Securing Elasticsearch Clusters - security

I want to create a secure Elasticsearch Cluster.
About my use case. I want a multitenant system. Users must have administrative access to their own namespace. After a couple tries, I'm now just giving users their own clusters (via docker).
Attempt 1: Shield on a dedicated node with multitenancy. This requires me to modify roles yml file for every user. This is cumbersome and painful.
Attempt 2: Docker container + Shield: This looked to be working ok after some trial and error, but I don't like the licensing, and I also do not understand how it is securing the tcp transport.
Attempt 3: Docker container + nginx reverse proxy & htpasswd: This works well for securing the http transport, and works great with kibana now that basic auth is supported in Kibana. Unfortunately, this limits my clustering abilities because 9300 is wide open.
Attempt 4: I'm about to try docker container + Search Guard: This looks like a decent option, but I'm still not sure how the tcp transport is supposed to be secured.
How do people actually secure multitenant Elasticsearch clusters?

You're on the right track. ES isn't inherently multi-tenant and you really can't know for sure you've properly secured / namespace access. Also, ES lacks authentication and https, so you'll have those problems to deal with too. I know you can pay for the privilege, and there are some other hacks you can do to get it, but realistically, the system is per customer, not multi tenant.
I'd also caution against the assumption that multi-tenant using docker is a viable solution. Again, docker security is not a well known / solved problem yet. There are risks when you virtualize on top of the kernel. The main risk being that the kernel is a huge amount of code vs accepted virtualization techniques on hardware. Take an amazon ec2 instance that runs on a hypervisor. The hypervisor implements much of the boundaries between VMs through hardware - ie, special CPU procedures that assist in isolating different VMs at the hardware level.
Because the hypervisor is a small bit of code (compared to the kernel) it's much more easy to audit. Because the hypervisor uses hardware features to enforce isolation, it's much more safe.
On one dimension, Docker actually adds security on a per process basis (IE, if your application running nginx gets hacked and the docker is setup well, then the intruder will also have to break out of the docker instance). On the other dimension, it's not nearly as good as machine virtualization.
My recommendation is to create a cluster VMs for each customer, and on each VM cluster, run the ES docker plus other application dockers.


what is a container? and gVisor?

I am trying to understand what are containers and what is their purpose?
I am a little bit confused. When I started to read about them I saw that they rely on the Linux namespaces (is it true?) - a way to isolate the process within the container from the other processes on the machine, and got the impression that their main purpose is security.
For instance, let's say that I own a server that runs multiple services. I also don't want that a single hacked service will be able to hack the whole system. So I put each service inside a container that will make the service unable to interfere the other processes inside the machine, like to kill them or to play with their memory and in that way eliminate the risk.
But later I saw other purposes like being able to ship the app easily? or something like that. so what is their main purpose? I also read that if their main purpose is security - they have a problem. because they run directly on the host kernel (again, is it true?)- and an exploit like the "dirty cow" will or was able to get out of the container and be able to corrupt the machine. So I ended reading about the gVisor - which from what I understood tries to secure the containers, and in some cases succeed. So - what does gVisor do differently? that it's able to secure the containers? is gVisor a container itself? or just a Runtime environment for containers?
eventually, I always see comparisons between containers and VM and I ask why? And when should I use them?
I don't know if anything that I wrote is correct, and I will be glad if you will point out my mistakes, and answer my questions. Yes, I know that there are a lot of them and I am sorry, but Thanks!
The answer below is not guaranteed to be concise. Anyone is welcomed to point out my mistakes.
It might be a little bit vague because many people mixed such concepts nowadays.
1. LXC
When I first got to know such concepts, container still meant LXC, a long-existed technique in Linux. IMHO, container is a complete process that does not simulate a kernel. The difference between a container and a normal process is that container provides a isolated view via cgroups, as if it was in a new operating system. But in fact, the containers still share the host kernel (you are right), so people do worry about the security, especially when you want to deploy it in a public cloud (I don't see people using LXC directly on public cloud yet).
Despite the potential insecurity, the convenience and lightweightness(fast boot, small memory fingerprint) of containers seem to outweigh its drawbacks in most of security-insensitive situations. Tools like docker and kubernetes make large-scale deployment and management more efficient.
2. Virtual Machine & Hardware-assisted virtualization
In contrast to container, the concept Virtual Machine represents another category of isolated execution environment. Considering that most of VMs leverages some hardware-accelerating techniques like VT-x, I will assume you are talking about hardware-assisted virtualization. Virtual Machine usually contains a full kernel inside it.
See this picture from Doug Chamberlain
The Intel VT-x technique provides 2 modes, root mode(privileged) and non-root mode(not privileged). Each mode has its own ring0-ring3 (e.g, non-root ring3, non-root ring0, root ring3, root ring 0). The whole virtual machine runs in non-root mode, and the hypervisor(VMM, e.g., kvm) runs in root-mode.
In the classic qemu+kvm setup, qemu runs in root ring3, and kvm runs in root ring0.
The strong isolation and the existance of guest kernel makes virtual machine more secure and compatible. But, of course, the price is performance and efficiency (slower boot etc.)
Container-based Virtualization
People want the isolation of hardware-assisted virtualization, but don't want to give up the convenience of containers. Therefore, the hybrid solution seems really intuitive to come.
There are 2 typical solutions at present, Kata Container and [gVisor][6]
Kata Container tries to slim the whole stack of virtual machine to make it more lightweight. However, there is still linux inside it and it is still a virtual machine, but more lightweight.
gVisor claims to be an secure container, but it still leverages hardware virtualization techniques (or ptrace if you don't want virtualization). There is a component called sentry, which runs both in non-root ring0 and root ring3. The sentry will do part of the guest kernel's job, but is much smaller than linux. If sentry could not finish a request itself, it proxy the request down to the host kenrel.
The reason why most people believe gvisor is somewhat more secure is that it achieves "defense in depth" -- more layers of indirection lead people to believe it is more secure. This is usually true, but again, is not a guarantee.

Using multiple docker containers on the same host securely like isolated instances

I know, multiple Docker containers can be used in the same host, but can they be used securely like isolated instances? I want to run multiple secure and sandboxed containers such that no container can affect or access others.
For instance, can I serve nginx and apache containers which listen to different ports, with full trust that each container can only access their own files, resources etc?
In some sense you are asking the million dollar question with containers, and to be clear, IMHO there is no black and white answer to the question "is the platform/technology secure enough." It is a big (and important) enough question that the list of startups--not to mention amount of funding they've received--around container security is an appreciable number!
As noted in another answer, isolation for containers is realized through an assortment of Linux kernel capabilities (namespaces and cgroups), and adding more security to these capabilities is yet another set of technologies like seccomp, apparmor (or SELinux), user namespaces, or general hardening of the container runtime & node it is installed on (e.g. via the CIS benchmark guidelines). Out of the box default installation and default runtime parameters are probably not good enough for generically trusting in the kernel isolation primitives of Linux. However, this depends greatly on the trust level of what you are running across your container workloads. For example, is this all in-house within one organization? Can workloads be submitted from external sources? Obviously the spectrum of possibilities may greatly impact your level of trust.
If your use case is potentially narrow (for example, you mention web serving content from nginx or apache), and you are willing to do some work to handle base image creation, minimization and hardening; add to that a --readonly root filesystem and a capability limiting apparmor and seccomp profile, bind mount in the content served + writeable area, with no executables and ownership by an unprivileged user--all those things together might be enough for a specific use case.
However, there is no guarantee that a currently unknown security escape becomes a "0day" for Linux containers in the future, and that has led to promotion of lightweight virtualization that marries container isolation with actual hardware-level virtualization through shims from or Intel Clear Containers, as two examples. This is a happy medium between running a full virtualized OS with another container runtime and trusting kernel isolation with a single daemon on a single node. There is still a performance cost and memory overhead to adding this layer of isolation, but it is much less than a fully virtualized OS and work continues to make this less of a performance impact.
For a deeper set of information on all the "knobs" available for tuning container security, a presentation I gave last year several times is available on slideshare as well as via video from Skillsmatter.
The incredibly thorough "Understanding and Hardening Linux Containers" by Aaron Grattafiori is also a great resource with exhaustive detail on many of the same topics.
filesystem isolation (as well as memory and processes isolation) is a core feature of docker containers, based on the Linux Kernel abilities.
But if you wanted to be completely sure, you would deploy your containers on different nodes (each managed by their own docker daemons), each node being a VM (Virtual Machine) on your host, ensuring a complete sandbox.
Then a docker swarm or Kubernetes would be able to orchestrate those node and their containers, and make them communicate.
This is normally not needed when you have just a few linked containers: their should be able to be managed in isolation by a single docker daemon. You could use user namespace for additional isolation.
Plus, using nodes to separate containers implies different machines or different VM within the same machine.
And one big difference with a VM and a container is that a VM will preempt resources (allocate a fix minimal amount of disk/memory/CPU), which means you cannot launch an hundred VM, one per container. As opposed to a single docker instance, where a container, if it does nothing, won't consume much disk space/memory/CPU at all.

Do we really need security updates on docker images

This question has come to my mind many times and I just wanted everyone to pitch in with their thoughts on same.
The first thing that comes to my mind is container is not a VM and is almost equivalent to a process running in isolation in the host instance. Then why do we need to keep updating our docker images with security updates? If we have taken sufficient steps to secure our host instance then docker container should be safe. And even if we think from a different direction of multi layered security if the docker host is compromised then then there is no way to stop hacker from accessing all the containers running on the host; no matter how many security updates you did on the docker image.
Are there any particular scenarios which anybody can share where security updates for docker images has really helped?
Now I understand if somebody want's to update apache running in the container however are there reasons to do OS level security updates for images?
an exploit can be dangerous even if it does not give you access to the underlying operating system. Just being able to do something within the application itself can be a big issue. For example, imagine you could inject scripts into Stackoverflow, impersonate other users, or obtain a copy of the complete user database.
just like any software, Docker (and the underlying OS-provided container mechanism) is not perfect and can also have bugs. As such, there may be ways to bypass the isolation and break out of the sandbox.

docker and product versions

I am working for a product company and we do make lot of releases of the product. In the current approach to test multiple releases, we create separate VM and install all infrastructure softwares(db, app server etc) on top of it. Later we deploy the application WARs on the respective VM. Recently, I came across docker and it seems to be much helpful. Hence I started exploring it with the examples listed on the site. But, I am not able to find a way as how docker can be applied to build environment suitable to various releases?
Each product version will have db schema changes.
Each application WARs will have enhancements/defects etc.
Consider below example.
Every month, our company is releasing a new version of software and hence in order to support/fix defects we create VMs per release. Given the fact that if the application's overall size is 2 gb and OS takes close to 5 gb (apart from space it will also take up system resources for extra overhead). The VMs are required to restore any release and test any support issues reported against it. But looking at the additional infrastructure requirements, it seems that its very costly affair.
Can docker have everything required to run an application inside a container/image?
Can docker pack an application which consists of multiple WARs/DB schemas and when started allocate appropriate port?
Will there be any space/memory/speed differences compared to VM and docker assuming above scenario?
Do you think docker is still appropriate solution or should we continue using VMs? Can someone share pointers on how I can achieve above requirements with docker?
tl;dr: Yes, docker can run most applications inside a container.
Docker runs a single process inside each container. When using VMs or real servers, this one process is usually the init system which starts all system services. With docker it is usually your app.
This difference will get you faster startup times for your app (not starting the whole operating system). The trade off is that, if you depend on system services (such as cron, sshd…) you will need to start them yourself. There are some base images that provide a more "VM-like" environment… check phusion's baseimage for instance. To start more than a single process, you can also use a process manager such as supervisord.
Going forward, the recommended (although not required) approach is to start one process in each container (one per application server, one per database server, and so on) and not use containers as VMs.
Docker has no problems allocating ports either. It even has an explicit command on the Dockerfile: EXPOSE. Exposed ports can also be published on the docker host with the --publish argument of run so you don't even need to know the IP assigned to the container.
Regarding used space, you will probably see important savings. Docker images are created by stacking filesystem layers… this means that the common layers are only stored once on the server. In your setup, you will likely only have one copy of the base operating system layer (with VMs, you have a copy on each VM).
On memory you will probably see less significant savings (mostly caused by not starting all the operating system services). Speed is still a subject of research… A few things clear so far is that for faster IO you will need to use docker volumes and that for network heavy use cases you should use host networking. Check the IBM research "An Updated Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Linux Containers" for details. Or a summary like InfoQ's.

Amazon Community AMI's + Security

I'm looking to launch a linux EC2 instance.
Although I understand linux quite well my ability to security/harden a linux OS would undoubtedly leave me vulnerable to attach. eg: there are others who know more about linux security than me.
I'm looking to just run Linux, Apache & PHP5.
Are there any recommended Amazon AMI's that would come pre-harden running linux/apache/php or something similar to this?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Here is an older article regarding this (I haven't read it, but it's probably a good place to start):
I would recommend a few best practices off the top of my head
1) Move to VPC, and control inbound and outbound access.
2a) Disable password authentication in SSH & only allow SSH from known IP's
2b) If you cannot limit SSH access via IP (due to roaming etc) allow password authentication and use google authenticator to provide multi-factor authentication.
3) Put an elastic load balancer in front of all public facing websites, and disable access to those servers except from the ELB
4) Create a central logging server, that holds your logs in a different location in case of attack.
5) Change all system passwords every 3 months
6) Employ an IDS, as a simple place to start I would recommend tripwire.
7) check for updates regularly (you can employ a monitoring system like Nagios w/NRPE to do this on all your servers) If you're not a security professional you probably don't have time to be reading bugtraq all day, so use the services provided by your OS (CentOS/RHEL it's yum)
8) Periodically (every quarter) do an external vulnerability assessment. You can learn and use nessus yourself (for non-corporate use) or use a third party such as qualys.
If you're concerned and in doubt, contract a security professional for an audit. This shouldn't be to cost prohibitive and can give you some great insight.
Actually, you can always relaunch your server from pre-configured AMI, if something happened.
It can be done very easy with Auto Scaling, for example. Use SSH Without a Password. Adjust your Security Groups accordingly. Here's good article on Securing Your EC2 Instance.
You have to understand 2 things:
Tight security make life hard for attackers as well as for you...
Security is an on-going task.
having your server secure at specific point in time don't say anything about the future.
New exploits and patches published every day, and lot of "development" acts render security unstable.
You might consider services like
Where you are getting specific PHP resources without having to manage Linux/Security and so...
Just to empathize...
Running Production system, where you are responsible for the on going security of the site, force you to do much more than starting up with a secure instance!
Otherwise, your site will become much less secure as time passed by (and as more people will learn about it)
As I see it (for a real production site), you have 2 options:
Get a security expert (in house or freelance) that will check your site regularly and will apply needed patches and so.
Get hosting service that will manage the security aspect for you.
I pointed to one service like that, where you can put your PHP code in and they will take care of everything else for you.
I would check this type of service for every production site that don't have the ability to get real periodically security checkup/fixes
Security is a very complex field... do not underestimate the risks...
One of the things I like most about using Amazon is how quickly and easily I can restrict my attack surface. I've made a prioritized list here. Near the end it gets a bit advanced.
Launch in a VPC
Put your webserver behind a loadbalancer ELB or ALB (terminate SSL there too)
Only allow web traffic from your load balancer
Create a restrictive security group. The only things allowed into your host should be incoming traffic from the load balancer and ssh from your IP (or your dhcp subnet if your ISP does not offer a static address)
Enable automatic security updates
yum-cron (amazon linux)
or unattended-upgrades (ubuntu)
Harden ssh
disallow root login and default amazon accounts
disallow password login in favor of ssh keys
Lock down your aws root account with 2fa and a long password.
Create and use IAM credentials for day-to-day operations
If you have a data layer deploy encrypted RDS and put it in a private subnet
Explore connecting to RDS with IAM credentials (no more db password saved in a conf file)
Check out yubikey for 2fa ssh.
Advanced: For larger or more important deployments you might consider using something like ThreatStack. They can warn you of AWS misconfig (s3 bucket containing customer data open to the world?), security vulnerabilities in packages on your hosts. They also alert on signals of compromise and keep a command log which is useful for investigating security incidents.
