Setup Azure Network security group rules for Octopus Tentacle? - azure

I've been trying to setup my Azure Network security group to accept connections to my Octopus Tentacle, but with no success.
I know the Tentacle is properly working because I can connect using localhost, all that's left is to be externally available.
Could anyone shine a light on the necessary rules at the Network security group? Find below my own rules.
Kind regards and thanks in advance!

Open Windows Firewall on your VM. And add an allowed access for
"10933" TCP port. (10933 the default port between Octopus server and tentacle)
If your Octopus Server and tentacle are not on the same Azure
resources and still couldn't telnet the Tentacle, You must add an "Inbound
security rule" for the same 10933 TCP port which used by your VM's
network security group.
Optional:You should give a static IP and domain name to your VM on Azure. Your Network admin should configure it a IP restricted access.
For testing the connectivity. You should use "telnet client". Open cmd and write this. If there is no connection error/timeout it's working .
telnet yourtentaclesextrenalIPaddress 10933

You should add the endpoint and firewall settings on your virtual machine firewall (not the Azure you mentioned). This is the official tutorial on how to set up the Tentacle. Also take a look if your OS you want to launch Tentacle on is supported (the same link).


Accessing Service Running on Azure Windows Machine on Specific Port

I have an Azure Windows Virtual Machine where I have enabled the Inbound Rule Port 8080 under Network Security Group. However, when I try to check the connectivity from my Windows Machine to Azure VM it fails. I used the below command.
>telnet <public_ip_address_of_the_vm> 8080
Connecting To XX.XXX.XXX.XXX...Could not open connection to the host, on port 8080: Connect failed
Note: The VM is enabled with Public IP Address. How to further troubleshoot this issue?
The first thing to do is ensure the VM is running. Then, look at is the Effective Security Rules for the NIC in question.
If the VM has multiple NICs you need to look at the effective rules for each nic (they can be different).
To run a quick test to determine if traffic is allowed to or from a VM, use the IP flow verify capability of Azure Network Watcher. IP flow verify tells you if traffic is allowed or denied. If denied, IP flow verify tells you which security rule is denying the traffic.
If there are no security rules causing a VM's network connectivity to fail, the problem may be due to:
Firewall software running within the VM's operating system
Routes configured for virtual appliances or on-premises traffic. Internet traffic can be redirected to your on-premises network via forced-tunneling. If you force tunnel internet traffic to a virtual appliance, or on-premises, you may not be able to connect to the VM from the internet. To learn how to diagnose route problems that may impede the flow of traffic out of the VM, see Diagnose a virtual machine network traffic routing problem.
Full Troubleshooting Docs with step-by-step instructions.

Trying to psping to azure machine firewall is off, but still unable to connect

I have an azure pc in Windows server 2008 r2. The fire wall is off. I have defined html, opened port 80 and evneport8080. I have defined a end point too
but when I do psping ipaddress:80 the remote computer refused the network connection. But if I try to psping ipaddress:3389 it seems to work, but not any new port I have created.
What is this msg, and will it impact my connectivity?
You will need to add an NSG rule to allow TCP traffic on port 80.
By default, an NSG rule is added to allow only port 3389.
According to your description, we should check your web service is running or not, we can use netstat -ant to check it.
Does your VM create in Azure classic module?
if yes, we should add endpoints to your Azure VM via azure portal, like this:
More information about add endpoints, please refer to this link.
Also we can add endpoints in Azure classic portal:

Azure VM Remote Desktop Can't Connect

Following a how-to book's guide on setting up a VM through the Azure Portal and getting the error when trying to connect
Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons: 1) Remote access to the service is not enabled 2) The remote computer is turned off [Verified through the Azure Portal it is turned on because Start is faded, while Restart and Stop are not] 3) The remote computer is not available on the network.
The error occurs before I'm able to enter any credentials - it doesn't find the IP at all. The RDP file details (IP removed of course):
full address:s:[IPAddress]:3389
prompt for credentials:i:1
administrative session:i:1
What I've tried:
Even though the How-To book doesn't show where/how to specify a port, when I download the RDP file from the Connect option, it specifies the port 3389. The book seems to imply that simply downloading this file and connecting will work and there's no need to specify the port. I get the above error.
Flushed DNS on my computer, ipconfig /flushdns
In the Network Security Group option for the VM, I verified that port 3389 allowed any source and wasn't specific.
I did miss associating the subnet part of the Network Security Group to a virtual network, so I did associate my NSG with the default subnet set up for my Virtual Network.
From the Quick start option, I don't see how to connect to this either; I'm guessing, I need to specify a different port, but don't see where to do it here either => Update: this appears to be in the Network Security Group's Inbound security rules in the Azure portal.
Boot Diagnostics option shows the login screen. A ping to the IP address fails four times with "Request timed out."
Note: this is not a Virtual Machine (classic).
just wanted to share what worked for me.
After receiving an error prompt:
Connect is disabled for this virtual machine because of the following
issues: Network interface 'vmwindows1094': Network security group
'VMWindows10-nsg' does not have inbound security rule that allows port
3389. VMWindows10-nsg
I have added an inbound port rule. Under VM > Settings > Add inbound port rules.
Port: 3389 Protocol/Source/Destination: Any (this can be configured based on your security rules) Action: Allow
On the Azure portal, Select your VM -> Settings -> Boot diagnostics. Make sure that you can see the login screen. You might need to enable diagnostics (under Monitoring section) if not enabled already.
If you don't see the login screen, trying the 'Redeploy' option under 'Support and Troubleshooting' section of settings.
If you can see that the machines has booted correctly, the connectivity issue might be because of a firewall at your end or on the VM. See if you can ping the machine. If you are behind a corporate firewall, try connecting from elsewhere and check your PC's firewall.
Creating a new Virtual Machine on the new portal now creates a NSG (Network Security Group) along with the VM. You should be able to find it under all resources, same name as you VM. Make sure that there is an Inbound rule configured for Remote desktop (it is created by default but might be worth checking).
I had the same problem but adding an inbound security rule was not sufficient (although it is also needed).
I had to go to virtual machines > (myVm) > Reset password and then choose Reset configuration only
Try checking your VM has enough memory.
I had tried all of above suggestions and still didn't manage to access.
After trying many times I managed to get in a message appeared saying:
Your Computer is low on memory
Not 100% sure that was the reason though.
I faced the same issue. I had created an Azure VM but wasn't able to connect to it using RDP.
The culprit was a default "Inbound Port Rule" due to which all the inbound traffic was being blocked.
The solution is to create a new rule by clicking the "Add Inbound Port Rule" and allow traffic from port 3389. Make sure that the priority of this new rule is greater than the "DenyAllInBound" rule otherwise our new rule will not have any effect.
After adding the rule, try connecting to the VM using its public IP in RDP and you should be able to connect.
This worked for me, hope it helps you as well.

Timeout attempting to reach Azure VM

For a pet project I'm attempting to spin up a VM on Azure that can run as my webserver, providing an Umbraco powered site, as well as some other web applications (such as a forum + planner) that require PHP. Now I've followed the steps of every guide out there, but I cannot get an external connection through to the VM's IIS and I can't find out why.
I'm hoping someone else has been through the pain that I'm currently experiencing and might point me in the direction of whatever setting I'm missing.
Spun up the VM with Server 2012 R2.
Configured it to run IIS.
Installed Umbraco, disabling the default web site and setting the Umbraco site as my default on port 80.
Checked that http://localhost maps to Umbraco - this works.
So after I had it running internally, I started tackling the external connection setup.
Navigated to the Network Security group, and added the inbound Http rule on Port 80.
Disabled Windows Firewall entirely for the sake of testing.
Added a custom dns name to the front of the xxx.[azurecloudappurl].com
Now my requests resolve but then timeout and I can't see why or where? Has anyone else experienced this? Every guide states that it should be as easy as this.
As you can visit localhost on your VM env, so it seems there is no problem with your env on VM.
Have you added the endpoint with 80 port of your VM server on Azure manage portal? As by default, the endpoint with 80 port is not opened.
You can refer to How to set up endpoints on a classic Azure virtual machine for how to add an endpoint on Azure VM.
In addition to #Gary Liu's answer if you are doing it on Azure Portal(and not on classic one).
For any new VM added through Azure exists a Network Security Group (NSG). Ports need to be opened in order to make them accessible from outside the VM. Specifically to allow your VM to serve requests coming to port 80 you need to enable HTTP port in Network Security Group. Here are the steps:
Search for VM Name on Azure portal.
Select the VM by Clicking on VM Name.
Click on Network Interfaces from left menu and select(double click) the listed one. This will show overview of Network Interface.
Now click on Network Security Group.
Click on Inbound Rules.
Add new rule selecting service as HTTP(TCP/80).
Voila done!
And here is the answer to manage an inbound rule

Not able to access application hosted on Linux VM on Azure cloud

I have created a CentOS 7.1 VM using Resource Manager deployment model.
I am not able to access the application using a browser on a machine connected to internet.
However I am able to access the application on same machine and other VM on same virtual network using private IP address.
I configured Network Security Group and allowed port 80 and 443 in Inbound Rules.
Well, it turned out that I needed to open ports under "Inbound Security Rules" and needed to open all in "Source Port Range". For doing so, i needed to put * there and in Destination port for https - 443 etc.
This * thing was the catch which i was missing in all the Inbound security rules for allowing the ports.
