not able to extract attribute from xml in groovy script - groovy

I am trying to automate using groovy script. Here is my script. I am not able to mention namspace.
<ns2:contactPref xmlns="namespace 1" xmlns:ns2="name space 2">
<contactPoint xs:type="Tele" xmlns:xs="namespace 3">
Now I want to fetch attribute at contactPoint tag
for this I have tried like this
def xPath=XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath()
def type=context.expand('${GetResponse#Response#//*:contactPoint/#xs:type}') type
tried this
def type=context.expand('${GetResponse#Response#//*:contactPoint/#type}')
and I also tried this
def resp=groovyUtils.getXmlHolder("GetResponse#Response")
def type1=(String)xPath.evaluate('//:contactpoint/#xs:type',resp,xPathConstants.STRING)
but no help. please some one tell me how to do this??

try using this it should work
#{namespace 3}type
if you see xs:type="Tele" xmlns:xs="namespace 3" in contactPoint then xs which has value namespace 3 and {type} is Tele
Edited - You could use something like this - with xmlString as XML
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlString)


How to get data from xml file using groovy?

Following groovy script is not working as expected.
def xml="<Collection><CustomerQuote><ID>99988877766</ID><TypeCode>2059</TypeCode><ApprovalStatusCode>4</ApprovalStatusCode></CustomerQuote><CustomerQuote><ID>99988877755</ID><TypeCode>2059</TypeCode><ApprovalStatusCode>4</ApprovalStatusCode></CustomerQuote></Collection>"
def completeXml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xml);
def IDs = completeXml.Collection.CustomerQuote.findAll{node-> == 'ID' }*.text();
I am trying to copy all the ID value in xml in the IDs
Expected Output
I am not sure what i am doing wrong here.
Can anyone guide.
Thank you
The root node has to be omitted when using XmlSlurper, and you don't need to use findAll for this.
def xml="<Collection><CustomerQuote><ID>99988877766</ID><TypeCode>2059</TypeCode><ApprovalStatusCode>4</ApprovalStatusCode></CustomerQuote><CustomerQuote><ID>99988877755</ID><TypeCode>2059</TypeCode><ApprovalStatusCode>4</ApprovalStatusCode></CustomerQuote></Collection>"
def completeXml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xml);
def IDs = completeXml.CustomerQuote.ID*.text();
Will output:
Try it in the Groovy Web Console

Cannot replace string text in Groovy script

I am trying to replace a test in pom.xml using a groovy script. These are my two approaches. The text should be replaced is {env.AM_$environment.toUpperCase()_SERVER_CREDS_USR}
Approach one
File mainPomXml = new File(rootDir,'/pom.xml')
Approach two
def mainPomXml = new File(rootDir,'/pom.xml')
def mainPom = mainPomXml.text.replace('{env.AM_$environment.toUpperCase()_SERVER_CREDS_USR}','${env.AM_$environment.toUpperCase()_SERVER_CREDS_USR}');
But none of these approaches work. That means both executes but the test is not get replaced. How to fix this issue?
Change the mainPom part as below.
def mainPomXml = new File(rootDir, '/pom.xml')
def mainPom = mainPomXml.text.replace('AM_SERVER_CREDS_USR', '${env.AM_'+ env.toUpperCase() +'_SERVER_CREDS_USR}')

SoapUI, temper request data break when value is read from property file

I have a groovy script as the first test step inside a test case, part of it looks like:
def groovyUtils = new
def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder("SampleTestt#Request").getXml() holder
When SampleTest test step has all element values hardcoded, the request xml can be printed fine.
However if some of the request values is read from a test case property, like the following for example
The the above groovy script through error as:
org.apache.xmlbeans.XMLException: error: Unexpected character encountered : '$'
Can you please help?
You can use context.expand() to evaluate the properties inside your request and then parse the result to xmlHolder, your code could looks like:
// get your request replacing the properties inside by their values
def xmlRequest = context.expand('${SampleTestt#Request}')
def groovyUtils = new
def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(xmlRequest) holder.getXml()
Note that I use SampleTestt as your test step request name, but I think that the last t could be a typo... check if it's the correct request name before use the code.
Hope this helps,

Find an element in XML using XML Slurper

"I have a code that is working as expected but now I have to find the element in different format. Example is below
<car-model model="i10">
I have to find the value of "corolla" from this XML. Please reply.
You can run this in the Groovy console
def text = '''
<car-model model="i10">
def records = new XmlSlurper().parseText(text)
// a quick and dirty solution
assert 'corolla' == records.toString()
// a more verbose, but more robust solution that specifies the complete path
// to the node of interest
assert 'corolla' == records.'car-model'.'model-year'.'year.make'.name.text()

SOAPUI Groovy - Update XML request in another test case

I am having 2 test cases in my suite.
First test case contains 1 test step with xml request.
Second test case contains 1 test step with groovy script. I want to run the 1st test case from this groovy script a number of times. Every time I want to change the input XML. I am unable to update the input XML in TestCase 1.
I have the following the code for the groovy script:
def groovyUtils = new;
def tsuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite
def acctInq_tstepName = tsuite.getTestCaseAt(1).getTestStepAt(0).getName()
def acctInq_requestHolder = tsuite.getTestCaseAt(1).testSteps[acctInq_tstepName].testRequest.getRequestContent()
def acctInq_req = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder("$acctInq_requestHolder")
acctInq_req["//soapenv:Envelope[1]/soapenv:Body[1]/v2:AcctInqRq[1]/ifx:DepAcctId[1]/ifx:AcctId[1]"] = "0009917812344"
I also tried using
In either case the XML is not getting updated. Please help.
Try set node value like below and check if it fixed the issue:
acctInq_req.setNodeValue("//*:ifx:AcctId[1]", "0009917812344")
