Keycloak provider and user storage - security

I have a running java ee application and now i want to integrate keycloak as authentication server. The only thing i have troubles is the user storage. I want to have all the user data in my java application.
The problem now:
If the user registers on the keycloak frontend, my java application doesn´t know that the user has registered, so i cannot create a new entity. I found out that keycloak is able to load some custom modules ( but i haven´t found any examples.
Is there any solution where keycloak notifys my java application when the user registered?

I have had the same problem and I have resolved it using a filter. I just check if the principal exist and if not I insert it into my application DB:
KeycloakSecurityContext ctx = (KeycloakSecurityContext)request.getAttribute(KeycloakSecurityContext.class.getName());
User userEntity = em.find(User.class, ctx.getToken().getSubject());
if (userEntity == null) {
....create user...
You can also use an event listener (keycloak events listener) as shown in Example Event Listener that prints events to System.out, but for this exact use case that solution was easier and faster.

You have to implement a custom Authentication SPI (inside success() method you create user on your app), deployed it , and add it to the registration flow
Keycloak documentation : Link


BotBuilder Authentication Multitenant

I want to create Microsoft BotBuilder following this tutorial. But it seems SO complicated compared to v3.(BTW: starting a tutorial with 3 authentications that cover 75% of the article is not a good sign)
So I follow the EchoBot sample (I chose MultiTenant because my server is outside AND it seems the most covered):
const credentialsFactory = new BotBuilder.ConfigurationServiceClientCredentialFactory({
MicrosoftAppId: '***',
MicrosoftAppPassword: '***',
MicrosoftAppType: 'MultiTenant',
const botFrameworkAuthentication = BotBuilder.createBotFrameworkAuthenticationFromConfiguration(null, credentialsFactory);
const onTurnErrorHandler = async (context, error) => { /* for errors */ }
const adapter = new BotBuilder.CloudAdapter(botFrameworkAuthentication);
adapter.onTurnError = onTurnErrorHandler;
How do I test everything is working ? isValidAppId() and isAuthenticationDisabled() are the only available method and seems OK.
How do I get MicrosoftAppPassword ? According to the documentation I have to click manage, then create a value/secret pair. Should I use value ? or secret ? Why none is named password ? Anyway none works ...
To test if it works, I follow the sample:
setup an HTTP POST Endpoint (with Node-RED)
declare the endpoint in Azure Portal Bot Configuration
go to webchat to test
I correctly receive the Messages then try to do some authentication/parisng (I assume) :
await adapter.process(msg.req, msg.res, (context) => {
/* do some stuff */
But it fails with a very explicit error :
Error: 1 validation issue(s)
Issue #0: custom_error at [[root]]
I think, the errors is related to an authentication issue, since I don't understand what/how to set the password. I guess I have to go through this CloudAdapter in order to get a parsed context and be able to send messages.
EDIT 07/05/2022:
I use the AppId from here :
I click "Manage" but where is the AppPassword ?
EDIT 12/05/2022:
Using cURL I manage to validate the appID and appPassword (the value (hidden by stars) of the secret).
BotBuilder is mixing the Communication Stack (HTTP / WebSocket) and the Logic stack (Turn Conversation). I think it's a bad habbit but I manage a workaround:
I use a BotFrameworkAdapter instead of CloudAdpater
I call adapter.processActivity() instead of adapter.process()
The adapter still want to end() the request and set deprecated values but it works in Node-RED. The context handle all the requirement to call sendActivity() anywhere multiple times.
To answer second question in your case, kindly go through the link :
To answer the first question in your case, kindly check disabling and enabling the authentication to test the app:
As far as getting the password goes, when you create a new Multi Tenant Azure Bot resource, the app password goes into the Azure Key Vault created alongside it. The AppId and AppPassword are randomly generated by Azure. You can get them from the key vault in the Azure portal in the correct resource group.
If you want to create a resource manually using the CLI and define your own password, you can use this docs page for deploying a bot. Make sure you select the correct tabs. I have pre-selected C# and Multi Tenant in a new resource group for the above link.
Single Tenant is for limiting your bot's connections to Azure resources within the same tenant, and a User Assigned Managed Identity is if you want to make use of an Azure Managed Identity across the bot's resources instead of having a password for each resource.
You should be able to simply add the AppId and AppPassword to the echo bot sample and deploy it.

SaaS App with AzureADB2C: User Flows for Client SSO?

We have a SaaS web app and our clients are requiring SSO authentication for each of them. We are using AzureADB2C and it works great, but now are looking at adding SSO.
I put in the SSO setup into the B2C tenet and it works great, but really messed up our login screen with a "MyCompanySSO" button to log in with, on our customer-facing login screen.
So now my idea is to have a separate user flow that handles each SSO setup. Starting with us. We'd go to and that'd forward them directly to the user flow endpoint and prompt them to login with their SSO account (AzureAD).
This all seems to try to work, but I'm getting these errors within the AzureADB2C middleware:
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.OpenIdConnectHandler:Warning: .AspNetCore.Correlation. state property not found.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.OpenIdConnectHandler:Information: Error from RemoteAuthentication: Correlation failed..
Then I get pumped out onto a error page and the login fails.
So 2 things...
1.) Am I going in the right direction knowing what we're wanting to accomplish
2.) What do we need to do to resolve this?
Thanks everyone for the help, it's been greatly appreciated.
Just to reiterate. The SSO works properly when the custom identity provider is attached to the existing SignUpOrIn UserFlow I have configured in the app. I'm only getting this error when I try to use another UserFlow that I want to use specifically for this SSO.
I'm not sure about that specific error, although "state" parameter is a parameter that your app sends in the request that will be returned in the token for correlation purposes.
Using and different policy for each federation sounds like the right approach, but if you are doing from a single instance of your app, you'll need to modify the OIDC protocol message with the correct authority (ie policy) on redirect.
In your OIDC middleware configuration, set up a handler for the RedirectToIdentityProvider notification. Then handle it with something like:
private Task OnRedirectToIdentityProvider(RedirectToIdentityProviderNotification<OpenIdConnectMessage, OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions> notification)
//var policy = notification.OwinContext.Get<string>("Policy");
var tenantSegment = notification.Request.Path.Value.Split(new char [] { '/'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tenantSegment) && !tenantSegment.Equals(DefaultPolicy))
notification.ProtocolMessage.IssuerAddress = notification.ProtocolMessage.IssuerAddress.ToLower().Replace(DefaultPolicy.ToLower(), $"B2C_1A_{tenantSegment.ToLower()}_SignUpSignInPolicy");
return Task.FromResult(0);
If you need to inject anything else tenant-related, that would be the place to do it.

MVC 5 & ASP.NET Identity - Implementation Confusion

I'm creating a new web application that will be written using MVC 5 and Entity Framework Database First Approach. I would also like to use ASP.Net Identity to look after membership, authentication, authorisation etc.
I've read a good bit about the ASP.Net Identity on the web and how it works, however, I am still learning about this topic.
When I created my MVC 5 application in Visual Studio 2013 and looked at the Account Controller my first instinct was that I didn't like what I saw, i.e., a DbContext was being referenced named 'ApplicationDbContext'. The reason I didn't like this was because I prefer to keep my DbContext in the appropriate project within my solution, i.e., in my Model layer which adheres to the separation of concerns logic.
Also, the out of the box MVC 5 project uses Entity Framework Code First to create a default database and tables to store the Users, Roles etc.
Because I must use an existing database with an existing User table, this approach does not suit my needs.
I still want to use the latest ASP.Net Identity for my application as it looks to have many benefits, therefore, I found this article which stripped back alot of the Entity Framework code but still got OWIN powered authentication into an ASP.NET MVC.
Using the tutorial above, here is the HttpPost Login method for my Account Controller
public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
//Calling my own custom Account Service which validates users login details
var user = _AccountService.VerifyPassword(model.UserName, model.Password, false);
if (user)
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, model.UserName), }, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie, ClaimTypes.Name, ClaimTypes.Role);
//ToDo: Manually adding Role, but will pull from db later
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "guest"));
AuthenticationManager.SignIn(new AuthenticationProperties
IsPersistent = model.RememberMe
}, identity);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "MyDashboard");
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid username or password.");
return View(model);
In my previous MVC applications I usually rolled my own custom membership and when a User logged into the site and was authenticated, I would have stored the any additional user details such as userID, DOB etc in the UserData string of the FormsAuthenticationTicket.
As the code above does not use FormsAuthentication, instead it uses OWIN CookieAuthentication, I am not sure how to store this additional user data.
Therefore, I have a few questions about the problems I am experiencing.
How do I store the userID or any other additional piece of user data (DOB etc) the way I used to in FormsAuthentication? Is this done by adding a Claim to the identity?
Does the method of using ASP.Net Identity/ OWIN above seem correct considering I am using Entity Framework Database First with an existing database?
Should I be using the out of the box code that is used in the Account Controller, i.e., UserManager, ApplicationUser, ApplicationDbContext etc and hooking this up to work with my existing database?
I apologise if my question is confusing, I suppose I'm just a little unsure of what approach I should be using whilst attempting to use ASP.Net Identity in my latest project.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
1) The new Katana Cookie middleware supports claims. This is what makes this better than forms auth cookie; claims model any key/value pair and those can be stored in the authentication cookie. See this post for more details:
2 & 3) As far as your storage for identity data, if you need to work with an existing table then you might not be able to use Microsoft's EF provided classes. Instead you'd be left on your own to implement IUserStore and all the other store interfaces your app needs. I'm not certain it's worth changing what you're already using to store the user data.
Keep in mind that the OWIN/Katana part is separate from the identity storage.
Here is the solution
To speed things up you can add sample app to your project and start by modifying the sample app, Samples app includes confirmation email, password recovery, roles admin and user role management etc. NuGet package is at:
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Samples -Pre
See full details on sample app here: ASP.NET Identity 2.0: Customizing Users and Roles
Controll access to controller or Action by using below attributes
[Authorize] //Anyone with authorization
[Authorize(Roles="Administrator")] //Admin role only
Check if user is in role by
UserManager.IsInRole(userID, "Administrator")
Get profile data by
// Create manager
var manager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(
new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(new ApplicationDbContext()))
// Find user
var user = manager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());
var profileProperty_1 = user.profileProperty_1

Azure ACS, WIF 3.5, Asp.Net 3.5 Custom Membership Provider and IsAuthenticated

Following the steps in this guide Using Azure ACS I have a working Azure ACS service configured & authenticating via Facebook, redirecting back to a website running on my development server.
On authentication success Azure ACS redirects back to my local development website and the IsAuthenticated flag is true, however I want to set the IsAuthenticated flag to true only if the email from the claim also exists in my local database, via a check/call to a custom MembershipProvider. If the email from the claim does not exist I want to redirect the client to a register page. Once registered and authenticated I would like to set the IsAuthenticated flag to true.
Currently once authenticated with Facebook and AzureACS, a user can request a secure page such as ViewAccountBalance.aspx, even though the account does not exist since out of the box IsAuthenticated flag to true. Interested to hear what others have done and what the best practice is.
You'll need to make a clear difference between authentication and authorization. Since the user logged in through Facebook it means he's authenticated (you know who he is and where he comes from).
Now, if you want to restrict parts of the application based on a specific condition you're actually talking about authorization. You might consider combining roles with a simple HttpModule. Example: your HttpModule could verify which page the user is browsing. If the user accesses a page that requires an active profile, you could use the following code:
public class RequiresProfileHttpModule : IHttpModule
public void Dispose()
public void Init(HttpApplication context)
context.AuthorizeRequest += new EventHandler(OnAuthorize);
private void OnAuthorize(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication app = sender as HttpApplication;
if (app.Request.Url.ToString().Contains("bla") && !app.Context.User.IsInRole("UsersWithProfile"))
The only thing you'll need to take care of is to update the principal to make sure it has the role UsersWithProfile if the user filled in his email address.
This is just one of many possible solutions. If you're using ASP.NET MVC you could achieve the same result with global ActionFilters. Or, you could also try to work with the IClaimsPrincipal (add a claim if the user has a profile).
Sandrino is correct. You can use role based authorization (or more generally, claim based authorization). By default, ACS simply returns the claims issued by the identity providers to your relying party. For Facebook, it will return an email claim. However, you can configure ACS to create additional rules. For example, you can map particular users to a role whose value is administrator. Then ACS will also return this role claim to your relying party. Then you can use Sandrino’s suggestion to use role based authorization. You can also refer to for more information.

How do I secure REST resources so that only a single user of a role can access it?

I have succesfully created a REST web service with Jersey and secured it via java security annotations.
It looks something like this
GET /users/ // gives me all users
GET /users/{id} // gives the user identified by {id}
POST /users/ // creates user
PUT /users/{id} // updates user identified by {id}
DELETE /users/{id} // delete user
I also have setup a realm with two roles: user and admin
I secured all methods so that only admins can access them.
Now i want to give free the PUT /users/{id} and GET /users/{id} methods, so that users can access their own and only their own resources.
// user anna is logged in and uses the following methods
GET /users/anna // returns 200 OK
GET /users/pete // returns 401 UNAUTHORIZED
Since i could not find a way to configure this through annotations, I am thinking of passing the HTTP request to the corresponding method to check if the user is allowed to access the resource.
It would look something like this for the GET /users/{id} method:
public Response getUser(
#PathParam("id") String id,
#Context HttpServletRequest req
) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (session != null && session.getValue("userID").equals(id))
return getObject(User.class, id);
return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
I don't like this aproach because i think i would have to add the userID manualy to the session.
Do you know a more elegant way to solve this?
If not how do you add the userid to the session while using form authentication?
Thank you Will and Pavel :) Here is my final solution:
private SecurityContext security;
// ...
public Response getUser(#PathParam("id") String id){
if (security.isUserInRole("user"))
if (security.getUserPrincipal().getName().equals(id))
return getObject(User.class, id);
return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
return getObject(User.class, id);
In the HttpServletRequest, you can call getRemoteUser() or getUserPrincipal() to get the identity of the logged in user. You would then continue like you are doing in specifically allowing or denying them access to the particular resource.
Blessed Geek is referring more specifically to the aspect of REST regarding stateless transactions and the use of HTTP authentication. While this is an important point in the larger scope of a REST architecture, it's less relevant to your specific question since you don't specify the type of authentication mechanism you're using against your Java EE app, especially since authentication is a container issue in Java EE, not an application issue.
If you're using basic authentication, then you are using HTTP headers to manage authentication and authorization. If you're using form based authentication, then the container is managing this for you via the servlet session, making the service stateful (since sessions are a stateful artifact).
But this has no bearing on your specific question.
One of the most important aspects of deploying REST is understanding the role of http headers and cookies.
For REST to be practical, you need to deploy an authentication framework.
GWT and Google Docs API.
GWT-Platform login + session management
Read up on Google Federated Login, OAuth and OpenID.
Some of my explanations may be outdated, if they were posted before OAuth 2.0.
