I want to redirect the output of some command to awk and use system call in awk. But Awk does not accept flags with hyphen. For example, Lets say I have bunch of files, and I want to "cat" them. I would use ls -1 | awk '{ system(" cat " $1)}'
Now, if I want to print the line number also with -n then it does not work ls -1 | awk '{ system(" cat -n" $1)}'
You need a space between -n and the file name:
ls -1 | awk '{ system(" cat -n " $1)}'
-1 is not needed. ls implicitly prints 1 file per line when its output goes to a pipe.
Any file name with whitespace in it will cause this code to fail.
Parsing the output of ls is generally a bad idea. Both find and the shell offer superior handling of difficult file names.
John1024's helpful answer fixes your problem and contains helpful advice, but let me focus on the syntax aspects:
As a command string, cat -n <file> requires at least 1 space (or tab) between the n, which is an option, and <file>, which is an operand.
String concatenation works differently in awk than in the shell:
" cat -n" $1, despite the presence of a space between " cat -n" and $1, does not insert that space in the resulting string, because awk's string concatenation works by directly joining strings placed next to one another irrespective of intervening whitespace.
For instance, the following commands all yield string literal ab, irrespective of any whitespace between the operands of the string concatenation:
awk 'BEGIN { print "a""b" }'
awk 'BEGIN { print "a" "b" }'
awk 'BEGIN { s = "b"; print "a"s }'
awk 'BEGIN { s = "b"; print "a" s }'
this is not a proper use case for awk, you're better off with something like this
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec cat -n {} \;
cat a.txt
rev a.txt | awk -F. '{print $2,$3}' | rev
This is showing:
e google
x google
But I want this output
With your shown samples, please try following awk code. Written and tested in GNU awk should work in any awk.
awk '
' Input_file
Here is one more awk solution:
awk -F. '{while (!/^[^.]+\.[^.]+$/) {print; sub(/^[^.]+\./, "")}}' file
Using sed
$ sed -En 'p;:a;s/[^.]+\.(.*([^.]+\.){2}[[:alpha:]]+$)/\1/p;ta' input_file
Using bash:
while read -ra a; do
for ((i=${#a[#]}; i>2; i--)); do
echo "${a[*]: -i}"
done < a.txt
(I assume the lack of d.e.google.com in your expected output is typo?)
For a shorter and arguably simpler solution, you could use Perl.
To auto-split the line on the dot character into the #F array, and then print the range you want:
perl -F'\.' -le 'print join(".", #F[0..$#F-1])' a.txt
-F'\.' will auto-split each input line into the #F array. It will split on the given regular expression, so the dot needs to be escaped to be taken literally.
$#F is the number of elements in the array. So #F[0..$#F-1] is the range of elements from the first one ($F[0]) to the penultimate one. If you wanted to leave out both "google" and "com", you would use #F[0..$#F-2] etc.
Able to trim and transpose the below data with sed, but it takes considerable time. Hope it would be better with AWK. Welcome any suggestions on this
Input Sample Data:
[INX_8_60L ] :9:Y
[INX_8_60L ] :9:N
[INX_8_60L ] :9:Y
[INX_8_60Z ] :9:Y
[INX_8_60Z ] :9:Y
Required Output:
Just use awk, e.g.
awk -v n=0 '{printf (n?"!%s":"%s", substr ($0,2,match($0,/[ \t]+/)-2)); n=1} END {print ""}' file
Which will be orders of magnitude faster. It just picks out the (e.g. "INX_8_60L") substring using substring and match. n is simply used as a false/true (0/1) flag to prevent outputting a "!" before the first string.
Example Use/Output
With your data in file you would get:
$ awk -v n=0 '{printf (n?"!%s":"%s", substr ($0,2,match($0,/[ \t]+/)-2)); n=1} END {print ""}' file
Which appears to be what you are after. (Note: I'm not sure what your separator character is, so just change above as needed) If not, let me know and I'm happy to help further.
Edit Per-Changes
Including the '?' isn't difficult, and I just copied the character, so you would now have:
awk -v n=0 '{s=substr($0,2,match($0,/[ \t]+/)-2); sub(/_/,"?_",s); printf n?"¦%s":"%s", s; n=1}
END {print ""}' file
Example Output
And to simplify, just operating on the first field as in #JamesBrown's answer, that would reduce to:
awk -v n=0 '{s=substr($1,2); sub(/_/,"?_",s); printf n?"¦%s":"%s", s; n=1} END {print ""}' file
Let me know if that needs more changes.
Don't start so many sed commands, separate the sed operations with semicolon instead.
Try to process the data in a single job and avoid regex. Below reading with substr() static sized first block and insterting ? while outputing.
$ awk '{
b=b (b==""?"":";") substr($1,2,3) "?" substr($1,5)
print b
}' file
If the fields are not that static in size:
$ awk '
FS="[[_ ]" # split field with regex
printf "%s%s?_%s_%s",(i++?";":""), $2,$3,$4 # output semicolons and fields
print ""
}' file
Performance of solutions for 20 M records:
real 0m8.017s
user 0m7.856s
sys 0m0.160s
real 0m24.731s
user 0m24.620s
sys 0m0.112s
sed can be very fast when used gingerly, so for simplicity and speed you might wish to consider:
sed -e 's/ .*//' -e 's/\[INX/INX?/' | tr '\n' '|' | sed -e '$s/|$//'
The second call to sed is there to satisfy the requirement that there is no trailing |.
Another solution using GNU awk:
awk -F'[[ ]+' '
{printf "%s%s",(o?"¦":""),gensub(/INX/,"INX?",1,$2);o=1}
END{print ""}
' file
The field separator is set (with -F option) such that it matches the wanted parameter.
The main statement is to print the modified parameter with the ? character.
The variable o allows to keep track of the delimeter ¦.
everyone. I have
file 1.log:
text1 value11 text
text text
text2 value12 text
file 2.log:
text1 value21 text
text text
text2 value22 text
I want:
For now I grep values in separated files and paste later in another file, but I think this is not a very elegant solution because I need to read all files more than one time, so I try to use grep for extract all data in a single cat | grep line, but is not the result I expected.
I use:
cat *.log | grep -oP "(?<=text1 ).*?(?= )|(?<=text2 ).*?(?= )" | tr '\n' '; '
cat *.log | grep -oP "(?<=text1 ).*?(?= )|(?<=text2 ).*?(?= )" | xargs
but I get in each case:
value11 value12 value21 value22
Thank you so much.
$ awk -v RS='[[:space:]]+' '$0=="text1" || $0=="text2"{getline; printf "%s%s",sep,$0; sep=";"} ENDFILE{if(sep)print""; sep=""}' *.log
For those who prefer their commands spread over multiple lines:
awk -v RS='[[:space:]]+' '
$0=="text1" || $0=="text2" {
printf "%s%s",sep,$0
}' *.log
How it works
-v RS='[[:space:]]+'
This tells awk to treat any sequence of whitespace (newlines, blanks, tabs, etc) as a record separator.
$0=="text1" || $0=="text2"{getline; printf "%s%s",sep,$0; sep=";"}
This tells awk to look file records that matches either text1 ortext2`. For those records and those records only the commands in curly braces are executed. Those commands are:
getline tells awk to read in the next record.
printf "%s%s",sep,$0 tells awk to print the variable sep followed by the word in the record.
After we print the first match, the command sep=";" is executed which tells awk to set the value of sep to a semicolon.
As we start each file, sep is empty. This means that the first match from any file is printed with no separator preceding it. All subsequent matches from the same file will have a ; to separate them.
ENDFILE{if(sep)print""; sep=""}
After the end of each file is reached, we print a newline if sep is not empty and then we set sep back to an empty string.
Alternative: Printing the second word if the first word ends with a number
In an alternative interpretation of the question (hat tip: David C. Rankin), we want to print the second word on any line for which the first word ends with a number. In that case, try:
$ awk '$1~/[0-9]$/{printf "%s%s",sep,$2; sep=";"} ENDFILE{if(sep)print""; sep=""}' *.log
In the above, $1~/[0-9]$/ selects the lines for which the first word ends with a number and printf "%s%s",sep,$2 prints the second field on that line.
The original command was:
$ cat *.log | grep -oP "(?<=text1 ).*?(?= )|(?<=text2 ).*?(?= )" | tr '\n' '; '
Note that, when using most unix commands, cat is rarely ever needed. In this case, for example, grep accepts a list of files. So, we could easily do without the extra cat process and get the same output:
$ grep -hoP "(?<=text1 ).*?(?= )|(?<=text2 ).*?(?= )" *.log | tr '\n' '; '
I agree with #John1024 and how you approach this problem will really depend on what the actual text is you are looking for. If for instance your lines of concern start with text{1,2,...} and then what you want in the second field can be anything, then his approach is optimal. However, if the values in the first field and vary and what you are really interested in is records where you have valueXX in the second field, then an approach keying off the second field may be what you are looking for.
Taking for example your second field, if the text you are interested in is in the form valueXX (where XX are two or more digits at the end of the field), you can process only those records where your second field matches and then use a simple conditional testing whether FNR == 1 to control the ';' delimiter output and ENDFILE to control the new line similar to:
awk '$2 ~ /^value[0-9][0-9][0-9]*$/ {
printf "%s%s", (FNR == 1) ? "" : ";", $2
print ""
}' file1.log file2.log
Example Use/Output
$ awk '$2 ~ /^value[0-9][0-9][0-9]*$/ {
printf "%s%s", (FNR == 1) ? "" : ";", $2
print ""
}' file1.log file2.log
Look things over and consider your actual input files and then either one of these two approaches should get you there.
If I understood you correctly, you want the values but search for the text[12] ie. to get the word after matching search word, not the matching search word:
$ awk -v s="^text[12]$" ' # set the search regex *
FNR==1 { # in the beginning of each file
b=b (b==""?"":"\n") # terminate current buffer with a newline
for(i=1;i<NF;i++) # iterate all but last word
if($i~s) # if current word matches search pattern
b=b (b~/^$|\n$/?"":";") $(i+1) # add following word to buffer
END { # after searching all files
print b # output buffer
}' *.log
* regex could be for example ^(text1|text2)$, too.
I have a file that has several lines of which one line is
I want to add the contents of this line to a new file
I did this :
awk ' /^-/ {system("echo" $0 ">" "newline.txt")} '
but this does not work , it returns an error that says :
Unnexpected token '('
I believe this is due to the () present in the line. How to overcome this issue?
You need to add proper spaces!
With your erronous awk ' /^-/ {system("echo" $0 ">" "newline.txt")} ', the shell command is essentially echo-xxxxxxxx()xxxxxxxx>newline.txt, which surely doesn't work. You need to construct a proper shell command inside the awk string, and obey awks string concatenation rules, i.e. your intended script should look like this (which is still broken, because $0 is not properly quoted in the resulting shell command):
awk '/^-/ { system("echo " $0 " > newline.txt") }'
However, if you really just need to echo $0 into a file, you can simply do:
awk '/^-/ { print $0 > "newline.txt" }'
Or even more simply
awk '/^-/' > newline.txt
Which essentially applies the default operation to all records matching /^-/, whereby the default operation is to print, which is short for neatly printing the current record, i.e. this script simply filters out the desired records. The > newline.txt redirection outside awk simply puts it into a file.
You don't need the system, echo commands, simply:
awk '/^-/ {print $1}' file > newfile
This will capture lines starting with - and truncate the rest if there's a space.
awk '/^-/ {print $0}' file > newfile
Would capture the entire line including spaces.
You could use grep also:
grep -o '^-.*' file > newfile
Captures any lines starting with -
grep -o '^-.*().*' file > newfile
Would be more specific and capture lines starting with - also containing ()
First of all for simple extraction of patterns from file, you do not need to use awk it is an overkill, grep would be more than enough for the task:
$ more file
$ grep -oE '^-[^(]+\(\).*' file
Option: -oE to define the output as the pattern and not the whole line (can be removed)
Regex: ^-[^(]+\(\).* will select lines that starts with - and contains ()
You can redirect your output to a new_file by adding > new_file at the end of your command.
I have a file which contains file list. The file looks like this
$ cat filelist
D src/layouts/PersonAccount-Person Account Layout.layout
D src/objects/Case Account-Record List.object
I want to cut first two Columns and print only file names with along directory path. This list is dynamic. File name has spaces in between. So I can't use space as delimiter. How to get this using AWK command?
The output should be like this
src/layouts/PersonAccount-Person Account Layout.layout
src/objects/Case Account-Record List.object
Can you try this once:
bash-4.4$ cat filelist |awk '{$1="";print $0}'
src/layouts/PersonAccount-Person Account Layout.layout
src/objects/Case Account-Record List.object
else if you want to remove 2 columns it would be:
awk '{$1=$2="";print $0}'
This will produce the below output:
bash-4.4$ cat filelist |awk '{$1=$2="";print $0}'
Account Layout.layout
Account-Record List.object
Try this out:
awk -F" " '{$1=""; print $0}' filelist | sed 's/^ //c'
Here sed is used to remove the first space of the output line.
print only file names with along directory path
awk approach:
awk '{ sub(/^[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]][[:space:]]+/,"",$0) }1' filelist
The output:
src/layouts/PersonAccount-Person Account Layout.layout
src/objects/Case Account-Record List.object
To extract only basename of the file:
awk -F'/' '{print $NF}' filelist
The output:
PersonAccount-Person Account Layout.layout
Case Account-Record List.object
This will do exactly what you want for your example :
sed -E 's/(.*)([ ][a-zA-Z0-9]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9. -]+)/\2/g' filelist
Explanation :
Its matching your path (including spaces if there were any ) and then replacing the whole line with that one match. Easy peasy lemon squeezy :)
A simple grep
grep -o '[^[:blank:]]*/.*' filelist
That's zero or more non-blank characters followed by a slash followed by the rest of the string.
This will not match any lines that don't have a slash
Here is a portable POSIX shell solution:
cat "$#" |while read line; do
echo "${line#* * }"
This loops over each line of the given input file(s) (or else standard input) and prints the line without the first two spaces or the text that exists before them. It is not greedy.
Unlike some of the other answers here, this will preserve spacing (if any) in the rest of the line.
If you want that as a one-liner:
while read L < filelist; do echo "${L#* * }"; done
This will fail if the uppermost directory's name starts with a space. To work around that, you need to peel away the leading ten characters (which I assume are static):
cat "$#" |while read line; do
echo "${line#??????????}"
As a one-liner, in bash, this can be simplified by using substrings:
while read L < filelist; do echo "${L:10}"; done