How telegram bot can get file_id of uploaded file? - node.js

In telegram API documentation I see: "You can either pass a file_id as String to resend a photo that is already on the Telegram servers", but I can't find ways to get file_id of uploaded file. How can I get it?

Its depended to your content_types ,for example:
For more see this link.

This is the easiest way I've found to do it.
Upload your file to any chat and forward the message to #RawDataBot. It will return something like this:
"update_id": 754677603,
"message": {
"message_id": 403656,
"from": {
"id": xxx,
"is_bot": false,
"first_name": "xxx",
"username": "xxx",
"language_code": "en"
"chat": {
"id": xxx,
"first_name": "xxx",
"username": "xxx",
"type": "private"
"date": 1589342513,
"forward_from": {
"id": xxx,
"is_bot": false,
"first_name": "xxx",
"username": "xxx",
"language_code": "en"
"forward_date": 1589342184,
"document": {
"file_name": "filename.pdf",
"mime_type": "application/pdf",
"file_id": "This_Is_The_Thing_You_Need",
"file_unique_id": "notthis",
"file_size": 123605
What you need is the string under file_id. Once you have copied that, you can simply the following code to send the message.,
document = "Your_FILE_ID_HERE")

Depending on the method (File type) which you chose to send a file, after sending a file to Telegram a response is returned. For example if you send a MP3 file to Telegram using sendAudio method, Telegram returns an Audio object which contains the file ID.

In addition to the answers above, you can log Updates that comes to your bot, Either from'.BOT_TOKEN.'/getUpdates or throw updates that come in your application. there you will find a Json property like below:
"update_id" = 1111111,
"message" =
"message_id" = 1111111,
"from" =
"id" = 111111,
"chat" =
"id" = 111111,
"date" = 111111,
"photo" =
"file_id" = HERE IS YOU FILE ID 1,
"file_size" => XXXX,
"width" => XX,
"height" => XX,

Say you receive a Message with an array of PhotoSize
As you can see, there's a file_id, you can use this to send a photo through sendPhoto.
If we assume Update is an object, with in it a Message object, which in turn provides a Chat object with in it a id of the chat where the initial message came from and an array of PhotoSize (excuse me for using PHP here, but that's my main language...)
$update->message->photo is how you can access the array.
Use some kind of For loop to iterate over the items, or just access the first one if the array isn't bigger than 1.
After that, you can use the result(s) to extract the file_id and send it as a string via sendPhoto's photo parameter and the Chat ID via the chat_id parameter.
I hope this helped!
P.S. Here is a diagram of my current implementation of the API, i hope it brings some clarity to you!

if you use PHP:
you can write this line for full size:
$file_id = $updates['message']['photo'][1]['file_id'];
and this line for thumb:
$file_id = $updates['message']['photo'][0]['file_id'];

According to the latest docs (v20.0a6) plenty of classes have been changed. I have found that the easiest way to get started with files is using the effective_attachment property.
async def handle_file(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None:
media_item = await[0].file_id)
media_url = media_item.file_path
For declaring the handler there have also been changes to filters, here is a simple way to declare it:
application.add_handler(MessageHandler(filters.ATTACHMENT, handle_file))


(NodeJS) WordPress API, updating Events Calendar event (tribe event) removes featured image from post

I'm using the Wordpress API to update tribe events. The updates are successfully sent (and the change is made) but as a side-effect, any time I do it, the featured image is removed from the post...
wpapi package setup:
Because The Events Calendar has it's own routes that aren't built-in by default in the wpapi package, I use the wp.registerRoute function to set that up. I don't think there's a problem with the way I set that up because otherwise it works.
var WPAPI = require( 'wpapi' );
var wp = new WPAPI({
endpoint: '',
username: 'username',
password: 'mypassword'
wp.tribeevent = wp.registerRoute('tribe/events/v1', '/events/(?P<id>)');
example update:
function showEvent (post_id) {
let data = { "hide_from_listings" : false }
Haven't been able to find anyone with this issue online, so I'm posting here after exhausting myself trying to get it to work without removing the image... Am I doing this wrong? Is this just a bug? Any suggested workarounds?
I've also tried adding the existing image info into the update data sent, but I get this response when doing so:
"error": {
"code": "rest_invalid_param",
"message": "Invalid parameter(s): image",
"data": {
"status": 400,
"params": {
"image": "Invalid parameter."
"details": []
Otherwise, when making an update such as { "hide_from_listings" : false }, when the json response comes back, the value of the image key just comes back as false: { "image" : false }
Would greatly appreciate any kind of input on this issue...

postback button in dialogflow messenger cx

Hello I'm trying to create a flow in dialogflow cx, where in case of multiple options I want my user to select 1 option where all the options are buttons.
I have used the default payload but not sure how can I send back which button got clicked to my webhook and return respective info, currently if I click on button it simply open, if I exclude the link it opens same page in new tab.
"type": "button",
"icon": {
"type": "chevron_right",
"color": "#FF9800"
"text": "Button text 1",
"link" : "",
"event": {
"name": "some name",
"languageCode": "en",
"parameters": {}
For your use case, since the button response type always redirects to a page when clicked, you can consider using suggestion chips instead.
"richContent": [
"options": [
"text": "Chip 1"
"text": "Chip 2"
"type": "chips"
Suggestion chips act like a user text query when the user clicks on it, therefore, you can just create a route that can be triggered by text of the chip and get the text query from the webhook request sent to your webhook to return the respective information. For example:
Then in your webhook, you can get the parameter value in the text field of the webhook request which you will refer to in order to create a webhook response with the respective information.
Here’s an example in Node.js using Express:"/webhook", (req, res) => {
let option = req.body.text;
let jsonResponse = {
fulfillment_response: {
messages: [
text: {
//fulfillment text response to be sent to the agent
text: [`You've chosen the ${option} option`]
Alternatively, you can also use entity types and assign the selected chip into a parameter that will be also sent to your webhook.
To assign the text of the chip to a parameter, the intent of the route should contain training phrases that are annotated to an entity type containing all of the options. For example:
Entity Type:
Then in your webhook, you can get the parameter value in the intentInfo.parameters.parameter_id.resolvedValue field of the webhook request which you will refer to in order to create a webhook response with the respective information.
Here’s an example in Node.js using Express:"/webhook", (req, res) => {
let option = req.body.intentInfo.parameters.options.resolvedValue;
let jsonResponse = {
fulfillment_response: {
messages: [
text: {
//fulfillment text response to be sent to the agent
text: [`You've chosen the ${option} option`]
There is a simple albeit hacky way I have discover possible (tested in es). Which is to make a chip and get its element then force clicking it
We can listen to button click and I detect that it was empty button with just text. Then I use renderCustomCard to make a chip. Everything inside dialogflow messenger are hidden deep inside nested shadowRoot. But as of now its structure allow us to get the chip out to call click() on it. In effect it make it seem very the same as user manually click the chip
const dfMessenger = document.querySelector('df-messenger');
dfMessenger.addEventListener('df-button-clicked',function(event) {
if(event.detail.element.event ||
"type": "chips",
"options": [
"text": event.detail.element.text
var messageList = dfMessenger.shadowRoot.querySelector("df-messenger-chat").shadowRoot.querySelector("df-message-list").shadowRoot;
var chips = [...messageList.querySelectorAll("df-chips")].flatMap((chips) => [...chips.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(".df-chips-wrapper>a")]).filter((a) => a.innerHTML.indexOf(event.detail.element.text) > -1);
if(chips.length > 0)
Working for today. No guarantee they will block this method in the future. But I actually guess they would implement actual postback button in similar manner later after beta version

What is the GUID for load test

I am trying to do a load test on a chat bot that I deployed on Microsoft Azure bot service, and I am following the blog post on here:,
I am able to finish the first step, I am able to get auth token and get Mock channel, but for the last step:
it states:
"type": "message",
"id": <GUID>,
"channelId" : "test",
"conversation": { "id": <CONVERSATION ID> },
"from": { "id": <USER ID> },
"recipient": { "id": <BOT HANDLE> },
"serviceUrl": <SEE BELOW>
I know service URL is the endpoint of the mock channel. but for all other Id, I don't know where can I get it?
Can anyone help me with this? give me some guidance on how to get all those ids?
Thanks a lot.
You can get all these by inspecting an activity from your bot, then plugging in valid values in your mock channel for sending the activity. You can get these values by setting a breakpoint at any other point in your process that sends/receives or handles an activity. Just inspect the values and use them accordingly. Remember to do things like switch the from and recipient where needed.
I know you are asking for JavaScript but this is an example of how I am constructing and activity in my mock channel using c#:
Activity a = new Activity
Type = ActivityTypes.Message,
Id = "9dn3fa6lh4hd9dn3fa6lh4hd",
ChannelId = Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.ChannelIds.Console,
Conversation = new ConversationAccount(id: "9dn3fa6lh4hd"),
From = new ChannelAccount(id: "user", name: "username"),
Recipient = new ChannelAccount(id: "bot", name: "botname"),
Text = "Mock Channel",
ServiceUrl = #"http://localhost:55086/api/values",
MembersAdded = new List<ChannelAccount>(),
MembersRemoved = new List<ChannelAccount>(),
Locale = "en-US",
Attachments = new List<Attachment>(),
ReplyToId = "nii4344blg42",
TextFormat = "plain",
Timestamp = DateTime.Now,
ChannelData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { clientActivityId = "1506483656068.11949484894092266.2" })

Bunyan error in Restful API

I'm working on a Restful API and I'm logging all the important steps with bunyan, including the requests. I'm having two problems with logging:
My first problem is that when I log them, all my objects, instead of appearing like independent objects, appear in the msg field, like strings.
Here is my code to log the requests:
var logger = bunyan.createLogger({
name: 'main',
streams: [{
level: 'info',
path: './logs/requests.log'
logRequest = function(request){"Request started.", {id:}, {method: request.method});
and when I see the request.log file it appears like this (I've just added some tabs to make it more comfortable to see) :
"name": "logger",
"hostname": "LLAS",
"pid": 7700,
"level": 30,
"msg":"Request started. { id: '1428527975041:LLAS:7700:i898o4l5:10000'{ method:'post' } ",
So my problem is that "msg" field, I want to see the "id" and "method" like other fields instead of a string. I.E. :
"name": "logger",
"hostname": "LLAS",
"pid": 7700,
"level": 30,
"msg":"Request started.",
"id": '1428527975041:LLAS:7700:i898o4l5:10000',
"method": 'post',
How can I solve my problem?
And my second problem is: When I do more than one log in the same file,it writes the JSON in the same line, instead of a new line, like this:
Instead of this:
And I can't work later with those objects in the same line, also it is hard to read and mantain in that way.
Anyone know why is this happening?
My first problem is that when I log them, all my objects, instead of
appearing like independent objects, appear in the "msg" field, like
That's because you are passing more than one object. You can only pass one object as the first parameter for logging, all other parameters will be considered as msg. From the bunyan source code:
* The functions below log a record at a specific level.
* Usages:
* log.<level>() -> boolean is-trace-enabled
* log.<level>(<Error> err, [<string> msg, ...])
* log.<level>(<string> msg, ...)
* log.<level>(<object> fields, <string> msg, ...)
* where <level> is the lowercase version of the log level. E.g.:
* ....
So if you pass all your parameters in one object, it will work properly:
var request = { id: "abc", method: "GET" }; // dummy request object{id:, method: request.method}, "Request started.");
The result is (pretty printed):
"name": "main",
"hostname": "Victors-MacBook-Pro.local",
"pid": 2848,
"level": 30,
"id": "abc",
"method": "GET",
"msg": "Request started.",
"time": "2015-04-08T23:25:37.967Z",
"v": 0
And my second problem is: When I do more than one log in the same
file,it writes the JSON in the same line, instead of a new line.
Are you on Windows? If you are, maybe the problem is that bunyan may be using the UNIX style carriage return (\n) and not the Windows style (\r\n). Try using a text editor that supports UNIX style carriage returns (like notepad++ or sublime text, for example).

nodejs async: multiple dependant HTTP API calls

I'm working on a project that involves making multiple HTTP GET requests to different APIs, each requiring information from the last. I'm trying to avoid nested-callaback-and-counter-hell, and have been trying to get it working with the async module.
This is what I need to do: I have an array of 1..n course identifiers (['2014/summer/iat/100/d100', '2014/spring/bisc/372/d100']). For each course in the array, I need to fetch its course outline via a HTTP GET.
The resulting outline looks something like this:
"info": {
"nodePath": "2014/spring/bisc/372/d100",
"number": "372",
"section": "D100",
"title": "Special Topics in Biology",
"term": "Spring 2014",
"description": "Selected topics in areas not currently offered...",
"name": "BISC 372 D100",
"dept": "BISC",
"instructor": [
"lastName": "Smith",
"commonName": "Frank",
"phone": "1 555 555-1234",
"email": "",
"name": "Frank Smith",
"roleCode": "PI"
"lastName": "Doe",
"commonName": "John",
"phone": "1 555 555-9876",
"email": "",
"name": "John Doe",
"roleCode": "PI"
(a bunch of non-relevant fields omitted)
Each outline object may contain an instructor property which is an array of 0..n instructor objects for the course. For each member of the instructor array, I need to then call another API to get additional data. When that call returns, I need to insert it into the right instructor object.
Finally, when everything is done, the data gets passed to a template for express to render and return to the client.
I've tried getting this working using async and had some success with async.waterfall when doing a proof-of-concept with only getting one of the instructor profiles (e.g. not looping over the array, just getting instructor[0]). The async module's docs are comprehensive, but pretty dense and I'm having a hard time determining what I actually need to do. I had a Frankenstein combination of various nested async calls which still didn't work.
I don't really care how I accomplish the task - flow-control, promises, magic pixie dust, whatever. Any hints greatly appreciated.
Using Q for promises, you can probably do something like this:
return Q
.all( {
return HTTP.GET(course); // Assuming this returns a promise
.then(function(course_data) {
var instructors = [];
course_data.forEach(function(course) {
var p = Q
.all( {
return HTTP.GET(;
.then(function(instructors) {
course.instructors_data = instructors;
return course;
return Q.all(promises);
Will resolve with an array containing the courses, each of which contains
an array of instructor data in its instructors_data value.
You could use async.each(), which would do the API requests in parallel (assuming there is no concurrent API request limits on the server side, if that is the case, use async.eachLimit() instead):
async.each(instructors, function(instructor, callback) {
// call API here, store result on `instructor`,
// and call `callback` when done
}, function(err){
if (err)
console.log('An error occurred while processing instructors');
console.log('All instructors have been processed successfully');
