Logstash Failing to get data from collectd - linux

MY collectd is sending data to logstash at port 25826 but i am seeing this error on running logstash
UDP listener died {:exception=>#<SocketError: bind: name or service not known>, :backtrace=>["org/jruby/ext/socket/RubyUDPSocket.java:160:in `bind'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-input-udp-2.0.5/lib/logstash/inputs/udp.rb:67:in `udp_listener'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-input-udp-2.0.5/lib/logstash/inputs/udp.rb:50:in `run'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.3.2-java/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:342:in `inputworker'", "/opt/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.3.2-java/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:336:in `start_input'"], :level=>:warn}
Anyone knows the solution out here?

Got a fix
No error at Logstash the collector collectd was not sending the data
to logstash udp port corrected it by adding conf in network plugin of
collectd enabled that plugin in collectd.conf and replace hostname with logstash host and udp port.


rafthttp: dial tcp timeout on etcd 3-node cluster creation

I don't have an access to the etcd part of the project's source code, however I do have access to the /var/log/syslog.
The goal is to setup up 3-node cluster.
(1)The very first etcd error that comes up is:
rafthttp: failed to dial 76e7ffhh20007a98 on stream MsgApp v2 (dial tcp i/o timeout)
Before continuing, I would say that I can ping all three nodes from each of the nodes. As well as I have tried to open the 2380 TCP ports and still no success - same error.
(2)So, before that error I had following messages from the etcd, which in my opinion confirm that cluster is setup correctly:
etcdserver/membership: added member 76e7ffhh20007a98 [https://server2:2380]
etcdserver/membership: added member 222e88db3803e816 [https://server1:2380]
etcdserver/membership: added member 999115e00e17123d [https://server3:2380]
In /etc/hosts file these DNS names are resolved as:
(3)The initial setup, however (on each nodes looks like this):
embed: listening for peers on
embed: listening for client requests on
So, to sum up, each node have got this initial setup log (3) and then adds members (2) then once these steps are done it fails with (1). As I know the etcd cluster creation is following this pattern: https://etcd.io/docs/v3.5/tutorials/how-to-setup-cluster/
Without knowing the source code is really hard to debug, however maybe some ideas on the error and what could cause it?
UPD: etcdctl cluster-health output (ETCDCTL_ENDPOINT is exported):
cluster may be unhealthy: failed to list members Error: client: etcd
cluster is unavailable or misconfigured; error #0: client: endpoint exceeded header timeout ; error #1: dial tcp connect: connection refused
error #0: client: endpoint exceeded header
timeout error #1: dial tcp connect: connection refused

Filebeeat sending log, but logstash not running, connection refused! Logstash

im used filebeat to many server, shipped nginx log to logstash
in this time and months my elk server is very good worked
but, my 1 line added grok pattern to syslog-filter.conf, and restart logstash ,,,
my elk and Concerning Logstash not worked
this is wehn, my elasticsearch and logatash and kibana ... services this up and enable and active!
but ...
my nginx servers ...
telnet to 5044
telnet to 5443
connection refused
this log, 1 server Logs (filebeat logs)
> 2018-01-23T10:21:21+03:30 ERR Failed to connect: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
> 2018-01-23T10:21:28+03:30 INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: beat.memstats.gc_next=11769216 beat.memstats.memory_alloc=5935656 beat.memstats.memory_total=73881024 filebeat.harvester.open_files=5 filebeat.harvester.running=6 libbeat.config.module.running=0 libbeat.pipeline.clients=1 libbeat.pipeline.events.active=4117 libbeat.pipeline.events.retry=2048 registrar.states.current=35
> 2018-01-23T10:47:16+03:30 INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: beat.memstats.gc_next=11297792 beat.memstats.memory_alloc=5872352 beat.memstats.memory_total=26557112 filebeat.harvester.open_files=5 filebeat.harvester.running=6 libbeat.config.module.running=0 libbeat.pipeline.clients=1 libbeat.pipeline.events.active=4117 registrar.states.current=37
> 2018-01-23T10:47:22+03:30 ERR Failed to connect: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
> 2018-01-23T10:47:46+03:30 INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: beat.memstats.gc_next=11297792 beat.memstats.memory_alloc=6012704 beat.memstats.memory_total=26697464 filebeat.harvester.open_files=5 filebeat.harvester.running=6 libbeat.config.module.running=0 libbeat.pipeline.clients=1 libbeat.pipeline.events.active=4117 libbeat.pipeline.events.retry=2048 registrar.states.current=37
> 2018-01-23T14:22:45+03:30 INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: beat.info.uptime.ms=30000 beat.memstats.gc_next=11490800 beat.memstats.memory_alloc=5802160 beat.memstats.memory_total=153496216 filebeat.harvester.open_files=3 filebeat.harvester.running=2 libbeat.config.module.running=0 libbeat.pipeline.clients=1 libbeat.pipeline.events.active=4117 registrar.states.current=3

Logstash check connected clients

I have a log forwarding pipeline consists of filebeat and logstash. Somehow, they stopped working together recently. How can I check if Filebeat is correctly connected to Logstash?
Check your Filebeat log file, default location: /var/log/filebeat/filebeat
Example of errors:
ERR Failed to publish events
Connecting error publishing events (retrying): dial tcp x.x.x.x:5044: getsockopt: connection refused
Troubleshooting Filebeat and Logstash

nginx tcp SYN packet not receiving ACK

My server setup is nginx directly connects to a node.js server (nginx and node.js are in the same node and nginx is forwarding request to node: The symptom is sometimes there are some 504 logs in nginx log. And node.js log doesn't show any sign of ever receiving the request.
I then enabled tcp log using iptables, which logs all tcp packets to port 8000. After checking the tcp log, it seems that nginx was trying to establish a tcp connection with node.js server, but it never succeeds. It just kept retrying sending SYN packets and then got timed out by nginx. Here's an example (tcp + nginx log):
13:44:44 sp:48103 dp:8000 SYN
13:44:45 sp:48103 dp:8000 SYN
13:44:47 sp:48103 dp:8000 SYN
13:44:51 sp:48103 dp:8000 SYN
13:44:59 sp:48103 dp:8000 SYN
13:45:15 sp:48103 dp:8000 SYN
13:45:44 nginx 504
During the period, the CPU load is pretty light, memory < 50%, incoming request is less than 50 per minute. And other requests were processed normally.
Server is Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
Any idea what's going on? Seems like an OS level issue? Thank you in advance.
Check whether something is actually running on TCP port 8000 on your loopback interface. Try some commands like:
lsof -P -n -i tcp:8000
fuser 8000/tcp
ss -4lnt
netstat -4lnt
These should give you some hints on whether something is listening at all. Or it may only be listening on a specific interface/address and not your loopback.

cassandra 1.2 nodetool getting 'Failed to connect' when trying to connect to remote node

I am running a 6 node cluster of cassandra 1.2 on an Amazon Web Service VPC with Oracle's 64-bit JVM version 1.7.0_10.
When I'm logged on to one of the nodes (ex. I can run nodetool -h status just fine.
However, if I try to use another ip address in the cluster ( from that same terminal I get Failed to connect to ' Connection refused'.
On the node I am trying to connect to I've made the following checks.
From I can run telnet 7199 and I get a connection, so it doesn't appear to be a security group/firewall issue to port 7199.
On if I run netstat -ant|grep 7199 I see
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
so cassandra does appear to be listening on the port
The cassandra-env.sh file on has all of the JVM_OPTS for jmx active
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=7199 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false
The only shot in the dark I've seen while trying to solve this problem while searching the interwebs is to set the following:
JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname="
But when I do this I don't even get a response. It just hangs.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
The issue did end up being a firewall/security group issue. While it is true that the jmx port 7199 is used, apparently other ports are used randomly for rmi. Cassandra port usage - how are the ports used?
So the solution is to open up the firewalls then configure the cassandra-env.sh to include
JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<ip>
