Azure same FTP url for all azure websites sharing same appservice plan - azure

I created few web applications for the one app service plan. For all these apps I am seeing one FTP url. Issue is that when I go to the URL, I can see one "Site/wwwroot" folder which only shows one application.
Isn't is possible to access FTP of other web applications?
All applications works fine. I don't understand how this FTP is being created. If it's showing just one application in FTP, what criteria is based on that? I am seeing the 1st application based on the alphabetical order.

The FTP Url is same for all the sites in a stamp and will be same even if you create multiple app hosting plans as long as the hosting plans are in the same stamp. A stamp is a collection of servers and roles in a particular datacenter.
So how azure connects to the right site - the distinction here happens when you provide the user name for the site that you are trying to connect. The user name has the form sitename\$sitename when using publish credentials and has the form sitename\username when using deployment credentials and this name is used by app service to identify which site you are connecting to. has more details.
Also read to understand difference between the two kind of credentials.
So just specify credentials in this way and you can connect to your sites using ftp.
Hope this helps


Enable Impersonation for SSRS reports on Azure

In our current Production Setup, we have setup SSRS and have been able to successfully use the SSRS reports in our .NET Web Application since years. We have used Impersonation in Web.Config (there might be other solutions available, we had to go with this) as shown below.
<identity impersonate="true" userName="domainname/username" password="password"></identity>
This solution worked well becuase our Active Di
rectory and SSRS server are located in the same Network / domain.
Now, as part of our Azure migration, we have migrated our SSRS server to an Azure VM. and we are able to view the reports using Report Server Manager within the VM. Now, when we access the Web Application (App Service - Web App), we are getting the following error. Below is the updated impersonation attribute that we have used.
<identity impersonate="true" userName="" password="password"></identity>
"Could not create Windows user token from the credentials specified in the config file. Error from the operating system 'The user name or password is incorrect"
Obviously, this is because of the fact that we don't have a Active Directory domain setup in Azure. Below are my questions.
Can we utilize the users available in the default Directory that gets created on Azure?
If yes, how do I specify the impersonization?
With your planned setup you cannot use identity impersonation. This is because the AppService Web Apps do run in an isolated sand-boxed environment which cannot be part of a Windows Domain.
You have couple of options:
Change the reporting server to use mixed mode Authentication and create local for the SQL Server login and user with appropriate permissions. Then configure your reporting application to provide these SQL Server credentials
Move your Web Application to same VM (will not require Domain environment) as your Reporting Server (or just the part which deals with the reports)
Move your application to a separate VM and utilize the Azure Active Directory Domain Services to make the VMs part of same domain (an overkill IMO)
I would vote for the first option, as it requires least changes and leverages PaaS services (App Service). Everything else is overkill or just an abuse of the cloud platform.

Allowing Users to Enter a Custom cname on Azure Websites

I have a multi-site application running on Azure Websites. When a user signs up, they pick a name for their application and they end up with "". Everything so far is working great within our own domain.
Our application needs to allow users to enter their own custom domain. For example, they want to view their application from "" rather than "". How do I go about configuring Azure Websites to allow me to do this?
You don't. Per these instructions you instruct the customer to enter a CNAME record on their domain registrar for the Azure domain, and then it begins to work.
The CNAME only "just works" for Azure Cloud Apps. For Azure Websites, it turns out you must add the domain in the portal as well. I'd thus recommend switching your Azure Websites to Azure Cloud Apps to simplify the issue.
You can use the powershell api to add custom hostnames.
See this question for details: Add many domains to an azure web site

Remote machine accessing a deployed SSRS report

I have created an SSRS report using the Business Intelligence reporting service of VS 2012 and I have also successfully deployed it on the web service url i.e. http://computer name/ReportServer, the deployment was successful. The main purpose of deployment is to enable the client to access these reports from their machine, and I really do not have much idea on how to proceed with that, what and how do I give permissions to the client and how does the client access the above url in order to view the reports? Please elaborate I was not able to find much online help on this and its my first venture in this domain. Thank you very much in advance!
Open Reporting Services Configuration manager from windows Start
Connect to your Report Server
basically Two ULR tabs are available there
Web Service URL
Report Manger URL
you want to go to Web service URL
assign Some virtual Directory then use that URL for client PCs.
if not work use IP address in place on Computer Name
for credentials use Service Account Tab in this Manager
check Use another account
and what ever domain username is given here will be used for client to log in .
i Had same issue, i jst replaced computer name with deployed server IP address,

Multiple domains on 1 cloud service

I have a app which is a website builder. Lets say the app is on a azure webrole and its domain is called
I want to offer a service where users can use their custom domain with my app. So User 1 has a domain called, user2 has etc. Whenever someone types, I want them to be able to see come to my my app ie, with the browser still showing You can assume I have complete access to the DNS and nameservers of these custom domains. I just need to understand how to configure this in azure.
Not really, as it was on SSL binding of multiple custom domains on a single cloud. I was trying to figure out how to have one app on a cloud service where content changes as per custom domain end user has used to navigate to the website. Turns out its easy, all that is required is cname config and listening to host_header on server side aspx page_init –

FTP access into Azure where there are two Websites

I have 2 web sites in my Azure account and I would like to access the second one via FTP, however, when I load up the FTP site I am getting the FTP area for the first site and I cannot see any data for my second site.
My first site is a straightforward web site, but the second is an Orchard template. I was expecting to see the Orchard folder structure when I accessed the FTP area but seems only the first site is accessible via FTP.
I have looked at other threads about setting up your own FTP but I would like to avoid doing that until it is absolutely necessary.
So my question: Does anyone know if the Orchard website, generated by Azure, is accessible via FTP, or to get access can I safely reset the credentials from the dashboard on the second website so it has its own FTP area via an individual set of credentials?
I believe the username you use for FTP should be <web site name>\<username>, so you should already have different credentials for the two sites. Can you confirm you're using the right credentials to try to access the Orchard site? Check the "deployment user" on the right-hand side in the portal and make sure you're using that.
