invalid VIProductVersion format, should be X.X.X.X - nsis

Can VIProductVersion contain string??
I am setting 2017x.1.1.0 as product version so getting invalid format error.
is there any way to resolve this error?

The version number can be stored in two different ways in the PE version resource.
VIProductVersion sets the version number in the fixed block called VS_FIXEDFILEINFO and can only contain numbers.
You can also add string information with VIAddVersionKey and these are normally displayed in the UI.
VIProductVersion ""
VIAddVersionKey FileVersion "1.2hello.3.4" ; Displayed at the top of the version tab on <= WinXP
VIAddVersionKey ProductVersion "1.2.world3.4"

The only way to resolve this is to provide the version string in the correct format. Your version string contains a letter, but it can only contain numbers.
Windows convention for version strings is <major version>.<minor version>.<build number>.<revision>.


Terraform partially interprets a decimal number

I would like to know if some of you encountered the following issue;
While I'm trying to upgrade my EKS cluster to version 1.20 with the following variable-
eks_version = 1.20
This picture shows the result, terraform converts 1.20 to 1.2-
For some reason, terraform not take into account the total decimal number, resulting in an error;
Error: error updating EKS Cluster (stage) version: InvalidParameterException: unsupported Kubernetes version
I tried to use the format function as well
eks_version = format("%.2s", 1.20)
With the same output.
Any ideas on how to make terraform take into account the whole decimal number?
Ervin's comment is correct.
The answer is to stop formatting it using this method.
The format spec of %.2f says to limit the input 1.20 with a width of 2.
If you want a specific version, remove the call to the format function.
Thank you guys for your comments!
Your comments helped me realize that I need to make this variable a string, not a number!
I had to change my variable defenition to string:
variable "eks_version" {
type = string
default = "1.20"

How to implement file search by pattern?

I need to get the file name and assign this name to the variable. The file has the following format: webapp-1.1.2.jar. Versions are constantly changing. How to get file name using pattern in linux console?
This is a regex which will match any pattern where the version numbers vary for the jar file.

Adding json data to json column is adding escape characters

I am using postgres database, I have a table called names which has a column named 'info' which is of type json. I am adding
{ "info": "security" , description : "Sednit update: Analysis of Zebrocy: The Sednit group \u2013 also known as APT28, Fancy Bear, Sofacy or STRONTIUM \u2013 is a group of attackers operating since 2004, if not earlier, and whose main objective is to steal confidential information from specific targets.\n\nToward the end of 2015, we started seeing a new component deployed by the group; a downloader for the main Sednit backdoor, Xagent. Kaspersky mentioned this component for the first time in 2017 in their APT trend report and recently wrote an article where they quickly described it under the name Zebrocy.\n\nThis new component is a family of malware, comprising downloaders and backdoors written in Delphi and AutoIt. These components play the same role in the Sednit ecosystem as Seduploader; that of first-stage malware."}
Here I am using node js, with sequelize as orm. When I save it in table. I see "\\n" for "\n" and "\\u" for \u. Can anyone help me to avoid escaping characters while saving to table.
I see \n for \n and \u for \u.
In your json description is type of string , so it will convert the new line/enter to \n that the default behavior , or else you will not get the new line / enter when you try to fetch the data again.
And \u is for unicode , you might be saving some smily or special character so that will be converted to such strings.
So there is no bug , this is how it works.

Partial search in Endeca Property

I have created a endeca property Address with RecordSearch (with WildCard) enabled.
When I search '487 Saxony' word for the above property in pipeline I get results (Matching Records: 10).
But when searching '487 Saxo' or '487 Sax', I'm not getting any result (Matching Records: 0).
Anyone please tell me what changes need to be done to get the desired result when searching '487 Saxo' or ''487 Sax'?
Note : I'm using version 6.1.3
Thanks in advance

different numbers of variable names and field specifiers error in tcl for linux server

here i am using set numCut [scan $inline1 "%d"] in tcl script for linux server, but after execting script it's showing below error
`different numbers of variable names and field specifiers` variable $inline1
value is `2) "NYMEX UTBAPI Worker" (NYMEX UTBAPI Poller): STOPPED`
i searched in google for this then i got below
0x1771b07c tcl_s_cmdmz_diff_num_var_field
Text: Different numbers of variable names and field specifiers
Severity: tcl_c_general_error
Component: tcl / tcl_s_general
Explanation: The scan command detected that the number of variable names
provided differs from the number of field specifiers provided.
Action: Verify that the number of variable names is the same as the number of
field specifiers.
here i got the above description.
Can anyone help me out how to solve this issue?
thanks in advance...
The ability to return the matched fields was added in Tcl 8.5. Prior to that, you had to supply a variable for each field that you had in the scan, and the result would be the number of fields matched (and it still is if you provide variable names).
set numCut [scan $inline1 "%d"]
scan $inline1 "%d" numCut
Or switch to a more recent version of Tcl if you can, as 8.4 is almost out of its extended support period. (There will be a final patch release this summer to address some minor issues with build problems on recent systems, but that's it. We won't support it after that.)
I think that the Tcl error message is telling you that the number of specifiers in your format string %d is different to the number of variables in your Tcl command scan $inline1 "%d".
So, you have one format specifier, and no variables and that's what the Tcl interpreter is telling you.
Try changing your command to scan $inline1 "%d" numCut and see if that works any better.
