How to avoid `case` when handling `Maybe` - haskell

I am writing interpreter in Haskell and I have map: name_of_function -> defintion of function.
Map String Defun
My interpreter monad:
type InterpreterMonad = StateT (EnvFun, (Stack EnvEval)) (ErrorT String IO ) ()
And as you can see "last" monad is ErroT.
Now, when I would like handle calling functions:
handleFCall :: Stmt -> InterpreterMonad
handleFCall (VarName name) args = get >>= \(envFun, contextStack) -> case (Map.lookup (VarName name) envFun) of
Nothing -> throwError "Err"
(Just x) -> DoSthOther
And as you can see I have to use case. However I am using >>= so I would like to avoid case of here. But, Map.lookup return Nothing on fail and I would like to add my error message.
I have no experience in Haskell so I don't know how to deal with it . Morever, every criticism to my code is welcome.

There's nothing wrong with using a case statement, although reformatted with do notation your function would look more like
handleFCall (VarName name) args = do
(envFun, contextStack) <- get
case Map.lookup (VarName name) envFun of
Nothing -> throwError "Err"
Just x -> doSthOther x
Which would be more familiar to other Haskell programmers. However, if you really want to avoid using a case, just use the maybe function:
handleFCall (VarName name) args = do
(envFun, contextStack) <- get
maybe (throwError "Err") doSthOther $ Map.lookup (VarName name) envFun
Or with >>=
handleFCall (VarName name) args
= get >>=
(\(envFun, contextStack) ->
maybe (throwError "Err") doSthOther
$ Map.lookup (VarName name) envFun
But personally I find the case statement more readable.

The errors package has the following operations in Control.Error.Util (and reexported from Control.Error):
-- You can turn `Maybe` into `Either` by supplying a constant to use
-- for the `Left` case.
note :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b
-- Ditto for `MaybeT` and `ExceptT`
noteT :: Monad m => a -> MaybeT m b -> ExceptT a m b
-- And there are useful shortcuts for other combinations
failWith :: Applicative m => e -> Maybe a -> ExceptT e m a
failWith in particular looks like it would fit quite nicely here, something like this expression would do the trick.
failWith "Err" (Map.lookup (VarName name) envFun)
Note that the ErrorT transformer that you're using in your example has been deprecated in favor of ExceptT (as the signatures above are using), so you'd have to change your code accordingly to use the errors package. On the other hand these functions are simple enough that you can just bake your own if you so prefer.


bind a monadic value (m2 a) inside some other monad m1

Working in a Coding Dojo today I tried the following
example :: IO ()
example = do input <- getLine
parsed <- parseOnly parser input
where parseOnly :: Parser a -> Either String a (from attoparsec) of course the compiler complained that Either .. is not IO .. essentially telling me I am mixing monads.
Of course this can be solved by
case parseOnly parser input of .. -> ..
which is kind of unelegant, I think. Also my guess is that somebody else had this problem earlier and the solution I think is related to monad transformers, but the last bits I cannot piece together.
It also reminded me of liftIO - but this is the other way around I think which solves the problem of lifting an IO action happening inside some surrounding monad (more precisely MonadIO - say for example inside Snap when one wants to print something to stdout while getting some http).
More general this problem seems to be for a Monad m1 and a (different) Monad m2 how can I do something like
example = do a <- m1Action
b <- m2Action
You can't, in general. The whole do block has to be one specific monad (because example needs to have some specific type). If you could bind an arbitrary other monad inside that do block, you'd have unsafePerformIO.
Monad transformers allow you to produce one monad combining the kinds of things multiple other monads can do. But you have to decide that all the actions in your do block use the same monad transformer stack to use those, they're not a way to arbitrarily switch monads mid do-block.
Your solution with case only works because you've got a particular known monad (Either) that has a way of extracting values from inside it. Not all monads provide this, so it's impossible to build a general solution without knowing the particular monads involved. That's why the do block syntax doesn't provide such a shortcut.
In general, monad transformers are for this kind of interleaving. You can use ExceptT
example :: IO (Either String ())
example = runExceptT $ do
input <- liftIO getLine
parsed <- parseOnly parser input
Note that parseOnly must return ExceptT String IO a for some a. Or better ExceptT String m a for any m. Or if you want parseOnly to return Either String a it's
example :: IO (Either String ())
example = runExceptT $ do
input <- lift getLine
parsed <- ExceptT $ return $ parseOnly parser input
But I think all you need is just
eitherToIO :: Either String a -> IO a
eitherToIO (Left s) = error s
eitherToIO (Right x) = return x
parseOnly :: ... -> String -> Either String Int
example :: IO ()
example = do
input <- getLine
parsed <- eitherToIO $ parseOnly parser input
You need to make that expression type check; just as in pure code. Here,
... = do a <- act1 -- m1 monad
b <- act2 -- m2 monad
de-sugars to:
... = act1 >>= (\a -> act2 >>= \b -> ...)
>>= is of signature:
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
the outer bind is specialized with m1, so it expects that the expression inside parenthesis be of type: a -> m1 b, whereas the inner bind is specialized with m2, so the expression inside parenthesis will be of type a -> m2 b:
-- outer bind expects ( \a -> m1 b )
act1 >>= (\a -> act2 >>= \b -> ...)
-- inner bind results ( \a -> m2 b )
for this to type check, you need a function of signature m2 b -> m1 b in between the two; that is what lift does for a certain class of m2 and m1 monads: namely m1 ~ t m2 where t is an instance of MonadTrans:
lift :: (Monad m, MonadTrans t) => m a -> t m a

Using returned EitherT in haskell program

I'm trying to use the "citation-resolve" package in a Haskell project I'm working on, but I'm having trouble getting my head around using EitherT's in real code. I get that they're monad transformers, and I think I understand what that means, however I can't seem to actually work out how to use them. The toy example that represents what I'm trying to do is as follows:
module Main where
import Text.EditDistance
import Text.CSL.Input.Identifier
import Text.CSL.Reference
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
main = do
putStrLn "Resolving definition"
let resRef = runEitherT $ resolveEither "doi:10.1145/2500365.2500595"
case resRef of
Left e -> do
putStrLn ("Got error: "++ e)
Right ref -> do
putStrLn ("Added reference to database: "++ (show ref))
Here, resolveEither has the type:
resolveEither :: (HasDatabase s,
Control.Monad.IO.Class.MonadIO m,
mtl- s m)
=> String -> EitherT String m Reference
and runEitherT $ resolveEither "ref" has the type:
runEitherT $ resolveEither "ref"
:: (HasDatabase s,
Control.Monad.IO.Class.MonadIO m,
mtl- s m)
=> m (Either String Reference)
However, this gives the following error:
No instance for (Control.Monad.IO.Class.MonadIO (Either [Char]))
arising from a use of ‘resolveEither’
In the first argument of ‘runEitherT’, namely
‘(resolveEither "doi:10.1145/2500365.2500595")’
In the expression:
runEitherT (resolveEither "doi:10.1145/2500365.2500595")
In an equation for ‘resRef’:
resRef = runEitherT (resolveEither "doi:10.1145/2500365.2500595")
Which I have no idea how to resolve, or work around.
Any help would be appreciated, especially pointers to tutorials dealing with monad transformers from a usage perspective, not an implementation one.
To reflect the comments on answers by dfeuer and Christian, I still get errors if I change main to the following:
main = do
putStrLn "Resolving definition"
resRef <- runEitherT (resolveEither "doi:10.1145/2500365.2500595")
case resRef of
Left e -> do
putStrLn ("Got error: "++ e)
Right ref -> do
putStrLn ("Added reference to database: "++ (show ref))
The error I get now is:
No instance for (MonadState s0 IO)
arising from a use of ‘resolveEither’
In the first argument of ‘runEitherT’, namely
‘(resolveEither "doi:10.1145/2500365.2500595")’
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
resRef <- runEitherT (resolveEither "doi:10.1145/2500365.2500595")
In the expression:
do { putStrLn "Resolving definition";
resRef <- runEitherT (resolveEither "doi:10.1145/2500365.2500595");
case resRef of {
Left e -> do { ... }
Right ref -> do { ... } } }
I'm editing my question as well as commenting, as nice code formatting is substantially easier here than in a comment.
I believe the problem is that you're trying to pattern match on resRef when what you probably want to do is execute it and pattern match on the result.
So you should try this:
main = do
putStrLn "Resolving definition"
resRef <- runEitherT $ resolveEither "doi:10.1145/2500365.2500595"
case resRef of
Left e -> do
You've encountered one of the shortcomings of the mtl class-based approach: intimidating type errors. I think it'll be helpful to imagine what the situation would look like with normal transformers-based monad transformers. I hope this will also help you get your feet with monad transformers in general. (It looks like you already understand most of this, by the way; I'm just spelling it out.)
Giving the types is a great way to start. Here's what you had:
resolveEither :: (HasDatabase s,
MonadIO m,
MonadState s m)
=> String -> EitherT String m Reference
There's a type hidden in the constraints, s, which came back to bite you a little later. The constraints, roughly speaking, express the following: s has a database (whatever that means in context); the monad or monad stack m has IO at its base, and somewhere in the monad stack m is a StateT s layer. The simplest monad stack m satisfying those properties would be HasDatabase s => StateT s IO. So we could write this:
resolveEither' :: HasDatabase s
=> String -> EitherT String (StateT s IO) Reference
resolveEither' = resolveEither
All we've done is specify the type of m so it's no longer a variable. We don't need to do that as long as we satisfy the class constraints.
Now it's clearer that there are two layers of monad transformers. Since our main function is in the IO monad, we want to end up with a value of type IO, which we can "run", for instance using <- in do notation. I think of it as "stripping away" layers of the monad transformer, from out to in. (This is what "using" monad transformers boils down to.)
For EitherT, there's a function runEitherT :: EitherT e m a -> m (Either e a). See how the m moves from "inside" the EitherT to "outside"? For me, that's the critical intuitive observation. Similarly for StateT, there's runStateT :: StateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s).
(Incidentally, both are defined as record accessors, which is idiomatic but causes them to show up a bit oddly in Haddock and with the "wrong" type signature; it took me a while to learn to look in the "Constructor" section on Haddocks and mentally add the EitherT e m a -> etc. to the front of the signature.)
So this adds up to a general solution, which you've basically worked out: we need an appropriate value of type s (which I'll call s), then we can use flip runStateT s . runEitherT $ resolveEither "ref" which has type IO ((Either String Reference), s). (Assuming I've kept the types straight in my head, which I probably didn't. I had forgotten flip the first time.) We can then pattern-match or use fst to get to the Either, which seems to be what you really want.
If you'd like me to explicate the errors GHC was giving you, I'd be glad. Informally, it was saying that you weren't "running" or stripping off all the monad transformers. More precisely, it was observing that IO wasn't something like StateT s IO. By using runStateT and runEitherT, you force or constrain the type such that the class constraints end up satisfied. This is kind of confusing when you get things slightly wrong.
Oh, regarding an idiomatic way to write the solution: I'm not sure that a separate retEither function would be idiomatic here, because it looks like it's meddling with global state, i.e. opening some sort of database file. It depends what the library's idiom is like.
Also, by using evalStateT, you're implicitly throwing away the state after evaluation, which may or may not be a bad idea. Does the library expect you to reuse the database connection?
Finally, you have some extra parentheses and some missing type signatures; hlint will help you with those.
Okay, so I think I've worked out a solution to my original problem, which was getting a value of the type IO (Either String Reference) from the function resolveEither (which it does for the resolveDef function it provides).
So, resolveEither returns a type of
(HasDatabase s, MonadIO m, MonadState s m) => String -> EitherT String m Reference
which we can transform to one of type
(HasDatabase s, MonadIO m, MonadState s m) => String -> m (Either String Reference)
using runEitherT . resolveEither. This was where I'd got up to when I asked the question. From there, i tried looking at the source to see how the library extracted a Reference type from the function resolveEither. The library uses the following function:
resolve :: (MonadIO m, MonadState s m, HasDatabase s) => String -> m Reference
resolve = liftM (either (const emptyReference) id) . runEitherT . resolveEither
however, we want to preserve the either, i.e. removing liftM (either (const emptyReference) id)
This however gets us back to where we started, so I looked at the source again, and worked out how this function is used. In the library, the function is used within the following, which transforms the output type of resolve from a value of type (MonadIO m, MonadState s m, HasDatabase s) => m Reference to one of type IO Reference:
resolveDef :: String -> IO Reference
resolveDef url = do
fn <- getDataFileName "default.db"
let go = withDatabaseFile fn $ resolve url
State.evalStateT go (def :: Database)
We can replace resolve in the previous with runEitherT.resolveEither to get a function that returns a IO (Either String Reference):
retEither s = do
fn <- getDataFileName "default.db"
let go = withDatabaseFile fn $ ( (runEitherT.resolveEither) s)
State.evalStateT go (Database Map.empty)
(I've replaced (def :: Database) with (Database Map.empty) as def is only defined internally in citation-resolve)
The overall solution then becomes:
module Main where
import Text.EditDistance
import Text.CSL.Input.Identifier.Internal
import Text.CSL.Input.Identifier
import Text.CSL.Reference
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Control.Monad.State as State
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
main = do
putStrLn "Resolving definition"
resRef <- retEither "doi:10.1145/2500365.2500595"
case resRef of
Left e -> putStrLn ("Got error: "++ e)
Right ref -> putStrLn ("Added reference to database: "++ (show ref))
retEither s = do
fn <- getDataFileName "default.db"
let go = withDatabaseFile fn $ ((runEitherT.resolveEither) s)
State.evalStateT go (Database Map.empty)
Which solves the original problem!
Any pointers on style, or ways of simplifying the whole process would however be very much appreciated.

How do I combine IOError exceptions with locally relevant exceptions?

I am building a Haskell application and trying to figure out how I am going to build the error handling mechanism. In the real application, I'm doing a bunch of work with Mongo. But, for this, I'm going to simplify by working with basic IO operations on a file.
So, for this test application, I want to read in a file and verify that it contains a proper fibonnacci sequence, with each value separated by a space:
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
Now, when reading the file, any number of things could actually be wrong, and I am going to call all of those exceptions in the Haskell usage of the word.
data FibException = FileUnreadable IOError
| FormatError String String
| InvalidValue Integer
| Unknown String
instance Error FibException where
noMsg = Unknown "No error message"
strMsg = Unknown
Writing a pure function that verifies the sequence and throws an error in the case that the sequence is invalid is easy (though I could probably do better):
verifySequence :: String -> (Integer, Integer) -> Either FibException ()
verifySequence "" (prev1, prev2) = return ()
verifySequence s (prev1, prev2) =
let readInt = reads :: ReadS Integer
res = readInt s in
case res of
[] -> throwError $ FormatError s
(val, rest):[] -> case (prev1, prev2, val) of
(0, 0, 1) -> verifySequence rest (0, 1)
(p1, p2, val') -> (if p1 + p2 /= val'
then throwError $ InvalidValue val'
else verifySequence rest (p2, val))
_ -> throwError $ InvalidValue val
After that, I want the function that reads the file and verifies the sequence:
type FibIOMonad = ErrorT FibException IO
verifyFibFile :: FilePath -> FibIOMonad ()
verifyFibFile path = do
sequenceStr <- liftIO $ readFile path
case (verifySequence sequenceStr (0, 0)) of
Right res -> return res
Left err -> throwError err
This function does exactly what I want if the file is in the invalid format (it returns Left (FormatError "something")) or if the file has a number out of sequence (Left (InvalidValue 15)). But it throws an error if the file specified does not exist.
How do I catch the IO errors that readFile may produce so that I can transform them into the FileUnreadable error?
As a side question, is this even the best way to do it? I see the advantage that the caller of verifyFibFile does not have to set up two different exception handling mechanisms and can instead catch just one exception type.
You might consider EitherT and the errors package in general. has a utility tryIO for catching IOError in EitherT and you could use fmapLT to map error values to your custom type.
type FibIOMonad = EitherT FibException IO
verifyFibFile :: FilePath -> FibIOMonad ()
verifyFibFile path = do
sequenceStr <- fmapLT FileUnreadable (tryIO $ readFile path)
hoistEither $ verifySequence sequenceStr (0, 0)
#Savanni D'Gerinel: you are on the right track. Let's extract your error-catching code from verifyFibFile to make it more generic, and modify it slightly so that it works directly in ErrorT:
catchError' :: ErrorT e IO a -> (IOError -> ErrorT e IO a) -> ErrorT e IO a
catchError' m f =
ErrorT $ catchError (runErrorT m) (fmap runErrorT f)
verifyFibFile can now be written as:
verifyFibFile' :: FilePath -> FibIOMonad ()
verifyFibFile' path = do
sequenceStr <- catchError' (liftIO $ readFile path) (throwError . FileUnReadable)
ErrorT . return $ verifySequence sequenceStr' (0, 0)
Notice what we have done in catchError'. We have stripped the ErrorT constructor from the ErrorT e IO a action, and also from the return value of the error-handling function, knowing than we can reconstruct them afterwards by wrapping the result of the control operation in ErrorT again.
Turns out that this is a common pattern, and it can be done with monad transformers other than ErrorT. It can get tricky though (how to do this with ReaderT for example?). Luckily, the monad-control packgage already provides this functionality for many common transformers.
The type signatures in monad-control can seem scary at first. Start by looking at just one function: control. It has the type:
control :: MonadBaseControl b m => (RunInBase m b -> b (StM m a)) -> m a
Let's make it more specific by making b be IO:
control :: MonadBaseControl IO m => (RunInBase m IO -> IO (StM m a)) -> m a
m is a monad stack built on top of IO. In your case, it would be ErrorT IO.
RunInBase m IO is a type alias for a magical function, that takes a value of type m a and returns a value of type IO *something*, something being some complex magic that encodes the state of the whole monad stack inside IO and lets you reconstruct the m a value afterwards, once you have "fooled" the control operation that only accepts IO values. control provides you with that function, and also handles the reconstruction for you.
Applying this to your problem, we rewrite verifyFibFile once more as:
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (control)
import Control.Exception (catch)
verifyFibFile'' :: FilePath -> FibIOMonad ()
verifyFibFile'' path = do
sequenceStr <- control $ \run -> catch (run . liftIO $ readFile path)
(run . throwError . FileUnreadable)
ErrorT . return $ verifySequence sequenceStr' (0, 0)
Keep in mind that this only works when the proper instance of MonadBaseControl b m exists.
Here is a nice introduction to monad-control.
So, here's an answer that I have developed. It centers around getting readFile wrapped into the proper catchError statement, and then lifted.
verifyFibFile :: FilePath -> FibIOMonad ()
verifyFibFile path = do
contents <- liftIO $ catchError (readFile path >>= return . Right) (return . Left . FileUnreadable)
case contents of
Right sequenceStr' -> case (verifySequence sequenceStr' (0, 0)) of
Right res -> return res
Left err -> throwError err
Left err -> throwError err
So, verifyFibFile gets a little more nested in this solution.
readFile path has type IO String, obviously. In this context, the type for catchError will be:
catchError :: IO String -> (IOError -> IO String) -> IO String
So, my strategy was to catch the error and turn it into the left side of an Either, and turn the successful value into the right side, changing my data type to this:
catchError :: IO (Either FibException String) -> (IOError -> IO (Either FibException String)) -> IO (Either FibException String)
I do this by, in the first parameter, simply wrapping the result into Right. I figure that I won't actually execute the return . Right branch of the code unless readFile path was successful. In the other parameter to catch, I start with an IOError, wrap it in Left, and then return it back into the IO context. After that, no matter what the result is, I lift the IO value up into the FibIOMonad context.
I'm bothered by the fact that the code gets even more nested. I have Left values, and all of those Left values get thrown. I'm basically in an Either context, and I had thought that one of the benefits Either's implementation of the Monad class was that Left values would simply be passed along through the binding operations and that no further code in that context would be executed. I would love some elucidation on this, or to see how the nesting can be removed from this function.
Maybe it can't. It does seem that the caller, however, can call verifyFibFile repeatedly and execution basically stops the first time verifyFibFile returns an error. This works:
runTest = do
res <- verifyFibFile "goodfib.txt"
liftIO $ putStrLn "goodfib.txt"
--liftIO $ printResult "goodfib.txt" res
res <- verifyFibFile "invalidValue.txt"
liftIO $ putStrLn "invalidValue.txt"
res <- verifyFibFile "formatError.txt"
liftIO $ putStrLn "formatError.txt"
Main> runErrorT $ runTest
Left (InvalidValue 17)
Given the files that I have created, both invalidValue.txt and formatError.txt cause errors, but this function returns Left (InvalidValue ...) for me.
That's okay, but I still feel like I've missed something with my solution. And I have no idea whether I'll be able to translate this into something that makes MongoDB access more robust.

Extracting a Maybe value in IO

Given the following:
> (liftM2 fromMaybe) (ioError $ userError "OOPS") (return $ Just "ok")
ghci gives me
*** Exception: user error (OOPS)
Of course, fromMaybe is working correctly:
> (liftM2 fromMaybe) (return $ "not me") (return $ Just "ok")
But it seems that the IO operation is being carried out and then discarded:
> (liftM2 fromMaybe) (putStrLn "computing.." >> "discarded") (return $ Just "ok")
Why is this happening? Is there any way to make the IO monad lazier?
Specifically, given value :: IO (Maybe a) what's a (clean, concise) way to say
result <- (liftM2 fromMaybe) err value
and have it unpack result or throw an IOError accordingly?
I don't know that making IO lazier is the right direction here. What you seem to want to do is first get at the Maybe, then eliminate it. This can be written several ways, here's one option:
test :: IO (Maybe a) -> IO a
test = (>>= maybe (ioError $ userError "oops") return)
If you translate from liftM2 to do-notation, it's obvious why your code fails:
do x <- ioError $ userError "OOPS"
y <- return $ Just "ok"
return $ fromMaybe x y
This will never go past the first line, as it's unconditionally throwing an exception.
Anthony's suggestion will work fine, but if you don't care about the specific exception thrown, you can also use pattern matching:
do Just result <- value
If the pattern doesn't match, this will call fail, which in the case of the IO monad throws an exception.
> Just x <- return Nothing
*** Exception: user error (Pattern match failure in do expression at <interactive>:1:0-5)
what's a (clean, concise) way to ... unpack [the] result or throw an IOError accordingly?
I recommend you avoid relying on throwing errors. Instead, handle the "error" explicitly:
maybeM :: Monad m => m b -> (a -> m b) -> m (Maybe a) -> m b
maybeM err f value = do
x <- value
case x of
Just y -> f y
Nothing -> err
-- This can be written simply as:
maybeM err f value = do
x <- value
maybe err f x
-- or even shorter! This is starting to look like Anthony's answer :)
maybeM err f value = value >>= maybe err f
The function's inputs and types should speak for themselves. You use it by giving it an action to perform for the Nothing case, or a function to perform on the value inside for the Just case. For your particular inputs this would look like:
maybeM (ioError $ userError "OOPS") return (return $ Just "ok")
So if you absolutely must, then the "concise way to unpack the result or throw an IOError" would be:
-- compare to fromJust, a function to be avoided
fromJustIO :: IO (Maybe a) -> IO a
fromJustIO = maybeM (ioError $ userError "OOPS") return
Notice how the type signature for this is practically Maybe a -> a, which is the essence of magicMonadUnwrap :: Monad m => m a -> a, which should set off some red flags. However, you can use this atrocity in a simple manner:
result <- fromJustIO value
Although again, I strongly discourage the use of exceptions here. Try handling errors in a more elegant way than simply exploding, by using maybeM and providing an IO action to execute in the event of failure.

Unwrapping a monad

Given the below program, I am having issues dealing with monads.
module Main
import System.Environment
import System.Directory
import System.IO
import Text.CSV
exister :: String -> IO Bool
exister path = do
fileexist <- doesFileExist path
direxist <- doesDirectoryExist path
return (fileexist || direxist )
slurp :: String -> IO String
slurp path = do
withFile path ReadMode (\handle -> do
contents <- hGetContents handle
last contents `seq` return contents )
main :: IO ()
main = do
[csv_filename] <- getArgs
putStrLn (show csv_filename)
csv_raw <- slurp csv_filename
let csv_data = parseCSV csv_filename csv_raw
printCSV csv_data -- unable to compile.
csv_data is an Either (parseerror) CSV type, and printCSV takes only CSV data.
Here's the ediff between the working version and the broken version.
*** 27,30 ****
csv_raw <- slurp csv_filename
let csv_data = parseCSV csv_filename csv_raw
! printCSV csv_data -- unable to compile.
\ No newline at end of file
--- 27,35 ----
csv_raw <- slurp csv_filename
let csv_data = parseCSV csv_filename csv_raw
! case csv_data of
! Left error -> putStrLn $ show error
! Right csv_data -> putStrLn $ printCSV csv_data
! putStrLn "done"
Regarding monads:
Yes, Either a is a monad. So simplifying the problem, you are basically asking for this:
main = print $ magicMonadUnwrap v
v :: Either String Int
v = Right 3
magicMonadUnwrap :: (Monad m) => m a -> a
magicMonadUnwrap = undefined
How do you define magicMonadUnwrap? Well, you see, it's different for each monad. Each one needs its own unwrapper. Many of these have the word "run" in them, for example, runST, runCont, or runEval. However, for some monads, it might not be safe to unwrap them (hence the need for differing unwrappers).
One implementation for lists would be head. But what if the list is empty? An unwrapper for Maybe is fromJust, but what if it's Nothing?
Similarly, the unwrapper for the Either monad would be something like:
fromRight :: Either a b -> b
fromRight (Right x) = x
But this unwrapper isn't safe: what if you had a Left value instead? (Left usually represents an error state, in your case, a parse error). So the best way to act upon an Either value it is to use the either function, or else use a case statement matching Right and Left, as Daniel Wagner illustrated.
tl;dr: there is no magicMonadUnwrap. If you're inside that same monad, you can use <-, but to truly extract the value from a you do it depends on which monad you're dealing with.
Use case.
main = do
case csv_data of
Left err -> {- whatever you're going to do with an error -- print it, throw it as an exception, etc. -}
Right csv -> printCSV csv
The either function is shorter (syntax-wise), but boils down to the same thing.
main = do
either ({- error condition function -}) printCSV csv_data
You must unlearn what you have learned.
Master Yoda.
Instead of thinking about, or searching for ways to "free", "liberate", "release", "unwrap" or "extract" normal Haskell values from effect-centric (usually monadic) contexts, learn how to use one of Haskell's more distinctive features - functions are first-class values:
you can use functions like values of other types e.g. like Bool, Char, Int, Integer etc:
arithOps :: [(String, Int -> Int -> Int)]
arithOps = zip ["PLUS","MINUS", "MULT", "QUOT", "REM"]
[(+), (-), (*), quot, rem]
For your purposes, what's more important is that functions can also be used as arguments e.g:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f xs = [ f x | x <- xs ]
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter p xs = [ x | x <- xs, p x ]
These higher-order functions are even available for use in effect-bearing contexts e.g:
import Control.Monad
liftM :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)
liftM2 :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c) -> (m a -> m b -> m c)
liftM3 :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (m a -> m b -> m c -> m d)
...etc, which you can use to lift your regular Haskell functions:
do .
val <- liftM3 calculate this_M that_M other_M
Of course, the direct approach also works:
do .
x <- this_M
y <- that_M
z <- other_M
let val = calculate x y z
As your skills develop, you'll find yourself delegating more and more code to ordinary functions and leaving the effects to a vanishingly-small set of entities defined in terms of functors, applicatives, monads, arrows, etc as you progress towards Haskell mastery.
You're not convinced? Well, here's a brief note of how effects used to be handled in Haskell - there's also a longer description of how Haskell arrived at the monadic interface. Alternately, you could look at Standard ML, OCaml, and other similar languages - who knows, maybe you'll be happier with using them...
