How to reference variables within a string on LiveCode? - livecode

I have a piece of code that I am trying to run, however I am trying to include variables as part of my string. This can be found in the line
put "A" into field "Field_(position)_(lettersinword)
The two asterisked words are the variables I would like to include. How do I do this?
global finalword
global lettersinword
global position
position = 0
on mouseUp
repeat until position = lettersinword
add 1 to position
if char(position) of finalword = "a" then
put "A" into field "Field_(*position*)_(*lettersinword*)
end if
end repeat
end mouseUp

You can use the string concatenation & in LiveCode but you also need to enclose the concatenation in parentheses:
put "A" into field ("Field_" & position & "_" & lettersinword)


VBA Dynamically Building A Formula From An Array

I am trying to dynamically construct a formula based on an array that I have generated from a cell (separated by commas), as there is a varying amount of elements in the array I need to append a new "formula block" with the updated element to use in a if statement that is generated after the for each loop. VBA is throwing a type mismatch error in the InvestigateFormula = line, here is my code:
For Each Type In ToIgnore()
InvestigateFormula = "(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(*" & ToIgnore(Type) & "*," & _
AssetTypesCol & "2)),"
FullFormula = InvestigateFormula & FullFormula
Next Asset
FinalInvestigateFormula = "=IF(OR" & FullFormula & "),""Ignore"", """")"
ActiveCell.Formula = FinalInvestigateFormula
Please let me know if there is an easier way of doing this or how I might be able to correct the above code. Btw I am not declaring a variant I am simply declaring ToIgnore() as String and using the split function from the variable which contains the comma separated values to generate the array/items to loop over.
"Type" is a reserved name? Try strType instead?

How do I listen to a specific text string on Mac OS X in a livecode application

I want to create a Mac app similar to Textexpander or Atext. Both these applications allow the user to define snippets along with their respective trigger words. Typing the trigger words in any app, replaces that trigger word with the actual snippet defined.
I presume that the app listens to all strings being typed in any app and when it detects a string matching one of the trigger words defined, it replaces it with the snippet.
Is that how it actually works, or is there some other way?
Make two fields. In field 2 put something like:
time xyz
come ABC
In the script of field 1:
on textChanged
if the last char of me = space then
put the last word of me into temp
if temp is in fld 2 then
repeat for each word tWord in fld 2
put the last word of line lineOffset(temp,fld 2) of fld 2 into the last word of me
exit repeat
end repeat
end if
select after text of me
end if
end textChanged
Now type into fld 1, you know, "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country". This can be better done with an array, but the concept may be more accessible here.
This is a better handler, since it will not react to the trigger word:
on textChanged
if the last char of me = space then
put the last word of me into stringOfInterest
put fld 2 into dataToSearch
if stringOfInterest is in dataToSearch then
repeat for each line tLine in dataToSearch
if word 1 of tLine = stringOfInterest then
put word 2 of tLine into the last word of me
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
select after text of me
end if
end textChanged

Why does Excel treat double spaces as a comma?

I wrote an export to CSV file in my application, and I then exported it into Outlook.
The issue I've got, is that when the CSV file is being written, my code is checking for a comma in the current field, but while doing this, it also mistakes a double space for a comma, or space followed by 'Enter' key being pressed (for multiline textboxes)
An example would be if in the notes section of the customer, there is 4 lines of text, and one ends in a space - The user has then pressed enter to go to the next line, however the program is taking the next line of text and creating a new record for it, as it thinks it's a comma...
What is the reason for this? This means that data has to be super validated (ie checking for no double spaces etc) before it can be exported, which is far too time consuming.
Hopefully this makes sense!
This is the code:
Dim result As Boolean = True
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
Dim separator As String = ","
Dim group As String = """"
Dim newLine As String = Environment.NewLine
For Each column As DataColumn In dtable.Columns
sb.Append(wrapValue(column.ColumnName, group, separator) & separator)
For Each row As DataRow In dtable.Rows
For Each col As DataColumn In dtable.Columns
sb.Append(wrapValue(row(col).ToString(), group, separator) & separator)
The code for wrapValue
Function wrapValue(value As String, group As String, separator As String) As String
If value.Contains(separator) Then
If value.Contains(group) Then
value = value.Replace(group, group + group)
End If
value = group & value & group
End If
Return value
End Function
Based on the fact that it's shortening it by 430 lines, I'd suggest it's something to do with the fact you're adding a load of "" before and after the value variable.
If it's removing a value at the start, then it will be removing a " before the first column header. As to why it's importing one record as you mentioned in the comments, I'm not entirely sure, however, I would suggest the issue lies in your wrapValue code.
Can you try changing
value = group & value & group
value = value
and see if that changes anything?

How can i get content from scrolling field and place it into in an array in Live code

How can i get content from scrolling field and place content in an array in Live code. I have code for replace content in the array
on mouseUp
put "" into field f1
put "red,RED" & CR & "green,GREEN" & CR & "blue,BLUE" into myArrayToBe
split myArrayToBe by CR
put the number of lines of (the keys of myArrayToBe) into myArraylength
repeat with i = 1 to myArraylength
put myArrayToBe[i] into y
split y by comma
put y[1] into searchStr
put y[2] into replaceStr
put replaceStr &CR after field f1
end repeat
end mouseUp
This function should do the trick
function lines_to_array pLines
put pLines into tArray
split tArray by return
end lines_to_array
on mouseUp
put lines_to_array(field "Guests") into tGuests
-- do something with the array tGuests here
end mouseUp

Finding multiple instance of a variable length string in a string

I'm trying to extract my parameters from my SQL query to build my xml for an SSRS report. I want to be able to copy/paste my SQL into Excel, look through the code and find all instances of '#' and the appropriate parameter attached to it. These paramaters will ultimately be copied and pasted to another sheet for further use. So for example:
where DateField between #FromDate and #ToDate
and (BalanceFiled between #BalanceFrom and #BalanceTo
OR BalancdField = #BalanceFrom)
I know I can use Instr to find the starting position of the first '#' in a line but how then do I go about extracting the rest of the parameter name (which varies) and also, in the first two lines of the example, finding the second parameter and extracting it's variable lenght? I've also tried using the .Find method which I've been able to copy the whole line over but not just the parameters.
I might approach this problem like so:
Remove characters that are not surrounded by spaces, but do not
belong. In your example, the parentheses need to be removed.
Split the text using the space as a delimiter.
For each element in the split array, check the first character.
If it is "#", then the parameter is found, and it is the entire value in that part of the array.
My user-defined function looks something like this:
Public Function GetParameters(ByRef rsSQL As String) As String
Dim sWords() As String
Dim s As Variant
Dim sResult As String
'remove parentheses and split at space
sWords = Split(Replace(Replace(rsSQL, ")", ""), "(", ""), " ")
'find parameters
For Each s In sWords
If Left$(s, 1) = "#" Then
sResult = sResult & s & ", "
End If
Next s
'remove extra comma from list
If sResult <> "" Then
sResult = Left$(sResult, Len(sResult) - 2)
End If
GetParameters = sResult
End Function
