Generalization between UML enumeration and class - uml

Is it correct in accordance with UML specification for UML in version 2.5 to model generalization relationship between UML enumeration and UML class? In page 166 the specification states "As a specification of Classifier, Enumerations can participate in generalization relationships". Is it however correct to put generalization relationship between class and enumeration? If yes, how such a enumeration should than be interpreted?

Yes, you can do so. Both elements are Classifiers as the UML 2.5 metamodel shows.
As such you can use inheritance between both.
Now for your question what that would mean. Well, honestly I don't know. Enumerations are basically meant to be just enumerations. In the old days they were just that list of EnumerationLiterals. More recent languages allow for operations/properties as well. But when you pimp them with a Class, then what is the point? Generalization is a blade with two edges. Defining an amphi-car as inheriting from car and ship feels strange. It's neither of both but something new. So in case of Enumeration it's similar.

I still did not find a formal constraint, but you may use the Generalization definition to find evidence whether a generalization between a Class and an Enumeration makes sense (or find examples which have an interpretation):
A Generalization is a taxonomic relationship between a more general
Classifier and a more specific Classifier. Each instance of the
specific Classifier is also an instance of the general Classifier. (UML 2.5.1, p.138)
With your construction, an instance of the Enumeration would also be an instance of the Class (or vice versa). Now let's look at what that means.
When a Classifier is generalized, certain members of its
generalizations are inherited, that is they behave as though they were
defined in the inheriting Classifier itself. For example, an inherited
member that is an attribute may have a value or collection of values
in any instance of the inheriting Classifier... (UML 2.5.1, p.100)
In fact an Enumeration can have attributes just like any Classifier, thus why shouldn't it inherit those from a Class? Looking further into what it means to be an instance of an Enumeration or an instance of a class, we find this:
DataTypes model Types whose instances are distinguished only by their
value. ... Each value of an Enumeration corresponds to one of its
user-defined EnumerationLiterals. ... EnumerationLiterals may not
change during their existence, so any attributes on an Enumeration
shall be read-only. (UML 2.5.1, p. 209 f.)
Aha, maybe we could enumerate objects with their attribute values (instances of Class) as values of an Enumeration? Would the instances of the Enumeration than also be instances of the Class? Would that be a suitable interpretation?
I am just thinking out loud, not being sure if this makes much sense. I just wouldn't rule out that there is an interpretation just because I never encountered one or cannot imagine one. In fact, look at Enums in Java - they implicitly extend the Class java.lang.Enum and the only reason why they can not extend further user-defined classes or other Enums is that Java does not support multiple inheritance of state (Oracle Java tutorials).


How to represent in UML that subclasses of an abstract class should be singleton

Suppose an abstract class X and its subclasses Y and Z. How do I represent in UML class diagrams that Y and Z should be singletons. Is it possible to represent that all X subclasses must be singletons?
To specify that all subclasses of X are singletons, you can write a constraint in between braces: { every subclass of X is a singleton }. This constraint should be put in a constraints compartment in the class rectangle.
The UML 2.5 specification, §7.6.4 defines the notation for constraints in general and §9.2.4 specifies how to show the constraints of a classifier:
If a Classifier owns Constraints, a conforming tool may implement a compartment to show the owned Constraints listed
within a separate compartment of the owning Classifier’s rectangle. The name of this optional compartment is
Alternatively, you could give a singleton indication on each and every subclass of X. From your wording, I assume that that is not what you want. Anyway, the latest version of UML (2.5.1) does not have a standard way to indicate that a class is a singleton. Some people indicate it by writing 1 in the top right corner of the rectangle. However, that is not valid UML. You may use that for parts, but not for classes. Instead, you could invent your own stereotype ≪singleton≫.
There is another StackOverflow question about this topic.
Here's another possibility: you can adorn the class with a <<singleton>> stereotype. I always used it that way and the coder knows how to handle that. It's no UML standard, but see the last sentence.
§11.4.4 of the UML 2.5 spec says:
A usage dependency may relate an InstanceSpecification to a
constructor for a Class, describing the single value returned by the
constructor Operation. The Operation is the client, the created
instance the supplier.
If you create a GeneralizationSet that has the meta-property isComplete=true (to say that all possible subclasses are accounted for), and you connect one InstanceSpecification to each constructor by a usage dependency, the model means that every class is a singleton.

UML dependency or association in class diagram

I have class Controller in my java project, which has method like this:
As you can see, in the first line I am getting Singleton instance of ActualModes class and call method getActualModes().
So the first question is, which relatinship I should use in class diagram.
After that I am creating new instane of ModeContext class and then call method executeStrategy. In this case, which relatiship is better ?
It should be like this:
Access to the singleton (note the stereotype which is just convenient and no obligation or general standard) is anonymous and so you just have a dependency. The ModeContext in contrast uses a private (I don't know the scoping rules of the language you used, so I made it pivate) property called context. Note the dot which is saying exactly that.
Disclaimer: UML does not specify a mapping between Java and UML, so every answer to your question is open for debate.
I think both relationships are dependencies, drawn as dashed arrows from Controller to ActualModes and from Controller to ModeContext. The definition of 'dependency' according to the UML 2.5 specification (§ is:
A Dependency is a Relationship that signifies that a single model Element or a set of model Elements requires other
model Elements for their specification or implementation.
An example of a type of relationship which is in my opinion less suited, is the association, although its definition (§11.5) is quite broad:
An Association classifies a set of tuples representing links between typed instances. (...) An Association specifies a semantic relationship that can occur between typed instances.
One could argue that there are links between Controller and the other two classes, in the form of variables, but these variables are local method variables, which exist only temporarily during the execution of the method. Associations represent more durable links, e.g. class members - as far as I understand UML and as far as I have seen associations used in practice.

How to model associative arrays in UML?

I know there are some related questions about this question, such as this, this and this, but no one of them really helped me. My array keys are dynamic, so I can't create an additional class holding this attributes (like done in second linked question).
The idea of my concept is to hold instances of classes as follows:
$instances = [
"nameOfClass" => [
//instances of "nameOfClass"
"nameOfClass2" => [
//instances of "nameOfClass2"
//some more classes
But I don't know how to model these concept with UML when the array-key is unanimously with the class-name.
Is there a way to model my concept/in general associative arrays?
The correct way to express this in UML is to use a qualifier, or qualified association. There you have an owner and that has a qualifier, i.e., "key", that associates to a class. Further you can give the qualifier a type, to express that your key is a String, int, or Object of a certain class.
See also p. 206 of UML 2.5.
It sounds like you are wanting to simulate classes in PHP by building an associative array of named classes, where each class name (e.g., Person or ShoppingCart) maps to a collection of instances. If so, you are essentially trying to represent a non-OO simulation of OO in UML. UML is already OO, so you are trying to jump through your own belly button!
Unlike in PHP, in UML, a Property (i.e., a variable) must be owned by a Classifier, which is usually a Class or an Association. Therefore, to express $instances as a Property, it would have to be owned by a Class or Association.
If you are willing to accept that there will be an owning Class (let's call it ClassIndex), you will then need another UML Class, probably called Class, to represent each class (e.g., Person or ShoppingCart) and its attributes (e.g., firstName and lastName). Are you getting confused by the meta-programming yet? We haven't even gotten to the part about how to track the attributes of each class and so on.
While UML has all of the parts you need to re-invent OO programming, you have a fundamental mismatch between UML and PHP. The same would be true for C or assembler. UML allows you to work at a much higher level of abstraction than those languages. Therefore, I recommend you get an OO simulation working, then use UML to model your domain classes (e.g., Person or ShoppingCart) and generate a "configuration" that your OO simulation can run.

When are IsRoot, IsAbstract & IsLeaf in UML used?

I came across the following description of IsRoot, IsAbstract & IsLeaf however do not understand when you would used them.
Excerpt from
By checking the IsRoot check box, you are restricting the class from inheriting from other classes. Checking IsAbstract restricts the class from being instantiated, and forces clients to instantiate a derived class to access the functionality of the class. Checking IsLeaf indicates that the class is sealed. Sealed classes are noninheritable and help to limit the depth of an inheritance chain.
My understanding
IsRoot seems to suggest that it is a superclass
IsAbstract seems to suggest it is an abstract class
IsLeaf is a class that cannot be inherited but can be instantiated.
Can someone give me a real-world example of a model that uses these? For example I can imagine class such as 'car' that is a superclass and is abstract and beneath it you would have classes such as 'Volvo', 'Chevrolet', etc.
isRoot no longer exists in UML2. In UML 1 it means (from the specification) :
isRoot: Specifies whether the GeneralizableElement is a root
GeneralizableElement with no ancestors. True indicates that it
may not have ancestors, false indicates that it may have ancestors
(whether or not it actually has any ancestors at the moment).
isAbstract means that the element is incomplete and cannot be instantiated.
If true, the Classifier does not provide a complete declaration and can typically not be instantiated. An abstract
classifier is intended to be used by other classifiers (e.g., as the target of general metarelationships or generalization
relationships). Default value is false.
isLeaf means that you cannot redefine the element, same as final in some programming languages.
Indicates whether it is possible to further redefine a RedefinableElement. If the value is true, then it is not possible to
further redefine the RedefinableElement. Default
value is false.
Not real-life examples, but links to some.
isRoot: I think this is no longer part of UML. That article is from 2004, which was around the time UML 2 came out, and I doubt Visio supported it. It still may not support it.
isAbstract: it's a good idea to make all superclasses abstract so that you cannot create an instance that is not a member of the subclasses. Classes are essentially sets of instances. What does it mean for an instance to be a member of a superset and none of the subsets? It's unclear exactly what the classification of such an instance is, and it may inadvertently change over time. It's also a good idea to make the subclasses disjoint (non-overlapping) and covering (all known subclasses specified). There's more details and a real-life example of this using Avians in Lahman's book.
isLeaf: essentially keeps people from overriding your code. I can't verify this quotation, but supposedly the The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual says:
Being a leaf or being constrained to be a leaf are not fundamental
semantic properties but rather software engineering mechanisms to
control human behavior.
Does that help?

UML Questions about 'abstract' and stereotypes

hi every body i'm trying to understand UML but there are some questions about it
In UML what is the significance of tagging a class with the stereotype <<abstract>>?
and how to express this constraint as an invariant,
A stereotype "abstract" does not exist - an abstract class should be depicted using italic font. Abstract means that a class cannot be instantiated. It needs a subclass to do so. So as a pseudo-code constraint this would mean
for all instances i of MyAbstractClass holds: i.actualClass != MyAbstractClass
or in ocl for MyAbstractClass holds
self.allInstances()->forAll(i: MyAbstractClass | i.classifier <> self)
As the word 'abstract' was not displayed in your first question version, I expanded on stereotypes in general:
First of all: When learning UML, stereotypes should not be the first things you look into. They are rather complex.
Stereotypes or keywords (both denoted with <<MyStereotype>>) do not have a general meaning. It is defined by the specific stereotype. Commonly you cannot express a stereotype as an invariant instead.
But some other aspects of UML can be shown the same way: A class from the UML Metalevel is marked with <<metaclass>> even though it does not have a stereotype or even is of different actual type. The Stereotypes themselves are shown with a <<stereotype>> marker (even if they are instances of a special class).
An example for a custom stereotype could be "Service". You could mark classes with it which represent a Service. There could be a constraint which tells you that a "Service" must implement a special Interface. In this case you could express this constraint as a (boring) invariant. But probably it is even just a marker. In the latter case you can use a keyword as replacement.
I realize this thread is a couple of years old, but I came to it when it was referenced by someone else, as supporting the assertion that the «abstract» stereotype isn't supported by the UML spec. That assertion isn't quite accurate, and I'd like to explain why. I'll start by clarifying what abstract classes are.
Abstract classes are definitions of classes that don't include complete implementation. Therefore, abstract classes can't be directly instantiated; they have to be specialized (inherited). Abstract classes are notated by italicizing the class name and the methods that are abstract, and additionally by optionally adding an {abstract} property to the class name and/or to the operations (methods, we usually say, but methods are actually the "method" by which the operation is implemented) that are abstract.
Interfaces are actually a specific type of abstract class: a class with zero implementation. Their notation is different from other types of abstract classes (don't italicize, use the «interface» keyword, and notate all the specialization arrows with dotted lines). So, as Christian says here, there is standard notation for abstract classes--at least, there is in class diagrams.
Now, while it is true, as Christian also says, that the «abstract» stereotype doesn't exist, it is also true that you can create it if you want to, and that doing so is supported by the UML spec. It's unlikely that you'll have a reason to (at least in class diagrams), but you still can.
A stereotype is an "extensibility mechanism" for UML (there are three: stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints). It allows you to more specifically define some sort of element. Stereotypes are applied to classes (metaclasses actually, metaclasses are classes whose instances are also classes). A number of stereotypes are pre-defined "Standard Stereotypes" (in UML 1.4 they were called "Standard Elements"). Examples of these are «metaclass» (again, a class whose instances are also classes) and «file» (a physical file in the context of the system developed).
Stereotypes are a type of keyword. The spec (Superstructure 2.0, Annex B, p. 663) has this to say about keywords:
UML keywords are reserved words that are an integral part of the UML
notation and normally appear as text annotations attached to a UML
graphic element or as part of a text line in a UML diagram. These
words...cannot be used to name user-defined model elements where such naming would result in ambiguous interpretation of
the model. For example, the keyword “trace” is a system-defined
stereotype of Abstraction (see Annex C, “Standard Stereotypes”) and,
therefore, cannot be used to define any user-defined stereotype.
In UML, keywords are used for four different purposes:
To distinguish a particular UML concept (metaclass) from others sharing the same general graphical form...
To distinguish a particular kind of relationship between UML concepts (meta-association) from other relationships sharing the same general graphical form...
To specify the value of some modifier attached to a UML concept (meta-attribute value)...
To indicate a Standard Stereotype (see Annex C, “Standard Stereotypes”)...
Keywords are always enclosed in guillemets («keyword»), which serve as visual cues to more readily distinguish when a keyword is being used...In addition to identifying keywords, guillemets are also used to distinguish the usage of stereotypes defined in user profiles. This means that:
Not all words appearing between guillemets are necessarily keywords (i.e., reserved words), and
words appearing in guillemets do not necessarily represent stereotypes.
In other words, you can create any stereotype that you want, so long as it isn't a keyword. Since "abstract" is not a keyword, it follows that you can create an «abstract» stereotype.
In order to do so, however, you would have to go to some trouble, more trouble in UML 2.0 and above than in UML 1.4. UML 1.4 simply stated that a stereotype was an extension mechanism for the UML spec. One could simply define the stereotype, apply it to whichever part of the UML metamodel one wanted, and document the change. UML 2.0 wanted to formalize the relationship of a stereotype to a UML metaclass (any item on a UML diagram is a metaclass, and part of the UML metamodel). So, they came up with Profiles. This sample diagram shows how profiles work:
Now, that black arrow may look a bit strange, since you don't see it in any context but this one. UML 2.0 introduced the concept of an Extension, which it defines as "used to indicate that the properties of a metaclass are extended through a stereotype." This black arrow indicates an extension.
I'll quote Tom Pender (The UML Bible, Wiley Publishing, 2004) for an explanation of this diagram, since he does a better job than the spec (and I certainly can't improve on it):
It shows that a Component is extended by a Bean stereotype, which is required. The Bean stereotype is an abstract type, with two subtypes - Entity and Session. Each instance of Component, therefore, must be extended by an instance of either the Entity stereotype or the Session stereotype. Remember that a stereotype is a kind of class that can have properties - in this case, a Session stereotype has an attribute named state. This corresponds to a tagged definition whose value specifies the state of the Session. The tagged value is an enumeration, StateKind, which has either a stateless or stateful value.
The Component has a constraint on it, displayed in the note attached to the Component symbol, which states that a Component cannot be generalized or
The diagram also shows that an Interface metaclass is extended by the Remote and Home stereotypes. The EJB package has a constraint, displayed in the note that sits in the package, that states a Bean must realize exactly one Home interface.
So, you can indeed use an «abstract» stereotype if you have reason to go to the trouble of creating it. The main reason that anyone might want to is to represent an abstract class in some place other than a class diagram.
