How to get a rectangle to move along X axis using checkMouse()? - python-3.x

I'm trying to get a rectangle to move along the X axis but checkMouse() isn't working. What needs to be done to make it work?
from graphics import*
import time
from random import randrange
wd=GraphWin("Catch A Ball",500,500)
p1=220 #size of rectangle
for i in range(1):
dx=p.getX() - c.getX()
dy=p.getY() - c.getY()

You're missing a loop and I recommend working with getMouse() initially until you've a need to switch to checkMouse():
from graphics import *
window = GraphWin("Catch A Ball", 500, 500)
point1 = Point(220, 480) # size of rectangle
point2 = Point(250, 500)
rectangle = Rectangle(point1, point2)
while True:
point = window.getMouse()
if point is not None: # so we can switch to checkMouse() if desired
center = rectangle.getCenter()
dx = point.getX() - center.getX()
dy = point.getY() - center.getY()
rectangle.move(dx, 0)
You need to add some sort of action/event to break out of the while True: infinite loop.


Interference of canvas items and problem in setting coordinates

I'm working on an animation of a moving object, while drawing it's path.
I want to draw the pixels in which the center of the object went through... but guess what? python decided to set the NW anchor of the image with the coordinates I send, instead of the center. I infer it has something to do with the pixels I draw simultaneously (creating a one pixel rectangle). so the image appear on the right of the path bellow... I want the center of it to be on the top of the pixels... adding the main of the code:
from tkinter import*
import time
dt = 0.01
clock_place = (500, 10)
def round_two(t, t0):
return round((t-t0)*100)/100
def round_three(t, t0):
return round((t-t0)*1000)/1000
# showing 'real time motion' for a known path (also cyclic), with
# parametric representation
def paint_known_path(x_pos, y_pos, t_0):
window = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(window, height=700, width=1000)
tennis_ball = PhotoImage(file='tennis ball.png')
t = t_0
x = x_pos(t_0)
y = y_pos(t_0)
particle = canvas.create_image(x, y, image=tennis_ball)
clock = canvas.create_text(clock_place, text=round_two(t, t_0),
while True:
canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x, y, outline='red')
canvas.itemconfig(clock, text=round_two(t, t_0))
t += dt
x = x_pos(t)
y = y_pos(t)
canvas.moveto(particle, x, y)
if x == x_pos(t_0) and y == y_pos(t_0):
if t - t_0 > 100*dt:
canvas.create_text((500, 100), text='orbit duration: ' +
str(round_three(t, t_0)), fill='white')
It turns out to be quite a bit require, but here is the main completion components.
The first additional part that you need to add:
# print('the ten ball height', tennis_ball.height(), tennis_ball.width())
# tennis ball dimensions
tb_hght = tennis_ball.height()
tb_wdth = tennis_ball.width()
mid_point_x = x + tennis_ball.height() / 2
mid_point_y = y + tennis_ball.width() / 2
Secondly, also needed to add some functions to for x_pos and y_pos like this (these are just example functions to make the code work):
def x_pos(a):
# any function of t,
return 100
def y_pos(a):
# any function of t,
return 100
Furthermore, you need to call the function at the end like this:
Finally, need to add the mid_point_x and mid_point_y to the path that is drawn (as these will be the image centre points).

Python3 Tkinter and Pillow: How to rotate an image while it is on a canvas

I want to move a turtle around a canvas by clicking on the canvas, and the turtle should point in the direction it is moving. The moving part works, but the rotate function causes the image to become distorted and mangled.
What am I doing wrong and how do I fix this?
I have a class that adds an image of a turtle to a canvas:
class TurtleImage:
A Turtle image that will be placed on the canvas that is given in the ctor.
The turtle can be moved around the canvas with the move() method.
def __init__(self, canvas : Canvas):
self.__turtle_file : str = self.__find_file("turtle_example/turtle.png")
self.__canvas = canvas
self.__pilImage : PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile =
self.__pilTkImage : ImageTk.PhotoImage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.__pilImage)
self.__turtle_id : int = canvas.create_image(100,100, image=self.__pilTkImage)
self.__is_moving = False
This class also has a method to animate the turtle moving around the canvas. It moves the turtle by 1 pixel in the x direction, y direction, or both, and then scehdules itself to be called again after a time delay determined by the speed parameter. It also should rotate the turtle so it is pointing in the right direction:
def move(self, dest_x : int, dest_y :int, speed : float = 0.1):
self.__is_moving = True
delay_ms = math.floor(1/speed)
current_x, current_y = self.__canvas.coords(self.__turtle_id)
delta_x = 1 if current_x < dest_x else -1 if current_x > dest_x else 0
delta_y = 1 if current_y < dest_y else -1 if current_y > dest_y else 0
angle = math.atan2(delta_y,delta_x)
if (delta_x, delta_y) != (0, 0):
self.__canvas.move(self.__turtle_id, delta_x, delta_y)
if (current_x, current_y) != (dest_x, dest_y):
self.__canvas.after(delay_ms, self.move, dest_x, dest_y, speed)
self.__is_moving = False
Because the canvas does not have the ability to rotate its objects, I must replace the object with a rotated version of itself:
def __rotate(self, angle : float):
self.__pilImage = self.__pilImage.rotate(angle)
self.__pilTkImage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.__pilImage)
def __replace_image(self, new_image : ImageTk.PhotoImage):
self.__canvas.itemconfig(self.__turtle_id, image = new_image)
The moving around works fine, but the rotate function causes the image to become distorted and mangled, and it gets worse every time it is called.
Can you tell me why this isn't working, and what I need to do to fix it?
Here's a screenshot of said turtle, before and after rotating:
I've found the sollution, I have to reopen the file:
def __rotate(self, angle : float):
self.__pilImage =
self.__pilImage = self.__pilImage.rotate(angle)
self.__pilTkImage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.__pilImage)
I don't know why though.

mplcursors: show and highlight coordinates of nearby local extreme

I have code that shows the label for each point in a matplotlib scatterplot using mplcursors, similar to this example. I want to know how to, form a list of values, make a certain point stand out, as in if I have a graph of points y=-x^2. When I go near the peak, it shouldn't show 0.001, but 0 instead, without the trouble needing to find the exact mouse placement of the top. I can't solve for each point in the graph, as I don't have a specific function.
Supposing the points in the scatter plot are ordered, we can investigate whether an extreme in a nearby window is also an extreme in a somewhat larger window. If, so we can report that extreme with its x and y coordinates.
The code below only shows the annotation when we're close to a local maximum or minimum. It also temporarily shows a horizontal and vertical line to indicate the exact spot. The code can be a starting point for many variations.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mplcursors
import numpy as np
near_window = 10 # the width of the nearby window
far_window = 20 # the width of the far window
def show_annotation(sel):
ind =
near_start_index = max(0, ind - near_window)
y_near = y[near_start_index: min(N, ind + near_window)]
y_far = y[max(0, ind - far_window): min(N, ind + far_window)]
near_max = y_near.max()
far_max = y_far.max()
annotation_str = ''
if near_max == far_max:
near_argmax = y_near.argmax()
annotation_str = f'local max:\nx:{x[near_start_index + near_argmax]:.3f}\ny:{near_max:.3f}'
maxline = plt.axhline(near_max, color='crimson', ls=':')
maxline_x = plt.axvline(x[near_start_index+near_argmax], color='grey', ls=':')
near_min = y_near.min()
far_min = y_far.min()
if near_min == far_min:
near_argmin = y_near.argmin()
annotation_str = f'local min:\nx:{x[near_start_index+near_argmin]:.3f}\ny:{near_min:.3f}'
minline = plt.axhline(near_min, color='limegreen', ls=':')
minline_x = plt.axvline(x[near_start_index + near_argmin], color='grey', ls=':')
if len(annotation_str) > 0:
sel.annotation.set_visible(False) # hide the annotation
# sel.annotation.set_text(f'x:{[0]:.3f}\n y:{[1]:.3f}')
N = 500
x = np.linspace(0, 100, 500)
y = np.cumsum(np.random.normal(0, 0.1, N))
box = np.ones(20) / 20
y = np.convolve(y, box, mode='same')
scat = plt.scatter(x, y, s=1)
cursor = mplcursors.cursor(scat, hover=True)
cursor.connect('add', show_annotation)

TkInter python - creating points on a canvas to obtain a Sierpinsky triangle

I want to make a program which plots a Sierpinsky triangle (of any modulo). In order to do it I've used TkInter. The program generates the fractal by moving a point randomly, always keeping it in the sides. After repeating the process many times, the fractal appears.
However, there's a problem. I don't know how to plot points on a canvas in TkInter. The rest of the program is OK, but I had to "cheat" in order to plot the points by drawing small lines instead of points. It works more or less, but it doesn't have as much resolution as it could have.
Is there a function to plot points on a canvas, or another tool to do it (using Python)? Ideas for improving the rest of the program are also welcome.
Thanks. Here's what I have:
from tkinter import *
import random
import math
def plotpoint(x, y):
global canvas
point = canvas.create_line(x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1, fill = "#000000")
x = 0 #Initial coordinates
y = 0
#x and y will always be in the interval [0, 1]
mod = int(input("What is the modulo of the Sierpinsky triangle that you want to generate? "))
points = int(input("How many points do you want the triangle to have? "))
tkengine = Tk() #Window in which the triangle will be generated
window = Frame(tkengine)
canvas = Canvas(window, height = 700, width = 808, bg = "#FFFFFF") #The dimensions of the canvas make the triangle look equilateral
for t in range(points):
#Procedure for placing the points
while True:
#First, randomly choose one of the mod(mod+1)/2 triangles of the first step. a and b are two vectors which point to the chosen triangle. a goes one triangle to the right and b one up-right. The algorithm gives the same probability to every triangle, although it's not efficient.
a = random.randint(0,mod-1)
b = random.randint(0,mod-1)
if a + b < mod:
#The previous point is dilated towards the origin of coordinates so that the big triangle of step 0 becomes the small one at the bottom-left of step one (divide by modulus). Then the vectors are added in order to move the point to the same place in another triangle.
x = x / mod + a / mod + b / 2 / mod
y = y / mod + b / mod
#Coordinates [0,1] converted to pixels, for plotting in the canvas.
X = math.floor(x * 808)
Y = math.floor((1-y) * 700)
plotpoint(X, Y)
If you are wanting to plot pixels, a canvas is probably the wrong choice. You can create a PhotoImage and modify individual pixels. It's a little slow if you plot each individual pixel, but you can get dramatic speedups if you only call the put method once for each row of the image.
Here's a complete example:
from tkinter import *
import random
import math
def plotpoint(x, y):
global the_image
the_image.put(('#000000',), to=(x,y))
x = 0
y = 0
mod = 3
points = 100000
tkengine = Tk() #Window in which the triangle will be generated
window = Frame(tkengine)
the_image = PhotoImage(width=809, height=700)
label = Label(window, image=the_image, borderwidth=2, relief="raised")
label.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
for t in range(points):
while True:
a = random.randint(0,mod-1)
b = random.randint(0,mod-1)
if a + b < mod:
x = x / mod + a / mod + b / 2 / mod
y = y / mod + b / mod
X = math.floor(x * 808)
Y = math.floor((1-y) * 700)
plotpoint(X, Y)
You can use canvas.create_oval with the same coordinates for the two corners of the bounding box:
from tkinter import *
import random
import math
def plotpoint(x, y):
global canvas
# point = canvas.create_line(x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1, fill = "#000000")
point = canvas.create_oval(x, y, x, y, fill="#000000", outline="#000000")
x = 0 #Initial coordinates
y = 0
#x and y will always be in the interval [0, 1]
mod = int(input("What is the modulo of the Sierpinsky triangle that you want to generate? "))
points = int(input("How many points do you want the triangle to have? "))
tkengine = Tk() #Window in which the triangle will be generated
window = Frame(tkengine)
canvas = Canvas(window, height = 700, width = 808, bg = "#FFFFFF") #The dimensions of the canvas make the triangle look equilateral
for t in range(points):
#Procedure for placing the points
while True:
#First, randomly choose one of the mod(mod+1)/2 triangles of the first step. a and b are two vectors which point to the chosen triangle. a goes one triangle to the right and b one up-right. The algorithm gives the same probability to every triangle, although it's not efficient.
a = random.randint(0,mod-1)
b = random.randint(0,mod-1)
if a + b < mod:
#The previous point is dilated towards the origin of coordinates so that the big triangle of step 0 becomes the small one at the bottom-left of step one (divide by modulus). Then the vectors are added in order to move the point to the same place in another triangle.
x = x / mod + a / mod + b / 2 / mod
y = y / mod + b / mod
#Coordinates [0,1] converted to pixels, for plotting in the canvas.
X = math.floor(x * 808)
Y = math.floor((1-y) * 700)
plotpoint(X, Y)
with a depth of 3 and 100,000 points, this gives:
Finally found a solution: if a 1x1 point is to be placed in pixel (x,y), a command which does it exactly is:
point = canvas.create_line(x, y, x+1, y+1, fill = "colour")
The oval is a good idea for 2x2 points.
Something remarkable about the original program is that it uses a lot of RAM if every point is treated as a separate object.

Turtle inner circle boundary in python

Okay, I've been at this all day and haven't a clue. I need to get my turtle object to draw random lines outside of a circle.
I've made code that restricts the random lines within the boundaries before, so I thought all I had to do was change the sign, but that didn't work. I'm not allowed to use coordinate geometry - it has to be something more basic...
Here's my code in it's current format:
import turtle, random
mRoshi = turtle.Turtle()
def draw_any_shape(myTurtle, sideLength, numSides):
turnAng = 360/numSides
for i in range(numSides):
def drawCircle(myTurtle, radius, startX, startY):
circumference = 2*3.1415*radius
sideLength = circumference/360
myTurtle.goto(startX, startY)
myTurtle.goto(startX, startY+radius)
draw_any_shape(myTurtle, sideLength, 360)
def stumblingTurtle(myTurtle, radius, startX, startY, paramN5):
circumference = 2*3.1415*radius
drawCircle(myTurtle, radius, startX, startY)
for i in range(paramN5):
drx = random.randint(-800, 800)
drw = random.randint(-800, 800)
if (drx**2 + drw**2) > radius**2:
crx = random.randint(-800, 800)
crw = random.randint(-800, 800)
xdif = crx-drx
ydif = crw-drw
for j in range(drx, crx):
for k in range(drw, crw):
if (xdif**2 + ydif**2) > radius**2:
Does this do what you want? It's also based on code that originally kept the turtle within a circle. It uses Python3 turtle's undo capability to allow the turtle to accidentally wander into the circle and then undo that accident as if it never happened:
import turtle
import random
def bounded_random_move():
x, y = yertle.position()
if (x * x + y * y) < RADIUS * RADIUS or x < -window_width/2 or x > window_width/2 or y < -window_height/2 or y > window_height/2:
yertle.undo() # undo misstep
turn = random.randint(180 - MAXIMUM_TURN, 180 + MAXIMUM_TURN)
turtle.ontimer(bounded_random_move, 100)
turtle.setup(RADIUS * 10, RADIUS * 10)
window_width = turtle.window_width() - BORDER
window_height = turtle.window_height() - BORDER
magic_marker = turtle.Turtle(visible=False)
yertle = turtle.Turtle(shape="turtle", visible=False)
yertle.goto(RADIUS * 2, RADIUS * 2) # start outside circle
turtle.ontimer(bounded_random_move, 100)
My undo trick might not be rigorous enough for everyone, however.
