Send a notification trap SNMP with snmptrap command Linux - linux

For test purpose, i'm trying to use the snmptrap command to produce a . trap (printer alert trap).
I'm not in my two feet with the syntax of the snmptrap command, so can someone explain me how to correctly use this command, specially for this trap if it's possible ?

The syntax is pretty simple:
snmptrap -c public -v 2c ""
The problem here is that this particular trap should be sent with 6 varbinds:
Thus you'll also have to provide values for all these varbinds. So the Trap Receiver will be able to handle this type of trap properly.
I'd suggest using tools like NetDecision Trap Simulator which automatically configures traps to send based on MIB definitions.


Telnet to server, login, and return command result in one line

I've looked at several other solutions, but none appear to be working the way I need.
I have an embedded controller running Linux (Dreadnaught) and a router also running Linux. I want to read the routing table (just the WAN IP of the default route) of the router, from the controller. My controller has telnet and wget, but does not have ssh or curl. I'd like to do this in a single command with a single result, so I can send the one command from an internal program and parse/save one result.
If I telnet to the router from my PC, either of these two commands gives me the exact result I need:
route |grep default|cut -c 17-32
dbctl get route/default/current_gateway
Route takes about 30 seconds (not sure why?), even without grep and cut; but dbctl is instant for all intents and purposes.
I've tried the eval method per Telnet to login with username and password to mail Server, but that shows all the telnet interactions; I want just the final string result.
I had a poke around at wget, but it looks to be for downloading files, not executing commands.
I'm hoping for:
somecommand server= user=myuser passwd=MyP#s$ command='dbctl get route/default/current_gateway'
which just returns:
Then my internal program (ISaGRAF, but shouldn't be relevant) can send one string to cmd and be returned 1 string, which I can use for my own nefarious purposes (well, I'm just going to log it actually).
If there's absolutely no other way, I can drop a sh script on to the requesting controller, but I'd rather not (extra steps to install, not as portable).
Solved as I was reviewing the question, but looking for suggestions - is this the cleanest method? Could it be done better?
OK, I poked around at the eval method again. Yes, it shows me the full interaction, but it's easy to just get the bits I need, using head and tail:
eval "{ sleep 2; echo myuser; sleep 1; echo MyP#s$; sleep 1; echo 'dbctl get route/default/current_gateway'; sleep 2; }" |telnet |head -n 5|tail -n 1
eval returns the full interaction:
Entering character mode Escape character is '^]'.
login: myuser
admin#myrouter:~# dbctl get route/default/current_gateway
So I just need head and tail to grab the one line I want using |head -n 5|tail -n 1

Run AT commands from adb shell on Redmi 7

I tried this:
echo -e "ATD123456789;\r" > /dev/smd0
and then when I ran:
cat /dev/smd0
I got this output:
Is that what I'm supposed to see? The phone didn't respond to the command.
Update: The phone made a call when I used smd7 or smd11. The problem is I'm trying to send SMS messages using AT+CMGS and it's not working.
Update2: I run this command:cat /dev/smd7 & echo -e "AT+CMGS=24;\r" > /dev/smd7.
Then I enter the PDU message and I get this: /system/bin/sh: 079...771B: not found
As you probably know, the command
performs a voice call to the destination number <number> (without the semicolon ; the call type would depend o the current settings of AT+FCLASS command).
By default the OK result code would be received as soon as it starts remotely ringing, so after some seconds. But it would take even more if there are network problems or the remote number is unavailable/doesn't exist.
The default timeout of ATD command during a voice call is 30s, and can be changed by issuing ATS7 command. For example, to set a 1 minute timeout:
The answer you get is the command echo: in fact the modem, by default, echoes every character sent to its AT port (the echo can be desabled through ATE0 command and aenabled again with ATE1). Receiving it **is the proof that the modem is correctly powered on and that it communicates correctly.
So, even though I'm aware that's not the only thing you expect to seee (you would like to see an answer!) you are actually supposed to see it.
Some pieces of advice in order to receive your answer:
Start providing simplier commands with shorter timeouts. For example the very basic AT.
Make sure to wait at least the maximum command timeout
Set the cat command in background and before starting providing commands:
cat /dev/smd0 &
echo -e "AT\r" > /dev/smd0
Note: I'm not aware of any timeout in cat command.
To have an interactive session you can use:
strace 2>/dev/null -e inject=ioctl:retval=0 microcom /dev/smdXX
Without the strace command, microcom returns an ioctl error.
Strace makes microcom think the ioctl succeeded and so it allows it to continue and run.

Bash does not print any error msg upon non-existing commands starting with dot

This is really just out of curiosity.
A typo made me notice that in Bash, the following:
$ .anything
does not print any error ("anything" not to be interpreted literally, it can really be anything, and no space after the dot).
I am curious about how this is interpreted in bash.
Note that echo $? after such command returns 127. This usually means "command not found". It does make sense in this case, however I find it odd that no error message is printed.
Why would $ anything actually print bash:anything: command not found... (assuming that no anything cmd is in the PATH), while $ .anything slips through silently?
System: Fedora Core 22
Bash version: GNU bash, version 4.3.39(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
Some comments below indicated the problem as non-reproducible at first.
The answer of #hek2mgl below summarises the many contributions to this issue, which was eventually found (by #n.m.) as reproducible in FC22 and submitted as a bug report in
bash supports a handler for situations when a command can't be found. You can define the following function:
function command_not_found_handle() {
# do something
Using that function it is possible to suppress the error message. Search for that function in your bash startup files.
Another way to find that out is to unset the function. Like this:
$ unset -f command_not_found_handle
$ .anything # Should display the error message
After some research, #n.m. found out that the described behaviour is by intention. FC22 implements command_not_found_handle and calls the program /etc/libexec/pk-command-not-found. This program is part of the PackageKit project and will try to suggest installable packages if you type a command name that can't be found.
In it's main() function the program explicitly checks if the command name starts with a dot and silently returns in that case. This behaviour was introduced in this commit:
as a response to this bug report:
IMHO this behaviour is questionable. At least other distros are not doing so. But now you know that the behaviour is 100% reproducible and you may follow up on that bug report.

How to hide or edit a message on closure of a ssh ,when ssh was handled using interact in expect script

I have an expect script which makes user able to login and print some specific info before login,but when I am coming out it it prints "Connection to machine closed." ,I want to change the message which is getting displayed.Script kept it in interact mode.Please help me in finding a solution.
A quick check of the ssh manual reveals that ssh has a -q option:
-q Quiet mode. Causes most warning and diagnostic messages to be suppressed.
You can probably read the ssh manual on your own system by running man ssh.
Alternately, you could set the ssh_config parameter to quiet:
LogLevel Gives the verbosity level that is used when logging messages
from ssh(1). The possible values are: QUIET, FATAL, ERROR, INFO,
and DEBUG1 are equivalent. DEBUG2 and DEBUG3 each specify higher
levels of verbose output.
Here is the actual code block which emits that message. You can see that it's suppressed when the loglevel is quiet:
if (have_pty && options.log_level != SYSLOG_LEVEL_QUIET) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof buf,
"Connection to %.64s closed.\r\n", host);
buffer_append(&stderr_buffer, buf, strlen(buf));

Calling a script with x3270 -script

I have an old script which is used to scrape information from an IBM server via x3270. However, I can't get it to work correctly. This is how I'm calling it:
/usr/X11R6/bin/x3270 -script -model 3279-2 -geom +110+160 -efont 3270-20 'Script( "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/x3270/" )'
I get an x3270 window and the following error message: Hostname syntax error: Multiple port names
The script I'm calling handles all the connection details, but x3270 appears to be confused and is thinking 'Script( "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/x3270/" )' is the hostname (which is obviously not correct).
I've been unable to find any good examples on how to call a script through x3270 like this. Any ideas?
According to the documentation for x3270:
Causes x3270 to read commands from standard input, with the results written to standard
output. The protocol for these commands is documented in x3270-script(1).
So it doesn't allow giving the script itself on the command line. Instead you're supposed to supply the script through standard input. You probably want either:
echo 'Script( "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/x3270/" )' | /usr/X11R6/bin/x3270 -script -model 3279-2 -geom +110+160 -efont 3270-20
Or maybe:
/usr/X11R6/bin/x3270 -script -model 3279-2 -geom +110+160 -efont 3270-20 < /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/x3270/
