I made a Webkit app that register small codes on txt like snippets to use later on other apps. I can find my "snippet" and set the content on clipboard.
But also , I would like run "Ctrl+v" keys combination on Node-Webkit like the SendKeys function on C#.
Now I need press manually keys combination "Ctrl+v" to paste in another app.
Also i was thinking how run another file like a small exe program that do it the SendKey function and close it. But I prefer a node-webkit function without call other script or exe program.
It ´s posible to do it , and How can i do it ? Thanks guys.
Well, I was looking for an answer on the Internet without results.
But the best solution i 've implemented is to use a VBScript help file .
And it works well !!
The app calls the Paste function to execute the " paste.vbs " file.
set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.Sleep 300
shell.SendKeys "^V"
var gui = require('nw.gui');
var win = gui.Window.get();
function getCommandLine() {
switch (process.platform) {
case 'darwin' : return 'open';
case 'win32' : return 'start';
case 'win64' : return 'start';
default : return 'xdg-open';
function Paste(){
var sys = require('util');
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
exec(getCommandLine() + ' ' + "paste.vbs");
function useSnippet(content){
var clipboard = gui.Clipboard.get();
clipboard.set(content, 'text');
Now you can get the file contents for pasting into other applications.
If you want compatibility with other operating systems, you must use another command file similar to VBS
I use a list of files and reading passages content of a search list .
I can create a project on GitHub to load the code so that other people can use it or help me improve the code.
Do you know how to execute Excel macro module in JSCRIPT(not JAVASCRIPT and VBSCRIPT)?
Double-clicking the jscript file causes the Excel macro module to run.
But it does not work.
I wrote jscript codes like this.
var ExcelApp = new ActiveXObject( "Excel.Application" );
ExcelApp.Visible = true
WScript.Sleep( 3000 );
var ebook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\\Users\\※※\\Desktop\\folder\\file.xlsm" );
WScript.Sleep( 1000 );
'The following line always caused the error.
'Although JSCRIPT opens Excel, but does not run the macro module.
ExcelApp.Run( "C:\\Users\\※※\\Desktop\\folder\\file.xlsm!Hello" );'This was no good.
'ExcelApp.Run( "file.xlsm!Hello" );'This was no good,too.
'ExcelApp.Run( "Hello" );'This was no good,too.
WScript.Sleep( 1000 );
ExcelApp = null;
I wrote Excel macro module codes like this in "file.xlsm".
Sub Hello()
MsgBox ("Hello!")
End Sub
I know it's feasible with VBScript or other languages, but I'd like to do it with jscript somehow.
I'm in trouble because there are no people around who understand JSCRIPT, I can't find the JSCRIPT book when I go to a large bookstore near my house in Japan, and even if I look it up on the Internet, there is no suitable information.
I wish I could give up, but if I could, I would like to get it done.
If anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks.
I did it.
This runs.Thanks.
Where can i find a good example of testing an excel addin project with custom ribbon elements, using winappdriver.
What i have so far throws an exception:
An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.
I am using latest winappdriver
private const string ExcelAppId = #"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\EXCEL.EXE";
private const string WindowsApplicationDriverUrl = "";
DesiredCapabilities appCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
appCapabilities.SetCapability("app", ExcelAppId);
appCapabilities.SetCapability("deviceName", "WindowsPC");
appCapabilities.SetCapability("platformName", "Windows");
session = new WindowsDriver<WindowsElement>(new Uri(WindowsApplicationDriverUrl), appCapabilities);
session.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
session.FindElementByName("Blank workbook").Click();
I'm working on automated testing of an Excel add-in with WinAppDriver.
In my case I started Excel without the splash screen. Supply /e as app parameter to achieve it.
session.SetCapability("appArguments", "/e");
From this point onward, you'll be able to find the "File" menu and "New" menu by name and click them.
Add a few seconds of explicit wait and proceed to finding "Blank Workbook" WindowsElement the same way.
I hope this answers your question, post here if more help is needed.
I've been experimenting with WinAppDriver for a few months now, also preparing a Udemy course on the subject which is almost ready to publish. It's an interesting toolkit.
You need to install Appium.WebDriver, Selenium.support, Selenium.webDriver from "Manage Nuget packages"
you can use appium code like:
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Appium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.Windows;
class Excel
public void ExcelCase() {
WindowsDriver<WindowsElement> driver;
AppiumOptions desiredcap = new AppiumOptions();
desiredcap.AddAdditionalCapability("app", #"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\EXCEL.EXE");
driver = new WindowsDriver<WindowsElement>(new Uri(""), desiredcap);
driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
if (driver == null)
Console.WriteLine("App not running");
Try this code and comment if you face any issue.
I prefer to use: session.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); instead of Thread.sleep(5).
Does it even open the excel when you start the test?
If by Name is not working, it doens't work to me sometimes either, you can use the accessibilityId
or use the keyboard shorcut to open the blank workbook, like this:
session.Keyboard.SendKeys(Keys.Alt + "f" + "l" + Keys.Alt);
Ive been trying to detect the excel process in my installshield installer.
I have a custom action that runs after appsearch and pops a window if it finds the process and displays a warning to the user.
I have tried using some old examples I found on installsite.org and using the findWindow() call. Neither seems to find excel.exe in the process list.
Here is a snippet of code I was using when trying the findwindow
export prototype MyTestFunction(HWND);
function MyTestFunction(hMSI)
HWND nHwnd;
nHwnd = FindWindow("EXCEL", "");
if (nHwnd != 0) then
MessageBox("found excel", WARNING);
SendMessage(nHwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
MessageBox("cant find excel", WARNING);
Note that only the else block ever seems to fire regardless of the application being open or closed.
I have tried several different variants of this mostly just replacing the "excel" with different capitalization, extensions and versions. Nothing seems to detect the window. I used Spy++ and it reported that the window is named after the name of the currently opened notebook which complicates things since I have no way of knowing what a user could have opened.
I am open to suggestions here. The only requirement for this solution is that it has to be able to run as either a custom action or part of an install condition from within Installshield.
You could use a vbscript Custom Action.
You can run this CA at the begining of UISequence or ExecuteSequence (or both) If you want it as a part of the Install condition.
Add the code in a vbscript function and configure "Return Processing" Option for the Custom Action to "Synchonous (Check exit code)" if you want to stop the installation process.
Here is my script:
Public Function StopProcess
Dim objWMIService, objProcess, colProcess
Dim strComputer, executableFileName
Const IDABORT = 3
strComputer = "."
executableFileName = "excel.exe"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colProcess = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = '" & executableFileName & "'")
For Each objProcess in colProcess
' OR
StopProcess = IDABORT
Exit for
End function
Obviously trying to figure out if a process is running by finding the associated window has its pitfalls.
My suggestion is to detect if the process for Excel.exe is running. It would involve enumerating the processes on the system. Modify your code accordingly. Its easier to do it using C++ but there are numerous examples available which show you how to achieve what i have just stated.
We can write a InstallScript code as well to achieve this. Please refer the code below :
function CheckRunningProcessAndTerminate(hMSI)
// To Do: Declare local variables.
OBJECT wmi,objProc;
STRING szProcessName;
// To Do: Write script that will be executed when MyFunction is called.
szProcessName = "Excel.exe";
set wmi = CoGetObject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2", "");
set objProc = wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process where Name = '" + szProcessName + "'");
if (objProc.count > 0) then
MessageBox("Process is running.", INFORMATION);
//kill proces
//objProc.Terminate(); //I tried this, but it didn't worked.
MessageBox("Process is not running.", INFORMATION);
with windows phone 8 I need to be able to open a CSV file in Excel using C#. Their is an app on the market now called Excel Extensions that converts the csv file locally.
I have tired converting the CSV file using open office XML but that didn't work. and I want to do it locally so no web services.
Anyone know how I can convert the CSV file to Excel on the Windows Phone 8 platform?
You have a two distinct options: (1) doing most of the work on the WP8 client (2) or doing most of the work on a remote server.
For option #2 of using a remote server: Expose a WCF service that takes in the CSV file, parses the CSV to find its logical 2D table structure, use ClosedXML to save a new XLSX file and return that to the client. This option is the most straightforward but also requires network connectivity and a hosted server.
For option #1 of not using a remote server: read the CSV file, copy the CSV data into to an XLSX file, save the XLSX into IsoStore and launch excel with that file. I've written about this topic in the past # How can we create, write and read an excel file for Windows Phone 8
One thing you'll have to do quite a lot of work is writing a XLSX file in pure WP7 C#. You'll either have to convert 3rd party libraries that write XLSX to support WP7/WP8, or convert simple end-to-end C# code samples to WP7/WP8. Both aren't simple. Converting ClosedXML is possible but DocumentFormat.OpenXml's dependency on WPF's WindowsCore is a problem. Another option is to write your own OpenXML C# implementation like Chris Klug did here for Word OpenXML on Silverlight and was ported to WP7 later on. The key is using OpenXML specification for your advantage.
For example, looking at Chris Klug's Silverlight Excel OpenXML article it's possible to take his code for Ag.OpenXML and OpenXML.Silverlight.Spreadsheet port those to WP8 and then simply invoke them. I did just that. Here's how to get that experimental source code and get started:
1) Download and unzip # http://JustinAngel.net/Storage/OpenXML.Silverlight.Spreadsheet.WP8.zip
2) Add a reference to the csproj, or to the DLLs OpenXML.Silverlight.Spreadsheet.WP8.dll & SharpZipLib.dll from "OpenXML.Silverlight.Spreadsheet.WP8\Bin\Debug".
3) Add the following code snippet that saves a SpreedsheetDocument file into your app's WP8 IsoStore and then launches it in Word using WP8 app2app file associations.
private async void SaveXlsxToIsoStoreAndLaunchInExcel(SpreadsheetDocument doc)
using (var isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
if (isoStore.FileExists("myFile.xlsx"))
using (var s = isoStore.CreateFile("myFile.xlsx"))
using (IStreamProvider storage = new ZipStreamProvider(s))
await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFileAsync("myFile.xlsx"));
4) Invoke the above code snippet with Chris's sample document:
private async void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
SpreadsheetDocument doc = new SpreadsheetDocument();
doc.ApplicationName = "SilverSpreadsheet";
doc.Creator = "Chris Klug";
doc.Company = "Intergen";
SharedStringDefinition str1 = doc.Workbook.SharedStrings.AddString("Column 1");
SharedStringDefinition str2 = doc.Workbook.SharedStrings.AddString("Column 2");
SharedStringDefinition str3 = doc.Workbook.SharedStrings.AddString("Column 3");
doc.Workbook.Sheets[0].Sheet.Rows[1].Cells[0].SetValue("Value 1");
doc.Workbook.Sheets[0].Sheet.Rows[2].Cells[0].SetValue("Value 2");
doc.Workbook.Sheets[0].Sheet.Rows[3].Cells[0].SetValue("Value 3");
doc.Workbook.Sheets[0].Sheet.Rows[4].Cells[0].SetValue("Value 4");
TablePart table = doc.Workbook.Sheets[0].Sheet.AddTable("My Table", "My Table", doc.Workbook.Sheets[0].Sheet.Rows[0].Cells[0], doc.Workbook.Sheets[0].Sheet.Rows[4].Cells[2]);
table.TableColumns[0].Name = str1.String;
table.TableColumns[1].Name = str2.String;
table.TableColumns[2].Name = str3.String;
doc.Workbook.Sheets[0].Sheet.AddColumnSizeDefinition(0, 2, 20);
doc.Workbook.Sheets[0].Sheet.Rows[5].Cells[2].Formula = "SUM(" + doc.Workbook.Sheets[0].Sheet.Rows[1].Cells[2].CellName + ":" + doc.Workbook.Sheets[0].Sheet.Rows[4].Cells[2].CellName + ")";
5) When running this code snippet we can see the following warning popup and then the excel spreadsheet. Feel free to improve upon my hasty Silverlight-->WP8 port and remove that warning.
I've noticed that Internet Explorer adds a number in square brackets to files downloaded from the internet (usually [1]). This creates a big problem with downloading Excel spreadsheets as square brackets are not a valid filename character inside Excel worksheet name. That problem is IE specific, others browsers are keeping same file name.
So, if you have a pivot table auto-refreshed on file opening for example, you'll get an error message saying the name "file[1].yourPivotTableName" is not valid.
Is there any solution to that problem ?
EDIT : It seems that whatever the filename suggested by HTTP directives, IE adds [1] in all cases, which cause the problem ! (So, answers about filenames aren't helpful in that case)
EDIT : I've tried some VBA code to save file under another name when it'll open. However, it doesn't work (same error message than before). Do you think there's a way to fix that with VBA ?
I've got it working using VBA provided by this cool guy (think of him fondly).
It renames the file and then reattaches the pivots.
I think that this happens when you open the spreadsheet in IE and IE saves it to a temporary file. And I think it only happens when the spreadsheet's filename has more than one dot in it. Try it with a simple "sample.xls".
Another workaround is to tell users to save the file to the desktop and then open it.
It's a built-in feature in Internet Explorer.
Stop using "Open", start using "Save" in the file-download window, otherwise IE will append "[1]" to filename of the file that it places in some temporary folder.
You could build some .NET application using System.IO.FileSystemWatcher that catches the event of the creation of the downloaded file or something and renames the file.
I have solved this issue by using method where we pass 3 parameters: Filename, file extension(without the .dot) and the HTTP request); then doing the UTF-8 encoding of the filename and extension.
Sample Code:
public static String encoding(String fileName, String extension, HttpServletRequest request)
String user = request.getHeader( "user-agent" );
boolean isInternetExplorer = ( user.indexOf( "MSIE" ) > -1 );
String var = "";
fileName = URLEncoder.encode( fileName, "UTF-8" );
fileName = fileName.trim().replaceAll( "\\+", " " );
extension = URLEncoder.encode( extension, "UTF-8" );
extension = extension.trim().replaceAll( "\\+", " " );
if ( isInternetExplorer )
disposition = "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName+"."+extension+"\"";
var = "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''" + fileName+"."+extension;
catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException ence )
var = "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName+"."+extension;
return var;
This worked just fine in my case.
Hope it will help you all.
Actually, the correct .NET-code is as following:
Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=file.xls");
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
Note: AppendHeader, not AddHeader, which I think only works in debug web-server and IIS7.
The following has worked for me:
private string EncodeFileName(string fileName)
fileName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileName, Encoding.UTF8).Replace("+", " ");
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent.ToLower().Contains("msie"))
var res = new StringBuilder();
var chArr = fileName.ToCharArray();
for (var j = 0; j < chArr.Length; j++)
if (chArr[j] == '.' && j != fileName.LastIndexOf("."))
fileName = res.ToString();
return "\"" + fileName + "\"";
You could just make sure that in the options box for the pivot the auto refresh is switched off. Now even when opened from the server the pivot will work perfectly
I have encountered the same problem and came up with (imo) a better solution that does not need any VBA.
If you set "Content-Disposition" header to "attachment; filename=<...>" instead of "inline; filename=<...>" the normal browsers will open dialog that will allow to save or open a file with a filename defined in a header, but Internet Explorer will behave in kind of weird way. It will open file download dialog and if you press Save it will suggest a filename that is defined in the header, but if you press Open it will save file to a temporary folder and open it with a name that is the same as your URN (without 'namespace'), e.g. if your URI is http://server/folder/file.html, so IE will save your file as file.html (no brackets, woo hoo!). This leads us to a solution:
Write a script that handles request from http://server/folder/* and when you need to serve an XLS file just redirect to that script (use your filename instead of asterisk) with Content-Disposition set to inline.
Put these four lines in your code:
response.setHeader("Expires", "0");
response.setHeader("Cache-Control","must-revalidate,post-check=0, pre-check=0");
response.setHeader("Pragma", "public");
Hope this helps.
In .NET I have found from experience only this seems to work for me:
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=excel.xls");
Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/vnd.ms-excel");
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
The duplication smells, but so far I have never got to the bottom of it (maybe Sebs post explains this). Also the "content-Disposition" value appears very finicky use a : instead of a ; or ommit the space between it and 'filename' and it blows!
Also if you have compression enabled on IIS this may fix things for you: