Pixi js: recognize objects on image - pixi.js

I want to create carcassonne-like game using pixi js. Each tile is a separate image and I need to recognize some objects on this image like roads, towns etc. Is it possible to use pixi for this purpose? If yes what approach I need to use? I googled it but can't find anything useful.

First of all: Of course you can use pixi.js for this purpose. But you should keep in mind that pixi is not a gaming engine. It's just a renderer, so you have to do a lot of the calculations like collisions and positioning for your game by yourself.
A possible approach (I'm sure there are tons of other ways to do it):
You should preload all of you images
Create a Container: var myContainer = new PIXI.Container();
Create textures for your images: var texture = new PIXI.Texture(yourImageStoringObject)
Add the textures to you container: myContainer.addChild(texture);
Create an additional container holding your hit areas (roads, towns
etc) and add this container to the main container again.
Create some pixi geometrics like rectangles (new
PIXI.Rectangle(x,y,w,h)) or circles representing you hit areas and
add them to your hit-area-container
Right now my answer is kind of a abstract approach. I'm just guessing what could help you to start your project. Try to figure out some basics and ask for help again. If you could provide some chunks of code it's a lot easier to help out! :)


How to speed up Inline SVG changes

In my hybrid Android app I use inline SVG to display images that are large (of the order of 2Mb) and complex (several hundred SVG elements per image). When I need to change the image I do the following
var puzzle = document.createElementNS(SVGNS,'svg'),
kutu = document.getElementById('kutu');
puzzle.id = 'puzzle';
puzzle.setAttribute('viewBox','0 0 1600 770');
puzzle.innerHTML = SVG;
//SVG here is the SVG image content shorn off the outer <svg>..</svg>
if (0 < kutu.children.length) kutu.children[0].remove();
//remove old image, iff any
//append the new image
While this is working the process of displaying the new image is slow. I suspect it is because of the innerHTML assignment above. Recreating through a sequence of createElementNS, puzzle.àppendChild would require me to first parse the incoming raw SVG content etc. Is that the way to go or would there be a faster way to display the content.
Once again for clarity - SVG here is the content of the new SVG image to be displayed shorn of its outer <svg>...</svg> wrrapper.
Just a side note it would probably be better to use setAttributeNS in place of setAttribute for consistency purpose since createElementNS is used, though it might not make a difference in speeding up the SVG image change.
In the case of a native app, a tool like the Android Profiler if using Android Studio 3.0 and higher can be used to analyze performance bottleneck. However since your app is a hybrid app, some sort of performance profiler that's applicable to the hybrid app (Whether it's Ionic or Cordova, etc.) can help to pinpoint where your performance bottleneck is.
Since your app is a hybrid, without knowing the resource capacity of your android app session, the guess is it seems to be a possible cause that it calls something like .setAttribute to set session-level attributes on the fly during the change of the image and the session resource might not be enough, and also the DOM has to perform .innerHTML and appendChild, which are dynamic operations. DOM manipulation is known to be slow.
Conversion of attributes of all the SVGs and store the result in some sort of storage or cache, and when needed, call it from the persistent storage or cache might be helpful.
Or consider using AngularJS to do the SVG change beforehand and preload the SVG images, refer to easily preload images in your Angular app. Here is another similar code to yours except it's using AngularJS to add SVG for starters.
Another simpler way, without changing your code, if you could minify the incoming SVGs beforehand, is to use SVG Optimizer or SVGO, a node.js open source project to compress your SVGs. Quoted from the SVGO link it says:
"SVG files, especially those exported from various editors, usually contain a lot of redundant and useless information. This can include editor metadata, comments, hidden elements, default or non-optimal values and other stuff that can be safely removed or converted without affecting the SVG rendering result." Although the performance gain might not be obvious going this route.

How to generate svg client-side with d3 without attaching it to the DOM (using with React.js)

I'm using React.js to build an app, which includes quite a few svg charts. I'm using d3 functions that help in chart creation, such as scales, but then using React to generate the svg elements. Here's a great writeup on the approach: http://10consulting.com/2014/02/19/d3-plus-reactjs-for-charting/
Part of why I'm going down this road was for performance - the first version of the app was too slow. It has a lot of elements and a lot of user-interactivity, all client-side. I'm trying to basically recreate the dc.js library in React.
It's a really fun approach and intuitive (more so than d3 alone IMO). Building axes is tedious though, and d3 does it so nicely. I would love d3 to just be able to output a string of svg elements that represent the axis (and maybe other elements) , and I feed it to React to include in the DOM.
I did see this SO question (How to make d3.js generate an svg without drawing it?) and the answer was to append it in the DOM and remove it, or create a DOM fragment. Those approaches go against the React approach and likely negate the performance benefits of React. I also saw jsdom and phantomjs solutions, which will not work in my case.
Can d3 generate svg without appending it to the DOM?
#Lars is correct if you are using traditional means. However, this is definitely possible with 'jsdom'. This library can simulate the DOM and also allows for string input. Which means you could inject the root element into the fake DOM and get a new window element to manipulate. You could then use D3 without changing it's source and using is like normal.
This would allow for the generation of an SVG.
No. D3 by design operates directly on the DOM through its selections. To have it generate string representations instead without modifying the DOM, you would need to modify its source code (and it would be quite a significant modification).

Adding SVG overlay to nokia HERE map

I'm working with nokia HERE maps and I want to add an additional layer of visualization graphics on top of a map. Since the possibilities to interact, manipulate and customize the graphics created by the HERE api are limited, I would like to work with d3.js/SVG for my visualizations.
My straight forward and obvious solution would have been to just add an absolute positioned SVG element on top of the map and giving it the same dimensions. But of course that takes every possibility to interact with the map. Is there any solution to add an overlay to the map which allows me to put SVG on it while maintaining the full interactivity (panning, zooming, clicking) of the map? Also it should be possible to interact with the SVG.
I know that there is a possibility to add a custom overlay of tiles provided by a tile server to HERE maps but that's not really what I'm looking for. I'm looking for something like the solution google has to offer to this problem. A set of custom layers which are always in sync with the corresponding map and have their own initialize, draw and remove methods. Is there something similar for HERE maps?
I think you are after the nokia.maps.map.provider.CanvasProvider class. This class provides a ground overlay bound to a specific area which offers a draw() method. The attach() method is the equivalent of your intialize I think, and you can refresh the overlay using update().
Depending upon your use case, I've also found the following techniques useful regarding SVG, Images and HERE Maps:
For an SVG marker which is anchored to a point and doesn't resize
use: SVG Markers
Alternatively override the Marker class and write using the low
level graphics commands to add flexibility to the rendering of a
marker anchored to a point. Like this: Defaced Marker
To add an image bound to a specific area use the ImageProvider class
To add a series of tiled images from a TMS (Tile Map Service) use the ImgTileProvider class
Alternatively if the [zoom][col][row] is useful to you and you
want to write SVG based stuff yourself try something like this example - which combines
SVG with 256x256 pixel markers.
Note that the HERE Maps API for JavaScript only supports SVG Tiny.
A class like the old nokia.maps.map.provider.CanvasProvider isn't even available on the new v3 API from Here.
Your best bet is on Leaflet using custom providers loading Here map tiles. Then you just load this Custom Overlay class and you're all set to draw D3, WebGL, whatever you need. Leaflet only loads the tiles from the providers and exposes some simple APIs. You will not have to deal with any of the providers' APIs.
Just don't forget to add your app_id and app_code to the provider class.

Using Sprite Image on Google Earth

Currently, I am loading a lot of placemarks on Google Earth on the website I created. Each placemark corresponds on a single file from the server. The placemarks are created one by one by the server coming from different images during initialization.
To ease the load of the server and the client, I am planning to change the implementation I mentioned using sprite image using css. Is this possible in Google Earth? I can't find any information about this. Maybe you can give some reference to do this.
Thank you very much.
Ability to use Image Sprites for Placemark Icons
I think you can do it something like:
me.point = ge.createPoint('');
var IconStyle = me.placemark.getStyleSelector().getIconStyle();
IMHO: if there are thousands of images in the sprite it will load it as many times as the number of placemarks on the map.

Create a map with clickable provinces/states using SVG, HTML/CSS, ImageMap

I am trying to create an interactive map where users can click on different provinces in the map to get info specific to that province.
archived: http://www.todospelaeducacao.org.br/
archived: http://code.google.com/p/svg2imap/
So far I've only found solutions that have limited functionality. I've only really searched for this using an SVG file, but I would be open to other file types if it is possible.
If anyone knows of a fully functioning way to do this (jQuery plug-in, PHP script, vector images) or a tutorial on how to do it manually please do share.
jQuery plugin for decorating image maps (highlights, select areas, tooltips):
Disclosure: I wrote it.
Sounds like you want a simple imagemap, I'd recommend to not make it more complex than it needs to be. Here's an article on how to improve imagemaps with svg. It's very easy to do clickable regions in svg itself, just add some <a> elements around the shapes you want to have clickable.
A couple of options if you need something more advanced:
I think it's better to divide my answer to 2 parts:
A-Create everything from scratch (using SVG, JavaScript, and HTML5):
Create a new HTML5 page
Create a new SVG file, each clickable area (province) should be a separate SVG Polygon in your SVG file,
(I'm using Adobe Illustrator for creating SVG files but you can find many alternative software products too, for example Inkscape)
Add mouseover and click events to your polygons one by one
<polygon points="200,10 250,190 160,210" style="fill:lime;stroke:purple;stroke-width:1"
onclick="clickHandler(evt)" />
Add a handler for each event in your JavaScript code and add your desired code to the handler
function mouseOverHandler(evt) {};
function clickHandler(evt) {};
Add the SVG file to your HTML page (I prefer inline SVG but you can use linked SVG file too)
Upload the files to your server
B-Use a software like FLDraw Interactive Image Creator (only if you have a map image and want to make it interactive):
Create an empty project and choose your map image as your base image when creating the new project
Add a Polygon element (from the Shape menu) for each province
For each polygon double click it to open the Properties window where you can choose an event type for mouse-over and click,
also change the shape opacity to 0 to make it invisible
Save your project and Publish it to HTML5, FLDraw will create a new folder that contains all of the required files for your project that you can upload to your server.
Option (A) is very good if you are programmer or you have someone to create the required code and SVG file for you,
Option (B) is good if you don't want to hire someone or spend your own time for creating everything from scratch
You have some other options too, for example using HTML5 Canvas instead of SVG, but it's not very easy to create a Zoomable map using HTML5 Canvas,
maybe there are some other ways too that I'm not aware of.
Just in case anyone will search for it - I used it on several sites, always the customization and RD possibilities were a perfect fit for what I needed. Simple and it is free to use:
Clickable CSS Maps
One note for more scripts on a site: I had some annoying problems with getting to work a map (that worked as a graphic menu) in Drupal 7. There where many other script used, and after handling them, I got stuck with the map - it still didn't work, although the jquery.cssmap.js, CSS (both local) and the script in the where in the right place. Firebug showed me an error and I suddenly eureka - a simple oversight, I left the script code as it was in the example and there was a conflict. Just change the front function "$" to "jQuery" (or other handler) and it works perfect. :]
Here's what I ment (of course you can put it before instead of the ):
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#map-country').cssMap({'size' : 810});
Go to SVG to Script
with your SVG the default output is the map in SVG
Code which adds events is also added but is easily identified and can be altered as required.
I have been using makeaclickablemap for my province maps for some time now and it turned out to be a really good fit.
I had the same requirements and finally this Map converter worked for me. It is the best plugin for any map generation.
Here is another image map plugin I wrote to enhance image maps: https://github.com/gestixi/pictarea
It makes it easy to highlight all the area and let you specify different styles depending on the state of the zone: normal, hover, active, disable.
You can also specify how many zones can be selected at the same time.
The following code may help you:
$("#svgEuropa [id='stallwanger.it.dev_shape_DEU']").on("click",function(){
You have quite a few options for this:
1 - If you can find an SVG file for the map you want, you can use something like RaphaelJS or SnapSVG to add click listeners for your states/regions, this solution is the most customizable...
2 - You can use dedicated tools such as clickablemapbuilder (free) or makeaclickablemap (i think free also).
[disclaimer] Im the author of clickablemapbuilder.com :)
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#map-country').cssMap({'size' : 810});
strong text
