Is Azure Storage REST API version "2015-07-08" used by storage client v7 documented anywhere? - azure

I went to update the Azure storage client nuget here, and before pulling it read the changelog. In the changelog they say "support for 2015-07-08 REST version. Please see our REST API documentation and blogs for information...". I have looked all over and can't find any documentation for that API version (2015-07-08) of what was changed. Does anyone know what was changed and/or where the changes are documented?

Version 7.x of the client library is based on version 2015-07-08 (the latest version). However, the change to the service with this version, as compared to version 2015-04-05, is very minor. The only change is the addition of the GetPageRangesDiff/GetPageRangesDiffAsync methods on CloudPageBlob. These methods support incremental snapshots (see There is no other change to the service.
Also see for the change to Get Page Ranges.
We will provide information in the versioning section for 2015-07-08 soon.

Didn't find what was exactly changed, but I think the documentation refers to and blogs at


Azure WORM/ immutable retention lock on containers for legacy java SDK

I wan to set up a immutable policy for blob storage using the Java "Legacy" SDK (version 8.3), but I can't seem to find any documentation showing how to do this, or if it's even possible from the legacy version. The website shows how to do this from the portal, CLI and PowerShell, but I've yet to find any reference to the Java SDK. Am I missing some documentation somewhere?
I believe the closest thing to docs you'd be able to find on this would be the SDK documentation here: and here for legal holds:
It doesn't seem like there is a lot of great documentation on how to use them, but at least these give you the class and method names.

Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets vs Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault

These 2 libraries seem to serve a similar purpose: to securely store and control the access to tokens, passwords, API keys, and other secrets.
I have been using Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault with some success, not for configuration secrets, but for keys.
Not until recently did I discover Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets.
In release notes I found this:
Updated Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault with its successor Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets to resolve key vault references.
What are the distinguishing attributes of the 2 libraries, and how to determine the appropriate choice.
Should I interpret the release note to imply Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault is obsolete or will be deprecated?
What are the distinguishing attributes of the 2 libraries, and how to
determine the appropriate choice.
The package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets is the most up-to-date version of the Key Vault client library, which is recommended to use for any new project. For main differences from the legacy one, see this
Major changes from Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault. For usage, please refer to this doc.
The other package Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault is now a legacy one, if you have some old projects which use it, you can keep using it. For usage, please refer to this doc.
You can refer to this article for more details why these new client libraries(including Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets) are published.
Should I interpret the release note to imply Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault
is obsolete or will be deprecated?
It is hard to say if the old one will be deprecated in the future. At least from the
Release History, it says the new one is not a direct replacement for Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault(like other azure services, for example, azure storage service published a new version package recently, but not officially pronounced the old one is deprecated). But we suggest you should use the new one in any new create project like it says in the doc, a screenshot of this:
Hope it helps.

Google Api and Google Auth Library which one should I use for GoogleOAuth2

What are the differences between those those two libraries?
Which one should I use for authentication?
for example:
I saw that while one include the setCredentials, the other doesn't support it. and have credentials as a property
So, it appears that the first one is indeed in alpha.
Also, the second one is official release and maintained by google fellows, and yesterday was released it 1.0.0 version.
see it here as well ->

Where is the Azure Storage library changelog?

I'm using the official nuget package of Windows Azure Storage Client Library to retrieve items of my Azure tables.
Recently I updated the package from version to and my app stopped working because the results returned by my storage query are different with the new version.
I'm looking for the library changelog in order to understand how to fix the issue.
Do you know where can I find it ?
The link provided on the nuget page seems to be outdated (it's a changelog between 1.x and 2.x, not between 2.0.2 and 2.0.5 !). Also, the Windows Azure Storage team's blog is not updated.
Please refer to the changelog.txt that is always updated with the respective source code changes.
The changelog is always up to date at

Lost method since upgrading to Azure Storage

I cant find a method since I upgraded the Azure storage dlls.
The static method I cant find is: CloudTableClient.CreateTablesFromModel
The old class:
This is the new class:
I did some searching but couldn't find a word about this being replaced or deleted.
Does anybody have an idea?
Storage client library 2.0 is quite different from the previous version and a number of methods have been removed in the newer version. This method is one of them. If you look under the remarks section on this page:, it is recommended that you not use this method.
Since these 2 versions are quite different, it is recommended that you read up the following blog posts from the storage team before upgrading your code to use the latest version:
I also wrote a blog post about migrating code from storage client library 1.7 to 2.0 which you can read here:
