`trap`-ing Linux Signals - SIGSTOP? - linux

The Docker docs note the following (w/ code) on how to run clean up upon a container's shutdown:
Lastly, if you need to do some extra cleanup ... on shutdown, ..., you
may need to ensure that the ENTRYPOINT script receives the Unix
signals, passes them on, and then does some more work
trap "echo TRAPed signal" HUP INT QUIT KILL TERM
/usr/sbin/apachectl start
I think that this trap will catch a KILL signal. However, I read in this post:
All signals except for SIGKILL and SIGSTOP can be intercepted by the process.
However, another post states:
There is one signal that you cannot trap: SIGKILL or signal 9.
Which is it?

You cannot catch SIGSTOP. The page you referenced was mistaken.
Yes, the above script tries to catch the KILL signal. It fails. You can verify this yourself quite easily with the following script:
echo "Running shell in pid $$"
trap "echo TRAPed signal" HUP INT QUIT KILL TERM STOP
sleep 20
Try sending it the KILL and STOP signals, you will see that the process dies and halts, respectively, without the message being printed. If you try any other caught signal, you will see those are handled as expected.


How to catch SIGINT within a Bash subshell

If I run a command, such as grep, at the command line and hit ^C, the command is properly killed (with SIGINT I think). And if I run the grep in background and then run a kill SIGINT on its PID, it similarly gets terminated. But if I'm inside a script and run grep in background from the script, get its PID and then use 'kill -s SIGINT $PID', grep does not get killed. Why? If I use SIGTERM, instead of SIGINT, the kill does work.
grep -rqa shazam /usr &
kill -s SIGINT $PID
Even if I put the grep in a subprocess, preceded by a SIGINT handler (in the subprocess), and hit the subprocess with SIGINT, the handler is not invoked.
( trap 'echo "caught signal"' SIGINT; grep -rqa shazam /usr ) &
kill -s SIGINT $PID
The trap handler is invoked if I use SIGTERM, instead of SIGINT, but does not interrupt grep. If I add '/bin/kill -s SIGTERM 0' to the trap handler, there is an indication that the grep process gets terminated, but grep has already completed its work by then. I realize that Bash may have different default behaviors for the different signals, but I don't understand why my call to kill SIGINT is different than a ^C, why the trap call works for SIGTERM, but not for SIGINT, nor why SIGTERM isn't handled by the subprocess immediately.
Well, with further digging, I figured out 2 of my 3 questions. When I backgrounded grep within the script, the shell told it to ignore SIGINT. And Bash says it will wait to handle the signal until the subcommand is complete in some situations (which I don't fully follow at the moment), but the signal is handled immediately if hit the grep process directly with pkill.
"Actually bash will disable SIGINT (and SIGQUIT) on background processes and they can't be enabled" Background process and signals How SIGINT works
"Further background jobs are not supposed to be tied to the shell that started them. If you exit a shell, they will continue running. As such they shouldn't be interrupted by SIGINT, not by default. When job control is enabled, that is fulfilled automatically, since background jobs are running in separate process groups. When job control is disabled (generally in non-interactive shells), bash makes the asynchronous commands ignore SIGINT." Independent Program
Reason why SIGTERM works

Why does POSIX demand that system(3) ignores SIGINT and SIGQUIT?

The POSIX spec says
The system() function shall ignore the SIGINT and SIGQUIT signals, and shall block the SIGCHLD signal, while waiting for the command to terminate. If this might cause the application to miss a signal that would have killed it, then the application should examine the return value from system() and take whatever action is appropriate to the application if the command terminated due to receipt of a signal.
This means that a program that starts a long-running sub-process will have SIGINT and SIGQUIT blocked for a long time. Here is a test program compiled on my Ubuntu 18.10 laptop:
$ cat > test_system.c <<< EOF
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
system("sleep 86400"); // Sleep for 24 hours
$ gcc test_system.c -o test_system
If I start this test program running in the background...
$ ./test_system &
[1] 7489
..Then I can see that SIGINT(2) and SIGQUIT(3) are marked as ignored in the bitmask.
$ ps -H -o pid,pgrp,cmd,ignored
6956 6956 -bash 0000000000380004
7489 7489 ./test_system 0000000000000006
7491 7489 sh -c sleep 86400 0000000000000000
7492 7489 sleep 86400 0000000000000000
Trying to kill test_system with SIGINT has no effect..
$ kill -SIGINT 7489
.. But sending SIGINT to the process group does kill it (this is expected, it means that every process in the process group receives the signal - sleep will exit and system will return).
$ kill -SIGINT -7489
[1]+ Done ./test_system
What is the purpose of having SIGINT and SIGQUIT ignored since the process can still be killed via the process group (that's what happens when you do a ^C in the terminal).
Bonus question: Why does POSIX demand that SIGCHLD should be blocked?
Update If SIGINT and SIGQUIT are ignored to ensure we don't leave children behind, then why is there no handling for SIGTERM - it's the default signal sent by kill!
SIGINT and SIGQUIT are terminal generated signals. By default, they're sent to the foreground process group when you press Ctrl+C or Ctrl+\ respectively.
I believe the idea for ignoring them while running a child via system is that the terminal should be as if it was temporarily owned by the child and Ctrl+C or Ctrl+\ should temporarily only affect the child and its descendants, not the parent.
SIGCHLD is blocked so that system's the SIGCHLD caused by the child terminating won't trigger a SIGCHLD handler if you have one, because such a SIGCHLD handler might reap the child started by system before system reaps it.

ctrl+c to kill a bash script with child processes

I have a script whose internals boil down to:
trap "exit" SIGINT SIGTERM
while :
mplayer sound.mp3
sleep 3
(yes, it is a bit more meaningful than the above, but that's not relevant to the problem). Several instances of the script may be running at the same time.
Sometimes I want to ^C the script... but that does not succeed. As I understand, when ^C kills mplayer, it continues to sleep, and when ^C kills sleep, it continues to mplayer, and I never happen to catch it in between. As I understand, trap just never works.
How do I terminate the script?
You can get the PID of mplayer and upon trapping send the kill signal to mplayer's PID.
function clean_up {
# Perform program exit housekeeping
mplayer sound.mp3 &
mplayer returns 1 when it is stopped with Ctrl-C so:
mplayer sound.mp3 || break
will do the work.
One issue of this method is that if mplayer exits 1 for another reason (i.e., sound file has a bad format), it will exit anyway, and it's maybe not the desired behaviour.

Signal handling in a shell script

Following is a shell script (myscript.sh) I have:
sleep 500 &
Aprogram arg1 arg2 # Aprogram is a program which runs for an hour.
echo "done"
I launched this in one terminal, and from another terminal I issued 'kill -INT 12345'. 12345 is the pid of myscript.sh.
After a while I can see that both myscript.sh and Aprogram have been dead. However 'sleep 500 &' is still running.
Can anyone explain why is this behavior?
Also, when I issued SIGINT signal to the 'myscript.sh' what exactly is happening? Why is 'Aprogram' getting killed and why not 'sleep' ? How is the signal INT getting transmitted to it's child processes?
You need to use trap to catch signals:
To just ignore SIGINT use:
trap '' 2
if you want to specify some special action for this you can make it that in line:
trap 'some commands here' 2
or better wrap it into a function
function do_for_sigint() {
trap 'do_for_sigint' 2
and if you wish to allow your script to finish all it's tasks first:
trap 'keep_running="no"' 2
while [ $keep_running=="yes" ]; do
# main body of your script here
You start sleep in the background. As such, it is not killed when you kill the script.
If you want to kill sleep too when the script is terminated, you'd need to trap it.
sleep 500 &
sid=($!) # Capture the PID of sleep
trap "kill ${sid[#]}" INT # Define handler for SIGINT
Aprogram arg1 arg2 & # Aprogram is a program which runs for an hour.
echo "done"
Now sending SIGINT to your script would cause sleep to terminate as well.
After a while I can see that both myscript.sh and Aprogram have been dead. However 'sleep 500 &' is still running.
As soon as Aprogram is finished myscript.sh prints "Done" and is also finised. sleep 500 gets process with PID 1 as a parent. That is it.
Can anyone explain why is this behavior?
SIGINT is not deliverd to Aprogram when myscript.sh gets it. Use strace to make sure that Aprogram does not receive a signal.
Also, when I issued SIGINT signal to the 'myscript.sh' what exactly is happening?
I first thought that it is the situation like when a user presses Ctrl-C and read this http://www.cons.org/cracauer/sigint.html. But it is not exactly the same situation. In your case shell received SIGINT but the child process didn't. However, shell had at that moment a child process and it did not do anything and kept waiting for a child. This is strace output on my computer after sending SIGINT to a shell script waiting for a child process:
>strace -p 30484
Process 30484 attached - interrupt to quit
wait4(-1, 0x7fffc0cd9abc, 0, NULL) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted)
--- SIGINT (Interrupt) # 0 (0) ---
rt_sigreturn(0x2) = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call)
Why is 'Aprogram' getting killed and why not 'sleep' ? How is the signal INT getting transmitted to it's child processes?
As far as I can see with strace a child program like your Aprogram is not getting killed. It did not receive SIGINT and finished normally. As soon as it finished your shell script also finished.

Bash script: can not properly handle SIGTSTP

I have a bash script that mounts and unmounts a device, which performing some read operations in between. Since the device is very slow, the script takes about 15 seconds to complete (the mount taking atleast 5-6 seconds). Since leaving this device mounted can cause other problems, I don't want this script to be interrupted.
Having said that, I can correctly handle SIGINT (Ctrl+c), but when I try to handle SIGTSTP (Ctrl+z), the script freezes. Which means the signal is trapped but the handler doesn't run.
# Don't worry about unmounting yet. Just checking if trap works.
echo "Quitting..." > /dev/tty
exit 0
trap 'cleanup' SIGTSTP
I manually have to send the KILL signal to the process. Any idea why this is happening and how I can fix it?
The shell does not execute the trap until the currently executing process terminates. (at least, that is the behavior of bash 3.00.15). If you send SIGINT via ^c, it is sent to all processes in the foreground process group; if the program currently executing receives it and terminates then bash can execute the trap. Similarly with SIGTSTP via ^z; bash receives the signal but does not execute the trap until the program that was being run terminates, which it does not do if it takes the default behavior and is suspended. Try replacing ... with a simple read f and note that the trap executes immediately.
