Why are some extensions like TeamVViewer filled out. But then there are others that are super small inside a jigsaw piece like this?
The difference is that TeamViewer is a Chrome App, not an extension.
All extensions' icons in CWS are rendered inside the jigsaw pieces.
It only affects the Store listing, your icon inside Chrome will be normal.
I developed a simple chrome extension. Following the answers in this SO post I was able to programmatically open the popup window on certain webpages. The default behavior of the popup is to open a window at the top right. Is it possible to modify this behavior? Ideally, I would like the popup window to slide in from the right after the automatic window.open is invoked in the background script.
No, you have no control over how and where it appears.
If you want something like slide-in, you're better off injecting your GUI elements into the page itself.
How feasible it is depends on whether you need to inject it into an arbitrary page or if you're working with just one specific website. Shadow DOM might help you isolate styles from the parent page.
Here's the page I'm working on. Just click on "Forecasts" tab. On Chrome and FF browsers. http://www.weather.gov/mfr/dot
Once on the forecasts tab, you'll see a map below the text links. Much of the map is grey upon loading. I saw that this can happen if CSS is not loaded, but I have the latest CSS loaded on there. Can anyone help with this problem?
since the map container is being created dynamically, you need to call map.invalidateSize() when the 'Forecast' panel is toggled.
Can I put a HTML code in my chrome extension's icon? According to the Google API (setBadgeText) this isn't possible.
Is there any way to put it there?
While .setBadgeText is, as implied by name, text-only, you can draw anything and set that as your icon.
You'll need to draw on a <canvas>, extract image data and use .setIcon({imageData: /*...*/}) to update the icon.
See this question for a brief example, and maybe this article.
It's not quite "using HTML", but with some work you can output anything to your icon.
Badge is plain text only as can be seen in source code. There's no way around.
in case that you have no choice and had to do css image resize (in my case about 20% smaller than natural image size) browser addons like Hoverzoom for Google Chrome, or Thumbnail Zoom Plus for Mozilla would show popup when you hover over that images.
I want to prevent that behaviour because it totally change user experience in one my UI form.
I understand that there is options to analyse all that addons and how they works, eg. use some event (onmouseover/mouseover) steal src tag - analyse - add some layer, id, class...
Eg. inside Hoverzoom addon for Google Chrome we can find some parts like:
$('<div id="hzImg"></div>').appendTo(document.body);
and temporarily solution to disable only that addon is to hide that layer with
but it's not way to go because there is many addons like that.
My question is what is your opinion, or solution how to prevent all that browsers type addons to show popups when user mouse hover over css resized images?
I want to add an icon to the addressbar. It works fine, but there are other extensions which adds such an icon too. I can't see the logic behind the ordering of these icons.
At home my icon is at the very left position and at work it is somewhere in the middle. I can't change it by dragging (like the buttons beside the addressbar).
Do you know if it is possible? And if yes, how?
Or which factor is responsible for the ordering?
Thanks in advance.
It seems, that the order of how the extension has been installed is responsible for the ordering of that icons.
The latest installed extension appears leftmost.