How do you write SharePoint 2010 conditional formatting for this? - sharepoint

I am using SPD 2010 and SharePoint Sever 2010.
Using conditional formatting I'm trying to format a list so that if today's date is greater than 30 days before the start date column a cell will turn red.
I've tried several XPath expressions from other Stackoverflow entries but nothing has worked. I'm wondering if I am even adding the XPath expression in the right place: In SPD I am selecting a date from the desired column, choosing "Conditional Formatting", selecting "Format Column", selecting "Advanced" and putting my expressions in the XPath expression textbox.
Appreciate your help!

I'm going to suggest a non-Xpath approach, but if you're looking to stick with Xpath you should take a look at the answers on this similar question.
After struggling with this problem myself, I've taken to using JavaScript for conditional formatting, since it can work with dates (including the current date), numbers, and strings, and it can manipulate HTML pretty easily.
A bit of client side code can automatically:
Detect whether a list of conditional formatting rules exists
Create the list if necessary
Provide an interface for creating new rules (which are stored as list items) that should apply to the current page
Loop through all the current page's rules and apply them to any list view web parts detected on the same page
The nicest part of this approach is that I can add the web part to a page and just let the business users configure the formatting to their liking; no need for me to be further involved whenever they want to change something.
I put the combined HTML/CSS/JavaScript in a text file that can be saved to a document library somewhere in my site collection. To then add the conditional formatting to page, I just add a content editor web part to the page and set its "content link" property to be the path to the text file.
The content editor web part then displays a gray "Conditional Formatting" button that the user can click to view and modify the formatting rules, as seen in the screen shot below.
Here's the conditional formatting code for SharePoint 2010 that I use in my text file:
<div id="_conditional_formatting_link" style="display:none; ">
<div unselectable="on" style="display:inline-block; user-select:none; cursor:pointer; padding: 3px; background-color:#9b9b9b; color:white; border:1px solid #888;" onclick="javascript:var rules = document.getElementById('_conditional_formatting'); if( == 'none'){ = 'inline-block'}else{ = 'none'}">
Conditional Formatting
<div id="_conditional_formatting" style="display:none;background-color:#dfdfdf; border: 1px solid black; width:95%; max-width:1100px;">
<a style="border:0px;padding:5px;float:right;" title="Reapply Formatting" href="javascript:getConditions(false);">
<img style="border:0px;" src="/_layouts/images/staticrefresh.gif"/>
<ol id="_conditional_formatting_rules"></ol>
<div style="text-align:right; ">
<div id="_add_conditional_formatting_rule" unselectable="on" onclick="javascript: Add_Conditional_Formatting();" style="user-select:none; cursor:pointer; padding: 3px; margin: 3px; display:inline-block; background-color:#9b9b9b; border:1px solid #888; color:white;">Add Rule</div>
this.cfl = this.cfl ? this.cfl : new Object(null);
var conditionalFormattingList = "Conditional Formatting";
function getConditions(reloadRules) {
/* if reloadRules, query the conditions list and get all the rules. Otherwise just reapply the ones in memory to the current document. */
if (typeof reloadRules == "undefined") { reloadRules = true; }
if (reloadRules) {
var conditionalFormattingRules = document.getElementById("_conditional_formatting_rules");
while (conditionalFormattingRules.children.length > 0) { /* Clear out the currently displayed list of rules. */
this.cfl.clientContext = new SP.ClientContext();
this.cfl.user = cfl.clientContext.get_web().get_currentUser();
var list = cfl.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(conditionalFormattingList);
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
var folder = list.get_rootFolder();
camlQuery.set_viewXml('<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\'URL\' /><Value Type=\'Text\'>' + document.location.pathname + '</Value></Eq></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=\'Priority\' /><FieldRef Name=\'Name\' /></OrderBy></Query></View>');
this.cfl.items = list.getItems(camlQuery);
cfl.clientContext.load(list, 'EffectiveBasePermissions');
function () {
var Me = this.cfl.user.get_title();
if (reloadRules) {
var baseFormUrl = folder.get_serverRelativeUrl() + "/EditForm.aspx?ID=";
/* Figure out if the current user has access to create or edit items on the Conditional Formatting list */
var perms = list.get_effectiveBasePermissions();
this.cfl.hasEdit = perms.has(SP.PermissionKind.editListItems);
this.cfl.hasCreate = perms.has(SP.PermissionKind.addListItems);
/* Fill an array with our formatting rules */
this.cfl.targets = [];
var itemEnumerator = this.cfl.items.getEnumerator();
while (itemEnumerator.moveNext()) {
var item = itemEnumerator.get_current();
var targ = new Object(null);
targ.column = item.get_item("Column");
targ.comparison = item.get_item("Comparison"); = item.get_item("Style");
targ.scope = item.get_item("Scope");
targ.type = item.get_item("Type");
targ.value = item.get_item("Value"); if (targ.value == null) { targ.value = ""; } = item.get_item("ID");
targ.offset = item.get_item("Offset");
if (!this.cfl.hasCreate) { document.getElementById("_add_conditional_formatting_rule").style.display = "none"; }
for (var targetIterator = 0, len = cfl.targets.length; targetIterator < len; targetIterator++) {
var currentTarget = cfl.targets[targetIterator];
if (reloadRules) {
var rulelist = document.getElementById("_conditional_formatting_rules");
var ruletoadd = document.createElement("li");
var comparisondisplay = currentTarget.type.indexOf("Field") != -1 ? "value of the <b>" + currentTarget.value + "</b> column" : "<b>'" + currentTarget.value + "'</b>";
if (currentTarget.type == "Special" || currentTarget.type == "Number") {
if (currentTarget.value.toString().toLowerCase() == "[me]") { comparisondisplay = "<b>[Me](" + Me + ")</b>"; }
else { comparisondisplay = "<b>" + currentTarget.value + "</b>"; }
if (currentTarget.value == "") { comparisondisplay = "<b>(blank)</b>"; }
if (currentTarget.offset != null) {
comparisondisplay += "<b>" + (currentTarget.offset < 0 ? " " : " +") + currentTarget.offset + "</b>"
var editLink = this.cfl.hasEdit ? "<div style='display:inline-block;cursor:pointer;' onclick='SP.UI.ModalDialog.commonModalDialogOpen(" + '"' + baseFormUrl + + '&Source=' + document.location.pathname + '"' + ",{},refreshPageConditions); '>" + "<img src='/_layouts/images/EDITITEM.GIF' style='vertical-align:middle;' title='Customize' alt='Customize'/>" + " </div>" : "";
ruletoadd.innerHTML = editLink + "When <b>" + currentTarget.column + "</b> "
+ currentTarget.comparison + " " + comparisondisplay
+ ", apply {" + ( == null ? "remove all formatting" : "<span style='" + + "'>" + + "</span>") + "} to the <b>" + currentTarget.scope + "</b>" + ((currentTarget.scope != "Cell" && currentTarget.scope != "Row") ? " column" : "");
var tables = document.querySelectorAll(""); /* Should get all the list view web parts on the page. */
var t_i = 0;
while (t_i < tables.length) {
var columnIndex = null; /* Index of the column to compare against */
var valueIndex = null; /* Index of a second column from which to pull the value to compare */
var styleTargetIndex = null; /* Index of a column to apply formatting to */
var thisTable = tables[t_i];
var headings = thisTable.rows[0].cells;
var h_i = 0;
while (h_i < headings.length) { /* Check all the column headings... */
var thisHeading = headings[h_i].querySelector("div:first-child");
if (thisHeading != null) {
/* In Internet Explorer, the headings have a DisplayName attribute you can grab. If that's not there, just grab the innerText or textContent */
var dispname = thisHeading.DisplayName ? thisHeading.DisplayName : (thisHeading.innerText ? thisHeading.innerText : thisHeading.textContent);
dispname = dispname.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');/* removes leading and trailing whitespace */
if (currentTarget.scope != "Cell" && currentTarget.scope != "Row") {
/*If the scope isn't Cell or Row, see if this is the cell to which the formatting should applied */
if (dispname == currentTarget.scope) { styleTargetIndex = h_i; }
if (currentTarget.type.indexOf("Field") != -1) {
/*If the value type is a Field, check to see if this is the field whose value we care about */
if (dispname == currentTarget.value.toString()) { valueIndex = h_i; }
if (dispname == currentTarget.column) { columnIndex = h_i; }
h_i += 1;
if (columnIndex != null) { /* If we found a matching heading, let's try to apply the rules... */
var rows = thisTable.rows;
for (var i = (rows.length > 0 ? 1 : 0) ; i < rows.length; i++) {
var cells = rows[i].children;
if (cells.length <= columnIndex) { continue }
var innerLink = cells[columnIndex].querySelector("a"); /* I want to specifically target links so that we can change their text color if necessary */
/* Populate valueToEval with the text value of the current cell, or its inner link if it has one */
var valueToEval = cells[columnIndex].innerText ? (innerLink != null ? innerLink.innerText : cells[columnIndex].innerText) : (innerLink != null ? innerLink.textContent : cells[columnIndex].textContent);
if (typeof (valueToEval) == "undefined") { valueToEval = "" } /* Treat empties as blanks */
var listValueToCompareAgainst = null;
if (valueIndex != null) { /* valueIndex only has a value if we need to grab the comparison value from another column on the list */
valueLink = cells[valueIndex].querySelector("a");
listValueToCompareAgainst = cells[valueIndex].innerText ? (valueLink != null ? valueLink.innerText : cells[valueIndex].innerText) : (valueLink != null ? valueLink.textContent : cells[valueIndex].textContent);
var needsStyling = false;
switch (currentTarget.type) {
case "Number":
if (!isNaN(Number(valueToEval))) {
valueToEval = +(valueToEval);
if (!isNaN(Number(currentTarget.value))) {
currentTarget.value = +(currentTarget.value);
case "Date":
valueToEval = new Date(valueToEval);
currentTarget.value = new Date(currentTarget.value);
if (currentTarget.offset != null) {
currentTarget.value.setDate(currentTarget.value.getDate() + +(currentTarget.offset));
case "Text": /* Already covered, bro */ break;
case "Date Field":
valueToEval = new Date(valueToEval);
currentTarget.value = new Date(listValueToCompareAgainst);
if (currentTarget.offset != null) {
currentTarget.value.setDate(currentTarget.value.getDate() + +(currentTarget.offset));
case "Text Field": currentTarget.value = listValueToCompareAgainst; break;
case "Number Field":
if (!isNaN(Number(listValueToCompareAgainst))) {
currentTarget.value = listValueToCompareAgainst;
if (currentTarget.offset != null) {
currentTarget.value += Number(currentTarget.offset);
if (!isNaN(Number(valueToEval))) {
valueToEval = Number(valueToEval);
case "Special":
if (currentTarget.value.toLowerCase) {
if (currentTarget.value.toLowerCase() == "[me]") { currentTarget.value = Me }
else if (currentTarget.value.toLowerCase().indexOf("[today]") != -1) {
var dateDifference = Number(currentTarget.value.toLowerCase().replace("[today]", "").replace(" ", "").replace("+", ""));
currentTarget.value = new Date();
if (!isNaN(dateDifference)) { currentTarget.value.setDate(currentTarget.value.getDate() + dateDifference); }
if (currentTarget.offset != null) {
currentTarget.value.setDate(currentTarget.value.getDate() + Number(currentTarget.offset));
valueToEval = new Date(valueToEval);
} else { valueToEval = new Date(valueToEval); }
switch (currentTarget.comparison) {
case "Greater Than or Equal To": needsStyling = (valueToEval >= currentTarget.value); break;
case "Greater Than": needsStyling = (valueToEval > currentTarget.value); break;
case "Less Than or Equal To": needsStyling = (valueToEval <= currentTarget.value); break;
case "Less Than": needsStyling = (valueToEval < currentTarget.value); break;
case "Equal To": needsStyling = (valueToEval == currentTarget.value); break;
case "Not Equal To": needsStyling = (valueToEval != currentTarget.value); break;
case "Contains": needsStyling = (valueToEval.indexOf(currentTarget.value) != -1); break;
case "Does Not Contain": needsStyling = (valueToEval.indexOf(currentTarget.value) == -1); break;
if (needsStyling) {
var links;
if (currentTarget.scope != "Row") {
var targetIndex = (styleTargetIndex != null) ? styleTargetIndex : columnIndex;
links = cells[targetIndex].querySelectorAll("a");
} else {
for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) {
links = rows[i].querySelectorAll("a");
for (var j = 0; j < links.length; j++) {
if (links[j].title != "Open Menu") {
links[j].style.backgroundColor = "";
links[j].style.border = "0px";
t_i += 1;
document.getElementById("_conditional_formatting_link").style.display = "inline-block";
function (sender, args) { /* There was an error accessing the list. Time to create it! */
var lci = new SP.ListCreationInformation();
var condition_list = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().add(lci);
var colTitle = condition_list.get_fields().getByTitle("Title");
colTitle.set_required(false); colTitle.set_hidden(true); colTitle.update();
var colColumn = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'The column to compare (must be visible on the page)\' DisplayName=\'Column\' Type=\'Text\'/>', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colComparison = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'\' Type=\'Choice\' DisplayName=\'Comparison\' Format=\'Dropdown\' FillInChoice=\'FALSE\'><Default>Equal To</Default><CHOICES><CHOICE>Greater Than</CHOICE><CHOICE>Greater Than or Equal To</CHOICE><CHOICE>Equal To</CHOICE><CHOICE>Less Than or Equal To</CHOICE><CHOICE>Less Than</CHOICE><CHOICE>Not Equal To</CHOICE><CHOICE>Contains</CHOICE><CHOICE>Does Not Contain</CHOICE></CHOICES></Field>', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colValue = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'The value or the name of a column to compare against\' DisplayName=\'Value\' Type=\'Text\'/>', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colType = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'Indicate the type of value you are comparing against. Choose Special if using the [Me] or [Today] placeholders.\' Type=\'Choice\' DisplayName=\'Type\' Format=\'Dropdown\' FillInChoice=\'FALSE\'><Default>Text</Default><CHOICES><CHOICE>Date</CHOICE><CHOICE>Number</CHOICE><CHOICE>Text</CHOICE><CHOICE>Date Field</CHOICE><CHOICE>Number Field</CHOICE><CHOICE>Text Field</CHOICE><CHOICE>Special</CHOICE></CHOICES></Field>');
var colOffset = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'Optionally specify a number to offset the value by when comparing against a number or date.\' DisplayName=\'Offset\' Type=\'Number\' />', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colStyle = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field NumLines=\'4\' Description=\'The CSS to apply to when the condition is met. Leave blank to remove formatting. Example syntax: background-color:darkred; color:white; font-weight:bold;\' DisplayName=\'Style\' Type=\'Note\' />', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colScope = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'The scope to which the style should be applied. Choose Row, Cell, or specify a column name.\' Type=\'Choice\' DisplayName=\'Scope\' Format=\'Dropdown\' FillInChoice=\'TRUE\'><Default>Cell</Default><CHOICES><CHOICE>Cell</CHOICE><CHOICE>Row</CHOICE></CHOICES></Field>', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colPriority = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'Priority determines which styles are applied in case of overlapping conditions. Higher numbers are applied later.\' DisplayName=\'Priority\' Type=\'Number\' />', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colUrl = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'Page where this rule should be applied\' DisplayName=\'URL\' Type=\'Text\'/>', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
Function.createDelegate(this, function () { getConditions(); }),
Function.createDelegate(this, function (sender, args) { document.getElementById("_conditional_formatting").innerHTML = ("An error occcurred while trying to apply conditional formatting to the list for you. Error details: " + args.get_message() + " " + args.get_stackTrace()); document.getElementById("_conditional_formatting_link").style.display = "inline-block"; }));
/* This method is called when the Add Rule button is clicked. */
function Add_Conditional_Formatting() {
/* Create a new item with only the URL and Priority fields filled out */
var currUrl = document.location.pathname;
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext();
var itemCreateInfo = new SP.ListItemCreationInformation();
var newItem = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(conditionalFormattingList).addItem(itemCreateInfo);
newItem.set_item('URL', currUrl);
/* Give the new item a priority that will put it at the end of the list. This is kind of a hack since the highest priority is not necessarily the rulecount. */
newItem.set_item('Priority', document.getElementById("_conditional_formatting_rules").children.length + 1);
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, function () {
getConditions(); /* Reload to refresh the rules list after adding the item */
}), Function.createDelegate(this, function (sender, args) { alert(args.get_message()); }));
/* This method is called when the Edit Item dialog box is closed. It refreshes the page it the item was saved. */
function refreshPageConditions(result) { if (result != SP.UI.DialogResult.cancel) { window.location.replace(document.location.href) } }
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function () {
/* If there are any collapsible sections on the page, keep checking to see whether formatting needs to be reapplied */
this.cfl.TableRowCount = 0;
if (document.querySelector("img[alt='expand']") != null) {
setInterval(function () {
var tempTableRowCount = document.querySelectorAll("tr").length;
if (tempTableRowCount != this.cfl.TableRowCount) {
/* Only reapply formatting if the count of table rows is different than it was previously */
this.cfl.TableRowCount = tempTableRowCount;
getConditions(false) /* Passing false reapplies loaded rules without re-querying the SharePoint list */
}, 1000)
}, "SP.JS");


Update link to heading in google docs

In google docs one can easily add headings and link to them from inside of the document. But when the heading text changes, the link text does not change.
Is there a way to change that behavior or update the link text automatically?
I know it is about 1 1/2 years, but maybe this will help. I have had the exact same problem and wrote a function that will update all the links to the headings in a document. Since I could not find any built-in functions or add-ons, the only way was to script it.
Some things to consider:
This needs a current table of contents to work. If you don't have (or do not want) a TOC, you can insert one, run that function and delete it afterwards. Also, I have only tested it with a TOC that contains page numbers.
It will update ALL texts of links to headings in the document. However, links to everything else remain untouched.
Please use at your own risk (maybe try it out in a copy of your document). I have tested it, but the testing could have been more thorough. Also, this is my first in scripting Docs.
Paste this in the Script editor of your doc and run replaceHeadingLinks. Links that the script could not update (because they link to a heading that does not exist anymore) will be output in the console.
function replaceHeadingLinks() {
var curDoc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var links = getAllLinks_(curDoc.getBody());
var headings = getAllHeadings_(curDoc.getBody());
var deprecatedLinks = []; // holds all links to headings that do not exist anymore.
links.forEach(function(link) {
if(link.url.startsWith('#heading')) {
// get the new heading text
var newHeadingText = headings.get(link.url);
// if the link does not exist anymore, we cannot update it.
if(typeof newHeadingText !== "undefined") {
var newOffset = link.startOffset + newHeadingText.length - 1;
// delete the old text, insert new one and set link
link.element.deleteText(link.startOffset, link.endOffsetInclusive);
link.element.insertText(link.startOffset, newHeadingText);
link.element.setLinkUrl(link.startOffset, newOffset, link.url);
} else {
// error handling: show deprecated links:
if(deprecatedLinks.length > 0) {
Logger.log("Links we could not update:");
for(var i = 0; i < deprecatedLinks.length; i++) {
var link = deprecatedLinks[i];
var oldText = link.element.getText().substring(link.startOffset, link.endOffsetInclusive);
Logger.log("heading: " + link.url + " / description: " + oldText);
} else {
Logger.log("all links updated");
* Get an array of all LinkUrls in the document. The function is
* recursive, and if no element is provided, it will default to
* the active document's Body element.
* #param {Element} element The document element to operate on.
* .
* #returns {Array} Array of objects, vis
* {element,
* startOffset,
* endOffsetInclusive,
* url}
* Credits:
function getAllLinks_(element) {
var links = [];
element = element || DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
if (element.getType() === DocumentApp.ElementType.TEXT) {
var textObj = element.editAsText();
var text = element.getText();
var inUrl = false;
var curUrl = {};
for (var ch=0; ch < text.length; ch++) {
var url = textObj.getLinkUrl(ch);
if (url != null) {
if (!inUrl) {
// We are now!
inUrl = true;
curUrl = {};
curUrl.element = element;
curUrl.url = String( url ); // grab a copy
curUrl.startOffset = ch;
else {
curUrl.endOffsetInclusive = ch;
else {
if (inUrl) {
// Not any more, we're not.
inUrl = false;
links.push(curUrl); // add to links
curUrl = {};
// edge case: link is at the end of a paragraph
// check if object is empty
if(inUrl && (Object.keys(curUrl).length !== 0 || curUrl.constructor !== Object)) {
links.push(curUrl); // add to links
curUrl = {};
else {
// only traverse if the element is traversable
if(typeof element.getNumChildren !== "undefined") {
var numChildren = element.getNumChildren();
for (var i=0; i<numChildren; i++) {
// exclude Table of Contents
child = element.getChild(i);
if(child.getType() !== DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE_OF_CONTENTS) {
links = links.concat(getAllLinks_(element.getChild(i)));
return links;
* returns a map of all headings within an element. The map key
* is the heading ID, such as h.q1xuchg2smrk
* #param {Element} element The document element to operate on.
* .
* #returns {Map} Map with heading ID as key and the heading element as value.
function getAllHeadings_(element) {
var headingsMap = new Map();
var p = element.findElement(DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE_OF_CONTENTS).getElement();
if(p !== null) {
var toc = p.asTableOfContents();
for (var ti = 0; ti < toc.getNumChildren(); ti++) {
var itemToc = toc.getChild(ti).asParagraph().getChild(0).asText();
var itemText = itemToc.getText();
var itemUrl = itemToc.getLinkUrl(0);
var itemDesc = null;
// strip the line numbers if TOC contains line numbers
var itemText = itemText.match(/(.*)\t/)[1];
return headingsMap;

Using Epplus to import data from an Excel file to SQL Server database table

I've tried implementing this on an ASP.NET MVC 5 Application.
public ActionResult Upload(HttpPostedFileBase file)
var regPIN = DB.AspNetUsers.Where(i => i.Id == user.Id).Select(i => i.registrationPIN).FirstOrDefault();
if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
var extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
var excelFile = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/BulkImports"),regPIN + extension);
if (System.IO.File.Exists(excelFile))
else if (file.ContentType == "application/" || file.ContentType == "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet")
file.SaveAs(excelFile);//WORKS FINE
FileInfo eFile = new FileInfo(excelFile);
using (var excelPackage = new ExcelPackage(eFile))
if (!eFile.Name.EndsWith("xlsx"))//Return ModelState.AddModelError()
{ ModelState.AddModelError("", "Incompartible Excel Document. Please use MSExcel 2007 and Above!"); }
var worksheet = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[1];
if (worksheet == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Wrong Excel Format!"); }// return ImportResults.WrongFormat;
var lastRow = worksheet.Dimension.End.Row;
while (lastRow >= 1)
var range = worksheet.Cells[lastRow, 1, lastRow, 3];
if (range.Any(c => c.Value != null))
{ break; }
using (var db = new BlackBox_FinaleEntities())// var db = new BlackBox_FinaleEntities())
for (var row = 2; row <= lastRow; row++)
var newPerson = new personalDetails
identificationType = worksheet.Cells[row, 1].Value.ToString(),
idNumber = worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value.ToString(),
idSerial = worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value.ToString(),
fullName = worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value.ToString(),
dob = DateTime.Parse(worksheet.Cells[row, 5].Value.ToString()),
gender = worksheet.Cells[row, 6].Value.ToString()
try { db.SaveChanges(); }
catch (Exception) { }
ViewBag.Message = "Your file was successfully uploaded.";
return RedirectToAction("Index");
ViewBag.Message = "Error: Your file was not uploaded. Ensure you upload an excel workbook file.";
return View();
ViewBag.Message = "Error: Your file was not uploaded. Ensure you upload an excel workbook file.";
return View();
See Picture Error
Any help would be greatly appreciated mates.
you can do like this:
public bool readXLS(string FilePath)
FileInfo existingFile = new FileInfo(FilePath);
using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(existingFile))
//get the first worksheet in the workbook
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[1];
int colCount = worksheet.Dimension.End.Column; //get Column Count
int rowCount = worksheet.Dimension.End.Row; //get row count
string queryString = "INSERT INTO tableName VALUES"; //Here I am using "blind insert". You can specify the column names Blient inset is strongly not recommanded
string eachVal = "";
bool status;
for (int row = 1; row <= rowCount; row++)
queryString += "(";
for (int col = 1; col <= colCount; col++)
eachVal = worksheet.Cells[row, col].Value.ToString().Trim();
queryString += "'" + eachVal + "',";
queryString = queryString.Remove(queryString.Length - 1, 1); //removing last comma (,) from the string
if (row % 1000 == 0) //On every 1000 query will execute, as maximum of 1000 will be executed at a time.
queryString += ")";
status = this.runQuery(queryString); //executing query
if (status == false)
return status;
queryString = "INSERT INTO tableName VALUES";
queryString += "),";
queryString = queryString.Remove(queryString.Length - 1, 1); //removing last comma (,) from the string
status = this.runQuery(queryString); //executing query
return status;

How to return scrollbar in Sharepoint 2010

I want to fix scrollbar in popUp window,but unfortunately fix it in my other pages!
Please,tell me- how to return scrollbars in Sharepoint 2010.
When i want to fix scrolls- use :
function FixRibbonAndWorkspaceDimensions() {
g_frl = true;
var elmRibbon = GetCachedElement("s4-ribbonrow");
var elmWorkspace = GetCachedElement("s4-workspace");
var elmTitleArea = GetCachedElement("s4-titlerow");
var elmBodyTable = GetCachedElement("s4-bodyContainer");
if (!elmRibbon || !elmWorkspace || !elmBodyTable) { return; }
if (!g_setWidthInited) {
var setWidth = true;
if (elmWorkspace.className.indexOf("s4-nosetwidth") > -1)
setWidth = false;
g_setWidth = setWidth;
g_setWidthInited = true;
else { var setWidth = g_setWidth; }
var baseRibbonHeight = RibbonIsMinimized() ? 44 : 135;
var ribbonHeight = baseRibbonHeight + g_wpadderHeight;
if (GetCurrentEltStyle(elmRibbon, "visibility") == "hidden") { ribbonHeight = 0; }
// Override default resizing behavior
// -- adds padding to the top of the "s4-workspace" <div> if the ribbon exists and has content
// -- allows the ribbon to be positioned using CSS instead of JavaScript (more accessible)
// -- checks to see if the page is inside a "no-ribbon" dialog
var elmRibbonContainer = GetCachedElement("RibbonContainer");
if (elmRibbonContainer != null) {
if (elmRibbonContainer.children.length > 0 && document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].className.indexOf('ms-dialog-nr') == -1) { = ribbonHeight + 'px';
i think ,that i have to write

Opening tabs in Chrome news reader extension

I'm trying to create a simple chrome extension using the following google RSS reader sample,
I can add links in the pop-up window that open tabs, but not from the feeds themselves.
Looping through the items in the feed, grabbing title tags and link tags, I want the title to link the the appropriate sites
var entries = doc.getElementsByTagName('item');
var count = Math.min(entries.length, maxFeedItems);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
item = entries.item(i);
// Grab the title for the feed item.
var itemTitle = item.getElementsByTagName('title')[0];
if (itemTitle) {
itemTitle = itemTitle.textContent;
} else {
itemTitle = "Unknown title";
// Grab the link for this feed item
var itemLink = item.getElementsByTagName('link')[0];
if (itemLink) {
itemLink = itemLink.textContent;
} else {
itemLink = "Unknown link";
var title = document.createElement("a");
title.className = "item_title";
title.innerText = itemTitle; //display title in iframe
title.addEventListener("click", titleLink); // should open link when clicking on title, but does not.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Show |url| in a new tab.
function showUrl(url) {
// Only allow http and https URLs.
if (url.indexOf("http:") != 0 && url.indexOf("https:") != 0) {
chrome.tabs.create({url: url});
function moreStories(event) {
function titleLink(event) {
Any thoughts on why this is not working.
If I replace title.addEventListener("click", titleLink); with title.addEventListener("click", moreStories); each title will link to moreStories, I cannot get each title to link to itemLink.
Its a bit hard to answer your question without the whole code, but Ill give it a shot ;)
First up, titleLink() isnt going to work because itemLink isnt known. When you create title (the link) you should of attached it to that...say title.href=itemLink then in tiltleLinks you could access that href with showUrl(event.currentTarget.href)
Also did you fix the error in that example?...if not then change frameLoaded to....
function frameLoaded() {
var links = document.getElementsByTagName("A");
for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
var clssName = links[i].className;
if (clssName != "item_title" && clssName != "open_box") {
links[i].addEventListener("click", showStory);
window.addEventListener("message", messageHandler);
If you still have probs could you attach the whole code so I can see what your doing and Ill give you a hand.
Thank you very much for your help.
code title.href=itemLink and code showUrl(event.currentTarget.href) was exactly what I needed.
For completeness, here is the full code,
<script id="iframe_script">
function reportHeight() {
var msg = JSON.stringify({type:"size", size:document.body.offsetHeight});
parent.postMessage(msg, "*");
function frameLoaded() {
var links = document.getElementsByTagName("A");
for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
var class = links[i].className;
if (class != "item_title" && class != "open_box") {
links[i].addEventListener("click", showStory);
window.addEventListener("message", messageHandler);
function showStory(event) {
var href = event.currentTarget.href;
parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({type:"show", url:href}), "*");
function messageHandler(event) {
// Feed URL.
var feedUrl = 'http://localhost/newsfeed.xml';
// The XMLHttpRequest object that tries to load and parse the feed.
var req;
function main() {
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onload = handleResponse;
req.onerror = handleError;"GET", feedUrl, true);
// Handles feed parsing errors.
function handleFeedParsingFailed(error) {
var feed = document.getElementById("feed");
feed.className = "error";
feed.innerText = "Error: " + error;
// Handles errors during the XMLHttpRequest.
function handleError() {
handleFeedParsingFailed('Failed to fetch RSS feed.');
// Handles parsing the feed data we got back from XMLHttpRequest.
function handleResponse() {
var doc = req.responseXML;
if (!doc) {
handleFeedParsingFailed("Not a valid feed.");
// The maximum number of feed items to show in the preview.
var maxFeedItems = 10;
// Where the more stories link should navigate to.
var moreStoriesUrl;
function buildPreview(doc) {
// Get the link to the feed source.
var link = doc.getElementsByTagName("link");
var parentTag = link[0].parentNode.tagName;
if (parentTag != "item" && parentTag != "entry") {
moreStoriesUrl = link[0].textContent;
// Setup the title image.
var images = doc.getElementsByTagName("image");
var titleImg;
if (images.length != 0) {
var urls = images[0].getElementsByTagName("url");
if (urls.length != 0) {
titleImg = urls[0].textContent;
var img = document.getElementById("title");
// Listen for mouse and key events
if (titleImg) {
img.src = titleImg;
if (moreStoriesUrl) {
function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
} else { = "none";
// Construct the iframe's HTML.
var iframe_src = "<!doctype html><html><head><script>" +
document.getElementById("iframe_script").textContent + "<" +
"/script></head><body onload='frameLoaded();' " +
var feed = document.getElementById("feed");
// Set ARIA role indicating the feed element has a tree structure
feed.setAttribute("role", "tree");
var entries = doc.getElementsByTagName('item');
var count = Math.min(entries.length, maxFeedItems);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
item = entries.item(i);
// Grab the title for the feed item.
var itemTitle = item.getElementsByTagName('title')[0];
if (itemTitle) {
itemTitle = itemTitle.textContent;
} else {
itemTitle = "Unknown title";
// Grab the link for the feed item.
var itemLink = item.getElementsByTagName('link')[0];
if (itemLink) {
itemLink = itemLink.textContent;
} else {
itemLink = "Unknown link";
var item = document.createElement("div");
var title = document.createElement("a");
title.innerText = itemTitle; //display title in iframe
title.addEventListener("click", titleLink);
if (moreStoriesUrl) {
var more = document.createElement("a");
more.className = "more";
more.innerText = "***Site Main Page*** \u00BB";
more.tabIndex = 0;
more.addEventListener("click", moreStories);
more.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Show |url| in a new tab.
function showUrl(url) {
// Only allow http and https URLs.
if (url.indexOf("http:") != 0 && url.indexOf("https:") != 0) {
chrome.tabs.create({url: url});
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function moreStories(event) {
function titleLink(event) {
function keyHandlerShowDesc(event) {
// Display content under heading when spacebar or right-arrow pressed
// Hide content when spacebar pressed again or left-arrow pressed
// Move to next heading when down-arrow pressed
// Move to previous heading when up-arrow pressed
if (event.keyCode == 32) {
} else if ((this.parentNode.className == "item opened") &&
(event.keyCode == 37)) {
} else if ((this.parentNode.className == "item") && (event.keyCode == 39)) {
} else if (event.keyCode == 40) {
if (this.parentNode.nextSibling) {
} else if (event.keyCode == 38) {
if (this.parentNode.previousSibling) {
function showDesc(event) {
var item = event.currentTarget.parentNode;
var items = document.getElementsByClassName("item");
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var iframe = items[i].getElementsByClassName("item_desc")[0];
if (items[i] == item && items[i].className == "item") {
items[i].className = "item opened";
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage("reportHeight", "*");
// Set the ARIA state indicating the tree item is currently expanded.
setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");
iframe.tabIndex = 0;
} else {
items[i].className = "item"; = "0px";
// Set the ARIA state indicating the tree item is currently collapsed.
setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
iframe.tabIndex = -1;
function iframeMessageHandler(e) {
// Only listen to messages from one of our own iframes.
var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName("IFRAME");
for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) {
if (iframes[i].contentWindow == e.source) {
var msg = JSON.parse(;
if (msg) {
if (msg.type == "size") {
iframes[i].style.height = msg.size + "px";
else if (msg.type == "show") {
var url = msg.url;
if (url.indexOf("http://localhost/index.html") == 0) {
// If the URL is a redirect URL, strip of the destination and go to
// that directly. This is necessary because the Google news
// redirector blocks use of the redirects in this case.
var index = url.indexOf("&url=");
if (index >= 0) {
url = url.substring(index + 5);
index = url.indexOf("&");
if (index >= 0)
url = url.substring(0, index);
window.addEventListener("message", iframeMessageHandler);
Thanks again for the help.

Dropdown field - first item should be blank - For more than one field (Sharepoint)

I was looking for a solution to the problem of getting a blank default when using a lookup in a field in Sharepoint. Kit Menke's solution to "Dropdown field - first item should be blank" question works perfectly for my first field with a lookup. But I can't make it work if have more that one field in the same list where I need to insert a blank for each lookup field (works only for the first field). I tried adding a new "Web Part" and applying the same code to the second field, but doesn't work. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
Follow-up to my answer here: Dropdown field - first item should be blank
Version 2.0 allows you to add the names of your dropdowns to dropdownNames in the MyCustomExecuteFunction function. As with the first one, this will work only with required single select lookup fields. Also, in order to edit the page again and update your Content Editor Web Part you may have to choose a value for your dropdowns otherwise you get the dreaded An unexpected error has occurred.. Good luck! :D
<script type="text/javascript">
function GetDropdownByTitle(title) {
var dropdowns = document.getElementsByTagName('select');
for (var i = 0; i < dropdowns.length; i++) {
if (dropdowns[i].title === title) {
return dropdowns[i];
return null;
function GetOKButtons() {
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
var len = inputs.length;
var okButtons = [];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (inputs[i].type && inputs[i].type.toLowerCase() === 'button' &&
inputs[i].id && inputs[i].id.indexOf('diidIOSaveItem') >= 0) {
return okButtons;
function AddValueToDropdown(oDropdown, text, value, optionnumber){
var options = oDropdown.options;
var option = document.createElement('OPTION');
if (typeof(optionnumber) == 'number' && options[optionnumber]) {
else {
oDropdown.options.selectedIndex = 0;
function WrapClickEvent(element, newFunction) {
var clickFunc = element.onclick;
element.onclick = function(event){
if (newFunction()) {
function MyCustomExecuteFunction() {
var dropdownNames = [
'Large Lookup Field',
'My Dropdown Field'
var dropdownElements = [];
for (var d = 0; d < dropdownNames.length; d++) {
// find the dropdown
var dropdown = GetDropdownByTitle(dropdownNames[d]);
// comment this IF block out if you don't want an error displayed
// when the dropdown can't be found
if (null === dropdown) {
alert('Unable to get dropdown named ' + dropdownNames[d]);
AddValueToDropdown(dropdown, '', '', 0);
// collect all of our dropdowns
// add a custom validate function to the page
var funcValidate = function() {
var isValid = true;
var message = "";
for (var d = 0; d < dropdownElements.length; d++) {
if (0 === dropdownElements[d].selectedIndex) {
// require a selection other than the first item (our blank value)
if (isValid) {
isValid = false;
} else {
message += "\n"; // already had one error so we need another line
message += "Please choose a value for " + dropdownNames[d] + ".";
if (!isValid) {
return isValid;
var okButtons = GetOKButtons();
for (var b = 0; b < okButtons.length; b++) {
WrapClickEvent(okButtons[b], funcValidate);
How about prepending a null option to the select menu of sharepoint.Like,
$('#idOfSelectMenu').prepend('<option value="" selected>(None)</option>');
I used this approach and append this code only in the NewForm.aspx because in EditForm.aspx it will override the selected option.
