Determine text similarity through cluster analysis - text

I am a senior bachelor student in CS and I currently work on my thesis. For this thesis I wrote a program that uses density-based clustering approach. More specifically, OPTICS algorithm. I have an idea of how to use it, but I don't know if it is valid.
I want to use this algorithm for text classification. Texts are points in the set that have to be clustered, so that the resulting hierarchy consists of categories and subcategories of texts. For example, one such set is "Scientific literature", consisting of subsets "Mathematics", "Biology" etc.
I came up with the idea that I can analyze texts for specific words that are encountered in particular text more often than in the whole dataset, also excluding insignificant words like prepositions. Perhaps I can use open source natural language parsers for that purpose, like Stanford parser. After that the program combines these "characteristic words" from each text into one set, and a certain amount of the most frequent words can be taken from this set. That amount becomes the dimentionality for the clustering, and each word's frequency in a particular text is used as a coordinate of a point. Thus we can cluster them.
The question is, is that idea valid or a complete nonsense? Can clustering in general and density-based clustering in particular be used for such classification? Maybe there is some kind of literature that can point me in the right direction?

Clustering != classification.
Run the clustering algorithm, and study the results. Most likely, there will not be a cluster "scientific literature" with subjects "mathematics" - what do you do then?
Also, clusters will only give you sets, that is too coarse for similarity search - on the contrary, you need first to solve the similarity problem, before you can run clustering algorithms such as OPTICS.
The "idea" you described is pretty much what everybody has been trying for years already.


unusual language text clustering / classification

What would be your approach to clustering similar text from unusual language.
I'm scraping a classified ads website trying to group similar ads(same product). The text has often misspelling, written in 2 languages (a bit of kind of 1ee7) and some text written phonetically in different alphabet (ex. Diànshì for 电视 or velosiped for велосипед) or different dialect.
Then how would you proceed to manage such an unpredictable input?
Depends on how large dataset you have. You could construct a similarity matrix for the data objects using some string distance metric like edit distance or Jaccard with n-grams. There are many clustering algorithms that can cluster almost any kind of data based on distance matrix. For example, Agglomerative clustering or Density Peaks could be used. Both have typically O(N2) time complexity, so may not be feasible for large datasets.
Personally, I've used a faster (than O(N2)) variant of Density Peaks for large ( > 500,000) string datasets, and it was able to cluster the data mostly according to the language also. But the method is not public yet.

Simple Binary Text Classification

I seek the most effective and simple way to classify 800k+ scholarly articles as either relevant (1) or irrelevant (0) in relation to a defined conceptual space (here: learning as it relates to work).
Data is: title & abstract (mean=1300 characters)
Any approaches may be used or even combined, including supervised machine learning and/or by establishing features that give rise to some threshold values for inclusion, among other.
Approaches could draw on the key terms that describe the conceptual space, though simple frequency count alone is too unreliable. Potential avenues might involve latent semantic analysis, n-grams, ..
Generating training data may be realistic for up to 1% of the corpus, though this already means manually coding 8,000 articles (1=relevant, 0=irrelevant), would that be enough?
Specific ideas and some brief reasoning are much appreciated so I can make an informed decision on how to proceed. Many thanks!
Several Ideas:
Run LDA and get document-topic and topic-word distributions say (20 topics depending on your dataset coverage of different topics). Assign the top r% of the documents with highest relevant topic as relevant and low nr% as non-relevant. Then train a classifier over those labelled documents.
Just use bag of words and retrieve top r nearest negihbours to your query (your conceptual space) as relevant and borrom nr percent as not relevant and train a classifier over them.
If you had the citations you could run label propagation over the network graph by labelling very few papers.
Don't forget to make the title words different from your abstract words by changing the title words to title_word1 so that any classifier can put more weights on them.
Cluster the articles into say 100 clusters and then choose then manually label those clusters. Choose 100 based on the coverage of different topics in your corpus. You can also use hierarchical clustering for this.
If it is the case that the number of relevant documents is way less than non-relevant ones, then the best way to go is to find the nearest neighbours to your conceptual space (e.g. using information retrieval implemented in Lucene). Then you can manually go down in your ranked results until you feel the documents are not relevant anymore.
Most of these methods are Bootstrapping or Weakly Supervised approaches for text classification, about which you can more literature.

Clustering a long list of words

I have the following problem at hand: I have a very long list of words, possibly names, surnames, etc. I need to cluster this word list, such that similar words, for example words with similar edit (Levenshtein) distance appears in the same cluster. For example "algorithm" and "alogrithm" should have high chances to appear in the same cluster.
I am well aware of the classical unsupervised clustering methods like k-means clustering, EM clustering in the Pattern Recognition literature. The problem here is that these methods work on points which reside in a vector space. I have words of strings at my hand here. It seems that, the question of how to represent strings in a numerical vector space and to calculate "means" of string clusters is not sufficiently answered, according to my survey efforts until now. A naive approach to attack this problem would be to combine k-Means clustering with Levenshtein distance, but the question still remains "How to represent "means" of strings?". There is a weight called as TF-IDF weigt, but it seems that it is mostly related to the area of "text document" clustering, not for the clustering of single words. It seems that there are some special string clustering algorithms existing, like the one at
My search in this area is going on still, but I wanted to get ideas from here as well. What would you recommend in this case, is anyone aware of any methods for this kind of problem?
Don't look for clustering. This is misleading. Most algorithms will (more or less forcefully) break your data into a predefined number of groups, no matter what. That k-means isn't the right type of algorithm for your problem should be rather obvious, isn't it?
This sounds very similar; the difference is the scale. A clustering algorithm will produce "macro" clusters, e.g. divide your data set into 10 clusters. What you probably want is that much of your data isn't clustered at all, but you want to want to merge near-duplicate strings, which may stem from errors, right?
Levenshtein distance with a threshold is probably what you need. You can try to accelerate this by using hashing techniques, for example.
Similarly, TF-IDF is the wrong tool. It's used for clustering texts, not strings. TF-IDF is the weight assigned to a single word (string; but it is assumed that this string does not contain spelling errors!) within a larger document. It doesn't work well on short documents, and it won't work at all on single-word strings.
I have encountered the same kind of problem. My approach was to create a graph where each string will be a node and each edge will connect two nodes with weight the similarity of those two strings. You can use edit distance or Sorensen for that. I also set a threshold of 0.2 so that my graph will not be complete thus very computationally heavy. After forming the graph you can use community detection algorithms to detect node communities. Each community is formed with nodes that have a lot of edges with each other, so they will be very similar with each other. You can use networkx or igraph to form the graph and identify each community. So each community will be a cluster of strings. I tested this approach with some string that I wanted to cluster. Here are some of the identified clusters.
University cluster
Council cluster
Committee cluster
I visualised the graph with the gephi tool.
Hope that helps even if it is quite late.

Degree of similarity

I have to compare two documents and find the degree of similarity .
All i need to do is compare two documents and give a number as a result . The number should depict the degree of similarity (Similar documents will have a larger number)
I want an effective means to perform this process . (The similarity is not measured only on the basics of the similar words , but the context must be taken into consideration too.)
Can anyone suggest an effective algorithm for this process
Check out LSA (Latent Sematic Analysis ). This algorithm just checks the similarity of two documents.
Here, you have to learn about the technique called SVD (Singular Value Decompostion)
If you want to implement the document clustering technique, you can try using Matlab and install Matlab-TMG tool.
If you just want a quick, non-mathematical description, and an implementation (in Java), here's a link to an n-gram based solution.
Hint: for free text, use a shingle length of 4 or 5 (this is a parameter to the signature generation algorithm)

Supervised Learning for User Behavior over Time

I want to use machine learning to identify the signature of a user who converts to a subscriber of a website given their behavior over time.
Let's say my website has 6 different features which can be used before subscribing and users can convert to a subscriber at any time.
For a given user I have stats which represent the intensity on a continuous range of that user's interaction with features 1-6 on a daily basis so:
D1: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
D2: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
D3: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
D4: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
Let's say on day 5, the user converts.
What machine using algorithms would help me identify which are the most common patterns in feature usage which lead to a conversion?
(I know this is a super basic classification question, but I couldn't find a good example using longitudinal data, where input vectors are ordered by time like I have)
To develop the problem further, let's assume that each feature has 3 intensities at which the user can interact (H, M, L).
We can then represent each user as a string of states of interaction intensity. So, for a user:
Would mean on day one they only interacted significantly with features 5 and 6, but by the third day they were interacting highly with features 3 through 6.
N-gram Style
I could make these states words and the lifetime of a user a sentence. (Would probably need to add a "conversion" word to the vocabulary as well)
If I ran these "sentences" through an n-gram model, I could get the likely future state of a user given his/her past few state which is somewhat interesting. But, what I really want to know the most common sets of n-grams that lead to the conversion word. Rather than feeding in an n-gram and getting the next predicted word, I want to give the predicted word and get back the 10 most common n-grams (from my data) which would be likely to lead to the word.
Amaç Herdağdelen suggests identifying n-grams to practical n and then counting how many n-gram states each user has. Then correlating with conversion data (I guess no conversion word in this example). My concern is that there would be too many n-grams to make this method practical. (if each state has 729 possibilities, and we're using trigrams, thats a lot of possible trigrams!)
Alternatively, could I just go thru the data logging the n-grams which led to the conversion word and then run some type of clustering on them to see what the common paths are to a conversion?
Survival Style
Suggested by Iterator, I understand the analogy to a survival problem, but the literature here seems to focus on predicting time to death as opposed to the common sequence of events which leads to death. Further, when looking up the Cox Proportional Hazard model, I found that it does not event accommodate variables which change over time (its good for differentiating between static attributes like gender and ethnicity)- so it seems very much geared toward a different question than mine.
Decision Tree Style
This seems promising though I can't completely wrap my mind around how to structure the data. Since the data is not flat, is the tree modeling the chance of moving from one state to another down the line and when it leads to conversion or not? This is very different than the decision tree data literature I've been able to find.
Also, need clarity on how to identify patterns which lead to conversion instead a models predicts likely hood of conversion after a given sequence.
Theoretically, hidden markov models may be a suitable solution to your problem. The features on your site would constitute the alphabet, and you can use the sequence of interactions as positive or negative instances depending on whether a user finally subscribed or not. I don't have a guess about what the number of hidden states should be, but finding a suitable value for that parameter is part of the problem, after all.
As a side note, positive instances are trivial to identify, but the fact that a user has not subscribed so far doesn't necessarily mean s/he won't. You might consider to limit your data to sufficiently old users.
I would also consider converting the data to fixed-length vectors and apply conceptually simpler models that could give you some intuition about what's going on. You could use n-grams (consecutive interaction sequences of length n).
As an example, assuming that the interaction sequence of a given user ise "f1,f3,f5", "f1,f3,f5" would constitute a 3-gram (trigram). Similarly, for the same user and the same interaction sequence you would have "f1,f3" and "f3,f5" as the 2-grams (bigrams). In order to represent each user as a vector, you would identify all n-grams up to a practical n, and count how many times the user employed a given n-gram. Each column in the vector would represent the number of times a given n-gram is observed for a given user.
Then -- probably with the help of some suitable normalization techniques such as pointwise mutual information or tf-idf -- you could look at the correlation between the n-grams and the final outcome to get a sense of what's going on, carry out feature selection to find the most prominent sequences that users are involved in, or apply classification methods such as nearest neighbor, support machine or naive Bayes to build a predictive model.
This is rather like a survival analysis problem: over time the user will convert or will may drop out of the population, or will continue to appear in the data and not (yet) fall into neither camp. For that, you may find the Cox proportional hazards model useful.
If you wish to pursue things from a different angle, namely one more from the graphical models perspective, then a Kalman Filter may be more appealing. It is a generalization of HMMs, suggested by #AmaçHerdağdelen, which work for continuous spaces.
For ease of implementation, I'd recommend the survival approach. It is the easiest to analyze, describe, and improve. After you have a firm handle on the data, feel free to drop in other methods.
Other than Markov chains, I would suggest decision trees or Bayesian networks. Both of these would give you a likely hood of a user converting after a sequence.
I forgot to mention this earlier. You may also want to take a look at the Google PageRank algorithm. It would help you account for the user completely disappearing [not subscribing]. The results of that would help you to encourage certain features to be used. [Because they're more likely to give you a sale]
I think Ngramm is most promising approach, because all sequnce in data mining are treated as elements depndent on few basic steps(HMM, CRF, ACRF, Markov Fields) So I will try to use classifier based on 1-grams and 2 -grams.
