I have two dataframes that have List as a column. Both the dataframes are identical except for the fact that the order of the list is different in the dataframes.
eg. Schema: (id text, name List'<'text>)
df1: (5,WrappedArray(abc, pqr, xyz))
df2: (5,WrappedArray(abc, xyz, pqr))
When i use intersect i dont get this record in the results. How can i get the intersection of such records?
I think you are right that the easiest way would be to sort the list column.
val sortListFunc = udf((inputList: WrappedArray[String]) => {
val df1Sorted = df1
val df2Sorted = df2
Then you should be able to join or intersect.
I want to get all rows of a dataframe (df2) where the city column value and postcode column value also exist in another dataframe (df1).
Important is here that I want the combination of both columns and not look at the column individually.
My approach was this:
#1. Get all combinations
#2.Define udf
def combination_in_vx(ort,plz):
for arr_el in dfSpark_combinations:
if str(arr_el[0]) == ort and int(arr_el[1]) == plz:
return True
return False
combination_in_vx = udf(combination_in_vx, BooleanType())
df_tmp=df_2.withColumn("Combination_Exists", combination_in_vx('city','postcode'))
Although this should theoretically work it takes forever!
Does anybody know about a better solution here? Thank you very much!
You can do a left semi join using the two columns. This will include the rows in df2 where the values in both of the two specified columns exist in df1:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df_result = df2.join(df1, ["Ort", "Postleitzahl"], 'left_semi')
I have two dataframe
Dataframe 1
Dataframe 2
ID column is not unique in the two tables. I want to compare all the columns in both the tables except ID's and print the unique rows
Expected output
I tried 'isin' function, but not working. Each dataframe size is 150000 and I removed duplicates in both the tables. Please advise how to do that?
You can use df.append to combine the dataframe, then use df.duplicated which will flag the duplicates.
df3 = df1.append(df, ignore_index=True)
df4 = df3.duplicated(subset=['Team', 'name', 'Country', 'Token'], keep=False)
I have two table A and B with hundred of columns. I am trying to apply left outer join on two table but they both have different keys.
I created a new column with same key in B as A. Then was able to apply left outer join. However, how do I join both tables if I am unable to make the column names consistent?
This is what I have tried:
a = spark.table('a').rdd
a = spark.table('a')
b = b.withColumn("acct_id",col("id"))
b = b.rdd
If you have dataframe then why you are creating rdd for that, is there any specific need?
Try below command on dataframes -
a.join(b, a.column_name==b.column_name, 'left').show()
Here are few commands you can use to investigate your dataframe
##Get column names of dataframe
##Get column names with their datatype of dataframe
##What is the type of object (eg. dataframe, rdd etc.)
DataFrames are faster than rdd, and you already have dataframes, so I sugest:
a = spark.table('a')
b = spark.table('b').withColumn("acct_id",col("id"))
result = pd.merge(a, b, left_on='id', right_on='acct_id', how='left').rdd
What I would like to do is:
Join two DataFrames A and B using their respective id columns a_id and b_id. I want to select all columns from A and two specific columns from B
I tried something like what I put below with different quotation marks but still not working. I feel in pyspark, there should have a simple way to do this.
A_B = A.join(B, A.id == B.id).select(A.*, B.b1, B.b2)
I know you could write
A_B = sqlContext.sql("SELECT A.*, B.b1, B.b2 FROM A JOIN B ON A.a_id = B.b_id")
to do this but I would like to do it more like the pseudo code above.
Your pseudocode is basically correct. This slightly modified version would work if the id column existed in both DataFrames:
A_B = A.join(B, on="id").select("A.*", "B.b1", "B.b2")
From the docs for pyspark.sql.DataFrame.join():
If on is a string or a list of strings indicating the name of the join
column(s), the column(s) must exist on both sides, and this performs
an equi-join.
Since the keys are different, you can just use withColumn() (or withColumnRenamed()) to created a column with the same name in both DataFrames:
A_B = A.withColumn("id", col("a_id")).join(B.withColumn("id", col("b_id")), on="id")\
.select("A.*", "B.b1", "B.b2")
If your DataFrames have long complicated names, you could also use alias() to make things easier:
A_B = long_data_frame_name1.alias("A").withColumn("id", col("a_id"))\
.join(long_data_frame_name2.alias("B").withColumn("id", col("b_id")), on="id")\
.select("A.*", "B.b1", "B.b2")
Try this solution:
A_B = A.join(B,col('B.id') == col('A.id')).select([col('A.'+xx) for xx in A.columns]
+ [col('B.other1'),col('B.other2')])
The below lines in SELECT played the trick of selecting all columns from A and 2 columns from Table B.
[col('a.'+xx) for xx in a.columns] : all columns in a
[col('b.other1'),col('b.other2')] : some columns of b
I think the easier solution is just to join table A to table B with selected columns you want. here is a sample code to do this:
joined_tables = table_A.join(table_B.select('col1', 'col2', 'col3'), ['id'])
the code above join all columns from table_A and columns "col1", "col2", "col3" from table_B.
I have a dataframe df1 with 150 columns and many rows. I also have a dataframe df2 with the same schema but very few rows containing edits that should be applied to df1 (there's a key column id to identify which row to update). df2 has only columns with updates populated. The other of the columns are null. What I want to do is to update the rows in df1 with correspoding rows from dataframe df2 in the following way:
if a column in df2 is null, it should not cause any changes in df1
if a column in df2 contains a tilde "~", it should result in nullifying that column in df1
otherwise the value in column in df1 should get replaced with the value from df2
How can I best do it? Can it be done in a generic way without listing all the columns but rather iterating over them? Can it be done using dataframe API or do I need to switch to RDDs?
(Of course by updating dataframe df1 I mean creating a new, updated dataframe.)
Let's say the schema is: id:Int, name:String, age: Int.
df1 is:
df2 is:
The updated dataframe should look like this:
you can also use case or coalesce using full outer join to merge the two dataframes. see a link below for an explanation.
Spark incremental loading overwrite old record
I figured out how to do it with an intermediate conversion to RDD. First, create a map idsToEdits where keys are row ids and values are maps of column numbers to values (only the non-null ones).
val idsToEdits=df2.rdd.map{row=>
.map{case (k,v)=> (row.fieldIndex(k),if(v=="~") null else v)} )
Broadast that map and define an editRow function updating a row.
val idsToEditsBr=sc.broadcast(idsToEdits)
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
val editRow:Row=>Row={ row =>
.map{edits => Row.fromSeq(edits.foldLeft(row.toSeq){case (rowSeq,
Finally, use that function on RDD derived from df1 and convert back to a dataframe.
val updatedDF=spark.createDataFrame(df1.rdd.map(editRow),df1.schema)
It sounds like your question is how to perform this without explcitly naming all the columns so I will assume you have some "doLogic" udf function or dataframe functions to perform your logic after joining.
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StringType
val cols = df1.schema.filterNot(x => x.name == "id").map({ x =>
if (x.dataType == StringType) {
doLogicUdf(col(x), col(x + "2")))
} else {
when(col(x + "2").isNotNull, col(x + "2")).otherwise(col(x))
}) :+ col("id")
val df2 = df2.select(df2.columns.map( x=> col(x).alias(x+"2")) : _*))
df1.join(df2, col("id") ===col("id2") , "inner").select(cols : _*)