GvrViewer.Instance.Triggered seems to be true during two frames - google-cardboard

The official documentation says:
True for exactly one complete frame after each pull.
However the following Log is executed twice per tap on the screen:
void Update(){
if (GvrViewer.Instance.Triggered {
Debug.Log("Tap detected");
A workaround could be removing the private from public bool Triggered { get; private set; } in GvrViewer. Then setting it to false manually within the above if clause. It would not be a very elegant solution though...

It was a silly mistake. There are 2 objects with that script attached. That's why it was executed twice!


rolling back transactions but one

I've got a method annotated as follows:
#Transactional(propagation=Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, rollbackFor=Exception.class)
public void x() {
I want all the transactions rolled back, except for the ones in updateB(). How can that be accomplished?
I found PROPAGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED, whose documentation says:
Do not support a current transaction; rather always execute non-transactionally..
public void updateB() {

Expose webjobs functions to dashboard without azure storage

In this question there's an example on how to use a webjob that can perform some background operations without interacting with azure table storage.
I tried to replicate the code in the answer but it's throwing the following error:
' 'Void ScheduleNotifications()' can't be invoked from Azure WebJobs SDK. Is it missing Azure WebJobs SDK attributes? '
In this link they have a similar error and in one of the answers it says that this was fixed in the 0.4.1-beta release. I'm running the 0.5.0-beta release and I'm experiencing the error.
Here's a copy of my code:
class Program
static void Main()
var config = new JobHostConfiguration(AzureStorageAccount.ConnectionString);
var host = new JobHost(config);
public static void ScheduleNotifications()
//Do work
I want to know if I'm missing something or is this still a bug in the Webjobs SDK.
Update: Per Victor's answer, the Program class has to be public.
Working code:
public class Program
static void Main()
var config = new JobHostConfiguration(AzureStorageAccount.ConnectionString);
var host = new JobHost(config);
public static void ScheduleNotifications()
//Do work
Unless you use a custom type locator, a function has to satisfy all conditions below:
it has to be public
it has to be static
it has to be non abstract
it has to be in a non abstract class
it has to be in a public class
Your function doesn't meet the last condition. If you make the class public it will work.
Also, if you use webjobs sdk 0.5.0-beta and you run a program with only the code in your example, you will see a message saying that no functions were found.
Came looking for an answer here, but didn't quite find it in the answer above, though everything he said is true. My problem was that I accidentally changed the inbound property names of a Azure web job so that they DIDN'T match the attributes of the object the function was supposed to catch. Duh!
For the concrete example:
my web job was listening for a queue message based on this class:
public class ProcessFileArgs
public ProcessFileArgs();
public string DealId { get; set; }
public ProcessFileType DmsFileType { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Filename { get; set; }
But my public static async class in the Functions.cs file contained this as a function definition, where the declared parameters didn't match the names within the queue message class for which it was waiting:
public static async Task LogAndLoadFile(
[QueueTrigger(Queues.SomeQueueName)] ProcessFileArgs processFileArgs,
string dealid,
string emailaddress,
string file,
[Blob("{fileFolder}/{Filename}", FileAccess.Read)] Stream input,
TextWriter log,
CancellationToken cancellationToke)
So if you run into this problem, check to make sure the parameter and attribute names match.

How should one implement a change state dialog with undo/redo support in Catel?

I cannot get Undo and Redo to behave correctly when using a dialog.
I have a simple model with a property indicating the state of the object(running, paused, stopped) which can be altered via a dialog. What happens is that I get actions that seems to do nothing in my undo queue or undo restores the object to an intermediate state.
The model object is registered with memento in the constructor. The dialog has three radio buttons each representing one of the three different states. Each radio button is bind to a command each. Each command performs a change of the property. I have tried two different approaches, either each command sets the property directly in the object or each command sets an instance variable for the view model when called and then I use the Saving event to modify the object.
If using the first approach each property change is put on the Undo queue if the user clicks on more than just one radiobutton before clicking Ok in the dialog. Tried to solve that by wrapping the whole dialog into a batch but that results in undoing the state change the object is restored to the state it had before the final one, i.e. if the property was set to stopped before the dialog opened and the user pressed the pause radiobutton, then start one and finally Ok, undo will set the property to paused instead of the expected stopped.
If using the second approach the user opens the dialog, change the state to paused, click Ok in the dialog the undo/redo behaves as expected but if the dialog is opened again and Cancel is chosen one more action is added to the Undo queue, i.e. the user has to click Undo twice to get back to the initial stopped-state.
So my question is how should this be correctly implemented to get the expected behaviour; that each dialog interaction can be undone and not every interaction in the dialog?
Here is the code for the ViewModel:
namespace UndoRedoTest.ViewModels
using Catel.Data;
using Catel.MVVM;
public class StartStopViewModel : ViewModelBase
Machine.MachineState _state;
public StartStopViewModel(Machine controlledMachine)
ControlledMachine = controlledMachine;
_state = controlledMachine.State;
StartMachine = new Command(OnStartMachineExecute);
PauseMachine = new Command(OnPauseMachineExecute);
StopMachine = new Command(OnStopMachineExecute);
Saving += StartStopViewModel_Saving;
void StartStopViewModel_Saving(object sender, SavingEventArgs e)
ControlledMachine.State = _state;
public Machine ControlledMachine
get { return GetValue<Machine>(ControlledMachineProperty); }
private set { SetValue(ControlledMachineProperty, value); }
public static readonly PropertyData ControlledMachineProperty = RegisterProperty("ControlledMachine", typeof(Machine));
public override string Title { get { return "Set Machine state"; } }
public Command StartMachine { get; private set; }
public Command PauseMachine { get; private set; }
public Command StopMachine { get; private set; }
private void OnStartMachineExecute()
_state = Machine.MachineState.RUNNING;
//ControlledMachine.SecondState = Machine.MachineState.RUNNING;
private void OnPauseMachineExecute()
_state = Machine.MachineState.PAUSED;
//ControlledMachine.SecondState = Machine.MachineState.PAUSED;
private void OnStopMachineExecute()
_state = Machine.MachineState.STOPPED;
//ControlledMachine.SecondState = Machine.MachineState.STOPPED;
First of all, don't subscribe to the Saving event but simply override the Save() method. Note that Catel handles the model state for you when you decorate a model with the ModelAttribute. Therefore you need to get the prestate and poststate of the dialog and then push the result set into a batch.
For example, I would create extension methods for the object class (or model class) like this:
public static Dictionary<string, object> GetProperties(this IModel model)
// todo: return properties
Then you do this in the Initialize and in the Save method and you would have 2 sets of properties (pre state and post state). Now you have that, it's easy to calculate the differences:
public static Dictionary<string, object> GetChangedProperties(Dictionary<string, object> preState, Dictionary<string, object> postState)
// todo: calculate difference
Now you have the difference, you can create a memento batch and it would restore the exact state as you expected.
ps. it would be great if you could put this into a blog post once done or create a PR with this feature

Garbage collecting issue with Custom viewbinding in mono touch and mvvmcross

I have a custom calendar control for which there is an custom viewbinding. In this viewbinding we hook up some events which are not decoupled correct and therefor is the garbage collecting not completed. In the following is our custom view binding. As you can see the event is hooked up in the constructor and decoupled in the OnSelectedDate event is triggered(the user selects an date). Therefore if you choose a date the event is decouple correct and garbage collected but if you just go back, the event is still hooked up and no garbage collecting is performed. I thought about trigger the event with null values and and thereby decoulpe the event. But I think there must be some more clever way to achieve this.
namespace CmsApp.Core.Binders
public class CalendarViewBinding:MvxBaseTargetBinding
private CalendarView _calendarView;
private DateTime _currentValue;
public CalendarViewBinding(CalendarView calendarView)
_calendarView = calendarView;
protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
_calendarView.OnDateSelected -= OnDateSelected;
_calendarView = null;
private void OnDateSelected(object sender, SelectedDateEventArgs args)
_currentValue = args.SelectedDate;
_calendarView.OnDateSelected -= OnDateSelected;
public override void SetValue(object value)
var date = (DateTime)value;
_currentValue = date;
_calendarView.SelectedDate = _currentValue;
public override Type TargetType
return typeof(DateTime);
public override MvxBindingMode DefaultMode
return MvxBindingMode.TwoWay;
Any help is appreciated :)
It looks to me like your binding is almost correct.
The only issue I can see is that it unsubscribes from the event too often - you can't call _calendarView.OnDateSelected -= OnDateSelected; twice - but I don't think this is the problem you are seeing.
I currently would guess that the problem is not in the code you are using:
either there's a bug in the binding code in the underlying framework you are using
or something is a bug/issue in the way you are using this binding
or your memory leak has nothing to do with this binding
It's not easy to test this from the limited code posted here, but it would be simpler if you could produce a simple app that reproduces the leak you are seeing. Share that and you might be able to get more feedback.
If you believe my guesses are wrong, then the only thing I can suggest is that you switch to WeakReferences inside your binding - but this feels like a sticking plaster rather than a cure.
Just adding a link to when to release objects in mono touch / mvvmcross

Thread safe issue with Castle.Facilities.NHibernateIntegration ISessionManager in Web context

So based on this question (here), of which I asked last week, I decided to go and have a look into the Castle project and use the Castle.Facilities.NHibernateIntegration facility.
I spent the best part of two days messing around with it and have come to the same issue: NHibernate Thread-Safe Sessions. I was hoping, out of the box, the built in ISessionManager was smart enough to handle threading, which is the reason why I decided to implement it.
In the very sparse documentation on that particular project it mentions that calling ISessionManager.OpenSession is much the same as calling session.GetCurrentSession. From this I gather there is no way for me to, force open, a new seperate session.
So has anyone the solution for me or any ideas how I can work with this issue?
(I know most people are going to say only work with one thread, but honestly think outside the box, some tools and routines automatically spawn a new thread. For instance, log4net and sessionstatestore. You can't just assume there will only be one thread, associated, with the current request.)
I'm working on the web model with .NET 4 web application.
I invoke and resolve the Windsor container in the usual, documented way and let the container resolve the session manager. I do this in both threads.
Here is my Castle NHibernate config:
<facility id="nhibernate" isWeb="true" type="Castle.Facilities.NHibernateIntegration.NHibernateFacility, Castle.Facilities.NHibernateIntegration">
<factory id="nhibernate.factory">
<item key="connection.connection_string">#{NHibernateConnectionString}</item>
<item key="connection.driver_class">#{NHibernateDriver}</item>
<item key="connection.provider">NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider</item>
<item key="dialect">#{NHibernateDialect}</item>
<item key="generate_statistics">true</item>
<item key="proxyfactory.factory_class">NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.ProxyFactoryFactory, NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle</item>
<item key="show_sql">true</item>
Here is my example DAO
public class NHibernateDao : INHibernateDao
private ISessionManager sessionManager;
public NHibernateDao(ISessionManager sessionManager)
this.sessionManager = sessionManager;
public void Append(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
using (IStatelessSession session = sessionManager.OpenStatelessSession())
using (ITransaction tran = session.BeginTransaction())
Log data = new Log
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
Date = loggingEvent.TimeStamp,
Level = loggingEvent.Level.ToString(),
Logger = loggingEvent.LoggerName,
Thread = loggingEvent.ThreadName,
Message = loggingEvent.MessageObject.ToString()
if (loggingEvent.ExceptionObject != null)
data.Exception = loggingEvent.ExceptionObject.ToString();
And how I call the DAO. Note: This is on the newly spawned thread which is out of my hands.
public class NHibenateAppender : AppenderSkeleton
protected override void Append(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
var NHibernateLogger = IoC.Resolve<INHibernateDao>();
If you want full control of the session, I believe that the NHibernateFacility actually registers the underlying ISessionFactory to the Windsor kernel.
From that, you can invoke sessionFactory.OpenSession() which I think should always return a new session.
I honestly don't really see what ISessionManager brings to the party...
Have a look at this link!
It might solve your multi-threaded problems, as it differs in intention to the previous facility; this one lets you keep a session-per-transaction rather than one per request. As such, the multi-threaded issue is avoided and it would work equally well from your appender.
In the code, this is because the .Net has a CallContext static class that knows about what thread you're on (but ties it to your call context rather than thread-static).
We were running into this problem a lot when using the SessionPerWebRequest pattern and then forking worker threads, which as you say, cannot be helped in some situations.
The trick is as jishi says; instead of pulling the session from Func<ISession> or ISessionManager, you need to get access to ISessionFactory.
Unfortunately for me, this wasn't as simple as injecting it through the constructor and having Windsor resolve it - it isn't registered as part of the installer as jishi said (unless I'm missing something). However, it is accessible through an installer callback:
public class NHibernateInstaller : INHibernateInstaller, IDatabaseInstaller
public void Registered(ISessionFactory factory)
SessionFactoryStore.Set(SessionFactoryKey, factory);
Where SessionFactoryStore is a singleton repository for storing your factories (in the case where you may have multiple factories, spread across clients, like me).
public class SessionFactoryStore: ISessionFactoryStore
Dictionary<string, ISessionFactory> SessionFactories { get; set; }
public SessionFactoryStore()
SessionFactories = new Dictionary<string, ISessionFactory>();
public void Set(string key, ISessionFactory factory)
lock (SessionFactories)
if (!SessionFactories.ContainsKey(key)) SessionFactories.Add(key, factory);
public ISessionFactory Get(string key)
return SessionFactories.ContainsKey(key) ? SessionFactories[key] : null;
Then wherever you implement your unit of work pattern, or similar, just perform a test to see if you are running in a normal, or threaded state:
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
private IGenericFactory GenericFactory { get; set; }
private Func<ISession> Session { get; set; }
private ISessionFactoryStore SessionFactoryStore { get; set; }
private ISession GetSession(bool isThreaded)
if (!isThreaded)
return Session();
return SessionFactoryStore.Get("YourFactoryKey").OpenSession();
public UnitOfWork(Func<ISession> session, ISessionFactoryStore sessionFactoryStore) {
Session = session;
SessionFactoryStore = sessionFactoryStore;
Hey presto, thread-safe ISession using NHibernateIntegration.
