vs net class in node.js - node.js

I am reading about TCP connections for past few days ,I came across NET as a native nodejs library and ..can anyone suggest which one will be better with pros and cons of both is a specific message based protocol built on top of TCP.
If you want to send messages where you define a message name and send a payload for the message and the other side listens for a specific set of message names and you have a library already implemented for the other end of your connection, then will work great and will be a lot simpler to use and offer more ready-made capabilities (such as auto-reconnect).
If you intend to implement your own protocol, then you will use TCP in order to implement your own protocol. If the type of data you are sending is not really message-based (such as audio/video streaming or large file uploads as a couple examples), then you will want to either use TCP or use some other protocol that is also built on top of TCP (such as HTTP, FTP, etc...).
As with any feature in a library, define your requirements, understand the options available in your system and find the solution that best matches your requirements. Since you have said absolutely nothing about your requirements, we cannot make a specific recommendation.


Why is the application data of a packet is called a protocol?

I've been reading on packets a lot today. I was confused for sometime because smtp, http, or ftp, for example, are all called protocols. But that they also somehow utilize transport protocols like TCP. I couldn't locate them on the packet 4 layers. Until I just discovered they're simply part of the application layer.
I want to know what exactly these "protocols" offer. I'm guessing a specific format for the data which applications on the client side know how to handle? If so, does this mean that realistically, I might have to create my own "protocols" if I created an application with a unique functionality?
A protocol, in this case, is just a structured way of communicating between two or multiple parties.
If you write, for example, a PHP-App and offer an API, you created a protocol to interact with your program. It defines how others interact with it and what response they can expect while doing so. Your self-created protocol depends on others, like the HTTP and TCP.
I suggest watching following video of LiveOverflow, explaining exactly this:
I want to know what exactly these "protocols" offer.
You can read the definition of each protocol, if you really want to

Handle different UDP message types in Nodejs

I'm writing a application in NodeJs where a client sends udp messages to a server with udp. I'm trying to find out how people normally handle different message types in NodeJs but can only find tons of examples of echo servers where the kind of message is not relevant.
The only example I have found so far is
Maybe the best way is to send the udp messages as json?
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a network protocol and mechanism for sending short messages from one host to another without any guarantee of delivery. What you put in the message is entirely up to you.
While JSON can be used to encode your message, it suffers from two problems: it is not secure and is self-describing.
The first problem means that bad actors can easily see the content of your message while in flight and the second implies a substantial overhead for any message above and beyond its intended purpose.
Depending on your needs, a better choice might be to define your own binary protocol specific to your purpose using a node Buffer.
Another might be to use a more compact interchange format like thrift.

Websocket App Design

Most examples I have seen are are just small demo's and not full stack applications and they use websocket for messaging, but for any chat application there is more data then just messages...suppose like user profile, his contacts etc.
So should I use websockets for all communication between server and client or just use them for sending messages and do other things through http? If I am to use websocket for all communication how do url design of the app...since websockets don't have have any different urls like http.
You might be interested in WAMP, an officially registered WebSocket subprotocol that provides applications with WebSocket based
asynchronous, bidirectional remote procedure calls
real-time publish & subscribe notifications
Disclaimer: I am original author of WAMP and work for Tavendo.
Pretty sure you'll get the usual "it depends" answer, because, well, it depends!
If you are going to build a large application, to be used by a number of different clients in different network arrangements etc then I personally wouldn't recommend using WebSockets for everything. Why?
It's a new standard, so not all clients support it
In some network configurations WebSocket traffic may be filtered out, meaning you end up with no communications - not great
If you end up exposing an external API then HTTP is much better fitted for the job and will likely be easier to code against. There are a lot more tools out there to help you with it and styles that everyone is familiar with, like REST, to follow.
Use WebSockets when you require data being pushed from the server without the client having to poll for it, or when HTTP header overhead becomes a problem. And if you still decide to use it make sure you have a fallback mechanism (e.g. longpolling) so you don't end up with no comms.
I'm afraid I can't help you regarding WebSocket API design... given it's a new standard I don't believe the community has settled on anything just yet so you'll have to come out with your own message-based scheme.

Should I use WebRTC or Websockets (and for OSC communication

I am working on an application that will send OSC control messages, which is, as I understand a datagram packet, from a web page to an OSC Receiver (server), such as Max/MSP or Node or any other.
I know typically UDP is used because speed is important in the realtime/ audio visual control work done with OSC (which is also the work I will be doing), but I know other methods can be used.
Right now for instance, I am sending OSC from the browser to a node.js server (using, and then from the node.js server to Max (which is where I ultimately want the data), also using I believe this means I am using websockets and the delay/latency has not been bad.
I am curious though, now that WebRTC is out, if I should place the future of my work there. In all of my work with OSC I have always used UDP, and only used the connection because I didn't know about WebRTC.
Any advice on what I should do. Specifically I am interested in
1. How I could send OSC messages from the browser directly to an OSC server (as opposed to going through a node server first)
2. If I should stay with the Node/ method for sending OSC data or should I look into WebRTC?
Regarding your first question - if there is a solution for a direkt Websocket link between browser and server (for OSC) - you can have a look into this:
ol.wsserver object for Max/MSP by Oli Larkin:
I published an osc-js utility library which does the same with a UDP/Websocket bridge plugin:
This is not really a question about any specific technical challenge, but a discovery challenge. And is pretty much opinion based.
But I will try to provide my thoughts, as others can be useful too.
If OSC server support WebSockets or WebRTC connection, then you might use one of them directly to it.
Based on nature of browsers, you probably need to support many protocols rather than one specific. As many browsers have different support: unless your users can be "forced" to use specific browser.
WebRTC is meant to be high-performance. I'm not sure it is good to compare it with UDP at all, as it is much more than UDP in comparison as well as implementation vary (inside) per browser.
You need to talk to server rather than between clients, while WebRTC mainly is designed for peer-to-peer communications. So you need precisely investigate into benefits on performance from latency as well as CPU point of view on server side.
Benefit of UDP is the fact that some packets can be dropped/skipped/undelivered, as it is not "mandatory" data, like picture frames or piece of sound, that only results on reduced quality, which is "expected" behaviour in streaming world. WebSockets will ensure that data is delivered, and "price" for it is mechanics that at the end slows down the queue of packets, to ensure ordered and guaranteed delivery of data.

Node.js module for WebRTC data channels usage?

I am writing a multiplayer real time game for the browser with the server as a master instance and the clients as input devices and slaves to show the graphics.
I have to send out changes in the game world very often and very fast and it doesn't matter if some of the data sometimes gets lost on the way because a couple of milliseconds later there will be the next update anyway.
Right now I am using to talk between the server and the clients but this uses TCP which makes the update come in unnecessary late sometimes.
I know that there is WebRTC with data channels where I would be able to send my updates through wit UDP which would be very awesome and exactly what I want. And it even seems to be implemented in Firefox and Chrome already
What I now need is some Node library which would allow me to use data channels to send my data (for now just JSON strings) with help of UDP to the clients which are browsers. On the browser I would be able to use webkitRTCPeerConnection() but I have no idea how to start something like that on the Node server. Any suggestions? If there is no Node module for that, would it be possible to write something in some other language and just send the data via Unix domain sockets or something?
