How to remove password from SSIS project? - visual-studio-2012

Have a simple task, but I just cannot find the quick work around, or maybe I just don't have all the info.
I have a solution (VS2012 Pro) for a SSIS project, which contains lots of dtsx packages.
When I first open the solution it pops up the enter password screen, which I want to get rid of, of course knowing the password.
My question is, is there necessary to get to the proprieties tab of each and every dtsx package and remove the password, or is there a "master setting" for the hole project? Or should I use an application which should remove the password from a command line?

If you have a lot packages to update, I would suggest you to write a script to do it in a batch.
what I did couple years ago, I created a c# project, process each ssis package, udpate pass word and then save the package. it works fine.

I've just got rid of the annoying password, but the hard way. Although, the project had a security option setting, it notified me after changing it that I should manually check each and every package in order to match the security setting with the project one.


microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0 provider is not registered even already install

i just want to ask about Visual studio doesn't detect my microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0..
last month i write a code to import from excel into database using VB.NET and it worked..
but after a month i open back my coding and try the system but it said that "microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0 provider is not registered" even though i already install microsoft access database engine 2010 before..
i never change a little bit of my coding..i just left it but now it doesn't work like before
is there any particular update or something that make it doesn't work??
thank you
Try changing your target cpu in your project properties. go to solution explorer<properties<Compile uncheck the prefer 32-bit or change to x64. It works for me, if it doesn`t work try searching a bit more iirc that question is already answered but i cant remember if it is in stackoverflow or other website, which has many suggestions
The Access engine can be installed as either 32-bit or 64-bit. As the other answer notes, it is important to make sure that your application matches the bitness of Access. You can check on installed OleDB providers by checking the Windows registry; you would need to search on all of the keys in HKCR/CLSID (under Wow6432Node for 32-bit), looking for entries with a value named OLEDB_SERVICES. Keys with this value will have the provider name as the default value. This (obviously) isn't practical to do manually, but it should be fairly straightforward to do programmatically.

Node.js installation (windows installer) terminates prematurely on windows 10 64-bit

After going through a windows 10 re-installation due to a windows update crashing my laptop, I was left with re-installing many applications. One of them being node.js. When I tried to install it through the windows installer, I kept getting 'setup wizard ended prematurely because of an error message'. I am not sure what the problem is. I used x64 version which is what my OS is and there is no nodejs folder in program files. When I logged the installation this message popped in a lot of the lines has no eligible binary patches. Before the no eligible lines there were error logs such as:
'WixSchedInternetShortcuts: Error 0x8007000d: failed to add temporary row, dberr: 1, err: Directory_'
'WixSchedInternetShortcuts: Folder 'ApplicationProgramsFolder' already exists in the CreateFolder table; the above error is harmless'
If that is not enough information please advice me on how to send the full logs without spamming huge text in the thread. Thank you.
The MSI log file:
Maybe try to search the log for "value 3" as explained by Rob Mensching in his blog. Doing so will find the locations in the log file that describe errors of significance.
Many people use dropbox, gdisk or similar to post logs. Some put it on github (just a sample log for OP, leaving in for reference). Check that last link, is that the same problem you see perhaps? (search for "value 3" as explained above - without the quotes of course). Looks like there is an error creating an Internet shortcut. Perhaps that is a Windows 10 problem? I will take a quick look.
I am betting Bob Arnson knows what this problem is outright. He will probably give us the real answer, see below for my workaround.
The correct thing to do overall, would probably be to communicate the problem back to the Node.js guys so they can fix the problem once and for all.
UPDATE: Maybe see if this answer helps you: node.js installer failing with 'CAQuietExec Failed' and 1603 error code on Windows 7. Essentially un-check Event tracing(ETW) in the setup's feature dialog - or you can try to launch the MSI from an elevated command prompt.
UPDATE: There seem to be two Internet shortcuts configured for this MSI in the WixInternetShortcut table. I would just create a transform to remove these two shortcuts and try a reinstall. If you feel bold and fearless and like to break the law, you can delete the two rows from the table and just save directly to the MSI itself. This is never the right thing to do if you are a deployment specialists. The original MSI is sacred, but if this is for your own system and you need to get something done, that would work. Then you just install the MSI direct afterwards. Otherwise you can install the transform after creating it with a simple command line:
msiexec.exe /i node-v8.11.2-x64.msi TRANSFORMS="C:\MyTransform"
You can create the transform using Orca, InstEd or SuperOrca or any commercial tool that supports creating transforms.
In case you don't know, transforms are little database fragments that are applied to the original MSI (which is also a database under the hood). After the transform is applied the in-memory version of the MSI is the MSI + the changes from the transform.

retrieve lost code after merge went wrong

So we made a rookie mistake, One of our project team members had forgotten to commit for a couple of weeks, (some of which were vacation) but then when he did commit he did something wrong, most of the code he wrote has been overwritten with what was on the server after trying to resolve all the conflicts automatically.
So is there any way to get the code he used to have on his PC back? because a lot of work has been lost and we can't really afford to make it all again.
So just to clarify, the code which is lost is not on the server, it were his uncommitted changes on his client machine.
We are using the team foundation server and visual studio
Take a look at folder:
In my case, searching by method name, i can recover a mistake merge =)
Nope. Code lost that never made it into source is lost. This is one of the biggest selling points of distributed version control like Git.
If your using Windows 7 or similar check for previous version of the file on his/her computer, right click the file options should be their
If you have not compiled after doing the merge, you can use DotPeek by JetBrains to decompile the assembly and get your code back

Is it possible to delete issues on GitLab?

I recently installed GitLab to try it out and I am really enjoying it. It's very easy to install and use, still, I found an annoying "problem". I haven't yet found a way to delete Issues associated to projects.
I know that it's not a good practice to remove Issues from the system, but there are some specific occasions where this is really useful, such as when you create an Issue that makes no sense and don't want to be in the system, even after being closed.
So, my question, really simple: Is it possible to delete Issues on GitLab? If so, how can I do it?
I am using GitLab 7.2.1, on Debian wheezy.
Many thanks
It is now possible to delete issues starting with GitLab 8.6:
GitLab 8.6 released with Deploy to Kubernetes and Subscribe to Label
Delete Issues
Sometimes, simply closing an issue or merge request is not sufficient. For those times, we are now making it possible to delete issues and merge requests.
Only owners can delete issues by editing the issue or merge request and clicking, you guessed it, Delete.
At the time this question was asked, No. There is a feature request for that at:
Now it seems possible:
Click the Edit button (Pencil icon for editing the text of the issue)
Below and to the right of the text box where you can enter the description is a big red Delete button. Click it and confirm.
Personally, I find the hiding of a Delete button behind the Edit button and right next to a pretty unrelated Cancel button to be very unintuitive and weird.
You cannot do that any more.
Delete existing issue (Deprecated)
The function is deprecated and returns a 405 Method Not Allowed error
if called. An issue gets now closed and is done by calling PUT
/projects/:id/issues/:issue_id with parameter closed set to 1.
DELETE /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id
id (required) - The project ID
issue_id (required) - The ID of the
Ref: GitLab Documentation
You can do that, but have to modify the database manually. If you have a backup, you can give it a try.
Update: Possible since GitLab 8.6.

Azure Compute Emulator will not start

I have recently upgraded to the new Azure SDK (September 2011 v 1.5).
Ever since I have not been able to start the compute emulator. Consequently I can't debug the services on my local machine.
I have seen a suggestion that the problem lies with the fact that my user account has a space in it, so I renamed my account but that didn't make any difference. It may be that the problem is that my user profile path has a space in it. Changing the account name has no effect no the profile path.
On the msdn forums it was suggested that I remove *:808 binding in IIS Manager for Default Website. See MSDN Forums
Anyone have any other ideas?
Another option:
So, given the "rename your user account/regedit doesn't work for you, you may want to look at this MSDN article, which suggests you can just set an environment variable and run the emulator without mucking with the registry... not sure if setting the environment variable globally would let you run automatically within VS.NET without manually starting up the emulator the first time, but it is certainly easier.
Yes, the space(s) in your profile path are the issue, and this appears to be a regression for a bug that was found in a previous version of the emulator (the only reason I even thought to try logging in with a different account in the first place). I was literally just putting together a quick blog post here describing the same issue. You'll need to do some registry editing to fix all the references to your old profile path if you want to fix it, or just create a new user if you can deal with re-installing software (I love the Web Platform Installer, but I found out during this exercise that it doesn't do a good job installing for "all users").
