Drupal8 module development: hook_node_access not called - hook

for my current site I have a content type that stores a user in an entity reference field. I want to allow the user referenced in this field to edit the data of that node. In drupal7 I would do that with a node_access hook - which I am not getting to work in drupal8.
Here is a demo code of my hook - for testing purposes I want to forbid everything. However it is never called, and no - I am not logged in as user1. Also reseted cache, uninstalled and installed the module again and rebuilt the permissions - nothing seems to make this hook work.
function mymodule_node_access(\Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node, $op, \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account) {
$access = new AccessResultForbidden();
return $access;
My question is why is this hook never called - and if there is now with drupal 8 a better way to do so?
Any help will be appreciated.
Best regards,

This hook is never called for user 1, since he bypasses every access control.
Try testing anonymously or as another role.

Try the following command. The tool 'drupal console' is required.
drupal node:access:rebuild


Broadleaf - running locally - problem getting started the API project

I'm trying to run Heat Clinic 6.0.1 locally following getting started tutorial: https://www.broadleafcommerce.com/docs/core/current/getting-started/running-locally
I managed to run admin and site but not the API project. The application starts without problems but when I go to http://localhost:8082/api/v1/swagger-ui.html I get a 404. In the log I see this exception:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Circular view path [error]: would dispatch back to the current handler URL [/error] again. Check your ViewResolver setup! (Hint: This may be the result of an unspecified view, due to default view name generation.)
Also trying to log in directly in the API with user broadleafapi and password gives 404.
My environment: Windows 10, jdk 8, maven 3.6
What's wrong? Can you help me? Thank you
Thanks for the report. I reproduced this and it looks like that with the update to Spring Boot 2.0, we did not appropriately override the updated property that specifies the servlet location to embedded Tomcat. Thus, when you went to /api/v1/swagger-ui.html, the application treats it exactly like that URL which is what gave the 404.
Setting the server.servlet.contextPath=/api/v1 property appropriately stripped off this path as part of the servlet context and resolved the 404.
I tested around a bit and was able to 'Authorize' the app (button at the top right of the Swagger page) with the credentials information that get spit out in the logs:
Basic auth configured with user broadleafapi and password: <<generated>>
then I was able to hit the API endpoints.
The changes you will need to make locally in your project to consume the fix are at https://github.com/BroadleafCommerce/DemoSite/commit/422d1cdc37f847afd8bec0be477ab784cbad2e9d#diff-991c59b6dbb0f619b8570d8f8779eaddR11. You will notice that I moved the original definition in default.properties over to common.properties and I recommend that you do the same. To be clear, follow these steps:
Delete the server.servlet.contextPath entry in `api/src/main/resources/runtime-properties/default.properties
Change server.servletPath in api/src/main/resources/runtime-properties/common.properties to server.servlet.contextPath
Thanks for trying out Broadleaf and the report, sorry for the rough early start!

Why is micronaut invoking the wrong controller method?

I have a micronaut API like this:
List<Club> listClubs()
Club show(Long id)
In my unit test, when I invoke the show method, the listClubs() method is actually getting invoked, instead.
Why is this happening?
Thinking that my URL mappings must be wrong, I started debugging into Netty to try to understand how the framework constructs URLs.
In HttpClientIntroductionAdvice, the context shows the API method like this:
Club show(Long param0)
The interceptor is setting param0 in the parameter map, which doesn't match the actual parameter name of my method. When the URI template is expanded, this causes the ID to get dropped (thus the URI becomes / instead of /1).
I am trying to follow this example:
There is one important different in my project, which is that the endpoint is set at "/club" instead of at "/":
I am using a diff tool to compare my project to the sample, but I am struggling to find any other difference (besides package name changes).
Why is this happening? What should I be looking for?
Tested the target endpoint with the browser - looks fine.
Gradle clean does not resolve the issue.
I switched from debugging the Application class with IntelliJ to using "gradlew run" and in the process, I made a change to build.gradle (adding JVM properties pass-through from the gradle CLI). I also played with enabling/disabling the annotation processor in the IDE.
(note: In the previous project, I enabled annotation processing as soon as I imported into the IDE. On this project, I didn't enable it until I started having issues.)
I think the build.gradle alteration caused the problem to go away. Since the issue shows up unreliably, it's hard to tell for certain if this is the change that caused it to be fixed.

sentry: setUserContext in nodejs with raven-node?

I've tried to get the setUserContext function with raven-node in my nodejs app, but I cannot find how to set the user context. Has anyone made it work?
I was able to make it work in the client-side, with "Raven.setUserContext" but not in the nodejs backend :(
User context isn't implemented in raven-node: https://github.com/getsentry/raven-node/issues/134
I'm a contributor to the project, and it's my number one priority to have this done shortly – should be a matter of days.
Edit – we just published raven-node 0.10.0 which adds setUserContext.

jenkins: setting root url via Groovy API

I'm trying to update Jenkins' root URL via the Groovy API, so I can script the deployment of a Jenkins master without manual input (aside: why is a tool as popular with the build/devops/automation community as Jenkins so resistant to automation?)
Based on this documentation, I believe I should be able to update the URL using the following script in the Script Console.
import jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration
jlc = new jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration()
Briefly, this instantiates a JenkinsLocationConfiguration object; calls the setter setUrl with the desired value, http://jenkins.my-org.com:8080/; and prints out the new URL to confirm that it has changed.
The println statement prints what I expect it to, but following this, the value visible through the web interface at "Manage Jenkins" -> "Configure System" -> "Jenkins URL" has not updated as I expected.
I'm concerned that the value hasn't been update properly by Jenkins, which might lead to problems when communicating with external APIs.
Is this a valid way to fix the Jenkins root URL? If not, what is? Otherwise, why isn't the change being reflected in the config page?
You are creating a new JenkinsLocationConfiguration object, and updating the new one, not the existing one being used
jlc = JenkinsLocationConfiguration.get()
// ...
to get the one from the global jenkins configuration, update it and save the config descriptor back.
see : https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/blob/master/core/src/main/java/jenkins/model/JenkinsLocationConfiguration.java

Orchard site trowing exception when connected to SQL DB, any ideas?

I have an Orchard site with a SQL DB, when I try to access the site the following error happen:
Server Error in '/' Application.
None of the constructors found with 'Orchard.Environment.AutofacUtil.DynamicProxy2.ConstructorFinderWrapper' on type 'BodyLogic.Physicians.Services.PhysicianService' can be invoked with the available services and parameters: Cannot resolve parameter 'BodyLogic.LegacyDb.Services.Repositories.Physicians.IPhysicianRepository physicianRepository' of constructor 'Void .ctor(BodyLogic.LegacyDb.Services.Repositories.Physicians.IPhysicianRepository, BodyLogic.LegacyDb.Services.DtoConverters.IDtoConverter)'.
When I delete the "default" folder from App_Data/Sites/... and install a new Orchard everything runs perfectly, no exception and the modules are ok, but when I change the connection string to point to SQL Server again, the same exception happens again.
Any assistance in this matter will be highly appreciated,
Regards and thanks,
It's not SQL Server that's causing the error, but corrupted data. There is a feature that should be enabled but is not. I bet it's this one: BodyLogic.LegacyDb.
You probably added a dependency to an already enabled feature, am I right? If so then what you see is the default behavior - Orchard won't auto enable the newly added dependency. You need to do that manually.
Feature enable/disable state is stored in the db table Settings_ShellFeatureStateRecord. To fix the error:
open it,
find a record with Name equal to BodyLogic.LegacyDb and
set both InstallState and EnableState values to Up
After you've done that
clear your App_Data/cache.dat,
restart the app pool and you're set.
