Is it viable to build a Web Dashboard in Clojure? - web

I am planning to build a web dashboard where I can analyze the financial records from a company through graphics, tables, ...
I already have the software, so the dashboard will only read the data, and not manipulate it.
It will be something like this, but simpler. Containing reports, graphics, options to select dates, intervals, etc.
But I am thinking, is it viable to use Clojure? And jQuery, CSS, HTML also.
Currently I work with the Luminus Web Framework for Clojure, but I am wondering if it is worth to do this in Clojure or if there are other languages that are better to do it.
Of course I am familiar with the language already, so it is a pro. But I am also open to suggestions.

It is not that hard at all! In fact, there exist great libraries which solve all the challenges involved in building a dashboard - scheduling, caching, transferring data to the client, visualization(and auto reloading).
We are working on a framework for building realtime Clojure dashboard. Have a look at We have used the following libraries:
Immutant's scheduler for scheduling
Core.async to simplify data flow on the backend
Sente for websocket communication
re-frame for client side state and view management
Stuart Sierra's component library for managing stateful components
In order to create beautiful visualizations you may take a look at d3 or highcharts. CLJSJS and Reagent cookbook will gives a good overview of how to use these js libraries(and many many more).

Clojure is an absolutely fantastic tool for building a web dashboard. The other answers here do a pretty good job of laying out the landscape as far as basic web technologies. On this side of things, I'll simply add I'm a big Reagent / Re-frame fan, and would go that route for React wrapper over Om.
As far as data visualizations, you may be interested in checking out Vega-Lite & Vega, which you can use from Clojure or ClojureScript (Reagent) by using a simple but flexible dataviz library I wrote called Oz:
Vega-Lite & Vega are designed based on the ideas of the Grammar of Graphics, which inspired R's popular ggplot2 library. The core idea is that data visualizations should be built according to declarative descriptions of how properties of the data map to aesthetics of the visualization. Vega-Lite & Vega however take things one step further in providing a grammar of interaction, which allows for the construction of interactive data visualizations and sophisticated explorer views. Moreover, it ups the ante on the declarative nature of the GG in that Vega-Lite and Vega specifications are described as pure data (JSON), making it very in line with the data-driven philosophy of the Clojure world, and paving the way for seamless interoperability with other languages and sharing features.
Vega-Lite is more or less the higher lever, day-to-day data science tool, focusing on providing high leverage and automation based on very spartan specifications. It compiles to Vega, which is a somewhat lower level and more powerful, but less automated version of Vega-Lite. Usually starting out with Vega-Lite, and switching to Vega only as needed is sufficient.
For more on Vega & Vega-Lite see:

I don't see any reasons why it wouldn't be viable to build a web dashboard in Clojurescript.
I suggest that you look into a library call reagent, which provides a minimalistic interface between react and clojurescript, so theoretically everything you can do with react should be possible in clojurescript/reagent (with the added benefit that it will be faster than React). You probably might be interested in reframe which is a framework for building single page applications.
React has been proven as a robust tool to build powerful UI.

You can do everything you can do in JavaScript using ClojureScript (just as you can do everything you do in Java using Clojure). So as others have commented, I would definitely recommend ClojureScript, especially since you know Clojure already. You may find out that you do not need jQuery etc.
The common choice to generate html is to use React.js via a wrapper library like:
Both can generate HTML.
Reagent (and maybe re-frame) are the easiest ones to get started. Especially since there are components libraries like soda-ash, and a hiccup-like syntax.
Om (by the creator of ClojureScript), and maybe untangled are also a good choice, especially if you need to manage complex data. You can get a hiccup-like syntax via sablono.
Dashboards have been built using it (see the circleCI dashboard as a real-life dashboard example). This is the one I use personally.
Hoplon is also an interesting choice, as you mentioned.
Also have a look at cljsjs for pre-packaged js libraries.
As for the CSS, this is an orthogonal concern but yes of course you can use it (or even less and sass, there are Clojure wrappers for it). You can even generate CSS from Clojure code with garden,
You can find an example project using boot (by the same authors as hoplon), sass, reagent called saapas, but there are many more in the wild.
As you see there are many viable options in ClojureScript to build a dashboard. I am myself building one and settled on, partly because I was using React.js before.


Fast Interactive force-directed graph layout engine

I need a framework/library which will enable me to develop a realtime interactive graph simulation. The user must be able to dynamically add nodes and edges. I have found Prefuse and its force directed layout and I really like it. But it is not fully thread-safe, and doesn't perform all that well -- maybe it has problems with big graphs?
Are there some decent alternatives? I know about Flare, but I have no desire to learn ActionScript and would rather stick with c++/java/c#.
yFiles is a good commercial library (Java, C#, ActionScript, Javascript versions available) for interactive graph visualization, that supports wide range of layouts, and has no problems showing very big graphs. You can test its capabilities quickly by trying yEd, which is based on yFiles.
The question is a bit old but still let me introduce another commercial option for C#. GraphX for .NET PRO is capable of rendering thousands of vertices and edges simultaneously and supports variety of force-directed layouts. There is also free open-source version which is less performant but supports easy styling features.

Why I dont see YUI used that much often

I have been using jQuery/Prototype/ExtJs and other frameworks for last two years. These frameworks have been very useful.
I switched to YUI recently and finding the learning curve a bit too steep. Also the framework is not making my life as easy as with Extjs or Jquery.
When I consulted several other developers no one seems to be very enthusiastic about YUI. Very few of them have actually used it. Of course this depends on where I stay and what kind of people I interact with but can I say safely that YUI is not beign received as enthusiastically as jQuery? Why is it so ?
NB: I'm an engineer on the YUI team! I think you ask a great question, something I have wondered myself.
IMO, jQuery is more widespread than YUI because it is easy to sprinkle it on web pages that need simple DOM manipulations and basic AJAX or animations. That said, YUI is an extremely popular library that has historically been a favorite of more advanced developers and application builders. We do have a huge and thriving online community on -- perhaps folks are too busy writing great code to make a lot of noise? ;-)
That said, we are hearing a lot of buzz these days from jQuery folks hitting the limits of that library as they transition from throwing together simple effects to needing more maintainable, performant, and well-architected code. YUI 3 takes you from the basics to the most complex applications without missing a beat. It is a world-class platform for novices, hackers, and application developers alike: a concise, convenient, and intuitive API that is lightweight and lightning fast, PLUS a well-thought-out infrastructure and comprehensive suite of tools to help you code like a professional.
I agree that the learning curve for YUI has been high -- we are in the midst of a website redesign and writing an O'Reilly cookbook to address exactly that issue. We're also hosting our second annual YUIConf this November to unveil our latest and greatest. We've coming a long way since the days of YUI 2 and we're excited to make it as easy as possible for folks like you to ramp up on YUI 3.
Akshar -- my response is YUI-centric, for sure, but the YUI developer community is huge, enthusiastic, and growing. Check out for some of the implementations we've seen recently. In addition to what's out there in open source, the Yahoo! home page, Yahoo! Search, Flickr, and the upcoming redesign of Yahoo! Mail are all based on YUI 3, the next generation of the library -- which has been welcomed by developers as having industrial strength power along with the concision and selector-driven syntax that makes libraries like Prototype and jQuery so fun to use. My advice: Try it out. YUI 3 is a unique, incredibly powerful library, and its 200 community contributed gallery modules (a number that grows by the week) make it one of the most comprehensive libraries out there.
As a user of both jQuery and YUI, I have to admit that I look at them in almost completely different lights. I use jQuery for custom effects, animation, interactivity on our externally-facing website. The visual extensibility of jQuery means that we can customize the look and feel of these elements to match the rest of our website. I've used YUI as a quick and easy way to develop a snazzy front interface for some of our internal applications. These internal applications are simple Apache/MySQL/PHP apps, and YUI allows for simplified data visualization, form handling, tabs, etc. without having to worry about the look and feel as much. The standardized, slightly bland interface elements are a perfect, no-nonsense approach to quickly developing and rolling out these apps.
I found the learning curve to be a bit steep myself, but the examples help out a lot.
I've been using ExtJS and JQuery for some time, but now i'm experimenting with YUI 3. I like the general idea behind YUI (modules, async loader, plugins) but some things annoy me:
lots of documentation, but some things aren't documented at all or very scarcely
some features are very basic (data grids) compared to their ExtJS counterparts.
you never know which features are there in the core, in gallery or aren't implemented at all. You need to do the research yourself.
the framework feels less coherent than ExtJS
I'm trying to find a replacement for ExtJS for building business applications, but didn't find any framework that would be as rich and complete as ExtJS. I don't like how ExtJS looks and how it forces some strange implementation/architecture decisions on you (MVC!), but have to admit it's really hard to replace.

When to mix languages?

What are some situations where languages should be mixed?
I'm not talking about using ASP.NET with C# and HTML or an application written in C accessing a SQL database through SQL queries. I'm talking about things like mixing C++ with Fortran or Ada with Haskell etc. for example.
First of all: thank you for all your answers.
When I asked this question I had in mind that you always read "every language has its special purpose".
In general, you can get almost everything done in any language by using special libraries. But, if you are interested in learning different languages, why not take the programming language that serves your purpose best instead of a library that solves a problem your language wasn't originally designed for?
For example, in video games we use different languages for different purpose :
Application (Game) code : have to be fast, organized and most of the time cross-platform (at least win, MacOS is to be envisaged), often on constraint-heavy platforms (consoles), so C++ (and sometimes C and asm) is used.
Development Tools : level design tools generates data that the game code will play with. Those kind of tool don't need to run on the target platform (but if you can it's easier to debug) so often they are made with fast-development languages such as C#, Python, etc.
Script system : some parts of the games will have to be tweaked by the designers, using variables or scripts. It's really easier and cheap to embed a scripting language instead of writing one so Lua or other similar scripting languages are often used.
Web application : sometimes a game will require to provide some data online, most often in a database accessed with SQL. The web application then is written in a language that might be C#, Ruby(R.O.R.), Python, PHP or anything else that is good for the job. As it's about the web, you then have to use HTML/Javascript too.
In my game I use HTML/Javascript for GUI too.
To answer your edit : the language you know the best is not always the most efficient tool for the work. That's why for example I use C++ for my home-made game because I know it best (I could use a lot of other languages as the targets are Win/Mac/Linux, not consoles) but I use Python for everything related to build process, file manipulation etc. I don't know Python in depth but it's fare easier to do quick file manipulation with it than with C++. I wouldn't use C++ for web application for obvious reasons.
In the end, you use what is efficient for the job. That's what you learn by working in real world constraints, with money, time and quality in mind.
Well, the most obvious (and the most common) situation would be when you use some high level language to make most of your program, reaping the benefits of fast development and robustness, while using some lower level language like C or even assembly to gain speed where it is important.
Also, many times it is necessary to interface with other software written in some other language. A good example here are APIs exposed by the operating system - they're usually written with C in mind (though I remember some old MacOS versions using Pascal). If you don't have a native binding for your language-compiler infrastructure, you have to write some interface code to "glue" your program with "the other side".
There are also some domain-specific languages that are tuned specifically to efficiently express some type of computation. You usually don't write your entire program in them, just some parts where it is the appropriate tool. Prolog is a good example.
Last but not least, you sometimes have heaps of old and tested code written in another language at hand, which you could benefit from using. Instead of reinventing the wheel in a new and better language, you may simply want to interface it to your new program. This is probably the most usual (if not the only) case when languages geared for similar uses are mixed together (was that C++ and Fortran you mentioned?).
Generally, different languages have different strengths and weaknesses. You should try to use the appropriate tool for the job at hand. If the benefits from expressing some parts of the program in a different language are greater than the problems this introduces, then it's best to go for it.
I know in your question you sort of ruled this out, but different languages are used for different domains.
Right now I am working on a data visualizer, the data is in a database so of course there is some SQL, but that hardly counts because it's small and required frequently. The data is turned into a series of graphs, I'm using R, which is like MATLAB but open source. It is a unique statistical language with some advanced plotting features.
A data visualizer isn't just a graph generator, so there needs to be a way to browse and navigate this pile of image files. We opted to use html with embedded javascript to build an offline "application" that can be easily distributed. It's offline in the sense that it is self contained, that html is carefully generated and the js inside it is carefully crafted to allow the user to browse thousands of images sorting or filtering by a number of criteria.
How do you carefully craft javascript and html based on a database structure that changes as the rest of my team makes progress? They are made by a perl program (single pass script really) that reads into the db for some structure and key information, and then outputs over 300 kilobytes of html/js. It's not entirely trivial html either, imagemaps that are carefully aligned with the R plots and some onclick() javascript allow the user to actually interact with a plain image plot so this whole thing feels like a real data browser/visualizer application.
That's four 'languages', five if you count SQL, just to make a single end product.
I dont think doing this in a single language would be a good choice, because we are exploiting the capabilities of a real web browser to give us a free GUI and frontend.
An excellent current example would be to write methods for creating XML documents in VB.NET, which has an "XML Literals" feature, which C# lacks. Since they're both .NET languages, there's no reason not to call one from the other:
Public Function GetEmployeeXml (ByVal salesTerritoryKey As Integer) As XElement
Using context As New AdventureWorksDW2008Entities
Dim x = <x>
<%= From s In context.DimSalesTerritory _
Where s.SalesTerritoryKey = salesTerritoryKey _
Select _
region=<%= s.SalesTerritoryRegion %>
country=<%= s.SalesTerritoryCountry %>>
<%= From e in s.DimEmployee _
Select _
<Employee firstName=<%= e.FirstName %> lastName=<%= e.LastName %>>
<%= From sale in e.FactResellerSales _
Select _
orderNumber=<%= sale.SalesOrderNumber %>
price=<%= sale.ExtendedAmount %>/> %>
</Employee> %>
</SalesTerritory> %>
Return x
End Using
End Function
The biggest reason you would mix langauges is because one language has advantages in certain areas, where another has advantages in another. So, you try to harness the capabilities of both by throwing them together. A common example is using C and ASM, because C is more abstract and makes it easy to do the more complex stuff in a program, however, you would want to use ASM to do base level stuff with hardware and the processor. So, they are often mixed, given the nature of C and its use in embedded systems.
Depending on what paradigm a language falls under, it has its pros and cons. For example, one might want to use the GUI capabilities of C# but use the efficient backtracking or Artificial Intelligence capabilities of Prolog (a language in the logical paradigm) to compute some details before displaying them.
A simplified example
Imagine trying to write a program that allows a user to play Chess against a computer.
(Potentially) I would:
1.) Create the visuals with Windows GUI Libraries.
2.) Calculate the possible moves using Prolog, and choose the best/most viable move.
3.) Retrieve the results from step 2 from Prolog in my C# code, and render the results.
4.) Allow for the gameplay and rapid development of visuals and UI in C# and rely on the Prolog for the calculations/backtracking
This most often happens when you already have code written in two or more different languages and you notice that it makes sense to combine the programs. Rewriting is expensive and takes time.
In the financial world you often have to keep programs alive (or replaced) 50 years. With technology replacement every 10 years, new contracts (mortgages, life insurance) are created in the newest language/environment. The four older ones just handle the monthly payments and changes to existing contracts. To know how the company is doing, you need to integrate data from all five systems.
I suppose keeping the old ones alive is cheaper than migrating each time to the newest technology. From a risk avoiding point of view it makes sense.
Web applications should probably not be mixed language for the developer. Smalltalk does just fine, with Gemstone for persistence and Seaside as web application framework. The multiple languages (javascript) can be hidden in the framework.
When 2 heads are better than one.
I've commonly seen games where flash was embedded with C# - with the AI and other heavy code running off a C++ DLL.
When forced to
Writing new code to augment a new system supported by an old framework
For instance in games (which are pretty hardcore applications) you usually have a very tight c++ engine that does all the heavy lifting and a scripting language (such as Lua) that's accessible and suited for making that collection of special cases that we call 'game' happen.
People here have most of the reason. I'll just have this one:
There is also the case of graceful degradation. For instance I am working on a legacy intranet, and we're changing little by little from a language to another so at this point we have different languages in the same system.
Device Programming - typically you would want to program the UI with the OS's native UI language (Java for Android for example) but would need to program the device drivers with something that gets more into the low level (like C).

Using multiple languages in one project

From discussions I've had about language design, it seems like a lot of people make the argument that there is not and will never be "one true language". The alternative, according to these people, is to be familiar with several languages and to pick the right tool for the job. This makes perfect sense at the level of a whole project or a large subproject that only has to interact with the rest of the project through a very narrow, well-defined interface.
On the other hand, using lots of different languages seems like a very awkward thing to do when trying to solve lots of small subproblems elegantly. In other words, IMHO, general purpose languages that are decent at everything still matter. As a trivial example, let's say you need to do the following:
Read a bunch of data in some arbitrary format from a file. Check it for errors, etc. (Best done in something like Perl).
Load this data into matrices, do a bunch of hardcore matrix ops on it (Best done in something like Matlab).
Run a custom, computationally intensive routine on it that must be fast and space-efficient (Best done in C or C++).
This is a fairly simple project, other than writing the computationally intensive custom matrix processing routine, yet the only good answer about what language to use seems to be a general-purpose one that's decent at everything.
What am I missing here? How does one use multiple languages effectively to take advantage of each of their strengths?
I have worked on many projects that contain a fairly diverse mix of languages. Unless it's a .NET project, you usually use these different languages at different tiers or in different processes. Maybe your webapp is in PHP and your application server in java. So you do not really "mix and match" at method level.
In .NET and for some of the java vm languages the rules change a bit, since you can mix much more freely. But the features of these languages are mostly defined by the class libraries - which are common. So the motivation for switching languages in .net is usually driven by other factors, such as which language the developers know. F# actually provides quite a few language features that are specific for that language, so it seems to be a little bit of an exception within .NET. Some of the java VM languages also add methods to the standard java libraries, adding features not available in java.
You do actually get quite used to working with multiple languages as long as all of them have good IDE support. Without that I really think I would be lost.
Embedded languages like Lua make this pretty easy. Lua is a great dynamic language along the lines of Ruby or Python and allows you to quickly develop high quality code. It also has tight integration with C, which means you can take advantage of C/C++ libraries and optimize performance critical sections by writing them in C or C++.
In scientific computing it's also not uncommon to have a script that for example will do some data processing in Matlab, use Perl to reformat the output and then pass that into another app written in Matlab, C or whatever. This tends to be more common when integrating apps that have been written by different people than when developing something from scratch, though.
You're saying that the choices are either a) write everything in one language and lose efficiency, or b) cobble together a bunch of different executables in order to use the best language for each section of the job.
Most working programmers pick option c: do the best they can with the languages their IT departments support in production. Generally programmers have some limited language choice within a particular framework such as the JVM or CLR - so it's neither the toolbox utopia nor the monolanguage ghetto.
Even LAMP and Rails support (demand, really) different languages at different levels - HTML, Javascript, Ruby, C in the case of Rails. If you're writing software services (which is where most of the interesting work is happening these days) then you're hardly ever writing in just one language. But your choices aren't infinite, either.
Consider the most difficult part of your task. Is parsing the file the most complex part? A good language for reading files, and then manipulating them might be the most pertinent choice.
Are the math transformations the most difficult part? You might want to suck it up and use matlab, feeding it in with scripts or other home grown tools.
Is performance the most important part? How much calculation will be done versus the transformations and parsing? If 90% of the work done will be on calculation, and the other parts are only transitory, then consider a C/C++ solution.
There's nothing inherently wrong with playing to multiple language strengths in a simple solution, especially if you don't mind gluing it together with scripts. However, the more languages and modules that you integrate increase your dependencies, and the more dependencies you have, the more and more difficult it becomes to distribute and maintain your app. That's where the real trade-off lies: the fewer technologies, libraries, and bits of software you need to run the app, the simpler it becomes. The simpler the app, the more maintainable, distributable, debuggable, and usable it becomes.
If you don't mind the extra overhead of integrating the multiple pieces of technology, or that overhead will save you an equal or greater amount of development time, go right ahead.
I think it's fine. If you set it up as an n-tier setup where each layer accesses what is below it the same way (SOAP/XML/COM, etc), I have found it to be invisible in the end.
For your example, I would choose one language for the front end that is easy, quick, flexible, and can make many, many, many, many, many types of calls to different interfaces such as com, corba, xml, .net, custom dll libraries, ftp, and custom event gateways. This ensures that you can call, or interface with any other lanugage easily.
My tool of choice for this is Coldfusion from working with ASP/PHP/Java and a bit of Ruby. It seems to have it all in one place and is very simple. For your specific case, COldfusion will allow you to compile your own library tag that you can call in your web code. Inside the tag you can put all the c code you like and make it do whatever you want.
There are free and open source versions of Coldfusion available and it is fantastic for making Java and .NET calls naively from one code base. Check it out, I really feel it might be the best fit as it's made for these kinds of corporate solutions.
I know PHP can be pretty good for this too depending on your situation, and I'm sure isn't too far behind.
My work in multiple languages has involved just a simple mix of C# and C++/CLI (that's like C++ with .NET if you haven't heard of it). I do think that it's worth saying that the way .NET and Visual Studio allow you to combine many different languages together means that you won't have as high of an overhead as you would normally expect when combining two languages - Visual Studio keeps it all together. Given that there are many .NET clones of various languages - F#, IronPython, IronRuby, JScript.NET for example - Visual Studio is quite a good way in which you can combine various languages.
Down to the technical level which sounds like what you're interested in, the way it's done in Visual Studio is you must have one project for each separate language, and each project gets compiled into an assembly - basically meaning it becomes a library for the other projects to use. You'll have one main project which drives everything and calls the other libraries. The requirement of each different language having to be a different project means you wouldn't change languages at the method level, but if you are doing a large enough application that you can logically separate it into multiple projects, it can actually be quite useful. In particular, the separation and abstraction can make things easier overall.

Personal Code Library [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
So I assume I'm not the only one. I'm wondering if there are others out there who have compiled a personal code library. Something that you take from job to job that has examples of best practices, things you are proud of, or just common methods you see yourself using over and over.
I just recently started my C# library. It already has quite a few small items. Common Regex validations, interfaces for exception handling, some type conversion overloads, enum wrappers, sql injection detection methods, and some common user controls with AJAX toolkit examples.
I'm wondering what kind of things do you have in yours?
I use my own wiki where I post code snippets and commentaries.
I find that more useful than having my own library. And since they are essentially notes and not full programs there isn't a problem with who owns the code (you or your employer ).
PS: I don't hide the fact that I have that from my employer. In fact most of them were positive and even asked for a copy.
Because I primarily do web development, I've abstracted out some common features that I end up doing frequently on sites for clients.
Ajax Emailer. Nearly every site I work on has some type of contact form. I wrote a utility that allows me to drop some HTML on a page, having JavaScript field validation, and a PHP library that requires me to change a few parameters to work with each client's mail server. The only thing I have to write is CSS each time I include it on to a page.
Stylesheet skeleton generator. I wrote a small JavaScript utility that walks the DOM for whatever page it has been included on and then stubs out a valid CSS skeleton so that I can immediately start writing styles without having to do the repetitive task for every site I work on.
JavaScript Query String Parser. Occasionally I need to parse the query string but it doesn't warrant any major modifications to the server (such as installing PHP), so I wrote a generic JavaScript utility that I can easily configure for each site.
I've got other odds and end utilities, as well, but they are kind of hacked together for personal use. I'd be embarrassed to let anyone see the source.
Several people have asked for my stylesheet skeleton generator in the comments so I'm providing a link to the project here. It's more or less based on the way that I structure my XHTML and format my CSS, but hopefully you'll find it useful.
I have found that using Snipplr makes this incredibly convenient. You can tag items, save favorites, search by keyword, etc. I mostly use it for Vim-related snippets (common commands, vimrc file, etc.), but it can be used for anything. Check it out.
I have my personal C++ cross platform library here:
It's open source LGPL, I use it in my hobby / volunteer projects. I started it about 3 years ago and have been slowly adding functionality to it.
Back in the days of C programming on MacOS 7, i did write a fairly extensive OO library (yes, OOP in very old C) mostly to handle dialog windows. I abandoned it for PowerPlant (a nice C++ from Metrowerks) during the switch from 68k to PPC processors.
A little after that, i began writing web apps, first in PHP, recently in Django. On this aspect, my reusable code is limited to some tricks and code style.
But for all non-web (or with only small web componets), i've been using Lua. It's so fast to write and rewrite code, that there's very little incentive in reusing code. I mean, what's the point of copying a 10 line function and then adapt it? it's faster to rewrite it just for this project.
That's not so wasteful as it sounds. Lua code is so succint that my apps can be very complex, but seldom have more than a couple thousands lines.
At the same time, several Lua projects imply interfacing to C libraries. It's very easy to write bindings to existing libraries, so i just do that as a subproject. And these modules are what i do reuse! once and again... with very little (if any) changes from one project to the other.
In short: non-web projects are usually one-off Lua code, and some heavily reused binding modules.
I use Source Code Library from since I can manage different textfiles, notes, screenshots and different programming languages.
I have several utility MATLAB functions that I have taken with me as I move from job to job, particularly ones that enforce W3C standards on the plots I make to ensure that text and background colors have a good luminosity ratio. I also have a function that uses ActiveX to insert a MATLAB figure into PowerPoint.
I keep my personal code libraries on CPAN. I'm not even sure how I'd do this in other languages anymore. It's just too integrated in the way that I think about programming now.
For my PHP work I started with a small file of simple things: a mail function that checks inputs for header attacks, and email validator, an input srubber, that type of thing. Over time it has grown into a application framework for quickly developing one off applications that can be templated by our graphic designer.
I have a library that i use quite extensively. I started fresh with c# and kinda threw all of the legacy stuff out the window. I find them very handy and i rewrite/refactor them often (some of them). Some of the stuff i have is:
Auxiliary (things like IsRunningLocal, InternetDetection)
Standard Classes or Structs for: Address, CreditCard, Person
I have .dll's for both win and web stuff, some very logical like a .dll for shopping cart stuff
I wrote a quick and simple library in Java which I can add code snippets to. I plan to extend it to a full framework for development at some point but only when time allows. I have all sorts in there from simple functions to full blown pages and features. Its so helpful to have when developing because as a web designer, all I need to do is change the CSS of the page.
