p4v doesn't delete new files added through `p4 add` after shelving - perforce

I've tried to shelve files today and checked the Revert checked out files after they are shelved option, and after shelving the files some files have been reverted, but some remained. It appeared that these were new files added through p4 add. Is it default behavior to not remove such files after shelving? Is there a way to remove them as part of shelving process?

What you did in P4V (shelve with reverting) is really a plain combination of two commands: shelve and revert. Behind the scenes, P4V will shelve your work (as it surely did) and then revert everything in your changelist.
Now, the revert command reverts p4 adds in such a way that they disappear from your changelist (the essence of reverting) but they remain on the local filesystem (to prevent inadvertent loss of code/data). Yes, you can argue that in this respect revert does not do a very good job of reverting your work completely, but obviously Perforce have decided to play it safe by not deleting your work.
As #Bryan Pendleton says, you can use p4 revert -w instead of plain p4 revert when you want to also delete your p4 adds from the filesystem. It's not a separate command, just a variant of p4 revert. However, there's no way to specify the -w flag (the -w behaviour) when running the "Shelve-and-Revert" combo action from P4V. (In fact, there's no way to specify -w even in the plain "Revert" action from P4V.)
I'm assuming you won't switch from P4V to the command-line (to run p4 shelve followed by p4 revert -w) just for this reason, so just remember that P4V has this little quirk and if needed, delete your local files after reverting them.


Make the contents of a perforce directory exactly match the latest depot version

I would like to make the contents of a directory in a Perforce workspace be exactly the same as the latest depot contents. I want this to work no matter what has gone on in the workspace. (For example, editing files without opening them in perforce, creating unsubmitted changesets, etc.)
So far I have come up with running this series of commands, in order:
p4 clean ...
p4 revert ...
p4 sync ...
Will this do what I want? Is this the correct order? Is there a simpler way?
Those are the correct commands, and you do need all three:
revert is needed to discard changes to files you've opened
clean is needed to discard changes to files you haven't opened (including added files)
sync is needed to make sure you're at the very latest depot revision
You should either put clean after the revert or add -w to revert; otherwise files that were opened for add will be skipped by the clean (because they're open) and then revert will "abandon" them in the workspace (the -w option causes revert to delete/"wipe" added files instead of abandoning them). Other than that, I think the order is unimportant.

Why does p4 flush not update my have list?

My p4 client version is P4/NTX64/2018.1/1705517.
I noticed that some files had accidentally been deleted in my workspace. I synced, but even so, the files did not appear.
I then ran the p4 have command and saw that it contained the missing files, and so p4 will not include those files in the sync.
Of course I can give the p4 sync command with the -f flag, but my workspace is rather large, so that would take a long time.
I then ran the flush command even with the -f flag thinking that it would correct my have list to reflect what I actually had on the filesystem of my workspace, but it didn't. What am I doing wrong?
p4 flush changes the have list to match whatever you tell it to match (if no arguments, then #head is the default). If that's not what your workspace actually contains, then the have list is now out of sync with the workspace, and future p4 sync commands will probably skip a bunch of files (exactly like you're seeing now).
The command you want is p4 clean, which syncs your workspace to match your have list. (If you have changes in unopened files, including "new" files that you haven't opened with p4 add, this will irrevocably blast them. Careful!)
If you want to open the files that don't match your have list, use p4 reconcile instead. (You can follow it up with p4 revert to discard the changes, or p4 submit to keep them permanently.)

delete a submitted changelist from perforce history

I accidentally submitted a wrong changelist to my perforce server. I then backed out that changelist using the "backout changelist" option. But, these two changes appear in the history of all those affected files that they were once deleted and then added back again.
I want to be able to delete the history from perforce server of these two changelists. Is it possible. Can it be done via some Perforce administrator command.
EDIT: I have seen p4 change -d -f which can delete a changelist but this requires to use p4 obliterate on the files which were there in the changelist. Does this mean that I have to obliterate all the files which were affected by the changelist. This doesnt seem a viable solution for me as I do not want to delete those files. Should I only obliterate those specific two revisions of the files due to the two submitted changelists?
Your perforce administrator could call p4 obliterate to completely wipe out files, revisions and history.
But I'd strongly advise not to do so. It's a perfectly normal thing to rollback files/changes and to see the history of it.
In case you still decide to use p4 obliterate make sure you call it without the "-y" option first (preview) and then (if the output of what perforce says will happen is ok) call the same command with the "-y" option (to actually perform the obliterate).
If you call p4 obliterate with a file revision (e.g. p4 obliterate //depot/dir/file#5) then only the changes and history of that revision will be removed leaving all previous revisions and history intact. You can also obliterate a revision range.

Automatically deleting newly added files when shelving in Perforce

When I shelve a pending changelist, changes to existing files are reverted, but newly added files are not deleted from the filesystem. I need to manually delete these files every time I perform a shelve operation. Is there anyway to automatically delete newly added files when shelving?
in p4, if you're willing to make it two operations, you can do a normal shelve on the changelist, and then do p4 revert -w on the same changelist, which deletes added files. i'm not sure how to do this in p4v.
It looks like P4V added this in a recent release!
#40757 (Changes #1619278, #1618572)
The Shelve Dialog has an option to remove the files from disk that are marked for
To do this in p4v, you can create a custom tool, say "revert-added-file-and-delete", adding it to applicable context menus, with application p4 and arguments revert -w %F.
Unless someone knows of a way to chain custom tools together (and I couldn't find a way to do it), to do a shelve/revert will require a separate shelve followed by a use of the custom command, revert-added-file-and-delete.
Sure, except that shelving work is a fundamentally different beast. If I create a new class that uses a new function in an existing class, and then shelve both files, the new class remains, and is now referencing a non-existent function in the existing class. Now I've got build errors and have to manually delete the new file in order to get back to a clean slate, which is exactly what shelving work should do for me.
p4 shelve -c changelist_number
p4 revert -w -c changelist_number //...
I don't think that there is a way to do this. This behavior is consistent with reverting files that have been added. If you 'p4 add' a file and then revert it, it will not be deleted on revert. Seems like it would be bad behavior if it did! Losing a file and the work that has gone into the file on a revert would be very bad. Consider this: you code up a file in your editor, you save diligently, and finally you are ready to 'p4 add' it to perforce. Then you decide you don't want to do this so you revert and then you lose your file???
So reverting adds won't delete the file.

Cannot see a perforce version controlled file in my workspace

I had made changes to a file and then shelved it.
Then I deleted the file.
Now I am not able to get it back to my workspace. I tried p4 sync -f and p4 unshelve ##.
What do I do ?
p4 unshelve is the correct command.
To figure out which shelf you need to unshelve, use p4 changes -s shelved and p4 describe -S
What's probably going wrong is that when you deleted the file, you still left it "opened" in Perforce (do p4 opened to see), so first do a p4 revert to revert the file, then you can successfully unshelve the shelf and you'll get your edited version back.
In p4v, go to the depot view, select the file, then hit ctrl-shift-s (pretty sure this works in linux too) this will open an explorer window which should be where the file is located. Maybe it's going to a different directory then the one you think?
If it's not there, right click the folder, and say get this revision, and check the force checkbox
