mvc5 scaffolding Unable to retrive metadata for ...Ambiguous match found -

Problem: When I want to create controller from EF codefirst context it give me this error:
There was an error running the selected code generator.Unable to retrieve metadata for Model.class name.Ambiguous match found.
See Error Image
What I did?
As my model data was in seprate assembly I updated all package or downgrade them but nothing happened.
Then I merged my Model assembly in Website project but error doesn't resolved.
After googleing and many tricks, I created clean project and scaffolding for each class but it seems only one class had this problem.
In that class I commented all property and uncomment one by one to find error.
Found it! For this property error occurs public bool ISActive { get; set; }
I surprised so much and found how dot net turture you!!
What do you think about solution?!!

Renaming ISActive property to something else such as IsActivated solved my problem.It seems EF scaffolding has problem with this type of naming while cruding.


Why Acumatica can't find method

I'm working with Acumatica 5.30.2347. I have following selector in my graph:
var check = PXSelect<POLine,Where<POLine.orderType, Equal<POOrderType.regularOrder>>>
but when I try to execute it, I receive following error:
Method not found: 'Void PX.Data.PXLineAttribute..ctor'(System.Type).
Initially I've got an impression, that this error message appeared because class PXLineAttribute doesn't have constructor which accepts System.Type, but with help of reflector I've discovered that PXLineAttribute has following declaration:
public PXLineNbrAttribute(System.Type sourceType)
: this(sourceType, false)
which gives me idea that PXLineNbrAttribute has needed constructor. So I have two questions: Why Acumatica Framework can't find constructor of PXLineNbrAttribute? How to help Acumatica to find before mentioned constructor?
Please check your VS class library project references to Acumatica assemblies. I would suspect them to reference assemblies from a different Acumatica build and therefore cause "Method not found ..." errors at runtime.

CoreData: warning: Unable to load class named

I am duplicating an existing Objective-C TV Show app to a new Swift version using Xcode 6.1 and am having some issues with CoreData.
I have created a model of 4 entities, created their NSManagedObject subclass (in Swift), and all files have the proper app targets set (for 'Compile Sources').
I am still getting this error whenever I try to insert a new entity:
CoreData: warning: Unable to load class named 'Shows' for entity
'Shows'. Class not found, using default NSManagedObject instead.
A few comments:
When saving to Core Data, I use the parent-child context way to allow background threading. I do this by setting up the ManagedObjectContext using:
lazy var managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext? = {
// Returns the managed object context for the application (which is already bound to the persistent store coordinator for the application.) This property is optional since there are legitimate error conditions that could cause the creation of the context to fail.
let coordinator = self.persistentStoreCoordinator
if coordinator == nil {
return nil
var managedObjectContext = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: NSManagedObjectContextConcurrencyType.MainQueueConcurrencyType)
managedObjectContext.persistentStoreCoordinator = coordinator
return managedObjectContext
and by saving data using:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), { () -> Void in
var context = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: NSManagedObjectContextConcurrencyType.PrivateQueueConcurrencyType)
context.parentContext = self.managedObjectContext! of core data saving code here...
This warning is one of the quirks we have to deal with while the details of the Swift implementation are being ironed out. The warning occurs spuriously, i.e. your setup might work even if you do not follow the steps outlined below.
I have been able to get rid of it in most cases by making sure that the class is set correctly in the model editor. Unlike in many other SOF posts (including answers to this question), the suggestion to include the module name (like MyApp.Shows) has not helped me.
Make sure you check these three items:
Version that works up to Xcode 7 beta 3
Notice that I corrected your entity name to the more appropriate singular.
Version that works for Swift 2.0 in Xcode 7.1
(Should work for Xcode 7 beta 4 and above)
You need to delete the text "Current Product Module" in Module!
You should also follow the frequent recommendation to include
just above your class.
Note: If you are using Xcode 7 beta 4 or later, this step is optional.
Also make sure to cast the created managed object to the proper class, as the default would be just NSManagedObject.
var newShow = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName("Show",
inManagedObjectContext: context) as Show
SWIFT 2 / XCODE 7 Update:
This issue (see my April 3 comment on this answer as well) is resolved in Swift 2 and XCode 7 beta release by Apple.
So you actually now do not need #objc(myEntity) in Swift as answered by Mundi or using
"MyAppName." before your Class name. It will stop working. So remove these, just put Class name in File and select Current Working Module as Module
and cheers!
But for those using #objc(myEntity) in Swift (like me), you can use this other solution instead which works smoothly.
In the xcdatamodel correct class in. It should look like this:
Here you go. Module.Class is the pattern for CoreData in Swift and XCode 6. You will also need the same procedure when using Custom Policy class in Model Policy or other CoreData stuff. A note: In image, The Name and Class should be Car and MyAppName.Car (or whatever the name of your entity). Here, User is a typo.
When using Xcode 7 and purely Swift, I actually had to remove #objc(MyClass) from my auto-generated NSManagedObject subclass (generated from Editor > Create NSManagedObject Subclass...).
In Xcode 7 beta 2 (and I believe 1), in the model configuration a new managed object of type File is set to the Module Current Product Module and the class of the object is shown in configuration as .File.
Deleting the module setting so it is blank, or removing the full stop so the class name in configuration is just File are equivalent actions, as each causes the other change. Saving this configuration will remove the error described.
In Xcode 6.1.1 you do not need to add the #objc attribute since the base entity is a subset of an objc class (NSManagedObject) (see Swift Type Compatibility. In CoreData the full Module.Class name is required. Be aware the Module name is what is set in Build Settings -> Packaging -> Product Module Name. By default this is set to $(PRODUCT_NAME:c99extidentifier) which will be the Target's name.
With xCode 7 and Swift 2.0 version, you don't need to add #objc(NameOfClass), just change the entity settings in "Show the Data Model Inspector" tab like below -
Name - "Your Entity Name"
Class - "Your Entity Name"
Module - "Current Product Module"
Code for Entity class file will be like (in my code Entity is Family) -
import UIKit
import CoreData
class Family: NSManagedObject {
#NSManaged var member : AnyObject
This example is working fine in my app with xCode 7.0 + swift 2.0
Do not forget to replace PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME with your product module name.
When a new entity is created, you need to go to the Data Model Inspector (last tab) and replace PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME with your module name, or it will result a class not found error when creating the persistent store coordinator.
You also need to use (at least with Xcode 6.3.2) Module.Class when performing your cast for example:
Assuming your module (i.e. product name) is Food and your class is Fruit
let myEntity = NSEntityDescription.entityForName("Fruit", inManagedObjectContext: managedContext)
let fruit = NSManagedObject(entity: myEntity!, insertIntoManagedObjectContext:managedContext) as! Food.Fruit
Include module name when defining entity in Data Model Editor (Name: Fruit, Class: Food.Fruit)
When accessing the entity in code (i.e.SWIFT), cast it with Module.class (e.g. Food.Fruit)
I also encountered a similar problem, follow these steps to resolve:
The parent is NSManagedObject, not NSObject
The module of an
entity is default, not "Current Product Module"
Changing the Entity Class name in the Data Model editor to correspond to the class in question and adding #objc(NameOfClass) to file of each NSManagedObject right above the class declaration solved this problem for me during Unit Testing.
Most of these answers still seem to apply in Xcode 14. However, my Swift NSManagedObject subclass is included in a custom framework. So what worked for me is: In that Entity inspector, in that Module field (see screenshot in answer by khunsan), type in the name of your framework, for example, MyFramework.
What worked for me (Xcode 7.4, Swift) is changing the class name to <my actual class name>.<entity name>
in the Entity inspector, 'Class' box.
My initiator of the Managed object subclass, looks like this:
convenience init(<properties to init>) {
let entityDescr = NSEntityDescription.entityForName("<entity class name>", inManagedObjectContext: <managed context>)
self.init(entity: entityDescr!, insertIntoManagedObjectContext: <managed context>)}
//init properties here
For Xcode 11.5: if Codegen property is class Definition, and if you are not getting a suggestion for the entity you created in xcdatamodel. Try to quit Xcode and reopen your project again. It works for me. This answer is only if you are not getting suggestions but if your file doesn't get generated try any above answer.

Entity Framework my DB Context does not have connection when Reference in other Project

So here is my problem Guys
In my Solution,
I have ORM Class Liberary where I've added EntityFramework 5 (so has .edmx containing
Designer.cs, edmx.diagram and .tt) files.. So far so good
And I have Project called Repositories and has reference of ORM project above.
In HeaderRepository class of Repositories Project, when I write following code,
using(UFPEntities ufpEntities = new UFPEntities())
Header header = ufpEntities.Headers.Single(x => x.VendorId == id);
}catche(Exception e)
Note: intellisense works fine COMPILER DOES NOT GIVE ERROR while writing above code, it happens at Run time
But, I get "No connection string named 'UFPEntities' could be found in the application config file."
App.config is in ORM Project, not in Repository Project where I am dealing with Data as Above.
Can you please help me so that I can CREATE MY MODEL class (such as Header) from Repository Project? or What I am doing wrong so it gives me Exceptions?
Thx in Advance.
The connection string must be in config of entry assembly - it is either web.config for web application or app.config for executable or unit test library. App.config for arbitrary library which is just referenced by executed code is completely ignored.

ServiceStack - generate ASP.NET webservice -reference issue

I am using the very excellent servicestack libaries and trying to generate a ASP.NET web-service reference (old style not WCF) from within VS2010 across my servicestack WSDL - Soap11. To nicely wrap the service WSDL.
The DTO's are in a seperate assembly/namespace (My.WS.DTO) from the AppHost/services and are following the request/response naming convention.. when I try to generate the reference through visual studio I get the following error in VS.
Custom tool error: Unable to import WebService/Schema. Unable to import binding 'BasicHttpBinding_ISyncReply' from namespace ''. Unable to import operation 'GetMyDetails'. The element '' is missing.
NOTE: GetMyDetails is just the first service that appears in the list - so I dont believe this is the problem.
I have tried adding the assembly namespace in the AppHost file using
EndpointHostConfig.Instance.WsdlServiceNamespace = "My.WS.DTO"; and this just causes the same generation error (as above) but with 'My.WS.DTO' instead of ''.
I assume it is perhaps some sort of referencing problem but any guidance as to what I might be doing wrong would be great.
I don't know if this is still an issue for you but I had a similar problem and found that I had not decorated one of my DTOs with [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes, as described on the SOAP Support wiki page. Once you have added these to your DTO it will be declared in the type section of the WSDL.
Have a look at using [DataContract (Namespace = "YOUR NAMESPACE")] on top of your DTO's. This is how my objects are referenced.
[DataContract(Namespace = "My.WS.DTO")]
public class Account{
I also use this in my service model. [System.ServiceModel.ServiceContract()] and [System.ServiceModel.OperationContract()]
public class SendGetAccountResponseService : IService<SendGetAccountNotification>
#region IService implementation
public object Execute (SendGetAccountNotification request)
Console.WriteLine ("Reached");
return null;
Hope this helps / solves your problem.
I know this is an old question, but I had to add SOAP support for a 3rd party that refused to support REST very recently to my ServiceStack implementation so it could still be relevant to other people still having this issue.
I had the same issue you were having:
Unable to import binding 'BasicHttpBinding_ISyncReply'...
And like mickfold previously answered I needed to add [DataContract] and [DataMember] to my class definitions and their properties.
But I also had to add the following to my AssemblyInfo.cs file before the error went away for me:
[assembly: ContractNamespace("", ClrNamespace = "My Type Namespace")]
I assume that you will need one of these lines for every single namespace where you have a type declared, which based upon the original question above would be My.WS.DTO.

WCF DataService EF entities not found

I have an EDMX model with a generated context.
Now i generated a Self Tracking Entities library is separate project and referenced this from the EDMX model.
Also set the correct namespace in the context to the same namespace as the entities.
Now working with this all works except when i try to create a WCF data service with this context.
So just create new ObjectContext and working with it directly works fine.
But having referenced the context + model lib and the entities lib i get the following error when loading the service
The server encountered an error processing the request. The exception message is 'Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key'. See server logs for more details. The exception stack trace is:
Now i found that this could happen when using data service with external entity lib and fix was overriding the createcontext
with code
System.Data.Metadata.Edm.ItemCollection itemCollection;
if (!context.MetadataWorkspace.TryGetItemCollection
(System.Data.Metadata.Edm.DataSpace.CSSpace, out itemCollection))
var tracestring = context.CreateQuery<ClientDataStoreContainer>("ClientDataStoreContainer.DataSet").ToTraceString();
return context;
Now the error is gone but i get the next one and that is:
Object mapping could not be found for Type with identity 'ClientDataStoreEntities.Data'.
This error occurs on the .toTraceString in the createcontext
the ssdl file has the defined type
<EntitySetMapping Name="DataSet">
<EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(ClientDataStoreEntities.Data)">
So it has to load the ClientDataStoreEntities.Data type which is the namespace and type of the STE library that i have generated from the model.
EDIT: with
var tracestring = context.CreateQuery<Data>("ClientDataStoreContainer.DataSet").ToTraceString();
It does seem to load all types , however now the service does not have any methods that i can call.
there should be 2 DataSet and PublishedDataSet but:
<service xml:base="http://localhost:1377/WcfDataService1.svc/">
is what i get.
I ran into the same issue (the first one you mention). I have worked around using the suggestion by Julie Lerman in this thread. The other suggestion didn't work for me although I will experiment with them more since Julie's solution may have performance implications since it's executed (and has some cost) for every query.
MSDN Fail to work with POCO ModelContainer which entities are located in other assembly
Edit: Sorry, just realized you utilized the other solution mentioned in this thread.
