What do opcodes 0xE9 (JP HL) and 0xF8 (LD HL,SP+r8) do? - emulation

I think I am struggling to define correctly the following ambiguous opcodes: LD HL,SP+r8 and JP (HL) opcodes (0xE9 and 0xF8 respectively)
In my implementation, LD HL,SP+r8 sets HL to the value of SP+r8, but I have a feeling that it may be to do with loading memory from RAM.
JP (HL), I have as PUSHing the PC onto the stack and setting the Program Counter to the value of HL (like JP a16, except with the value of HL), but I've read a few forums that seem to say that that's wrong.
Any clarification of what either of these instructions do would be great, as I'm pretty lost at the moment.

In my implementation, LD HL,SP+r8 sets HL to the value of SP+r8, but I have a feeling that it may be to do with loading memory from RAM.
No. It just takes an 8-bit immediate, sign-extends it, adds the value of SP to it and stores the result in HL.
JP (HL), I have as PUSHing the PC onto the stack and setting the Program Counter to the value of HL (like JP a16, except with the value of HL)
JP doesn't push the current PC on the stack (maybe you're confusing it with CALL). What JP (HL) does is just PC = HL.


RISC-V user level reference or reference implementation

Summary: What is the definitive reference or reference implementation for the RISC-V user-level ISA?
Context: The RISC-V website has "The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual" which explains the user-level instructions very well, but does not give an exact specification for them. I am trying to build a user-level ISA simulator now and intend to write an FPGA implementation later, so the exact behavior is important to me.
A reference implementation would be sufficient, but should preferably be as simple as possible -- i.e. I would try to understand a pipelined implementation only as a last resort. What is important is to have an understanding of the specified ISA and not of a single CPU implementation or compiler implementation.
One example to show my problem is the AUIPC instruction: The prose explanation says that "AUIPC forms a 32-bit offset from the 20-bit U-immediate, filling in the lowest 12 bits with zeros, adds this offset to the pc, then places the result in register rd." I wanted to know whether this refers to the old or new PC, i.e. the position of the AUIPC instruction or the next instruction. I looked at the "RISCV Angel" implementation, but that seems to mask out the lower bits of the (old) PC -- not just of the immediate -- which I could not find any reason for in the spec, not even in the change history of the spec (since Angel is a bit older). Instead of an answer, I now have two questions about AUIPC. Many other instructions pose similar problems to me.
AFAICT the RISC-V Instruction Set Manual you cite is the closest thing there is to a definitive reference. If there are things that are unclear or incorrect in there then you could open issues at the Github site where that document is maintained: https://github.com/riscv/riscv-isa-manual
As far as AIUPC is concerned, the answer is implied, but not stated explicitly, by this sentence at the bottom of page 9 in the current manual:
There is one additional user-visible register: the program counter pc holds the address of the current instruction.
Based on that statement I would expect that the pc value that is seen and manipulated by the AIUPC instruction is the address of the AIUPC instruction itself.
This interpretation is supported by the discussion of the JALR instruction:
The indirect jump instruction JALR (jump and link register) uses the I-type encoding. The target address is obtained by adding the 12-bit signed I-immediate to the register rs1, then setting the least-signicant bit of the result to zero. The address of the instruction following the jump (pc+4) is written to register rd.
Given that the address of the following instruction is expressed as pc+4, it seems clear that the pc value visible during the execution of JALR is the address of the JALR instruction itself.
The latest draft of the manual (at https://github.com/riscv/riscv-isa-manual/releases/download/draft-20190321-ba17106/riscv-spec.pdf) makes the situation slightly clearer. In place of this in the current manual:
AUIPC appends 12 low-order zero bits to the 20-bit U-immediate, sign-extends the result to 64 bits, then adds it to the pc and places the result in register rd.
the latest draft says:
AUIPC forms a 32-bit offset from the 20-bit U-immediate, filling in the lowest 12 bits with zeros, adds this offset to the pc of the AUIPC instruction, then places the result in register rd.

Linux x86 CPU Instruction Layout Confusion

In x86, I understand multi-byte objects are stored in memory little endian style.
Now generally speaking, when it comes to CPU instructions, the OPCODE determines the purpose of the instruction and data/memory addresses may follow the opcode in it's encoded format. My understanding is the Opcode portion of the instruction should be the most significant byte and thus appear at the highest address of any given instruction encoding representation.
Can someone explain the memory layout on this x86 linux gdb example? I would imagine that the opcode 0xb8 would appear at a higher address due to it being the most significant byte.
(gdb) disassemble _start
Dump of assembler code for function _start:
0x08048080 <+0>: mov eax,0x11223344
(gdb) x/1xb _start+0
0x8048080 <_start>: 0xb8
(gdb) x/1xb _start+1
0x8048081 <_start+1>: 0x44
(gdb) x/1xb _start+2
0x8048082 <_start+2>: 0x33
(gdb) x/1xb _start+3
0x8048083 <_start+3>: 0x22
(gdb) x/1xb _start+4
0x8048084 <_start+4>: 0x11
It appears the instruction mov eax, 0x11223344 is encoding as 0x11 0x22 0x33 0x44 0xb8.
1.) How does the CPU know how many bytes the instruction will take up if the first byte it see's is not an opcode?
2.) I'm wondering if perhaps x86 cpu instructions do not even have endian-ness and are considering some type of string? (probably way off here)
x86 is a variable length instruction set, you start with a single byte which has no endianness, it is wherever it is.
Then depending on the opcode there may be more bytes and those might for example be a 32 bit immediate, and (if that group of bytes is an immediate or address of some sort) THOSE bytes will be little endian. Say you have the five bytes ABCDE (no endianess, think array or string). The A byte is the opcode, the B byte would then be the lower 8 bits of the immediate and the E the upper 8 bits of the immediate.
Opcode is a hard to use term, in these older 8/16 bit CISC processors like x86 the entire byte was an opcode that you basically looked up in a table to see what it meant (and inside the processor they did use a table to figure out how to execute it). When you look at MIPS or ARM or other (certainly RISC) instruction sets like those, only a portion of the 32 bits are the "opcode" and in neither of those cases is it the same set of bits from one instruction to another, you have to look at various places in the instruction (yes there is overlap to make the decoding sane), MIPS is a lot more consistent you have one blob in one place you look at but one of those patterns requires you to look at another blob of bits to fully decode. ARM you start at a common bit and as you work your way across you are further decoding the instruction, then you may have to grab some random looking spots to fully decode. The rest of the bits are operands, what register to use or immediate or whatever the kind of thing that in a CISC you needed a look up table for (are implied by the opcode but not defined by bits in the opcode).
1) the next byte after the prior instruction will be interpreted as an opcode even if not intended to be one (if execution continues to that byte and doesnt branch). I dont remember my x86 table off hand to know if there are any undefined instructions or not, if undefined then it will hit a handler, otherwise it will decode what it finds as machine code and if it is not properly formed instructions will likely crash, sometimes you get lucky and it just messes something up and keeps going, or even more lucky and you cant tell that it almost crashed.
2) you are right for these 8/16 bit CISC or similar instruction sets they are treated more like strings that you parse through linearly.

GameBoy 16-bit load into 8-bit memory

I have begun programming an emulator for the Gameboy classic, my next project after a successful Chip 8 Emulator.
As a reference I use the GameBoy CPU Manual.
Now on page 66 it says:
LD A,(HL) 7E 8
Basically, load the value HL into register A.
However, as I understand this, this would load the 16-bit value HL into the 8-bit register A. Which of course doesnt fit.
Do you have any idea how this is meant? All other references are just simple tables without explaination, but say the same thing.
Thanks for your answers!
With this instruction the value pointed to by (HL) is loaded into A not the value of HL itself.
For example if HL has the value 0xABCD and the value of the memory at address 0xABCD is 0x50 then 0x50 is loaded into register A.
Pseudo implementation
register.A = memory.ReadByte(register.HL);
I think LD A,(HL) is a synonym for something more widely written as LD a,[hl] based on the documentation for a similar instruction on page 71.
Put value at address HL into A. Decrement HL.
Same as: LD A,(HL) - DEC HL
Therefore, LD A,(HL) means "Put value at address HL into A." HL is a 16 bit value, but the address it references is 8 bit, so it fits into A.

instruction set emulator guide

I am interested in writing emulators like for gameboy and other handheld consoles, but I read the first step is to emulate the instruction set. I found a link here that said for beginners to emulate the Commodore 64 8-bit microprocessor, the thing is I don't know a thing about emulating instruction sets. I know mips instruction set, so I think I can manage understanding other instruction sets, but the problem is what is it meant by emulating them?
NOTE: If someone can provide me with a step-by-step guide to instruction set emulation for beginners, I would really appreciate it.
NOTE #2: I am planning to write in C.
NOTE #3: This is my first attempt at learning the whole emulation thing.
EDIT: I found this site that is a detailed step-by-step guide to writing an emulator which seems promising. I'll start reading it, and hope it helps other people who are looking into writing emulators too.
Emulator 101
An instruction set emulator is a software program that reads binary data from a software device and carries out the instructions that data contains as if it were a physical microprocessor accessing physical data.
The Commodore 64 used a 6502 Microprocessor. I wrote an emulator for this processor once. The first thing you need to do is read the datasheets on the processor and learn about its behavior. What sort of opcodes does it have, what about memory addressing, method of IO. What are its registers? How does it start executing? These are all questions you need to be able to answer before you can write an emulator.
Here is a general overview of how it would look like in C (Not 100% accurate):
uint8_t RAM[65536]; //Declare a memory buffer for emulated RAM (64k)
uint16_t A; //Declare Accumulator
uint16_t X; //Declare X register
uint16_t Y; //Declare Y register
uint16_t PC = 0; //Declare Program counter, start executing at address 0
uint16_t FLAGS = 0 //Start with all flags cleared;
//Return 1 if the carry flag is set 0 otherwise, in this example, the 3rd bit is
//the carry flag (not true for actual 6502)
#define CARRY_FLAG(flags) ((0x4 & flags) >> 2)
#define ADC 0x69
#define LDA 0xA9
while (executing) {
switch(RAM[PC]) { //Grab the opcode at the program counter
case ADC: //Add with carry
case LDA: //Load accumulator
A = RAM[PC+1];
//Invalid opcode!
According to this reference ADC actually has 8 opcodes in the 6502 processor, which means you will have 8 different ADC in your switch statement, each one for different opcodes and memory addressing schemes. You will have to deal with endianess and byte order, and of course pointers. I would get a solid understanding of pointer and type casting in C if you dont already have one. To manipulate the flags register you have to have a solid understanding of bitwise operations in C. If you are clever you can make use of C macros and even function pointers to save yourself some work, as the CARRY_FLAG example above.
Every time you execute an instruction, you must advance the program counter by the size of that instruction, which is different for each opcode. Some opcodes dont take any arguments and so their size is just 1 byte, while others take 16-bit integers as in my MOV example above. All this should be pretty well documented.
Branch instructions (JMP, JE, JNE etc) are simple: If some flag is set in the flags register then load the PC to the address specified. This is how "decisions" are made in a microprocessor and emulating them is simply a matter of changing the PC, just as the real microprocessor would do.
The hardest part about writing an instruction set emulator is debugging. How do you know if everything is working like it should? There are plenty of resources for helping you. People have written test codes that will help you debug every instruction. You can execute them one instruction at a time and compare the reference output. If something is different, you know you have a bug somewhere and can fix it.
This should be enough to get you started. The important thing is that you have A) A good solid understanding of the instruction set you want to emulate and B) a solid understanding of low level data manipulation in C, including type casting, pointers, bitwise operations, byte order, etc.

Emulation: Unconditional jumps and PC increment through CPU cycles

I'm writing a simple GB emulator (wow, now that's something new, isn't it), since I'm really taking my first steps in emu.
What i don't seem to understand is how to correctly implement the CPU cycle and unconditional jumps.
Consider the command JP nn (unconditional jump to memory adress pointed out), like JP 1000h, if I have a basic loop of:
increment PC
read opcode
execute command
Then after the JP opcode has been read and the command executed (read 1000h from memory and set PC = 1000h), the PC gets incremented and becomes 1001h, thus resulting in bad emulation.
tl;dr How do you emulate jumps in emulators, so that PC value stays correct, when having cpu loops that increment PC?
The PC should be incremented as an 'atomic' operation every time it is used to return a byte. This means immediate operands as well as opcodes.
In your example, the PC would be used three times, once for the opcode and twice for the two operand bytes. By the time the CPU has fetched the three bytes and is in a position to load the PC, the PC is already pointing to the next instruction opcode after the second operand but, since actually implementing the instruction reloads the PC, it doesn't matter.
Move increment PC to the end of the loop, and have it performed conditionally depending on the opcode?
I know next to nothing about emulation, but two obvious approaches spring to mind.
Instead of hardcoding PC += 1 into the main loop, let the evaluation if each opcode return the next PC value (or the offset, or a flag saying whether to increment it, or etc). Then the difference between jumps and other opcodes (their effect on the program counter) is definable along with everything else about them.
Knowing that the main loop will always increment the PC by 1, just have the implementation of jumps set the PC to target - 1 rather than target.
