way of knowing when the img has finished loading and you aren't saving the Jimp object reference itself so you can't use any of the Jimp methods on this image. As I said in my comments, if you share the bigger picture for what you're trying to do here, then we can more likely help you with a more complete solution to your problem.

Undefined Variable in JSON Object in Node Module

I can't figure out why I get an undefined here for 'app':
module.exports = {
application: require('../../app').service,
request: require('supertest')(this.application),
startSetup: setup(this.application)
it throws up at the (this.application) for the request: line.
Yo can try this:
var app = require('../../app').service;
module.exports = {
application: app,
request: require('supertest')(app),
startSetup: setup(app)
The problems is that this.application doesn't exists yet.
You can't use the inside parts of an object that it is not defined (it is defined only after the final }).
Here is an example that you can try on your chrome console.
You can see that you can't use type because it is not defined.
Javascript doesn't know what this.application is. The object hasn't been defined yet so you can't use an attribute inside at object definition that's defined in the same object.

Defining modules in UI5

I am trying to keep my code separated in modules. When I defined my first module I extended sap.ui.base.Object and it worked. My question is: Is it a must to extend sap.ui.base.Object when defining my own module? According to the API documentation I tried following example:
sap.ui.define([], function() {
// create a new class
var SomeClass = function();
// add methods to its prototype = function() {
return "Foo";
// return the class as module value
return SomeClass;
I required this module inside my Component.js as dependency like this:
], function (SomeClass) {
"use strict";
//var test = new SomeClass();
I always receive a syntax error:
failed to load '[...]/Component.js' from ./Component.js: Error: failed to load '[...]/module/SomeClass.js' from ./module/Service.js: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ;
Does anyone have an idea why this happens? Thanks!
We group code in modules like this for example:"our.namespace.iscool.util.Navigation");
our.namespace.iscool.util.Navigation = {
to: function (pageId, context) {
// code here
// etc.
and call the function of the module like this in a controller"our.namespace.iscool.util.Navigation");
sap.ui.controller("our.namespace.iscool.Detail", {
// somewhere in this file comes this
handleNavButtonPress: function (evt) {
Stupid mistake - missing curly brackets in the docs.
var someclass = function() {} ;
