Kentico Trim in a transformation with Eval - kentico

I'm trying to trim ending white space from AlertTitle in an ascx transforamtion. I know there is TrimEnd, but i'm drawing a blank getting it to work.
The V9 Documentation has a method for this( but i don't want to fix the length.
Here's the transformatin code snippet.
<asp:placeholder id="alert" runat="server" Visible="false">
<li data-date="<%# Eval("AlertDate") %>">
<p class="alert-date"><%# FormatDateTime(Eval("AlertDate"), "MMMM dd, yyyy") %> </p>
<p class="alert-copy"><%# Eval("AlertTitle") %> <%# IfEmpty(Eval("AlertCopy"),"", "... <a href='" + GetDocumentUrl() + "'>" + CMS.Helpers.ResHelper.GetString("kff.Generic-ReadMore") + "</a> &raquo") %></p>

In addition to using Trim() or TrimEnd() in the transformation, you can also set it up so Kentico will automatically trim the fields when the form is submitted by checking the "Trim" checkbox under "advanced" Editing control settings.
Like so:

You probably need to cast the ouput of Eval to a string first:
<%# ((string)Eval("AlertTitle")).TrimEnd() %>

In v8 and newer, you can also use a different version of Felix's answer
<%# Eval<string>("AlertTitle").TrimEnd() %>


Kentico UniPager Pagination absolute url links

UniPager Pagination. Is it possible to put absolute links instead of relative ones in "PreviousGroupURL" and "NextGroupURL"?
My code:
<a href="<%# URLHelper.GetAbsoluteUrl(Convert.ToString(Eval("PreviousURL", true))) %>" >Previous</a>
HTML source page:
<a href="http://local/en/test?strona=3" >Next</a>
In your transformation use something like:
<%# GetAbsoluteUrl(Eval<string>("NextGroupURL")) %>
Please refer below URLs - -

html multiline replacement Greasemonkey

trying to replace parts of html code in a page. Unfortunately the parts are multiline and I can't use specific div ids/class since they are used in the same page elsewhere (can't change that, not my fault)
For example:
<div class="c2c" style="display: none;">
<div class="left" style="height:12px;">
<span >A test</span>
That is with breaks and spaces..
I have tried this
document.body.innerHTML= document.body.innerHTML.replace(/<div class=\"c2c\" style=\"display: none;\">(\r\n|\r|\n)?\s*<div class=\"left\" style=\"height:12px;\">(\r\n|\r|\n)?\s*<span >A test<\/span>/g,"<div class=\"c2c\" style=\"display: block !important;\"><div class=\"left\" style=\"height:12px;\"><span >A test<\/span>");
and also some other variations but with no result..
any ideas?
Thank you

How to input text to non standard input elements

I'm faced with a span element for text input instead of an input box, and I'm struggling to use Watir (Ruby) to enter text. There's no set method, there is a text method that returns the text fine, but I don't seem to be able to set the text that way.
I've also tried using and span.focus and then browser.send_keys but nothing is input in the field.
<div class="UFIAddCommentInput _1osb _5yk1">
<div class="_5yk2" tabindex="-2">
<div class="_5rp7">
<div class="_1p1t">
<div class="_1p1v">
Write a reply...
<div class="_5rpb">
<div aria-autocomplete="list" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="false" aria-owns="js_3i" class="_5rpu" contenteditable="true" data-testid="ufi_reply_composer" role="combobox" spellcheck="true" title="Write a reply..." id="js_3j">
<div data-contents="true">
<div data-block="true" data-offset-key="8c176-0-0" class="_45m_ _2vxa">
<span data-offset-key="8c176-0-0">
<br data-text="true">
What could I try next? Is there a way to stop front end designers using non-standard elements?
You can use javascript to do this. The difficulty for me was to handle the nested quotes.
Two pieces of knowledge I had to figure out first before being able to do this w/ regards to nested strings:
a.) regarding how javascript handles nested quotes:
b.) on how to deal with nested quotes in ruby: Escaping single and double qoutes from a string in ruby (the %Q operator lets you set whatever you want to begin and end a string)
css_selector = "span[data-offset-key='8c176-0-0']"
b.execute_script("document.querySelector(query).innerHTML='that was tricky'")
Looks like the ability to inject JavaScript using procedures such as this enables you to be able to do just about anything Watir can't do otherwise. Good question, this was a learning experience for me too

How can I add mutiple anchors to the same block?

I'm using AsciiDoctor to create an HTML manual. In order to keep existing links valid, I need multiple anchors at the same header.
Basically I want this output:
<a id="historic1"></a>
<a id="historic2"></a>
<h2 id="current">Caption</h2>
While it is possible to create multiple inline anchors like this
Inline [[historic1]] [[historic2]] [[current]] Anchor
Inline <a id="historic1"></a> <a id="historic2"></a> <a id="current"></a> Anchor
it looks like additional anchor macros in front of blocks are simply swallowed:
== Caption
<h2 id="current">Caption</h2>
So what are my options to have multiple anchors in front of a block?
You can also use the shorthand version of this solution.
== [[historic1]][[historic2]]Caption
Now you get all three anchors on the same heading.
The best I could do (tested with Asciidoctor.js 1.5.4):
== anchor:historic1[historic1] anchor:historic2[historic2] anchor:current[current] Caption
Some text
<h2 id="__a_id_historic1_a_a_id_historic2_a_a_id_current_a_caption"><a id="historic1"></a> <a id="historic2"></a> <a id="current"></a> Caption</h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Some text</p>
There are two issues:

How to write XPath to capture text that is not tagged

I'm trying to scrap customer reviews from a site and ran into an interesting set-up.
<div class="Review">
<img class="stars" etc>
- yyyy-mm-dd
<a>was this helpful links</a>
<!-- Repeat above for additional reviews. -->
For the life of me I can't come up with an XPath that will capture the date (- yyyy-mm-dd), as there is no HTML formatting around it. Anyone have a solution?
Assuming a structure like this:
<div class="Review">
<img class="stars"/><b>ReviewerName</b> - yyyy-mm-dd<br/>
The following xpath selects the date yyyy-mm-dd
substring-after(/div/b/following-sibling::text()[1],' - ')
