Cygwin: Going from a 32 Bit File to 64 Bit - linux

I am following a tutorial online made a while back and it says to use
ld -s -o testing test.o
to create an output file.
I'm getting the error of
ld: i386 architecture of input file 'test.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output
when trying to run that line.
Test.o was created by nasm -f elf test.asm. It can't be created in 64-bit format sadly.
How should I go about combating this? Thanks so much for your time!!

You can't make a 64bit executable with 32bit code.
If you want to make a 32bit executable, you can use -m elf_i386:
$ ld -s -o test test.o
ld: i386 architecture of input file `test.o' is incompatible
with i386:x86-64 output
$ ld -s -o test test.o -m elf_i386


How to use nasm to create gui under linux

How to use nasm to create gui under linux
I found an example ,
but i get an error
nasm main.asm -o main.o -felf64 -w+all -gstabs
ld main.o -o a -melf_x86_64 -dynamic-linker /lib/ -lX11
print zsh: accessing a corrupt shared library: ./a
what happened?

New versions of LD cannot take ELF files as input to link

I have been working on a 32-bit operating system project written in C using GNU LD version 2.34 as the linker.
As part of the build process, I use the following command:
ld -m elf_i386 -nostdlib -T ld/loader.ld build/bootloader/loader.o build/bootloader/loader.elf -o loader_full.elf
When using GNU LD version 2.34, this command succeeds. However, when I use a version higher than this, I get the following error:
ld: cannot use executable file 'build/bootloader/loader.elf' as input to a link
If necessary, here is the full Makefile script:
CC_FLAGS = -g -m32 -ffreestanding -nostartfiles -nostdlib -fno-stack-protector
LD_FLAGS = -m elf_i386 -nostdlib
CC := gcc ${CC_FLAGS}
LD := ld ${LD_FLAGS}
BOOTLOADER_DRIVERS = kernel/drivers/disk/ata.c kernel/drivers/io/screen.c kernel/drivers/utils/mem.c kernel/drivers/utils/ports.c
raw: prep os-image.bin
convert_vmdk: os-image.vmdk
all: prep os-image.bin
ESFS_raw_write: ESFS_raw_write.c
gcc $^ -o $#
# run OS in QEMU
qemu-system-i386 -drive format=raw,file=os-image.bin
# assemble boot sector
build/bootloader/boot_sect.bin: boot/boot_sect.asm
nasm $^ -f bin -o $#
# compile second stage bootloader
build/bootloader/loader_2.o build/drivers/*.o: boot/*.c ${BOOTLOADER_DRIVERS}
${CC} -c $^
mv loader.o build/bootloader/loader_2.o
mv *.o build/drivers/
# link object files into kernel loader
build/bootloader/loader.elf: build/bootloader/loader_2.o build/drivers/*.o
${LD} -T ld/loader.ld $^ -o $#
rm build/bootloader/loader_2.o
# assemble first stage bootloader
build/bootloader/loader.o: boot/loader.asm
nasm $^ -f elf -o $#
# link first and second stage bootloaders
build/bootloader/loader_full.elf: build/bootloader/loader.o build/bootloader/loader.elf
${LD} -T ld/loader.ld $^ -o $#
# make bootloader binary file
build/bootloader/loader.bin: build/bootloader/loader_full.elf
objcopy $^ -O binary $#
# clean up unnecessary files
# rm build/bootloader/*.o build/bootloader/*.elf build/drivers/*.o
build/kernel/interrupt.o: kernel/cpu/interrupt.asm
nasm $^ -f elf -o $#
# compile kernel & write to 10MB raw drive image
build/kernel/hdd.bin: kernel/drivers/*/*.c kernel/cpu/*.c kernel/libc/*.c build/kernel/interrupt.o kernel/*.c
${CC} $^ -o build/kernel/kernel.o -T ld/kernel.ld
# concat 3 boot stages into os-image file
os-image.bin: build/bootloader/boot_sect.bin build/bootloader/loader.bin build/kernel/hdd.bin
cat $^ > $#
VBoxManage convertfromraw os-image.bin os-image.vmdk --format VMDK
VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid /home/tim/Dev/OSDev/os-image.vmdk 6372c00a-a62e-4241-9a21-90fa4c22f019
# prepare directory structure for build process
mkdir -p build/bootloader
mkdir -p build/drivers
mkdir -p build/kernel
# clean up build files and os-image binary
-rm -rf build/
-rm *.bin *.vmdk
-rm ESFS_raw_write
The project is also on GitHub, so you can build it for yourself:
I have just come up with a similar problem.
It seems ld version GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.36.1 links the file into an executable format.
To fix it, add -r in your ld command to output a relocatable format file.
From the ld manual:
Generate relocatable output--i.e., generate an output file that can in turn serve as input to ld. This is often called partial linking. As a side effect, in environments that support standard Unix magic numbers, this option also sets the output file's magic number to OMAGIC. If this option is not specified, an absolute file is produced. When linking C++ programs, this option will not resolve references to constructors; to do that, use -Ur. This option does the same thing as -i.
It's not that ld can't take ELF files as input. It's that it won't take executable files as input. The error is:
ld: cannot use executable file '...' as input to a link
Does it work to simply use chmod -x $# after building the .elf file?
In my (eclipse-based) multicore MCUXpresso project, I had to add this line to my post-build steps to modify a byte inside of the generated "*.o" file so the linker step which used that file wouldn't complain anymore. This happened after I updated to version 11.6 which includes the LD version mentioned previously. I originally found this on the forums for NXP MCUXpresso, but I assume it will work similarly for just about anyone:
dd if=/dev/zero of="${BuildArtifactFileName}.o" bs=1 seek=16 conv=notrunc count=2
NXP MCUXpresso fix

Failing to compile C using GCC

I am trying to compile test.c as described this NanoPi Neo guide. However, when ever I try to run the gcc command to compile, I get this error message...
GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.26.1
Supported emulations:
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/5/../../../arm-linux-gnueabihf/crt1.o: In function `_start':
(.text+0x28): undefined reference to `main'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
...the command...
sudo gcc -Wall -o test.c -lwiringPi -lpthread -Wl,-V
...and the code I'm trying to compile...
#include <wiringPi.h>
int main(void)
wiringPiSetup() ;
pinMode (7, OUTPUT) ;
digitalWrite(7, HIGH) ;
delay (500) ;
digitalWrite(7, LOW) ;
delay (500) ;
May I guess that this is a possible linking issue? I'm just not sure and I really do know how to change it.
I am rather novice-like when it comes to topics like C, Linux and the like. :)
You have not specified any .c source files since the -o specifies the output as #user3386109 mentioned.
sudo gcc -Wall test.c -o output_file_name -lwiringPi -lpthread -Wl,-V

On linux ubuntu 16 32bit, DrPaulcarter assembly language tutorial, undefined reference error

I'm new in assembly language, so i am following Dr.Paul Carter's pcasm tutorial(
Exactly pdf file( page-33, and book's page-23
From that site, i downloaded Linux Example (
and at the terminal i input
nasm -f coff first.asm
gcc -c driver.c
nasm -f coff asm_io.o
gcc -o first driver.o first.o asm_io.o
But it returned it
Where is problem?
(Screenshot's command -lc is no matter, if there is no -lc, it returned the same thing)
For Linux asm_io doesn't work with 64-bit. You have to create 32-bit programs. Compile C files as 32-bit using the -m32 option. You also have to assemble asm_io.asm with a special define -d ELF_TYPE for this to work on Linux. Don't use coff. Commands like this should work:
nasm -f elf -d ELF_TYPE asm_io.asm
nasm -f elf first.asm
gcc -m32 -c driver.c
gcc -m32 -o first driver.o first.o asm_io.o
If you are truly on 32-bit Linux you will be able to omit -m32
I found that error is from asm_io.asm. You should have to modify asm_io.asm or check define lines.

what does ld -m --verbose actually do?

I am confused by this command. The man page says it "emulates the emulation linker. You can list the available emulations with the --verbose or -V options." But what does the "available emulations" mean?
For example, I use the following command to link objects:
ld -r -nostdlib -L/media/wind/lab/xen/xen/xen-4.4.0/stubdom/cross-root-x86_64/x86_64-xen-elf/lib \
-m elf_x86_64 --verbose ./arch/x86/x86_64.o ./mini-os_app.o ./blkfront.o ./events.o ./fbfront.o \
./gntmap.o ./gnttab.o ./hypervisor.o ./kernel.o ./lock.o ./main.o ./mm.o ./netfront.o ./sched.o \
./lib/ctype.o ./lib/math.o ./lib/printf.o ./lib/stack_chk_fail.o ./lib/string.o ./lib/sys.o \
./lib/xmalloc.o ./lib/xs.o ./xenbus/xenbus.o ./console/console.o ./console/xencons_ring.o \
./console/xenbus.o ./lwip.a -L./arch/x86 -lx86_64 -lc -lglib-2.0 -lvmi -o ./mini-os.o
GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.22
Supported emulations:
using internal linker script:
(>>> scripts displayed here, neglected <<<)
attempt to open /media/wind/lab/xen/xen/xen-4.4.0/stubdom/mini-os-x86_64-vmi/arch/x86/libx86_64.a succeeded
(>>> lots of *.o listed here for libc.a <<<)
attempt to open /media/wind/lab/xen/xen/xen-4.4.0/stubdom/cross-root-x86_64/x86_64-xen-elf/lib/libglib-2.0.a succeeded
(>>> why no *.o files listed here? <<<)
attempt to open /media/wind/lab/xen/xen/xen-4.4.0/stubdom/cross-root-x86_64/x86_64-xen-elf/lib/libvmi.a succeeded
As showed in the above outputs, it seems that each *.a library should have their own *.o listed. But what is the meaning if no *.o listed for a certain *.a library,such as glib-2.0.a showed above ?
Thank you in advance!
The ld -m option is used while linking .o files to create an executable file for a hardware platform provided as an argument with -m option.
E.g. if you specify ld -m elf_x86_64 ..., an executable file is created (assuming no error occurred) that can run on a x86_64 system. This is generally used during cross compiling. i.e. in the situation when you are trying to create an executable for a platform different from the one it is being built.
