Getting thumbnails in OpenSearchServer search results - search

I need an alternative to Google Custom Search for a website I look after, it has to be something that will crawl a website, index it, allow fiddling of priorities, and then allow search queries via REST or something similar and return XML or JSON etc. It needs to run on a Windows Server instance.
So, I'm up and running with and it seems to do the trick, but can't, for the life of me, work out how to get thumbnail images in the results? I've searched the documentation and read everything I could, but can't find out how to do this (or how to get my head around it).
I'm crawling standard web pages and they all have thumbnail meta data, which I'm assuming should be able to be parsed somehow for results and included in the JSON results?
Any pointers at all would be very helpful, thanks!

I figured this out, in case anyone else is struggling, here's how I did it. The answer is in the documentations, it's just not that simple.
Read: - it contains the method
Assume you set up a 'web crawler' index.
Assuming you're using a meta thumbnail like this:
<meta name="thumbnail" content="">
Go into Schema / Fields. Add a new field called 'thumbnail' with index no, store yes, vector no, analyser Text, copy of blank. Save that.
Now go to schema / parser list, edit HTML parser. Go to 'field mapping', now add a new regex for the thumbnail in the html. We map from the 'htmlSource' to the thumbnail' with the matching regex.
My imperfect regex (that works though) is:
htmlSource -> linked in: thumbnail -> captured by:
(?s)<meta name="thumbnail" content="(.*?)">
Now SAVE this and go to crawl/manual crawl, enter a url that has a thumbnail and then check if the field now appears in the list below when it's read. If not check your regex, and check you actually saved the HTML Parser changes.
To get the thumb in your results, simply add the fieldname to the JSON you send with the query:
"returnedFields": [ "


nutch replace parsed content before indexing

I am using nutch 1.15. I want to replace some string of the parsed content before getting indexed.
Is there a way to write the regexp and replace the contents?
Content : "This is the crawled page"
I want to replace "page" with string "content"
Since you want to do the replacement in the content (parsed text). You can write a custom IndexFilter similar to that manipulates the data before sending it to your storage.
The previous plugin works only on the metadata fields, but should provide a good overview on how to build your own.
There is also something similar that you can do on the Solr side, for instance take a look at this blog post

Extract parameters and result contents from website

I have a website where I can input a list of strings and it'll display the results of each in the same format (basically a table).
What I want to do is to be able to save the results as well as their corresponding parameters (the input string that I searched) and output them into a file to analyze later. So basically capture my input and the output it returns. It's kind of like, if I search "stack" on google, I want my output file to be "stack" and all the displayed results from the search.
I've done some research on web and screen scraping, but I can't find anything that fits my needs. I looked into the curl function in php, but it looks like it can only get the contents of a specific URL, which I don't have since I'll be repeating the searches frequently.
I also looked into the HTML Agility Pack and HttpWatch, but they don't seem to be able to extract contents this dynamically.
I was wondering if there are any ideas or tips that I could use. I was thinking maybe a plugin or application that I could write that captures the parameters of my request (input strings) and the results sent from the server, but I'm not really sure how to do this, any tips? Or maybe there's an existing one that I wasn't able to find?
Thanks in advance!

How can I prevent certain element to get displayed in Google search excerpt?

Currently Google displays elements in the result excerpts that belongs to the functional part of the site. Is there a way to exclude these elements to get crawled/displayed in google?
Like eEdit, eDelete, etc in the example above.
To exclude the pages from Google's index, block them using the Robots.txt file or if it is just the content then use the "rel="nofollow" tag.
Hope this helps.
Update on my particular situation here: I just found out that the frontend code has been generated in a way where the title and the description meta was identical.
Google is smart enough to expect that if a copy is already displayed in the title of the search result there's no reason to add in to the excerpt as well, instead looks for content - believed to be valuable - from the actual page.
Lessons learned:
there's no way to hide elements from google but keep it visible for your users
if you'd like to have control over the content displayed in google searches, avoid using the same copy in your title and description

Searching Single Pages with Dynamic Content

I have a slight problem I have been trying to address for a client I have been working with. We have 4 sets of single pages that are loading content from a database using PHP based upon a get string that is provided. These pages that are generated are optimized well for SEO and have alt tags for images and Content that we need to be able to search using a search feature.
Now i had assumed (An everyone knows what assuming gets you) that these pages by default would be able to be searched by the concrete 5 built in search feature. But it doesn't work. If I search for a word that I know is definitely on one of these pages even multiple times no results are found.
How can I make Concrete5 search these pages. If its no do able by a default or by a plugin, then can someone please offer some advice on how to fix this. This is an important feature and must be completed.
EDIT: See my comment below. I still need some help or direction here as CSE inst much of an option.
EDIT2: It may be viable for me to install a crawler and a custom search engine to address my problems. I was thinking of spider. Any other suggestions on that or other options are much appreciated!
Unfortunately C5 doesn't provide a way to do this -- the only way to tap into the search index is with blocks. And even if you created a phony block just to pass content from the single_page through to the search index, there's no way to say that some content is from one URL while other content is from another URL (which you'd need to do since your single_page controller is handling many different URL's).
I don't know of a way to achieve what you want to do (and it appears that nobody else does either -- ), other than building your own internal search engine.
EDIT: I just did some digging, and thought that perhaps you could manually insert records into the PageSearchIndex table and specify the searchable content and the desired path there -- but this won't work because it relies on one cID (collection id, a.k.a. page id) per entry -- so you'd only be able to insert one record for the top-level single_page path.
I think the simplest solution here would be to create your own searching infrastructure for your single_pages (like some kind of function in the controller that would return an array of page paths and searchable content for each one), then override the search block and perform an additional search of your single_page -- then combine the results on the search results page there. Or just use google site search for your site, which will actually crawl the pages and hence find your various single_page urls:
Best of luck.
I have not tested this, but maybe you can put a function getSearchableContent() in the single pages controller like you do for blocks. This would return the string to be searched. Would look something like this:
function getSearchableContent() {
// ... compose searchstring depending on the queried content.
return $searchstring;
But I don't know if this works for dynamic content. If not, I'd look into C5's search index core classes and try to extend them for your project.

Modx - Extend site_content - Add new table

Currently, we're running revolution 2.2. On site_content, we have some tags that are ran for crawling twitter. I want to start tracking the number of results for each tag as results come in, to determine which tags don't return that many results, etc.
So I was thinking that I should create a new table (twitter_data), and have a foreign key that will link it to the search tag ID, which is stored in site_content.
What is the best path to accomplish this? Should I create my table then run the reverse schema tool, outlined here?
I also found this, but not sure if this is what I should be looking into:
Probably not - if you can avoid modifying the core modx schema do so. an external table may be your best option, but requires a fair bit of work.
though if you can explain wht you mean by 'tags' a little better [html tags? snippets? content tags? not sure what you mean] there may be other options. for example. one of our clients wanted to count page hits [and didn't want to use google to do it] so all we did was to create a template variable bound to each page they wanted to count and then updated that appropriate variable by writing plugin to fire on the onpageload or onpagerender event. [I don't ermember exactly which or what it was called]
Basically, you may be able to do this by writng a plugin rather than trying to extend anything or add snippets/chunks.
