Pandas multi-index subtract from value based on value in other column - python-3.x

Given the following data frame:
df = pd.DataFrame({
('A', 'a'): [23, 'n/a',54,7,32,76],
('B', 'b'): [23, 'n/a',54,7,32,76],
A B possible
a b
0 23 23 100
1 n/a n/a 100
2 54 54 100
3 7 n/a 100
4 32 32 100
5 76 76 100
I'd like to adjust 'possible', per row, for every instance of 'n/a' such that each instance will subtract 4 from 'possible'.
The desired result is as follows:
A B possible
a b possible
0 23 23 100
1 n/a n/a 92
2 54 54 100
3 7 n/a 96
4 32 32 100
5 76 76 100
Then when that's done, I want every instance of 'n/a' to be converted to 0 so that the column type is integer (but float will do).
Thanks in advance!
Follow-up question:
What if my multi-index is like this:
df = pd.DataFrame({
('A', 'a'): [23, 'n/a',54,7,32,76],
('A', 'b'): [23, 'n/a',54,7,32,76],
('B', 'b'): [23, 'n/a',54,7,32,76],
I have 5 upper level indices and 25 lower level ones. I'm wondering if it's possible to only refer to the top ones in
no4 = (df.loc[:, (top level indices),(bottom level indices)] == 'n/a').sum(axis=1)

I think you can checking values by mask with boolean indexing. Last replace all values n/a to 0:
Check values values with n/a and sum them:
idx = pd.IndexSlice
no4 = (df.loc[:, idx[('A', 'B'), ('a', 'b')]] == 'n/a').sum(axis=1)
print no4
0 0
1 2
2 0
3 1
4 0
5 0
dtype: int64
Check if sum are equal 0 (it means there are n/a values):
mask = no4 != 0
print mask
0 False
1 True
2 False
3 True
4 False
5 False
dtype: bool
Substract 4 times no4:
df.loc[mask, idx['possible', 'possible']] -= no4 * 4
df.replace({'n/a':0}, inplace=True)
print df
A B possible
a b possible
0 23 23 100.0
1 0 0 92.0
2 54 54 100.0
3 7 0 96.0
4 32 32 100.0
5 76 76 100.0
I found more simplier solution - mask is not necessary, becaue you substract 0 if n/a:
idx = pd.IndexSlice
print (df.loc[:, idx[('A', 'B'), ('a', 'b')]] == 'n/a').sum(axis=1) * 4
0 0
1 8
2 0
3 4
4 0
5 0
dtype: int64
df.loc[:, idx['possible', 'possible']] -=
(df.loc[:, idx[('A', 'B'), ('a', 'b')]] == 'n/a').sum(axis=1) * 4
df.replace({'n/a':0}, inplace=True)
print df
A B possible
a b possible
0 23 23 100
1 0 0 92
2 54 54 100
3 7 0 96
4 32 32 100
5 76 76 100
EDIT1: If you need select only tom indices - see using slicers:
(df.loc[:, idx[(top level indices),:]] == 'n/a').sum(axis=1)


pandas calculate scores for each group based on multiple functions

I have the following df,
group_id code amount date
1 100 20 2017-10-01
1 100 25 2017-10-02
1 100 40 2017-10-03
1 100 25 2017-10-03
2 101 5 2017-11-01
2 102 15 2017-10-15
2 103 20 2017-11-05
I like to groupby group_id and then compute scores to each group based on the following features:
if code values are all the same in a group, score 0 and 10 otherwise;
if amount sum is > 100, score 20 and 0 otherwise;
sort_values by date in descending order and sum the differences between the dates, if the sum < 5, score 30, otherwise 0.
so the result df looks like,
group_id code amount date score
1 100 20 2017-10-01 50
1 100 25 2017-10-02 50
1 100 40 2017-10-03 50
1 100 25 2017-10-03 50
2 101 5 2017-11-01 10
2 102 15 2017-10-15 10
2 103 20 2017-11-05 10
here are the functions that correspond to each feature above:
def amount_score(df, amount_col, thold=100):
if df[amount_col].sum() > thold:
return 20
return 0
def col_uniq_score(df, col_name):
if df[col_name].nunique() == 1:
return 0
return 10
def date_diff_score(df, col_name):
df.sort_values(by=[col_name], ascending=False, inplace=True)
if df[col_name].diff().dropna().sum() / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') < 5:
return score + 30
return score
I am wondering how to apply these functions to each group and calculate the sum of all the functions to give a score.
You can try groupby.transform for same size of Series as original DataFrame with numpy.where for if-else for Series:
grouped = df.sort_values('date', ascending=False).groupby('group_id', sort=False)
a = np.where(grouped['code'].transform('nunique') == 1, 0, 10)
print (a)
[10 10 10 0 0 0 0]
b = np.where(grouped['amount'].transform('sum') > 100, 20, 0)
print (b)
[ 0 0 0 20 20 20 20]
c = np.where(grouped['date'].transform(lambda x:x.diff().dropna().sum()).dt.days < 5, 30, 0)
print (c)
[30 30 30 30 30 30 30]
df['score'] = a + b + c
print (df)
group_id code amount date score
0 1 100 20 2017-10-01 40
1 1 100 25 2017-10-02 40
2 1 100 40 2017-10-03 40
3 1 100 25 2017-10-03 50
4 2 101 5 2017-11-01 50
5 2 102 15 2017-10-15 50
6 2 103 20 2017-11-05 50

Subset and Loop to create a new column [duplicate]

With the DataFrame below as an example,
In [83]:
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,1,2,2],'B':[1,2,1,2],'values':np.arange(10,30,5)})
A B values
0 1 1 10
1 1 2 15
2 2 1 20
3 2 2 25
What would be a simple way to generate a new column containing some aggregation of the data over one of the columns?
For example, if I sum values over items in A
In [84]:
1 25
2 45
Name: values
How can I get
A B values sum_values_A
0 1 1 10 25
1 1 2 15 25
2 2 1 20 45
3 2 2 25 45
In [20]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,1,2,2],'B':[1,2,1,2],'values':np.arange(10,30,5)})
In [21]: df
A B values
0 1 1 10
1 1 2 15
2 2 1 20
3 2 2 25
In [22]: df['sum_values_A'] = df.groupby('A')['values'].transform(np.sum)
In [23]: df
A B values sum_values_A
0 1 1 10 25
1 1 2 15 25
2 2 1 20 45
3 2 2 25 45
I found a way using join:
In [101]:
aggregated = df.groupby('A').sum()['values'] = 'sum_values_A'
A B values sum_values_A
0 1 1 10 25
1 1 2 15 25
2 2 1 20 45
3 2 2 25 45
Anyone has a simpler way to do it?
This is not so direct but I found it very intuitive (the use of map to create new columns from another column) and can be applied to many other cases:
gb = df.groupby('A').sum()['values']
def getvalue(x):
return gb[x]
df['sum'] = df['A'].map(getvalue)
In [15]: def sum_col(df, col, new_col):
....: df[new_col] = df[col].sum()
....: return df
In [16]: df.groupby("A").apply(sum_col, 'values', 'sum_values_A')
A B values sum_values_A
0 1 1 10 25
1 1 2 15 25
2 2 1 20 45
3 2 2 25 45

delete specific rows from csv using pandas

I have a csv file in the format shown below:
I have written the following code that reads the file and randomly deletes the rows that have steering value as 0. I want to keep just 10% of the rows that have steering value as 0.
df = pd.read_csv(filename, header=None, names = ["center", "left", "right", "steering", "throttle", 'break', 'speed'])
df = df.drop(df.query('steering==0').sample(frac=0.90).index)
However, I get the following error:
df = df.drop(df.query('steering==0').sample(frac=0.90).index)
locs = rs.choice(axis_length, size=n, replace=replace, p=weights)
File "mtrand.pyx", line 1104, in mtrand.RandomState.choice
ValueError: a must be greater than 0
Can you guys help me?
sample DataFrame built with #andrew_reece's code
In [9]: df
center left right steering throttle brake
0 center_54.jpg left_75.jpg right_39.jpg 1 0 0
1 center_20.jpg left_81.jpg right_49.jpg 3 1 1
2 center_34.jpg left_96.jpg right_11.jpg 0 4 2
3 center_98.jpg left_87.jpg right_34.jpg 0 0 0
4 center_67.jpg left_12.jpg right_28.jpg 1 1 0
5 center_11.jpg left_25.jpg right_94.jpg 2 1 0
6 center_66.jpg left_27.jpg right_52.jpg 1 3 3
7 center_18.jpg left_50.jpg right_17.jpg 0 0 4
8 center_60.jpg left_25.jpg right_28.jpg 2 4 1
9 center_98.jpg left_97.jpg right_55.jpg 3 3 0
.. ... ... ... ... ... ...
90 center_31.jpg left_90.jpg right_43.jpg 0 1 0
91 center_29.jpg left_7.jpg right_30.jpg 3 0 0
92 center_37.jpg left_10.jpg right_15.jpg 1 0 0
93 center_18.jpg left_1.jpg right_83.jpg 3 1 1
94 center_96.jpg left_20.jpg right_56.jpg 3 0 0
95 center_37.jpg left_40.jpg right_38.jpg 0 3 1
96 center_73.jpg left_86.jpg right_71.jpg 0 1 0
97 center_85.jpg left_31.jpg right_0.jpg 3 0 4
98 center_34.jpg left_52.jpg right_40.jpg 0 0 2
99 center_91.jpg left_46.jpg right_17.jpg 0 0 0
[100 rows x 6 columns]
In [10]: df.steering.value_counts()
0 43 # NOTE: 43 zeros
1 18
2 15
4 12
3 12
Name: steering, dtype: int64
In [11]: df.shape
Out[11]: (100, 6)
your solution (unchanged):
In [12]: df = df.drop(df.query('steering==0').sample(frac=0.90).index)
In [13]: df.steering.value_counts()
1 18
2 15
4 12
3 12
0 4 # NOTE: 4 zeros (~10% from 43)
Name: steering, dtype: int64
In [14]: df.shape
Out[14]: (61, 6)
NOTE: make sure that steering column has numeric dtype! If it's a string (object) then you would need to change your code as follows:
df = df.drop(df.query('steering=="0"').sample(frac=0.90).index)
# NOTE: ^ ^
after that you can save the modified (reduced) DataFrame to CSV:
df.to_csv('/path/to/filename.csv', index=False)
Here's a one-line approach, using concat() and sample():
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# first, some sample data
# generate filename fields
positions = ['center','left','right']
N = 100
fnames = ['{}_{}.jpg'.format(loc, np.random.randint(100)) for loc in np.repeat(positions, N)]
df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(fnames).reshape(3,100).T, columns=positions)
# generate numeric fields
values = [0,1,2,3,4]
probas = [.5,.2,.1,.1,.1]
df['steering'] = np.random.choice(values, p=probas, size=N)
df['throttle'] = np.random.choice(values, p=probas, size=N)
df['brake'] = np.random.choice(values, p=probas, size=N)
The first few rows of sample output:
center left right steering throttle brake
0 center_72.jpg left_26.jpg right_59.jpg 3 3 0
1 center_75.jpg left_68.jpg right_26.jpg 0 0 2
2 center_29.jpg left_8.jpg right_88.jpg 0 1 0
3 center_22.jpg left_26.jpg right_23.jpg 1 0 0
4 center_88.jpg left_0.jpg right_56.jpg 4 1 0
5 center_93.jpg left_18.jpg right_15.jpg 0 0 0
Now drop all but 10% of rows with steering==0:
newdf = pd.concat([df.loc[df.steering!=0],
With the probability weightings I used in this example, you'll see somewhere between 50-60 remaining entries in newdf, with about 5 steering==0 cases remaining.
Using a mask on steering combined with a random number should work:
df = df[(df.steering != 0) | (np.random.rand(len(df)) < 0.1)]
This does generate some extra random values, but it's nice and compact.
Edit: That said, I tried your example code and it worked as well. My guess is the error is coming from the fact that your df.query() statement is returning an empty dataframe, which probably means that the "sample" column does not contain any zeros, or alternatively that the column is read as strings rather than numeric. Try converting the column to integer before running the above snippet.

Pandas multi-index subtract from value based on value in other column part 2

Based on a thorough and accurate response to this question, I am now faced with a new issue based on slightly different data.
Given this data frame:
df = pd.DataFrame({
('A', 'a'): [23,3,54,7,32,76],
('B', 'b'): [23,'n/a',54,7,32,76],
A B possible
a b possible
0 23 23 100
1 3 n/a 100
2 54 54 100
3 7 n/a 100
4 32 32 100
5 76 76 100
I'd like to subtract 4 from 'possible', per row, for any instance (column) where the value is 'n/a' for that row (and then change all 'n/a' values to 0).
A B possible
a b possible
0 23 23 100
1 3 n/a 96
2 54 54 100
3 7 n/a 96
4 32 32 100
5 76 76 100
Some conditions:
It may occur that a column is all floats (though they appear to be integers upon inspection). This was not factored into the original question.
It may also occur that a row contains two instances (columns) of 'n/a' values. This was addressed by the previous solution.
Here is the previous solution:
idx = pd.IndexSlice
df.loc[:, idx['possible', 'possible']] -= (df.loc[:, idx[('A','B'),:]] == 'n/a').sum(axis=1) * 4
df.replace({'n/a':0}, inplace=True)
It works, except for where a column (A or B) contains all floats (seemingly integers). When that's the case, this error occurs:
TypeError: Could not compare ['n/a'] with block values
I think you can add casting to string by astype to condition:
idx = pd.IndexSlice
df.loc[:, idx['possible', 'possible']] -=
(df.loc[:, idx[('A','B'),:]].astype(str) == 'n/a').sum(axis=1) * 4
df.replace({'n/a':0}, inplace=True)
print df
A B possible
a b possible
0 23 23 100
1 3 0 96
2 54 54 100
3 7 0 96
4 32 32 100
5 76 76 100

Pandas assign value of one column based on another

Given the following data frame:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(
0 10 1
1 20 2
2 30 1
3 40 4
4 50 5
5 60 4
I would like a new column 'C' to have values be equal to those in 'A' where the corresponding values for 'B' are less than 3 else 0.
The desired result is as follows:
0 10 1 10
1 20 2 20
2 30 1 30
3 40 4 0
4 50 5 0
5 60 4 0
Thanks in advance!
Use np.where:
df['C'] = np.where(df['B'] < 3, df['A'], 0)
>>> df
0 10 1 10
1 20 2 20
2 30 1 30
3 40 4 0
4 50 5 0
5 60 4 0
Here you can use pandas method where direct on the column:
In [3]:
df['C'] = df['A'].where(df['B'] < 3,0)
0 10 1 10
1 20 2 20
2 30 1 30
3 40 4 0
4 50 5 0
5 60 4 0
In [4]:
%timeit df['A'].where(df['B'] < 3,0)
%timeit np.where(df['B'] < 3, df['A'], 0)
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.4 ms per loop
1000 loops, best of 3: 407 µs per loop
np.where is faster here but pandas where is doing more checking and has more options so it depends on the use case here.
