I am currently creating some examples with Catel.
The Scenario I have in mind:
Database Server
WebServer with WCF DataService
WPF (or Silverlight) Client
My "Problem":
I do not want to repeat the Validation Code in webserver and Client, but the Problem is, that "ModelBase" does not work as DataService data Transfer objects.
(The additional properties create all Kinds of Problems)
So - how would you usually tackle that Problem?
There are some ideas which come to mind:
do not validate on server again (authenticated users are trustworthy?!)
do not use WCF-DataService at all, but create custom WCF-Services (which maybe under the hood use the EntityFrameworks db-context)
Both "Solutions" do not Sound very good...
Johannes Colmsee
First note: always validate on the server, never trust the client, never.
The solution is to create a shared project with your shared code. There you can share the validation on both the server and client (with the same code-base).
Im building a chat that uses a api rest full, but i found a problem storage jwt in client side (cookies and his problems), so i opted to use sessions(it's a better option in security terms), that adds state to my app.
I should create a separate server that handles the sessions and also have my rest api?, and apart another server that implements some functionality such as a push server (which I plan to implement). Because I really don't like the idea of having everything on one server, and if so, what should I take into account? (have more than an rest api server and other with his funcionality).
I'm a developer and i think so this require architecture knowledge, and i have no many idea about servers. If you can give me some idea about the topic to get better on it will be great, and what's the better option in this case.
Thanks, give a nice day
I am currently working on a web application. The client is designed in Vue.js and the server application is made with node.js and express.
As of now I plan to deploy both the client-website and the node.js-app on the same server. Both will be adressed via two different, unique domains. The server will be set up manually with nginx.
The problem now is that this solution won't prevent a user from being able to send requests to the server outside the client that was made for it. Someone will be able to call the /register route (with postman, curl etc.) to create an account an 'unofficial' way. I think the only clean solution is that only my Vue.js-app would be able to perform such actions. However, since both the server and the client are two different environments/applications, some sort of cross-origin-request mechanism (cors for instance) must be set up.
So I'm wondering, is this bad by design or is it usual that way? If I wanted this not to be possible, should I see to that issue and try to make the express-API as private as possible? If so, what are usual best practices for development and deployment / things to consider? Should I change my plan and work on a complete different architecture for my expectations instead / How do 'bigger' sites manage to allow no requests outside the official, public developer API's?
I think the only clean solution is that only my Vue.js-app would be able to perform such actions.
An API that is usable from a browser-based application is just open to the world. You cannot prevent use from other places. That just how the WWW works. You can require that a user in your system is authenticated and that auth credential is provided with each request (such as an auth cookie) before the API will provide any data. But, even then, any hacker can sign up for your system, take the auth credential and use your API for their own uses. You cannot prevent that.
If I wanted this not to be possible, should I see to that issue and try to make the express-API as private as possible?
There is no such thing as a private API that is used from a browser-based application. Nothing that runs in a browser is private.
If you were thinking of using CORs protections to limit the use of your API, that only limits it from other browser-based applications as CORs protections are enforced inside the browser. Any outside script using your API is not subject to CORs at all.
How do 'bigger' sites manage to allow no requests outside the official, public developer API's?
Bigger sites (such as Google) have APIs that require some sort of developer credential and that credential comes with particular usage rules (max number of requests over some time period, max data used, storage limits, etc...). These sites implement code in their API servers to verify that only an authorized client (one with the proper developer credential) is using the API and that the usage stays within the bounds that are afforded that developer credential. If not, the API will return some sort of 4xx or 5xx error.
Someone will be able to call the /register route (with postman, curl etc.) to create an account an 'unofficial' way.
Yes, this will likely be possible. Many sites nowadays use something like a captcha to require human intervention before a request to create an account can succeed. This can be successful at preventing entirely automated creation of accounts. But, it still doesn't stop some developer from manually creating an account, then grabbing that accounts credentials and using them with your API.
When talking about web applications, the only truly private APIs are APIs that are entirely within your server (one part of your server calling something in another part of your server). These private APIs can even be http requests, but they must either not be accessible to the outside world or they must require credentials that are never available to the outside world. Since they are not available to the outside world, they cannot be used from within a browser application.
OK, that was a lot of things you cannot do, what CAN you do?
First and foremost, an application design that keeps private APIs internal to the server (not sent from the client) is best. So, if you want to implement a piece of functionality that needs to call several APIs you would like to be private, then don't implement that functionality on the client. Implement that functionality on the server. Have the client make one request and get some data or HTML back that it can then display. Keep as much of the internals of the implementation of that feature on the server.
Second, you can require auth credentials for a user in your system for all API usage. While this won't prevent rouge usage, it will give you a bit more control because you can track usage, suspend user accounts when you find abuse, etc...
Third, you can implement usage rules for your public-facing APIs such as requests per minute, amount of data, etc... that your actual web application would never exceed so if they are exceeded, then it must be some unintended usage of the API. And, you could go further than that and detect usage patterns that do not happen in your client. For example, if you see an API user cycling through dozens of users, requesting all their profiles and you know that is something your regular client never does, you could detect that type of usage and block it.
I've been looking at node.js, REST APIs and WebSockets lately to further my knowledge about backend and frontend web development. Trying to go with best practices I see REST API comes up all the time. Now my problem which I don't seem to understand how to properly solve.
Say for example I'd like to have client / server decoupled and for this I implement a REST API in the backend so that my frontend will access and get data to render. Specific (imaginary) example: lets say I want to build a rental service website. Now I would like to have an endpoint for my frontend to access information about certain products, let's say the number of bikes that have been rented so far. I'd like to be able to show this on my frontend (through the help of the REST API) but I wouldn't like for other people who call this REST API to be able to get the data (because espionage is a serious business and I'd like to keep the evil ones away, yes they can webcrawl but bla bla). So in essence I'd like for the localhost machine to be able to access (part of) the REST API but not anyone else. Things get complicated because I'd also like people to be able to create a user on my website so then I'd like to have other endpoints which can then be accessed without restriction because I'm thinking, what if at some point I'd like to have a mobile app that is integrated with the service. Then it will be unfeasible to restrict all requests to localhost.
How would you architect a secure server / client as this one? Or in your opinion is it not that big of a deal to have the REST API exposed to others (the evil ones)?
The above goes for WebSockets as well. I know REST APIs are all nice and neat but I think the future lies in near-realtime connections and so I'm likewise as interested in WebSockets (through higher level modules of course, Socket.io, SockJS etc.).
There are many solutions to secure your API out there and many of them are opensource. Which one you'll use really depends your detailed needs.
But to get you started I will mention a solution that is very accepted and supported by a large community:
Have a look at JSON Web Token, which are for example explained in this Article.
Basically your client requests an authentication token from the server and then stores it locally to reuse it for every request to your API.
The Server on the other hand may protect your API as needed. That means you may also have a public API that does not expect a token in the HTTP Header.
Tokens may also expire. That is handy if you, for example, will allow a new user for registering on your site for a limited time.
Here is another article that explains things.
Now on to the websocket part of your question. YES, you definetly want to protect your server side sockets as well. So look out for a library that supports authentication. Again, I think there are a number of opensource libraries out there.
To mention one: Primus.
Primus is an abstraction layer for many socket libraries underneath and lets you quickly change the socket provider. But it also has an authentication hook that you can implement.
And guess what.. you can use it to check for a JSON Web Token!
Hope this gets you started.
I want to create a SaaS extension for chrome.
How do I ensure that they cannot use my extension's functionality when their subscription is no longer current?
My basic idea is that whenever they want to use my chrome extension's functionality, the extension makes an ajax request to my server to check to see if today's date is before the subscription's ending date in my DB.
The extension is obviously is client based, so even if I have code on the client side that's only executed if my ajax request returns that they have a current subscription, couldn't an enterprising individual just look at my code and run it via console in a way that gets past my ajax request requirement?
Is there a way to enforce the subscription?
This is mostly a conceptual question, but I'll try be clearer.
All the javascript code needed for my app to function is on their local machine, in their source files (to work it doesn't require access to my database).
so you could think of my code on their local machine as looking like this:
if (usersSubscriptionIsCurrent) {
And usersSubscriptionIsCurrent is true if the Ajax request to my server returns that their subscription is current.
Someone could still run my feature just by looking at the source code, and then typing runFeature() into their console.
I want to prevent that.
My extension relies on sending data from the extension to a related chrome app, so I just had the idea that I could also send the data to my server, which could then forward the data to user's chrome app if they have a current subscription. But yikes.
The more I think about it, the less I think it's possible for me to prevent, but I figured I'd ask in case anyone has a clever idea.
I think you are slightly confused about what counts as SaaS. Wikipedia:
Software as a service is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. SaaS is typically accessed by users using a thin client via a web browser.
Emphasis mine.
If your app / extension contains all the logic required, it does not qualify as SaaS. Futhermore, as it is always possible to copy/dissect your app, taking out all license checks, you can't protect it against a determined attacker.
There are ways to protect your code to some degree, via obfuscation, offloading logic to (P)NaCl modules, native host modules, or, as Alex Belozerov suggested, load the code on runtime. Again, all of that can be broken by a determined attacker.
But if you truly have SaaS in mind (and not just subscription-based licensing), your client app should be a thin client: that is, your app logic should be processed on a server, with code safely away from clients. That is the only "sure" way to protect it, but incurs processing costs to you, but that's what subscription is supposed to cover in the first place.
You can get part of code needed from server side. So if user's subscription is over, he won't be apple to run your feature as part of code is missing. Concept of my idea:
var subscriptionStatusResponse = makeAjaxCall();
if(subscriptionStatusResponse.usersSubscriptionIsCurrent) {
runFeature_localCode(); // only part of functional
subscriptionStatusResponse.remoteCode(); // second part
Maybe the best solution is to check if their subscription is current as soon as the extension starts, and then use the chrome management API to uninstall or disable it if their subscription is over.
I'd love to hear better ideas though.
I'm currently searching the best way for developing my next webapplication. I'm thinking about using Backbone.js and build a single page application. But I really can't imagine how to secure my app since nearly everything is done on client side. Of course I just could prevent the users from accessing my RESTful Api so they would not have access to my data. But all the view/model/collection/template js files are still accessible.
Or is there a known way to serve the js files with php (laravel), which would allow me to only serve the files I need for the respective user.
I just couldn't find a solution by searching the Web. But I just don't think that I am the lonely person who needs a clean and secure authentication method including different user rights.
Thank you in advance!
Your backend application will fetch data from a backend (= API), and probably send back some changes.
This code can't have "security holes / leaks" as long as your backend is secured.
If you are afraid of people stealing your code, you can always minify the JS (check grunt.js and almond.js for this)
To secure your backend you can make use of Laravel's auth class, and the auth filter as mentioned before.
Besides normal auth, you could implement roles, that you can assign to specific users, giving them more or less access to certain resources in your backend.
Here's the method I would try :
Separate the application in two parts.
One part - login via regular Laravel Auth on a separate page, and then when the user is logged in serve the single page app in a different view.
Wouldn't this work?
Web Services are no different than any other web application you build. At the end of the day you are exposing functionality to the client (which is also the attacker). It doesn't matter what the client is implemented in, if you expose dangerous functionality you will be hacked.
Have a session state, keep track of the user id and make sure that the user is only accessing resources they have been allowed to access.
I do not think that what JS/template files are exposed really matters. Essentially, you should only be allowing data interaction to authenticated users. Think of this as two separate applications.
The front-end application logs in, and a cookie is stored (or some other persistence is used).
The back-end application then uses the persistent authentication to validate every single user request for data, and every user action.
This way you don't have to worry about the security, the client can only fetch the data that the server allows it to, and, likewise, it can only interact with the data insofar as the server allows it. You shouldn't be relying on the client side for security anyway, even logged in, otherwise some malicious user could, conceivably, save all your frontend code and use it against you without authentication.