Push data from Salesforce to Azure Service Bus - azure

i am looking for a solution for pushing data from salesforce to a azure service bus.
That's what I found:
PushTopic pushTopic = new PushTopic();
pushTopic.Name = 'InvoiceStatementUpdates';
pushTopic.Query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Status__c, Description__c FROM Invoice_Statement__c';
pushTopic.ApiVersion = 36.0;
pushTopic.NotifyForOperationCreate = true;
pushTopic.NotifyForOperationUpdate = true;
pushTopic.NotifyForOperationUndelete = true;
pushTopic.NotifyForOperationDelete = true;
pushTopic.NotifyForFields = 'Referenced';
insert pushTopic;
With this code I can create a PushTopic in Salesforce. If there is any change on Invoice_Statement__c, this topic will send the Id, Name, Status_c and Description_c to all Clients.
The problem is that there is no guarantee that the Client is receiving all messages:
Streaming servers don’t maintain any client state and don’t keep track
of what’s delivered. The client may not receive messages for a variety
of reasons... (Source)
So I wonder if I could send this information (Id,Name...) to a azure service bus. I found this "Help": https://developer.salesforce.com/page/Connecting_Force.com_to_Azure_Service_Bus_Part2
which did not solve my problem.
I wonder if one of you did have the same problem I do.
Hope someone could provide me (and all other guys and girls ;) ) a solution


Peek messages does not return all messages

I have the logic below that I am using to peek at the messages on a subscription
var path = EntityNameHelper.FormatSubscriptionPath(TopicName, subscriptionName);
var receiver = new MessageReceiver(connection string, path);
var messages = await receiver.PeekAsync(1000);
When I look at Service Bus Explorer it shows that there are 800 messages on the subscription
However the logic only returns 23
Does anyone know why this happens, is there some kind of caching or something?
That's by design. Peek and receive operations will return as much as broker can at that specific moment. If you want to retrieve all the messages, you'd have to write some code to iterate over the request one or more time until the number of items you need is reached.
If you want to raise a broker request to clarify this, there's a service issue tracker here.

Fastest way to know if a BrokeredMessage from Topic will be received by a subscription receiver

I work with azure Topics/Subscriptions for a project.
And i want to find the fastest solution to know if a BrokeredMessage will be received by 1 subscription at least.
I found a basic solution :
Before to send the message, i call GetRules method to iterate throught sql filters :
var rules = NamespaceMgr.GetRules("topict1", s.Name);
foreach (var ruleDescription in rules)
var filter = ruleDescription.Filter as SqlFilter;
if(filter != null)
//...examine exisitngs expressions to know if the message will be handled by a subscription receiver
Is there a faster way ?
For example, is there a way to send the message instataneously the message in another queue if he didn't find a receiver to go ?
What you are doing is wrong. Topics are created to decouple publishers and subscribers. Your publisher should not be concerned about the fact if subscribers exist or not. Events are broadcasted, so if no listeners are found, those messages go nowhere.
There's a setting topic setting, TopicDescription.EnableFilteringMessagesBeforePublishing that when is set to true will throw NoMatchingSubscriptionException exception where there are no subscriptions that would be able to process a message. It is not intended for production.

How to get notification from about newly added topics or queue?

I'm new Azure developer. My scenario is something like manager will publish new topic/queue by website/wp8 and worker should get notification (by push notification) in wp8 about newly added topic/queue. At this moment I have all the pieces ready such as topic/queue creation, sending receiving. But it works on pulling basis. Meaning manager can crate topic and publish message. Then worker has to subscribe to the topic for receiving message and pull every time to check is there anything new?.
So I want to make this system based on notification. I meant whenever anything newly added in topic user should get a notification (by push notification). So can you suggest me how can I achieve this goal? Is there any event generates from service bus if topic added or removed, etc? Thanks in advance!
Unfortunately there is no "notification hook" for when a queue/topic is created. The two options I'd recommend are to either use the service bus management API to periodically scan for new queues/topics, or better yet, set up a "notification topic" which your worker role instances can then listen to. Dropping a message into this topic can be another action performed by the "manager" process when it provisions a new topic/queue.
However, if you could explain the larger scenario of what you're trying to accomplish, I can't help but suspect that there may be a better way to accomplish what you're after. As after a period of time, all those topics/queues could present some management challenges.
off course we do have events which notifies the client when a new message is added to Topic .With message pump mechanism you can hook a client to Topic messages with a valid subscription .
Essentially the code bellow shows how to subscribe to the topic .
static void Main(string[] args)
SubscriptionClient Client = null;
OnMessageOptions options;
string connectionString = "your topic Endpoint";
Client =
(connectionString, "YourTopicName", "YoursubscriberName");
// Configure the callback options.
options = new OnMessageOptions();
options.AutoComplete = false;
options.AutoRenewTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
Client.OnMessage((message) =>
Console.WriteLine("Topic Message : ID :" + message.MessageId + " , " + message.Label);
catch (Exception exp)
Console.WriteLine("**Error Reciving Message**");
}, options);

Azure Servicebus AutoDeleteOnIdle

I'm trying to figure out the correct behavior when setting AutoDeleteOnIdle. I have a topic called MyGameMessages (not disclosing the game name since it might be considered advertisement).
What I do is that I create a subscription on each node in my server farm.
var manager = GetNameSpaceManager();
_subscriptionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var description = new SubscriptionDescription(topic, _subscriptionId);
description.AutoDeleteOnIdle = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
Then I start up a thread that pretty much loops for eternity (or at least until signaled to quit)
if (_subscriptionId == null)
var message = client.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)); // MARK A
if (message != null)
var body = message.GetBody<T>();
// Do stuff with message
Question A:
The first implementation had no timeout at MARK A. If no message is sent to this topic within one hour the subscription was autodeleted. Is this the behavior to expect? The client isn't really dead but I guess it just sits around waiting for a message. Is there no keep alive?
Question B:
Would it help to add the timeout as in MARK A or is it a better solution to create a new subscription every 50th minute (to create a small overlap just in case) and abandon the old one?
Johan, the scenario you describe above should work per your expectations. A pending receive call will keep the subscription alive even if no messages are flowing. Using longer timeouts for the Receive are better so you do not have chatty traffic when message volume is low. One thing to confirm is if your are setting the AutoDeleteOnIdle value for the Topic, in that case a receive on a subscription will NOT keep the Topic alive and if no messages are sent to the Topic for one hour then it will get deleted. Deleting a Topic results in all the Subscriptions being deleted too.
Are you still seeing this behavior of Subscriptions being deleted? If so then please create a ticket with Azure live site support and the product team an investigate the specifics.

Programmatically Update Azure Service Bus Topic

Is it possible to update a Topic programmatically on Azure ServiceBus?
I've tried something along the lines of the following:
var topicName = "myTopic";
var nsManager = NamespaceManager.Create();
var topic = nsManager.TopicExists(topicName)
? nsManager.GetTopic(topicName)
: nsManager.CreateTopic(topicName);
topic.RequiresDuplicateDetection = true;
However this fails with ArgumentException and message containing '(400) Bad Request.'
It appears that UpdateTopic can only be used for altering the status of the topic, is this correct? Is there anyway for me to change the Dupe Detection settings without using the Dashboard?
Short answer is: NO, you'll need to recreate the topic. Refer to this Stackoverflow question that deals with ServiceBus queues but essentially applies to your question just as well:
How to change the properties of a service bus queue?
