Unable to resize instance of symbol in Sketch 3.7 - sketch-3

In Sketch 3.7 when I convert an artboard into a symbol and then insert that symbol into another artboard, I can no longer resize that symbol (the resize handles and the width/height fields in the right menu are disabled). The only way to enlarge the symbol on the artboard is by changing the size of the symbol itself which impacts the other instances of the symbol.
How can I enlarge an instance of a symbol?

Let's answer my own question. It's not possible. Symbols can't be resized in Sketch 3.7.


echarts: How to make node clickable when using svg path as symbol

Couldn't find an answer on SO or elsewhere, so by all means, link me there :)
I've created a Graph(forced) chart, and used a SVG as symbol.
Click events only trigger if I click the SVG paths itself, they do not trigger in between the paths.
How can I wrap the symbol with a div/span/other or any other solution to make the area of the symbol clickable, wether on the SVG path or not.
Thank you!

Display text in a specified rectangle with directwrite

I want to display text with directwrite in a specified rectangle and with a specified font size, the text outside the rect should be cutted off.
By searching I found something about CreateTextLayout but it looked like it isn't possible to define the font size with it.
Thanks for answers.
It's not something DirectWrite is responsible for, unless you're using IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget. If you're using DrawText/DrawTextLayout from Direct2D you simply need to use D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS_CLIP option. If you are using DirectWrite bitmap target, it's enough to set target size to layout size, or to blit layout size portion to your destination context.
There is IDWriteTextFormat::SetTrimming(). When applied (with SetTrimming(&DWRITE_TRIMMING{DWRITE_TRIMMING_GRANULARITY_CHARACTER,0,0}, nullptr);), overflowing characters [glyph clusters?] and lines are omitted.

How can I put the value of a symbol's width/height into a text field on an artboard?

I'd like to take the width/height of an element or symbol in Sketch and have that value displayed in a Text element on an artboard. As you scale the element or symbol, the Text element is updated on the artboard with the correct value.
There is no native option to do this kind of thing with Sketch App (v50.2).
Try making your own plugin for this.

Fabric.js How to resize IText horizontally without stretching the text

I have this IText object within a parent Group object.
When I select the Group and resize it horizontally (and vertically as well) the IText resizes as well which makes the text Strech and look awfull.
Now what I would like to do is have the IText center itself (keeping its aspect ratio) within the Group.
How can I do that. I tried modifying the Width and Left of the IText when the object is scaling, but that did not work.
try use latest fabricjs version ( 1.6.0.rc1 ) and instead of using fabric.IText use fabric.Textbox.
This new class has the properties you are looking for, the controls normally used for scaling are instead used for resizing the element and the text flows inside it.
I was not able to make the latest fabric.Textbox work exactly like I wanted.
Luckily, I found a way of making the fabric.ITextcenter horizontally when the parent fabric.Group is resized horizontally and also make the same fabric.IText Text grow in size based on the vertical resize. No ugly text stretch.
Here is the solution:

scaling svg figure

I tried to resize svg file to be opened in illustrator with smaller width and height(pixels or cm), I did this by changing width, height and viewBox attributes in <svg> tag, but it doesn't work at all. By search I have found that transform attribute via matrix value affects the real resizing of the figure, any ideas about ready made functions or scripts using python or librsvg to successfully scaling the svg figure, by the way I'm using inkscape to produce svg files. THANKS
You could try svg scour, that should be able to find a good viewBox to use (note spellning and uppercase 'B'). Then change only the width and height attributes to be whatever you want, and hopefully that should work.
