Master Graylog server to gather data from sub office graylog servers - graylog2

We have several office locations, each office has its own Graylog server which is working great.
We want to set our head office to collect all the logs/messages that are stored on the sub office Graylog servers.
So in effect each sub office Graylog server will store only its own sub office messages but the head office will store all messages from every sub office.
Can this be done by only having the Graylog servers in the sub office send its messages to the master in Head office? I do not want to have to replicate all the individual inputs on the master - just one input that comes from each sub office Graylog server.
If this is possible can you please advise how I can set this up or point me to the doco - I have read through the Graylog docs and can only see a setup to have multiple Graylog servers in the same site to share the load.
Thank you in advance for your replies.

Ok with a bit more reading I worked this out and it is very simple.
Just create a Stream on the Sub office containing the messages you want to send to the HO.
Then attach an Output to that stream.
On the HO server simply create an input which reads the output from the sub office server.
This works out much better than sending all data as you can have all logs stored on the sub office and only the important messages sent to the HO server.


Publish an Excel 2013 OData data connection file (odc) using GPO WITHOUT sharepoint

This is quite a specific request for help.
We have trying to give all our excel users a single workbook connection to an OData which is centrally managed (so we can update it in future, and to stop users adapting it).
Ideally we could publish this out using GPO and have it show up in the "Connection on your network" section of the connections within Excel. We can publish the .odc file to all computers but that would require all users to update the connection manually, which we are trying to avoid.
We have recently decommissioned our sharepoint server so that's not an option.
We attempted a registry change as listed here
but couldn't get it to accept a network location.
And we can't possibly know all the workbooks connected so can't do a VBA/Powershell update on the connection string as mentioned here Mass update Excel file connection string
It seems to be the exact same question asked here but the response still involved sharepoint...
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Email from excel - supporting multiple platforms (Outlook, mac mail & mac outlook)

I would like to set up an excel form to essentially email a range of data, once a user has completed a task. Unfortunately my company uses multiple platforms,PC Outlook, mac Mail and mac Outlook. I can get each one to work in isolation using Ron de Bruin code, but wonder if I can somehow combine the three on an if else type scenario?
Or is there another way, like using a settings page on the form workbook and setting up a trigger which informs the code which scenario to run?
My current trigger to one scenario is as follows;
Unload Me
Application.Run ("masterDB.xlsm!Mail_Range_In_Excel2011")
Workbooks("MasterDB.xlsm").Close True
With the Mail_in_range being the Ron code. As a bit of background, the form sends data to the masterDB, where is picks up the next number in sequence, which forms part of the range being emailed out. This sequence number is important as it directs recipients to the correct data to build a report.
On the Windows platform you can automate Outlook to send emails. See How to automate Outlook from another program for more information. Also you may find the Using Automation to Send a Microsoft Outlook Message article helpful. But on the MAC platform you can't do that - there is no COM Automation technology exists for MACs.

Automatically Save Attachments on Lotus Notes 9.0 (Mac)

My employer (unfortunately) uses a Lotus Notes server. All company computers are Windows machines, but I am a Mac user. I have configured my e-mail on IBM Notes 9.0 for Mac.
It's tolerable, but I need some help with AppleScript or automating some features. Most emails I receive are reports in MS Word or PDF format. I would like to automatically copy all attachments to a folder on the Desktop. Can I do this with AppleScript or Automator on the Mac? Can I do this with actions in the Notes software itself?
Create a personal agent in your local replica of your mail database, which triggers on "when new documents are added". In this agent (it should be LotusScript or Java), call LNDocument.Detach. I do not believe that you can automatically detach from simple actions, but I have not doublechecked.
Be aware: Detach removes the file from the Notes document entirely. This could cause problems with compliance or any number of other things, so you want to check with your IT department what the policies are supposed to be. Make sure you follow them. Compliance's job is to keep your company from suffering additional penalties that could exceed your annual salary twofold or more when there's a lawsuit. (It's worse because when you replicate back up to the server, the changes you make to your local documents copy to the server and delete the attachments there as well.)

Running Excel automation locally or on server

Wanted some opinions on which method is a better practice. We have a sales report that MUST be generated in a very specific format (down to the row colors and fonts).
I already have written a macro which pulls from our database and populates the entire workbook in about 15 seconds. The question is how should it be populated?
1) Process server-side: Users initiate the request on the intranet page. ASP.NET opens the workbook template, executes the macro and serves back the final sheet.
2) Process locally: Users download the blank template, run from their desktops which automatically connect to the database.
I like the first one because I can enforce the template, timing, users, and security of the data. But is running Excel automation on an internet web server recommended? I like the second option, but I'm afraid of losing standardization as template sheets begin floating around the company.
As for server side:
I highly.. HIGHLY.. recommend checking out the OpenOffice/LibreOffice XML format for spread sheets.
You can use the localc binary in headless mode to convert the XML file to XLSX or what have you. I use it to create PDF files instead of using ReportLab.
Alternatively here are some other projects that attempt to write to Microsoft formats directly:
As for client side:
If you expect the user to be only using Excel and not any other spreadsheet software then go ahead and use an ODBC data source. ODBC will have to be configured per user unless you use some fun VBScript to pull the data from an HTTP server every time it is loaded. There is also the option of making an XLS spreadsheet that simply holds the data and including it into an XLS document as well which would be both a server and client XLS requirement.
Go for server side. Makes information simple to archive and share and will most likely be multi-platform as well.
If you like to use your first option, then you want to avoid using VBA on an installed instance of Excel on the server. This is extremely resource intensive and does not scale well. Instead, if you are writing ASP.NET code, then you should try using the Microsoft Office Interop functionality that is built into the .NET framework. It should possible to adapt your existing VBA code to run under ASP.NET with some changes, but you will have a much more reliable product in the end.
Example Code
However, as #whardier points out in his response, if this were for a large scale or public site, the suggestions he makes would be much more suitable and would scale much further.

Access Sharepoint From Project Professional 2007 Using VBA

I have many Microsoft Project Servers and I have written a Project Guide that I would like each one to use. Because I only want users of a particular server only having access to their server and not others, I need to store the Project Guide on the SharePoint of each server. In Project Professional 2003, is there a way of knowing the URL in VBA (an object maybe) to its own server that it is installed on.
This is an example of what I am trying to do:
Sub Currently()
OptionsInterfaceEx ProjectGuideContent:=""
End Sub
Sub What_I_Would_Like()
OptionsInterfaceEx ProjectGuideContent:=Application.ServerAddress & "Shared%20Documents/Project%20Guide/xmlschemas.xml"
End Sub
I am doing this so I do not have to edit the URL for each server we have.
Any questions please ask,
An approach we took to solving a similar problem was to implement a simple "who am I?" web service which you host on a given server. From reading around on StackOverflow it looks as if it is possible to make web service calls from VBA. The web service simply returns the IP address or host name it sees the request coming from, and you use this to build your URL.
