multiple files in nodejs - node.js

I'm a nodejs noob & I use express. I use normal file structure as a db for my content.
I found my self in need to send download responses to some folders. so i used easy-zip (npm-package) & it works great. but the zipped file must be saved to the disk.
I need a way to compress the folder on the fly then return response with out saving it to the disk ?
Also i want to add a feature to enable me to compress multiple folders & send them as a response & i couldn't do that with easy-zip because the folders are in different directories.
I tried to send response to download multiple files but if found out that it can't be done because every response can only have one file.
How can i send a response with multiple folders (compressed on the fly) as one .zip file ?

Just read the source of easy-zip,
you should probably do
var zip6 = new EasyZip();
}, {rootFolder: 'easy-zip6'});


Process files from postman or UI in Node JS, without storing them in local storage

I am using multer npm library to read files from postman and I am getting the file and its details in my node js code(checked via logging req.file), but my concern is I don't want the file to get stored in my local machine, I just want to extract the data from the file and process further for my requirements.
Is this possible or anyone can suggest me some solutions to this.
Thanks in advance
As I read multer libraries, it streams the uploaded file in the disk, and then it processes the file.
If you only want to use the properties like mime/type or originalfilename of the file you can use multer and in the storage options after getting the uploaded file properties, use cb(null, false) to prevent storing the file, but if you want to process the file, you can remove it from the disk after your process is done.

Can't create .zip file with Azure Logic Apps' SharePoint Create File action

I'm trying to create a .zip file by passing the returned body of an HTTP GET request to SharePoint's Create File.
Body is:
"$content-type": "application/zip",
"$content": "UEsDBBQACA...="
Shouldn't this just work? The docs only define the Create File field as "Content of the file." but that's not super informative...
I believe I've done this before with a file that was application/pdf and it worked. Unfortunately, I can't find that Logic App (I think it may have been an experiment I've since deleted).
I should note that the Create File action does create a valid .zip file, in that it's not corrupt, but archive is empty. It's supposed to contain a single .csv file.
I tried decoding the Base64 content and it's definitely binary data.
Any idea where I'm going wrong?
I test with Postman and when I use the form-data way to POST the request, I found the .zip file couldn't be open. Then I check the Logic App run history and I find the problem is if just use the triggerbody() as the file content it will fail.
This is because the triggerbody() not just have the $content, so I change the expression to triggerBody()['$multipart'][0]['body'] then it works and the .zip file is full.

Uploading zip file to sharepoint using REST is not saving the file contents

Uploading zip file to sharepoint using REST is not saving the file contents. The operation is sucessful. But when the file is downloaded from site to local machine, its failing to open the zip and showing 0 bytes
Did you follow:
Creating the item (with the meta data) in the library and upload the file (binary) are two seperate actions you have to handle to complete the upload. I think you only add an item to the library and not uploading the binary data?

Temporary File Download

Is there a service that creates basically a one-time download of a file, preferably something I can use from NodeJS?
I've done some research on FilePicker, and haven't found anything about regenerating the link it gives you for a file. There may be a way to do this with NodeJS, but I'm using Meteor at the same time so many Node things probably will conflict.
You could build it with meteor. Using meteor-router with meteorite & use server side routing to deliver the files.
You need a collection to keep track of downloaded files:
Server JS
var downloads = new Meteor.Collection("downloads");
//create a link
Meteor.Router.add('/file/:id', 'GET', function(id) {
download = downloads.findOne(id);
if( download) {
if(dowload.downloaded) {
this.response.send("You've already downloaded me")
//I guess you could just redirect or stream the file for an extra layer of surety
On the client you can use /files/{{_id}} with _id of the file from downloads the person has as the link
My recommendation would also be to add custom server-side logic to count # of uploads (or just flag a file as downloaded/not downloaded) and respond accordingly. The closest you could do with would be using the security policies to restrict downloading the file to a specific time interval.
in addition to using the router package
in Meteor.startup you can add
var require = __meteor_bootstrap__.require;
fs = require( 'fs' );
the fs variable should be declared on the server only. the fs package is used by Meteor and does not need to be added separately.
once you have done this, you can create files with Meteor.uuid() as their name which makes them unique and very difficult to guess. It is also possible to delete the file after a certain amount of time by using Meteor.setTimeout
the question is: where do the files to be downloaded come from?
Solution using Heroku Cloud and NodeJS Meteor Hooks
Heroku in particular is actually great for temporary file download links: they offer a "temporary scratchpad" filesystem that is reset every time the program restarts, and each running Node server cannot see the files other instances have created.
Each dyno gets its own ephemeral filesystem, with a fresh copy of the
most recently deployed code. During the dyno’s lifetime its running
processes can use the filesystem as a temporary scratchpad, but no
files that are written are visible to processes in any other dyno and
any files written will be discarded the moment the dyno is stopped or
Taken from the Heroku documentation:
Thus, any files written to the "filesystem" will be temporary.
This allows for a very easy solution to this problem: you can simply use NodeJS filesystem manipulation to create temporary files on the server, serve them once (or for a limited time), and then remove them so they cannot be downloaded again.
This in combination with something like $.download() will make a seamless experience which in turn prevents unauthorized downloads.

Upload filestream to cloud-files with Node.js

I know that it's possible to upload files to my cloud-files account in Node.js, using the following module: node-cloudfiles.
But is it also possible to upload a filestream directly?
In my case I am dowloading an image from a certain location in Node.js and want to upload this directly to my cloud-files account without saving the image temporary on my server.
Of course it is possible - you can just read the documentation on Rackspace Cloud Files API ( ) and implement the necessary parts yourself.
However, I'd suggest to wait until gets integrated into the trunk - then node-cloudfiles library will support uploading files using streams so you won't have to create files before uploading.
