Azure load balancer identify server - azure

we have two VM (classic) in an availability set and via end points defined load balancer on port 80.
Each VM has 5 websites running and the load balancer distributes calls between server 1 and server 2
When I call one of the websites, e.g. is it possible somehow to identify which server has served the request?
Is it possible to force load balancer to ping a specific server? This can be super useful when we deploy a new version of the website e.g. on Server 1 and we want to test does it work on Server 1

I would include an header "Server :" in my response : rfc2616-sec14.. Then you are able to check it via Chrome Developer Tools (Network) or any other similar tool.

At the end, I've figured out how this can be done. Hopefully, my answer will be useful to someone with a similar problem
-Identifying servers, as ArneRie has suggested, can be done by adding a custom HTTP header response -
Call specific server
In the Azure portal create a new endpoint, e.g. 802 ->8181.
RDC to the server open port 8181
Install port forwarding utility
Set a new rule: all traffic coming from 8181 should be redirected to 80 (as the source port use internal server IP)
Call and it will be served from the specific server
Repeat steps 1-4 with another server just use a different port e.g. 801, 803...


Redirect all requests from one server to another

I have two servers, Server 1 (A Windows Server VPS) and Server 2 (A Linux VPS).
Both servers are running NodeJS API using PM2 without anything like apache or nginx or whatever.
What I want is to redirect all requests from Server 1 to Server 2 because I want to shut Server 1 down after a while.
Server 1 address:
Server 2 address:
I don't want to redirect using the res.redirect method because that would break my application.
The application is a Mobile Application that's why I don't want to use the res.redirect method, and I have the link to the server hardcoded in the app so I need to upload another version of it in order to change the link to the second server. I also can't make sure that everyone updates the app and that's why I need to redirect all the requests to the second server.
So all the redirection handling should be done on the Windows machine.
What is the best way of doing that?
Here are a couple ideas:
Change the DNS for the server 1 domain to point to the server 2 host. So, then all requests to either DNS name will go to server 2. You may have to wait a little while until any local DNS caching effects time out. An advantage of this approach is that while you are waiting for DNS caching effects to expire, everything stays up as requests either go to a working server1 or a working server2. When cached DNS has finally expired, all requests will be going to server2 and you can then take server1 down.
Your Proxy
You could replace the current server 1 process with a proxy that points to server 2. So, any requests incoming to server 1 will be proxied over to server 2. Since a change like this probably can't be made instantly, you might have a short amount of downtime for requests coming into server1.
Hosting Proxy
If this is running at a hosting provider, then they probably have a proxy service already running that proxies your public DNS IP address to your actual host. That hosting proxy could be reconfigured to direct requests for server1 to server2 instead.

How is my https:443 server serving http:80 also?

I have a server EC2 instance running in AWS, behind a load balancer which currently doesn’t really do anything since I only have one instance (eventually, I planned on using it to scale and distribute traffic among multiple instances). I’m using Rt53 to point my domain name to the load balancer.
The webserver on the instance uses node(js) and express to serve the site over port 443 (https) with the proper certificates loaded in for encryption/identity/etc, generated by certbot using Let’s Encrypt.
The load balancer is configured like so:
load balancer general config
load balancer target config
So for both ports the load balancer points to the same server, using HTTPS:443, which I figured would force all connections to be encrypted. However, when I type in my URL as http://mydomain.tld it takes me to the webserver with no indication that it’s an https connection.
How is this happening? My nodejs server’s not set up to do anything over port 80, and I thought the load balancer should route all connections to port 443.
80 is the default port for the World Wide web. If you type in, it will send you to google normally, while if you try, you will not connect.
If you disable 80 port and somebody type http://abc it will show error the best way is to redirect 80 requests to 443
create a redirection from 80 to 443.
app.use(function(request, response){
response.redirect("https://" + + request.url);
Generally most web server has multiple binding 80 and 443 both.Since if certificate expires you can use 80.
There are several methods of enabling an Apache redirect http to https:
Enable the redirect in the Virtual Host file for the necessary domain.
Enable it in the . htaccess file (previously created in the web root folder).
Use the mod_rewrite rule in the Virtual Host file.
Use it in the . htaccess file to force HTTPS.
So if traffic is being forwarded to the same target group that means the same server port will be used for forwarded traffic from the load balancer (ALB).
Requests get mapped to this from the listener and translated to the port mapping for the target group instead.
Therefore, there are two possible practical scenarios that result from this configuration:

Want to have app (Server:Port) to have friendly alias - Understanding Host Alias / DNS / A Record / CNAME

I am trying to get my head around Windows, Networks and Domains.
I currently have a server - svr. This is on my domain
I can connect to server and ping both svr and
On this server I have a number of applications with web access; TeamCity, Octopus etc. We currently connect to them by browsing to svr:xxxx where xxxx is the port of the web app host (http://svr:9090/ for TC)
I want to create friendly alias' - for example would point at svr:9090, would point to svr:8090.
However, not being experienced in this area I can't seem to find relevant documents or sites that fully explain what I am looking for.
First, to make one thing clear: when you visit a web page like, your web browser is actually making a request to This is done transparently because port 80 is the standard port for the HTTP protocol. As you know, you can request a non-standard port by appending it to the domain name in the URL:
Unfortunately, you cannot have a domain name "alias" that somehow includes a non-standard port - your browser will always try to use port 80 if you don't specify a port.
One solution would be to use a proxy - nginx, apache, lighttpd, and others can all do this.
The idea is that you set up a proxy server that is listening on port 80 on your host. It waits for connections, then forwards those connections to a different server (on the same host, or on a different one) based on some rule. So, for example, you might have rules that look something like this:
IF host = THEN forward to teamcity:9090
IF host = THEN forward to octopus:8090
The syntax for these rules vary widely between different proxy configurations, so this is just an example.
Note that this is not a redirect - the user's browser connects to for all requests. It's the proxy that sends the request on to a different service and forwards any responses back to the client "behind the scenes".
These proxy configurations can get quite complex. For example, what if your teamcity application serves a page with a link on it that points to http://teamcity:9090/path/to/page? The user's browser is going to fail if they click on that link. Fortunately, proxies can be configured to rewrite URLs like this on the fly. You'll need to do some research to tailor this solution to your situation.

How do I get acces to server running on Bluemix Paas?

Few days ago I wanted to launch my own Agario server. I assumed not to spend any money on hosting/vps etc. After a long search I found Bluemix PaaS, I put open source Agario clone Ogar ( in them and server has already started in 1523 port, but when i try to connect to this server via agario site ( connect("ws://") ) I can't connect. I tried also other ways e.g. prepared link (, but nothing worked.
Has anyone met similar problem?
Inbound traffic is only on standard HTTP/HTTPS ports 80/443. Bluemix will tell your application what port to listen on with the VCAP_APP_PORT env variable. Inbound requests are then mapped to that port. So, once you bind to the VCAP_APP_PORT port, you should be able to connect to : ws://

IIS In use Port Redirection

We had a service running in IIS at in one of our server and the url is hardcoded in most of our client apps in android /ios
We needed to move our applications to a new location and this time we had Windows domain among our servers.
That made port 88 busy and occupied with Kerberos.
Now that we have moved all our application and main domain name to the new environment. We are not able to find any workaround to redirect connection coming on port 88 to a different address.
Need help with a workaround to the problem.
Do you have Multiple Public IPs form your ISP?
if so you can assign/change/add one of those ip to this application/server and have that port also open on that public ip.
Solution depends what kind of router you have and if you are able to acquire additional IPs. Also is it possible to access the app using a FQDN?
