Determine interval with known total and number of points - excel

Doing some volunteer work for a non-profit, I recently had a problem that I couldn't easily figure out:
I had a dollar total of funds pledged for the year ($150,000), and I knew the total number of pledges (90), and I wanted to see what it would look like if the pledges were distributed evenly from zero to X until the amount had been reached with each increment being the same.
So, for instance if we had $15 raised among 5 pledgers, the even distribution would be 1,2,3,4,5. And I wanted to do it in all in excel, because small non-profit.

Using your provided data setup (Number of backers in cell A1, total pledged amount in cell A2), use this formula in cell C1 and copy down:
Note that this formula will give you different results than your original. However, it will provide correct results, just as yours does.

This is easy using Solver, we will put the 90 pledges in A1 through A90 and the increment in B1. Lets guess that the increment is 1 so we put that in B1.
in A1 we enter: 1In A2 we enter the formula:
and copy down through A90In A91 we enter:
Clearly this is way off from the desired 150,000We can use Solver to adjust the value in B1 to get the desired result in A91:
The value Solver gets in B1 is 37.4307116107366We naturally would round this to two digits to get a good approximate solution

In a spreadsheet enter as A1 the number of "steps" in my case, pledgers as cell A1. In A2 enter the total you hope to reach. In my example $150,000. Finally in C1 enter the following formula:
= 2 *( ( (-1 * (2 * $A$1 * (ROW()) )) + ( 4 * (ROW()) * $A$2 ) + POWER( $A$1, 2 ) + $A$1 - ( 2 * $A$2 ))/( POWER( 2 * $A$1, 2 ) ) )
And then drag that column down the number of rows equal to your number of steps in A1. If you tally those values, it should equal the value in A2.
You'll notice that I use the ROW() function - if you'd like to start this on row other than row 1, you'll need to adjust the two calls to ROW to subtract the row you're on so that it equals 1 (and wrap it in parantheses) for instance here's the same function started on row 5 - note the "(ROW()-4)":
= 2 *( ( (-1 * (2 * $A$1 * (ROW()-4) )) + ( 4 * (ROW()-4) * $A$2 ) + POWER( $A$1, 2 ) + $A$1 - ( 2 * $A$2 ))/( POWER( 2 * $A$1, 2 ) ) )


How to change the value of a cell wiout changing the range?

I have the following columns and data:
1(cell A1)
Say I want to do like transpose(A1:A3) but want to change the value of 2 in A2 to 0, "inside the transpose formula". Is this possible??? Thank you very much.
{ =TRANSPOSE(A1:A3*(ROW(A1:A3)<>2)) }
Some explanation:
We are transposing an array, not directly A1:A3 but the result of one-by-one multiplication of A1:A3 and (ROW(A1:A3)<>2)). This results in the column vector:
A1 * 1 A1
A2 * 0 = 0
A3 * 1 A3
Which is what you want to transpose.

Distribute Cell Value Over Column of Cells

I want to distribute a value over a column of cells in multiples of 0.25. For instance, if my value is 6 and my column consists of 10 cells, I want 6 of the cells to have a value of 0.5 and 4 of the cells to have a value of 0.75 to sum to 6.
Another example would be if the value was 1 and I wanted to distribute that over the same column of 10 cells. 4 of the cells should have a value of 0.25 and 6 should have a value of 0.
The unequal cells could either be the first 4 in the column or randomly selected from the 10.
This solution requires the following:
Range to enter variables located at B3:C6 (see fig. 1)
Number: Number to be distributed. Enter 6 in C3
Divider: Enter 0.25 in C4
Parts: Number of parts to distribute. Enter 10 in C5
Multiples: Formula to calculate & validate the parts to be allocated. Enter this formula in C6
=IF( MOD( $C$3 , $C$4 ) <> 0 , "!Err" , $C$3 / $C$4 )
Range to calculate the distribution located at E2:G13 (see fig. 1)
Parts: Keeps the relationship between distribution and part number. Enter this formula in E3 then copy till last record
=SUM( 1 , E2 )
Times: Number of times each part number contains the multiple. Enter this formula in F3 then copy till last record
=SUM( INT( $C$6 / $C$5 ) , IF( $E3 <= MOD( $C$6 , $C$5 ) , 1 , 0 ) )
Distribution: Resulting distribution. Enter this formula in G3 then copy till last record
= $C$4 * $F3
Total: validation of the distribution. Enter this formula in E3 then copy till last record
=IF( ROUND( SUM( $G$3:$G$12 , -$C$3 ) , 2 ) <> 0 , "!Err" , $C$3 )
Fig. 1
Fig. 2

Formula in excel to increment by percentage X number of times

I have a pretty simple problem I am trying to solve, but can't figure it out and can't even think of what to put in google.
I have two cells in excel. One (A1) will have a number, say from 0-100. In the other (A2) I want to start with 15 when A1 is 0, and increment by 15% for each increase in A1. Here is what should show at various points:
A1 - A2
0 - 15
1 - 17.25
2 - 19.8375
3 - 22.81313
10 - 60.68337
20 - 245.4981
and so on... Basically in this form it is just the cell above * 1.15. But I can't figure out how to condense that into a single formula.
Using a more "standard" spreadsheet nomenclature:
| A B
1 | 0 15
2 | 1 17.25
3 | 2 19.8375
If you just want the cell to be 15% more than the cell above it, put in (for example) B2:
= B1 * 1.15
and copy that to all other B cells below B2.
If you want it based on An (if, for example, the A cells may not be consecutive), you can use powers (again in B2):
= B$1 * (1.15 ^ A2)
though I'm wasn't entirely sure if ^ is the exponentiation operator in Excel, I've long since switched to Gnumeric. A quick web search seems to indicate that it is the correct operator.

Excel Formula- Divide a sum into multiple cells?

I need a formula for excel that will allow me to take a sum and divide it up into a number of cells.
for example:
A1= sum
B1 to B4 needs to have a portion of the devided sum
i.e. if sum 1000 then B1=100 B2=200 B3=300 B4=400
Thank's in advance guys
The decomposition rule is that it goes from B1 to B4 in intervals of 100...adding to the pervious
The formula for the lowest term is (2 * s / n - (n - 1) * d) / 2 where
s is the sum
n the number of terms
d the common difference
You have n = 4 and d = 100.
So the lowest term is (s / 2 - 300) / 2.
So if cell A1 contains the sum (1000), you can write =0.5*(A1 / 2 - 300) in cell B1
Then B2 = B1 + 100, B3 = B2 + 100 and B4 = B3 + 100.
The formula comes from the sum of an arithmetic progression.
Try this
Set alias to cell A1 as amount
Use a cell for the number of division which is 4, assume to put in cell A2
Calculate the formula for the total portions to divide, put it in cell A3. In your case A3 =A2*(A2+1)/2
Set alias to cell A3 as total
In each of B columns, set the formula as =(ROW()/total*amount)
Copy the formula from step 5 above until the maximum row in B according to your need

Excel function for multiple formula

How can I do this equation in excel
If text "t" then goto cell x if not goto cell y
And perform function
If cell has letter t do (28.5%*cell) if not do (15%*cell)
So the way i understand, You have 3 columns, 1 with a letter, and 2 with numbers. column 1 is either t or something else, and then column 2 and 3 are various answers. So my solution assumes that the letter is column a, and the numbers are columns b and c, and the function goes in d. you can adjust accordingly if the columns are different. then you can drag the function down (or up if you place it in a cell thats on at the top) and it will adjust the row numbers.
=IF(A1 = "t",B1 * 0.285,C1 * 0.15)
so basically it takes cell A1 and checks if it is the letter t. if so, it takes the number in b1` and multiplies it by 28.5% and if not, it takes the number in c1 and multiplies it by 15%.
If text "t" then goto cell x if not goto cell y
Assuming you meant "resolve to" by goto, this could be what you are looking for:
When the value of cell S1 is "t", the value of the cell the formula is in, would be the value of cell X1, Y1 otherwise.
If cell has letter t do (28.5%*cell) if not do (15%*cell)
This would be the formula:
=IF(IFERROR(SEARCH("*t*",A1)), 28.5% * B1, 15% * C1)
Some test-data:
A | B | C
1 mytest | 100 | 200
EDIT a ',' was missed there.. I popped that into Excel and it didn't work.
should be =IF(IFERROR(SEARCH("*t*",A1),), 28.5% * B1, 15% * C1)
and that works
