2 spaces indentation in google Docs - google-docs

To prepare an exam, I have to learn coding using google docs rather than using an IDE. It may seem idiot or impratical but the teacher really insists on that. It seems that is the same thing as Google interviews for example...
So far, I really got used with using two spaces indentation (I hate using tab indendation). And I want to learn how can I do that quickly in Google docs. Is there a shortcut or a "tips" (add-on?) for that?
For example, if you have an "if-condition" starting at the position number 4 and you want to move to the following line, it can be really convenient to have the cursor position at 4. Then, you'll add two spaces to start your block at position number 6. (ALL the if block will have at least position 6). But in Docs, when you move to the following line, the cursor always start at the beginning of the line except if you use the tab indentation. And it's really shitting if you want to indent your code properly...
Do you have a solution for that please ?

I was facing the same problem.
To write Python code in google docs, my solution is:
Switch off auto-capitalization, auto-correction and smart quotes. And other auto-substitutions so that you may write code without docs like formatting.
To do this: Tools> Preferences and uncheck the above items. Screen shots attached below.
Set tab to two spaces.
Right-click on ruler on top of page. Add left-tab stop, an arrow will appear, move this tab stop to 2 spaces from left of ruler. Try adding tab in the current line and if the tab size is OK, save this formatting.
To save:
Format > Paragraph Styles > Normal Text > Update 'Normal Text' to match.
Last, to add color(synatx highlight), you may use 'code blocks extension'.
Click install.
Now, write code in docs, select the code in google doc, click on:
Add-ons > Code Block. A pop up opens up.
Choose language : 'python' for me.
Choose theme: 'atom-one-dark'
click Format.
The code looks much like IDE, and writing more code is easier too.

While I understand that sometimes a point can be made by making students do things in a way that might not seem logical, this one doesn't make any sense to me.
Students don't learn anything useful by pressing space twice instead of letting an editor or IDE do it for them.
I wonder, is it because he/she wants it delivered in Google Docs or because they want you coding that way? If it's the latter, you won't have to hide your workaround.
I can only suggest using a good text editor, I always use the excellent and free Notepad++, and copy and paste it to and from Google Docs. Your instructor will never know. In fact, I'd be hunting around to see of there was a way to access your code files directly in Google Docs from Notepad++, or to auto-sync a folder with Google docs.
Notepad++ has syntax colouring - which will save your life - and can be set to indent with tabs or spaces to whatever indent width you specify. If not using an IDE, I only use Notepad++.
Your instructor sounds like some I had, people who cross a line from being quirky but with a point to make to just being a dick. There is absolutely no point in telling a student to code only in Google docs. Google docs is a great thing, I love it, but it is by no stretch of the imagination a coding tool.
(I see that this is an aged thread, but I'll respond in case someone else with a similar issue - like this year's class for that course - comes looking for an answer.)

You could try (ab)using bulleted lists:
Insert a bulleted list
Right click on the bullet, select "More bullets..."
In the "Symbol" selection list, choose "Format & whitespace" and select one of the whitespace options as bullet char
Repeat for as many levels (of bullet sub-lists) as you think you may need in your program
Fix indentation to match whatever feels best for you
Every time you need to write a nested block, you will have to press "tab" only once, then bullet list level is kept and the indentation with it. To go back to the outer block, just press shift-tab.
However, IMHO it doesn't worth the trouble. Generally, interview question solutions are not that large and hitting spacebar a couple of times is not much of an overhead.

It's somewhat cumbersome but you can set as many tab stops as you want, and docs will move nested tabs to the next tab stop as well. For example:
You can add tab stops by right clicking on that tab bar where you want the tab stop to be and clicking Add left tab stop. You'll want to have all text in the document selected if you want the tab stop to apply everywhere.


How can I quickly capture a websites MathML to use in Word?

I create mathematics workbooks in Microsoft Word. Typing in each equation is slow but faster than LaTex. So, I often copy content from a website like LibreTexts. If I copy a section that contains equations it comes out garbled. So, I go to each equation, right click, hover over Show Math As, select MathML code, select all (Ctrl+a), copy (ctrl+c), close window (Ctrl+w), go to word (Alt-Tab), paste as plain text (Ctrl+Shift+v), go back to Chrome browser (Alt-Tab), then repeat the process.
This can be faster than typing by hand, but there has to be an easier way. There was a post similar to this one, but I don't know what extension was referred to and I don't know java.
If your solutions contains the step "learn basic Java here", that is fine. If this is the incorrect Stack Exchange, please suggest the correct one.
Thank you.

How to expand an UltiSnips snippet using <c-y> in the YouCompleteMe pop-up menu?

This problem really hit a nerve with me. I have both YouCompleteMe and UltiSnips installed on my vim 8.0 editor. It seems that both of these plugins use the tab key for doing the auto-completion and that has created an incompatibility that has been also addressed by this question. My question is more specific, though. When I write a piece of code like <html, there is a pop-up menu that shows me all related snippets for that code.
I use the tab key to navigate through that menu but when I hit ctrl+y to accept and therefore expand one of these snippets, nothing happens! I think this structure suggests that it's possible to somehow choose one of those snippets from the menu without trying to define a shortcut for UltiSnip. What am I doing wrong? How should I navigate and choose those snippets?
I also would not want to stuff my vim with any new plugins (like supertab, etc.).
The solution was actually a lot simpler than I expected. In the beginning, I felt stupid for not knowing it but when I find a similar question like this one, I thought that probably many were fallen into the same trap.
I don't know whether to name it a bug or not but it's how Ultisnips and YouCompleteMe work together. In order to expand a snippet, you have to write the initializer exactly as it's defined. Of course, this seems obvious, but when you see a pop-up menu of different snippets, you might think they can be chosen but it only works if you already wrote the snippet initializer exactly as it's defined.
So when a snippet is called "html5"---as it's shown in my question---writing an extra opening bracket (<) will cause it to stop working. It cannot be expanded.
Also, don't forget to check out Siegfried Gevatter configuration. It's not possible to use tab key both for navigating into the pop-up menu and expanding the snippets.
P.S. It was nice if navigating through the pop-up menu could change the whole word (including the angle bracket), not just what succeeds it. This feature works this way in most of the other editors I see and that's probably why I wasn't able to spot the problem in the beginning.

Vim- Change background color of certain portion of code

I usually spend a lot of time tinkering with existing code. I need to focus on only a small portion of the file, for which I would like to grey out the background for the rest of the file, so that the portion that I'm interested in stands out distinctively. This should increase my productivity immensely. Does anyone know how can I change background for only certain part of the file?
Try my NrrwRgn plugin. That opens a selected part of the code in a new window. Whenever you write your changes, the will be taken back to the original buffer.
You could of course use syntax highlighting or even the sign column (my BackgroundColor plugin does this) to distinct highlight a certain region, but this will be awkward and will get out of sync soon if you add lines or remove lines.
Try the limelight plugin for Vim. This Plugin Highlights the current code block and dimme the other code before and afterwards.
You can find it here:

Sublime Text 2 split active screen like dreamweaver

At work, I have to jump into old mysql_query procedural website build higgledy-piggledy (some var are camelCased AND underscored, no indent code, page are build in table ...)
Anyway, usually I m using ST2, but here I can't. So to search my line code, I use dreamweaver to click on the screen preview and the cursor drop on the code line I want.
I do not like and I don't know dreamweaver. But as code is UNREADABLE, that is the only way I have to work.(My boss doesn't want rebuild theses sites).
Here is my question, does anybody know for ST2 a way (or a plugin) to split screen and click on screen preview to go right to the code line just like dreamweaver preview does ?
Answer is simple, you will never find something like that.
Try here - http://webdesign.about.com/od/windowshtmleditors/tp/windows-wysiwyg-editors.htm
WYSWIG html editors.
Try Sublime CodeIntel, as well says this page:
...This plugin brings a little of IDE functionality into ST2. This plugin reads all your code and is able to code-complete, jump into
definitions and function call tooltips. Although sometimes looks a
little buggy, it’s still worth having it around. It’s a huge time
saver, especially when you are dealing with other’s people code.
If is suitable for that project you can remove the package later.

Dreamweaver source code view, is it possible to add "tags"?

I do'nt know if this is possible or if its called tags
im using dreamweaver cs4, in source mode view it displays line numbers to the left, I wish I could add some kind of "tag" to a certain line, and then have some sort of menu where it scrolls me to the tag.
Does this makes any sense?
It's because I have a huge source file that I need to navigate a lot in different places while coding and this "feature" would make my life a LOT easier.
Any help is appreciated.
Best Regards
It sounds like you're looking is what I've heard called a number of times "bookmarking". Unfortunately, Dreamweaver does not have this functionality built in. Not quite the same thing, but if you remember the line number you can jump to the line using a keyboard shortcut: CTRL+G on Windows, I think Cmd+, on Mac this pop up a little dialog you can enter the line number and hit enter to jump to that line.
