Spark job execution time - apache-spark

This might be a very simple question. But is there any simple way to measure the execution time of a spark job (submitted using spark-submit)?
It would help us in profiling the spark jobs based on the size of input data.
EDIT : I use http://[driver]:4040 to monitor my jobs, but this Web UI shuts down the moment my job finishes.

Every SparkContext launches its own instance of Web UI which is available at
by default (the port can be changed using spark.ui.port ).
It offers pages (tabs) with the following information:
Jobs, Stages, Storage (with RDD size and memory use)
Environment, Executors, SQL
This information is available only until the application is running by default.
Tip : You can use the web UI after the application is finished by enabling spark.eventLog.enabled.
Sample web ui where you can see the time as 3.2hours:

SPARK itself provides much granular information about each stage of your Spark Job. Go to the Web interface of Spark on http://your-driver-node:4040, you can use also history server.
If you just need execution time, then go to "http://your-driver-node:8080", and you can see execution time for a job submitted to a spark.

If you want you can write a piece of code to get the net execution time.
val t1 = System.nanoTime //your first line of the code
val duration = (System.nanoTime - t1) / 1e9d //your last line of the code


Running a spark job in local mode inside an Openshift pod

I have a pyspark batch job scheduled on YARN. There is now a requirement to put the logic of the spark job into a web service.
I really don't want there to be 2 copies of the same code, and therefore would like to somehow reuse the spark code inside the service, only replacing the IO parts.
The expected size of the workloads per request is small so I don't want to complicate the service by turning it into a distributed application. I would like instead to run the spark code in local mode inside the service. How do I do that? Is that even a good idea? Are there better alternatives?

Using airflow to run spark streaming jobs?

We have in our hadoop cluster Spark Batch jobs and and Spark streaming jobs.
We would like to schedule and manage them both on the same platform.
We came across airflow, Which fits our need for a
"platform to author, schedule, and monitor workflows".
I just want to be able to stop and start spark streaming job. Using airflow graphs and profiling is less of an issue.
My question is,
Beside losing some functionality(graphs, profiling) , Why shouldn't I use Airflow to run spark streaming jobs?
I came across this question :
Can airflow be used to run a never ending task?
which says it's possible and not why you shouldn't.
#mMorozonv's Looks good. You could have one DAG start the stream if it does not exist. Then a second DAG as a health checker to track it's progress. If the health check fails you could trigger the first DAG again.
Alternatively you can run the stream with a trigger interval of once[1].
# Load your Streaming DataFrame
sdf = spark.readStream.load(path="data/", format="json", schema=my_schema)
# Perform transformations and then write…
sdf.writeStream.trigger(once=True).start(path="/out/path", format="parquet")
This gives you all the same benefits of spark streaming, with the flexibility of batch processing.
You can simply point the stream at your data and this job will detect all the new files since the last iteration (using checkpointing), run a streaming batch, then terminate. You could trigger your airflow DAG's schedule to suit whatever lag you'd like to process data at (every minute, hour, etc.).
I wouldn't recommend this for low latency requirements, but its very suitable to be run every minute.
Using Airflow branching functionality we can have one dag which will do both scheduling and monitoring of our streaming job. Dag will do a status check of the application and in case application is not running dag will submit a streaming job. In another case dag execution can be finished or you can add a sensor which will check streaming job status after some time with alerts and other stuff you need.
There are two main problems:
Submit streaming application without waiting until it will be
finished. Otherwise our operator will run until it will reach execution_timeout;
That problem can be solved by scheduling out streaming job under cluster mode with spark.yarn.submit.waitAppCompletion configuration parameter set tofalse
Check the status of our streaming operator;
We can check streaming application status using Yarn. For example we can use command yarn application -list -appStates RUNNING . In case our application will be among the list of running applications we should no trigger our streaming job. The only thing is to make streaming job name unique.
There are no strict reasons why you shouldn't use Airflow to run Spark Streaming job. In fact you can monitor your process by periodically logging some metrics with
and see them in task log

How to tell if your spark job is waiting for resources

I have a pyspark job that I submit to a standalone spark cluster - this is an auto scaling cluster on ec2 boxes so when jobs are submitted and not enough nodes are available, after a few minutes a few more boxes spin up and become available.
We have a #timeout decorator on the main part of the spark job to timeout and error when it's exceeded a certain time threshold (put in place because of some jobs hanging). The issue is that sometimes a job may not have gotten to actually starting because its waiting on resources yet #timeout function is evaluated and jobs error out as a result.
So I'm wondering if there's anyway to tell from within the application itself, with code, if the job is waiting for resources?
To know the status of the application then you need to access the Spark Job History server from where you can get the current status of the job.
You can solve your problem as follows:
Get Application ID of your job through sc.applicationId.
Then use this application Id with Spark History Server REST APIs to get the status of the submitted job.
You can find the Spark History Server Rest APIs at link.

How to display step-by-step execution of sequence of statements in Spark application?

I have an Apache Spark data loading and transformation application with pyspark.sql that runs for half an hour before throwing an AttributeError or other run-time exceptions.
I want to test my application end-to-end with a small data sample, something like Apache Pig's ILLUSTRATE. Sampling down the data does not help much. Is there a simple way to do this?
It sounds like an idea that could easily be handled by a SparkListener. It gives you access to all the low-level details that the web UI of any Spark application could ever be able to show you. All the events that are flying between the driver (namely DAGScheduler and TaskScheduler with SchedulerBackend) and executors are posted to registered SparkListeners, too.
A Spark listener is an implementation of the SparkListener developer API (that is an extension of SparkListenerInterface where all the callback methods are no-op/do-nothing).
Spark uses Spark listeners for web UI, event persistence (for Spark History Server), dynamic allocation of executors and other services.
You can develop your own custom Spark listeners and register them using SparkContext.addSparkListener method or spark.extraListeners setting.
Go to a Spark UI of your job and you will find a DAG Visualization there. That's a graph representing your job
To test your job on a sample use sample as an input first of all ;) Also you may run your spark locally, not on a cluster and then debug it in IDE of your choice (like IDEA)
More info:
This great answer explaining DAG
DAG introduction from DataBricks

Spark task deserialization time

I'm running a Spark SQL job, and when looking at the master UI, task deserialization time can take 12 seconds and the compute time 2 seconds.
Let me give some background:
1- The task is simple: run a query in a PostgreSQL DB and count the results in Spark.
2- The deserialization problem comes when running on a cluster with 2+ workers (one of them the driver) and shipping tasks to the other worker.
3- I have to use the JDBC driver for Postgres, and I run each job with Spark submit.
My questions:
Am I submitting the packaged jars as part of the job every time and that is the reason for the huge task deserialization time? If so, how can I ship everything to the workers once and then in subsequent jobs already have everything needed there?
Is there a way to keep the SparkContext alive between jobs (spark-submit) so that the deserialization times reduces?
Anyways, anything that can help not paying des. time every time I run a job in a cluster.
Thanks for your time,
As I know, YARN supports cache application jars so that they are accessible each time application runs: pls refer to property spark.yarn.jar.
To support shared SparkContext between jobs and avoid the overhead of initializing it, there is a project spark-jobserver for this purpose.
