Can't match tuple inside of foldl - haskell

I have the following code, which should™ convert an excel column type its corresponding number. For example AA into 27 and AB into 28:
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.List (foldl1')
columnToNumber :: String -> Int
columnToNumber s = foldl1' (\acc (i, v) -> acc + 26 ^ i * v) (values s)
where values s = zip (reverse [0..(length s)]) ((\c -> ord c - 64) <$> s)
The idea is to take the string "AA" convert it to the corresponding numbers
["A", "A"] -> [1, 1]
and zip it with the base so from right to left 26^0, 26^1, 26^2, and so on.
zip [1, 0] [1, 1] -> [(1, 1), (0, 1)]
That way the result of the fold would be
26^1 * 1 + 26^0 * 1 = 27
Unfortunately, I'm getting the following errors and I'm not sure why:
Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’
with actual type ‘(Integer, Int)’
In the pattern: (i, v)
In the first argument of ‘foldl1'’, namely
‘(\ acc (i, v) -> acc + 26 ^ i * v)’
In the expression:
foldl1' (\ acc (i, v) -> acc + 26 ^ i * v) (values s)
Couldn't match type ‘(Int, Int)’ with ‘Int’
Expected type: [Int]
Actual type: [(Int, Int)]
In the second argument of ‘foldl1'’, namely ‘(values s)’
In the expression:
foldl1' (\ acc (i, v) -> acc + 26 ^ i * v) (values s)
Could someone help me out?

to get it compiling you actually just have to switch foldl1' to foldl' and add the starting accumulator:
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.List (foldl')
columnToNumber :: String -> Int
columnToNumber s = foldl' (\acc (i, v) -> acc + 26 ^ i * v) 0 (values s)
where values s = zip (reverse [0..(length s)]) ((\c -> ord c - 64) <$> s)
if you add the suggestion Free_D made (start at length s - 1):
columnToNumber :: String -> Int
columnToNumber s = foldl' (\acc (i, v) -> acc + 26 ^ i * v) 0 (values s)
where values s = zip (reverse [0..(length s -1)]) ((\c -> ord c - 64) <$> s)
you get the desired results:
λ> columnToNumber "AA"
λ> columnToNumber "AB"
I don't know if you actually gonna need this but hey why not:
what you probably don't like is that columnToNumber "A1" is 11 - to fix this you need to tread digits differently from letters:
columnToNumber :: String -> Int
columnToNumber s = foldl' (\acc (i, v) -> acc + 26 ^ i * v) 0 (values s)
where values s = zip (reverse [0..(length s -1)]) (parse <$> s)
parse c
| c >= '0' && c <= '9' = ord c - ord '0'
| otherwise = ord c - 64

Looking at the definition of foldl1', it has to take two things that are of the same type and produce something similar
*Main Data.List> :t foldl1'
foldl1' :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
But foldl is what you want:
*Main Data.List> :t foldl
foldl :: Foldable t => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
So essentially this:
import Data.Char (ord, toUpper)
columnToNumber :: String -> Int
columnToNumber s = foldl (\acc (i, v) -> acc + 26 ^ i * v) 0 $ values s where
values s = zip [l - 1, l - 2 ..0] ((\c -> (ord.toUpper) c - 64) <$> s) where
l = length s


No instance for (Num (Int -> Int)) arising from a use of syntactic negation

I have written the following Haskell code to return the primary and secondary diagonal of [[Int]]
getDiagonal' :: [[Int]] -> Int -> (Int -> Int) -> [Int]
getDiagonal' [] _ _ = []
getDiagonal' (x:xs) i fn = i' : getDiagonal' xs (fn i) fn
where i' = head $ drop i x
getPrimaryDiagonal :: [[Int]] -> [Int]
getPrimaryDiagonal x = getDiagonal' x 0 (+1)
getSecondaryDiagonal :: [[Int]] -> [Int]
getSecondaryDiagonal x = getDiagonal' x ((length x) - 1) (+(-1))
However, I would have thought that the final line could be the following, using (-) the same way as (+)
getSecondaryDiagonal x = getDiagonal' x ((length x) - 1) (-1)
However, that does not work, when I do that I get
Main.hs:27:59: error:
• No instance for (Num (Int -> Int))
arising from a use of syntactic negation
(maybe you haven't applied a function to enough arguments?)
• In the third argument of ‘getDiagonal'’, namely ‘(- 1)’
In the expression: getDiagonal' x ((length x) - 1) (- 1)
In an equation for ‘getSecondaryDiagonal’:
getSecondaryDiagonal x = getDiagonal' x ((length x) - 1) (- 1)
Why does (-) produce that error?
(-1) is interpreted as negative one, it is, as far as I know, the only exception that is made for operators that are non-binary. (-1) is thus not a function that subtracts one away.
You can make use of subtract :: Num a => a -> a -> a for this:
getSecondaryDiagonal x = getDiagonal' x ((length x) - 1) (subtract 1)
or you can use flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c which is how subtract is implemented:
getSecondaryDiagonal x = getDiagonal' x ((length x) - 1) (flip (-) 1)

Why is there an error for the third let-in statement?

Prelude> let [x,y] = [3,4] in x*x+y*y
Prelude> let x:[y] = [3,4] in x*x + y*y
Prelude> let x:y = 3:4 in x*x+y*y
interactive:6:5: error:
* Non type-variable argument in the constraint: Num [a]
(Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)
* When checking the inferred type
x :: forall a. (Num a, Num [a]) => a
In the expression: let x : y = 3 : 4 in x * x + y * y
In an equation for `it': it = let x : y = 3 : 4 in x * x + y * y
Can someone explain what is happening in the first two statements and why is there an error for the third let ... in .. statement.
In the third example, the right-hand-side of the let assignment is: 3:4. The : (cons) operator has the type signature a -> [a] -> [a]: it takes a value on its left side, and a list of that type of value on the right side. In this case, 3 is an a, but 4 is not a list of a ([a]); it is also an a. This is invalid.
Given the form of your exercise so far, there are two ways that you can fix this expression: with 3:[4] or with 3:4:[].
If you tried running your code now, you would see that it fails on x * x + y * y. This is because your pattern-match assigns x to 3, and y to [4] (a singleton list). A list cannot be multiplied by itself, nor can it be added to a number. So once more, we use the solution for the right-hand-side, on the left-hand-side:
let x:y:[] = 3:4:[]
in x * x + y * y
If we add a few too many type annotations, you can hopefully see where things are going wrong:
-- These work fine
-- let [x, y] = [3, 4] in ...
example1 = let [(x :: a), (y :: a)] :: [a]
= [(3 :: a), (4 :: a)] :: [a]
in x * x + y * y
-- let x:[y] = [3, 4] in ...
example2 = let ((x :: a) : ([(y :: a)] :: [a])) :: [a]
in x * x + y * y
-- This is the incorrect implementation
-- let x:y = 3:4 in ...
example3 :: (Num a) => a
example3 = let (x :: a) : (y :: [a]) -- (:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]
= (3 :: a) : (4 :: a) -- 4 :: a is invalid here: require [a]
in (x :: a) * (x :: a)
+ (y :: [a]) * (y :: [a]) -- Trying to multiply two lists
-- This is the fixed implementation
-- let x:y:[] = 3:4:[] in ...
example3' :: (Num a) => a
example3' = let ((x :: a) : (y :: a) : ([] :: [a])) :: [a]
= ((3 :: a) : (4 :: a) : ([] :: [a])) :: [a]
in x * x + y * y

SHA-1 in haskell producing wrong hashes

I wrote a program to perform SHA-1 in haskell, and while it does produce hashes, they do not match with the ones produced by other SHA-1 programs
Example: cat
hashes to: b5be86bc8bccfc24b01b093228ebb96fc92fa804 but is supposed to hash to 9d989e8d27dc9e0ec3389fc855f142c3d40f0c50
My code is:
(old code omitted)
I have no idea what is wrong. Can someone tell me where I made a mistake?
I fixed the stuff that was pointed out, however it is still not working. It works correctly up until the inner loop.
I cleaned up the code so the functions for the inner loop are available as f1, f2 and f3
cat now interestingly hashes to ebe6c9fa1afa0ef5a0ca80bab251fd41cc29127e.
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char (ord, intToDigit)
import Data.Binary (encode, decode)
import Numeric (showHex, showIntAtBase)
import System.IO (stdin)
import Data.Sequence ((<|), (|>))
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
type Quintuple32 = (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32)
addQuintuple (a, b, c, d, e) (f, g, h, i, j) =
(a + f, b + g, c + h, d + i, e + j)
shower :: Quintuple32 -> String
shower (a, b, c, d, e) = concatMap (`showHex` "") [a, b, c, d, e]
hash :: Int -> S.Seq Word32 -> Quintuple32 -> Quintuple32
hash i w h#(a, b, c, d, e)
| i < 20 = hash (i + 1) w (newhash (f1 h + k1))
| i < 40 = hash (i + 1) w (newhash (f2 h + k2))
| i < 60 = hash (i + 1) w (newhash (f3 h + k3))
| i < 80 = hash (i + 1) w (newhash (f2 h + k4))
| otherwise = h
where (k1, k2, k3, k4) = (0x5A827999, 0x6ED9EBA1, 0x8F1BBCDC, 0xCA62C1D6)
newhash a' = (rotate a 5 + a' + e + (w `S.index` i), a, rotate b 30, c, d)
f1 :: Quintuple32 -> Word32
f1 (_, b, c, _, _) = (b .&. c) .|. (complement b .&. c)
f2 :: Quintuple32 -> Word32
f2 (_, b, c, d, _) = b `xor` c `xor` d
f3 :: Quintuple32 -> Word32
f3 (_, b, c, d, _) = (b .&. c) .|. (b .&. d) .|. (c .&. d)
starting :: Quintuple32
starting = (0x67452301
, 0xEFCDAB89
, 0x98BADCFE
, 0x10325476
, 0xC3D2E1F0)
hasher :: Quintuple32 -> S.Seq Word32 -> Quintuple32
hasher acc x = addQuintuple acc (hash 0 (extend x) acc)
process :: B.ByteString -> Quintuple32
process = foldl hasher starting . chunks . pad
extend :: S.Seq Word32 -> S.Seq Word32
extend = extend' 16
extend' :: Int -> S.Seq Word32 -> S.Seq Word32
extend' 80 a = a
extend' i a = extend' (i + 1) (a |> xored)
where xored = rotate ((a `S.index` (i - 3)) `xor`
(a `S.index` (i - 8)) `xor`
(a `S.index` (i - 14)) `xor`
(a `S.index` (i - 16))) 1
toBytes :: String -> B.ByteString
toBytes = B.pack . map (fromIntegral . ord)
splitEvery n xs
| B.null xs = S.empty
| otherwise = B.take n xs <| splitEvery n (B.drop n xs)
chunks :: B.ByteString -> [S.Seq Word32]
chunks xs
| B.null xs = []
| otherwise = x : chunks (B.drop 64 xs)
where x = fmap decode (splitEvery 4 (B.take 64 xs))
pad :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
pad xs = B.append (add0 $ add1 xs) length64
where length64 = encode (fromIntegral (8 * B.length xs) :: Word64)
add1 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
add1 = flip B.append (B.singleton 128)
add0 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
add0 xs
| modulo /= 448 = add0 $ B.append xs (B.singleton 0)
| otherwise = xs
where modulo = (B.length xs * 8) `rem` 512
Also, a small question: is something like (a, b) = (8, 9) an acceptable thing to do to set multiple variables?
Oh, another one of these!
Two errors jump out at me immediately:
pad :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
pad xs = B.append (add0 $ add1 xs) length64
where length64 = encode (fromIntegral (B.length xs) :: Word64)
Notice the length you append is supposed to be the bit length, not the byte length.
add1 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
add1 = flip B.append (B.singleton 255)
Notice 255 /= 0b10000000 and the pad is supposed to be the later.
In general you debug these by 1) going over the spec again and again. 2) Comparing to another implementation, such as Adam Wick's SHA package, and comparing for equality at as fine grained level as possible.
EDIT: There are two more bugs, basically transcription errors. Look around a bit and shout if you're still stuck.

Couldn't match expected type `Bool' with actual type `IO Bool'

I'm trying to write a prime number generator and utilizing MillerRabin formula check whether or not the number is prime before it returns the number back into me.
Here is my code below:
primegen :: Int -> IO Integer
primegen bits =
fix $ \again -> do
x <- fmap (.|. 1) $ randomRIO (2^(bits - 1), 2^bits - 1)
if primecheck x then return x else again
primesTo100 = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97]
powerMod :: (Integral a, Integral b) => a -> a -> b -> a
powerMod m _ 0 = 1
powerMod m x n | n > 0 = join (flip f (n - 1)) x `rem` m where
f _ 0 y = y
f a d y = g a d where
g b i | even i = g (b*b `rem` m) (i `quot` 2)
| otherwise = f b (i-1) (b*y `rem` m)
witns :: (Num a, Ord a, Random a) => Int -> a -> IO [a]
witns x y = do
g <- newStdGen
let r = [9080191, 4759123141, 2152302898747, 3474749600383, 341550071728321]
fs = [[31,73],[2,7,61],[2,3,5,7,11],[2,3,5,7,11,13],[2,3,5,7,11,13,17]]
if y >= 341550071728321
then return $ take x $ randomRs (2,y-1) g
else return $ snd.head.dropWhile ((<= y).fst) $ zip r fs
primecheck :: Integer -> IO Bool
primecheck n | n `elem` primesTo100 = return True
| otherwise = do
let pn = pred n
e = uncurry (++) . second(take 1) . span even . iterate (`div` 2) $ pn
try = return . all (\a -> let c = map (powerMod n a) e in
pn `elem` c || last c == 1)
witns 100 n >>= try
I don't understand whats going on with the IO Bool. And I'm getting the following error...
Couldn't match expected type `Bool' with actual type `IO Bool'
In the return type of a call of `primecheck'
In the expression: primecheck x
In a stmt of a 'do' block: if primecheck x then return x else again
If I change the IO Bool to just a normal Bool, they will give me this:
Couldn't match expected type `Bool' with actual type `m0 a0'
Thanks for the help guys! I appreciate it.
if primecheck x then return x else again
is not valid because primecheck x returns a value of type IO Bool. You want to sequence the monad with do notation or something like:
primecheck x >>= (\val -> if val then return x else again)
Since primecheck returns IO Bool, when you call it in primegen, you need to sequence it rather than calling it like a pure function.
primegen :: Int -> IO Integer
primegen bits =
fix $ \again -> do
x <- fmap (.|. 1) $ randomRIO (2^(bits - 1), 2^bits - 1)
success <- primecheck x
if success then return x else again

Haskell: What is the difference between (+1) and (\x->x+1)?

Is there a difference between these two functions?
ghct says:
Prelude> :t (+1)
(+1) :: Num a => a -> a
Prelude> :t \x->x+1
\x->x+1 :: Num a => a -> a
When I used (+1) syntax in this piece of code:
data B = B {
pos :: Int,
cells :: [Int]
} deriving (Show)
createB :: Int -> B
createB n = B 0 (take n $ repeat 0)
size :: B -> Int
size b = length $ cells b
get_curr :: B -> Int
get_curr b = (cells b) !! (pos b)
apply :: (Int -> Int) -> B -> B
apply f b = let n = pos b
h = take n $ cells b -- head
t = drop (n + 1) $ cells b -- tail
in B n $ h ++ [f (get_curr b)] ++ t
-- ...
eval :: [Char] -> StateT B IO ()
eval [] = return ()
eval (x:xs) = do
b <- get
put $ case x of
'+' -> apply (+1) b
'-' -> apply (-1) b
'>' -> fwd b
'<' -> back b
otherwise -> b
-- ...
prelude (as well as compiler) said:
> :load BrainFuck.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling BrainFuck ( BrainFuck.hs, interpreted )
No instance for (Num (Int -> Int))
arising from the literal `1'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num (Int -> Int))
In the expression: 1
In the first argument of `apply', namely `(- 1)'
In the expression: apply (- 1) b
Failed, modules loaded: none.
What am I doing wrong?
sorry if code is not-so-cool (full source here:
This code:
... doesn't mean the same thing as this code:
\ x -> x - 1
- is a special case in Haskell; it is the only prefix operator in the language. When you write (-1), you get "negative one" which is a number, and not "subtract one" which is a function.
You should use subtract 1 to get what you need.
Your problem is not with (+1), it's with (-1):
Prelude> :t (-1)
(-1) :: Num a => a
-1 is a number! Try with apply (\x -> x-1) b or apply (subtract 1) b.
There is no difference between (+1) and \x -> x + 1 and if you look closely, (+1) isn't what's causing your error. (-1) is. And that's because unlike (+1), (-1) is not an operator section, it's negative one.
Instead of subtract the decrement expression can be written directly also as (+(-1)) .
