Security threats to updating a java desktop application - security

Im looking at security threats to my java application when doing updates.
Also looking for ways to update my application. If there is an urgent update needed that it will be forced onto the user. Also what would be the security issues with these ways of updating?

You need to be more specific. What mechanism do you use to update your application?
A way to update your app is, for example, to replace single class files.
In general you have to check the source of the update. A possible attacker could try to fake an Update (class-file) to get into the host. To counter this threat you should sign your updates with a private key and use your public key to check if the signature is valid. (Overall you should sign your applications/jar-files)(Java Code Signing)
Code signing is also usefull if an attacker tries to trick the user to install some manipulated update.
If you use object-serialization you need to be aware of additional points (Object (De-)Serialization Vulnerabilities)
Another question Stackoverflow about updating java applications: How can I write a Java application that can update itself at runtime?


How to implement ABAC- Attribute Based Access Control in nodejs? Is it good / fit for small and large scale application?

How I can implement ABAC in nodejs. I want to give access to user using his location and role.
any one have demo for it?
I am refering npm package PolicyLine: npm i policyline refer link -
Even though this question is a bit old, I still want to give some answer for other users, which have the same or similar question in mind.
To answer your initial question:
It depends on your requirements and application. If you need to hide or show some fields based on permissions and roles, you should go with ABAC. If you just want to do permissions based on models/entities then a simple ACL would work or even just some predefined roles in a simple domain.
So usually you know what you need. Depending on the application one solution (or library) can be totally fine/overkill and in another it is just enough.
I also can recommend which is actively maintained and also offers ABAC (including time based permission checks).

Is there any way to use the wordnik API for a desktop app without server-side access?

I am writing a desktop app using PyQt5 which uses the Wordnik API to get word definitions. I do not have server-side access, nor do I wish to invest in acquiring it. Is there any way I can reliably hide my key so I can share my program on GitHub?
At the very least you could store your API key in a separate source file (which you would exclude from the repository via .gitignore) and check for exceptions while importing that file (see this), alerting to provide own API key if that fails.
Storing the API key in a non-source configuration file is another option, but then your worries are in storing that file in a way that is not accessible to the end user of your application.
Unfortunately, no, our Wordnik terms of service don't allow for sharing keys where they are accessible by end-users. If your app is noncommercial you can share instructions for users to help them apply for and add their own Wordnik keys to their copy of the application (and this also helps you, in that your key won't hit our API limits based on your users).
If this is a commercial application, please get in touch with us (apiteam#wordnik) with more details about your use case as we are looking into how to make this easier. As a small nonprofit with limited engineering resources we can't promise a quick solution but since our mission is to find & share every English word we're always interested in learning more about how folks are using our API. :)
Thanks for using Wordnik!

How could I start executables from within a modern browser?

I am responsible for our corporate application menu page (intranet only). It contains many links to resources (web pages and installed application) and is tailored to the current user.
In the past, I have used an applet to allow installed applications to be started directly from the browser.
The corporate web is going though a revamp and I have been told to find a solution which requires no plugins of any kind.
My first attempt was to register a custom protocol handler. The menu provider contains definitions for all the links and application commands and each user has different rights. I could imagine that, when the menu is created for a user, the commands could be encoded and added as something like custom://base64encodedcommand. The handler would decode the command, perform checks and execute it.
This works well in IE, FF and Chrome. At the moment, we have mainly Windows workstations and it will be used only within the company intranet.
Is this a viable approach? Are there security issues?
Unfortunately with any solution it is possible to only prove the existance of a vulnerability, and never the lack there-of. But there are some necessery, but not sufficient ways to make your system more resistant to attacks.
Currently you are base64 encoding the execution string. This adds absolutely nothing to security. Even if you chose some different method, this will only be security through obscurity, and can easily be reverse engineered by somebody with enough time.
What you can do is to have some sort of public-private key signing set up. So that you can sign each link with your own private key, and that would mean that this link is allowed to be executed, a link without a signature or with an invalid signature should not even be decoded.
So what you would have is custom://+base64link+separator+base64signature.
Things to keep in mind:
It is very important that only you (or very select group of people) have access to private key. This is the same as with any other pub-priv key system.
Not only should you not run the link if the signature is invalid, but you must not even decode it (thus you sign the base64 string, not the decoded command). Assume that it is an attack right away, and probably even inform the user of the fact.
And i repeat, while this can be considered to be a necessary for security, it is not something that is sufficient. So keep thinking of other possible attacks.

making a website local

I'm going to build a website for file manipulations. The idea is that the user will manage to upload his files to the website, and click the "manipulate" button, then he will get the resulted file. Also the user will have to pay in accordance with the amount of files he's trying to manipulate.
The code for the file manipulation is already written in JAVA.
The thing is, some of these files will probably be truly sensitive and private, so users will not be delighted to upload to my site over the internet.
I thought about making a local version of the website, and let the user download it (the local version) to his computer (and the only access the internet will be for the payment action).
But there seem to be two problems:
When i'll decide to change anything in my website, it will not affect the local users.
The local site will be very easy to "crack" in order not to pay...
This is my first website,
do you have any suggestions of how to solve one of these 2 problems?
Concerning question
(1) you would have to implement some update mechanism, for example your "local web site" (which might be a .jar file containing a web server) could check over the internet if a new version is available and then download and install it (however, you should generally ask for user's permission to do so, as many users are not delighted with silently auto-updating software). Concerning question
(2) you might use some code obfuscator to make your compiled java classes more difficult to decompile, and use an encrypted SSL connection for the transactions related to payment (while checking for server certificate to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks by the end user); however any software that a user can have on its computer will be eventually cracked by somebody. Therefore, the best solution is possibly to keep all on your server, while securing as much as possible the whole: use encrypted connections with SSL for everything, or even if the files are highly sensitive, provide a public key so users can encrypt their files with GPG (or similar software) before sending them to the site, and encrypt the files to be sent back to the user by using its public key (that he/she has to provide you and that is not critical at all to be transferred over the internet). Also carefully check the security of your web server and all the software running on it, to avoid bugs that might allow somebody to hack into it. Using the encryption with GPG/public keys and only storing encrypted data on your server might be already a good protection (but you have to make sure that it is impossible to get your private key in any way!).

Going Live - Any best practice check list and how to increase security on an MVC Site?

I have been building quite a few MVC based websites locally and am finally ready to deploy the first, but, I am getting rather nervous.
During testing, I noticed several things that worried me - I am using the default forms authentication with a few tweaks (although nothing to the underlining security).
I noticed that if I created a user in one application and logged in, then launched another application... it would keep me logged in* as the user from the previous application. The user doesn't even exist in the new application!
* - I used [Authorize] on controllers, and was surprised I could just get straight in without any sort of authentication
I assume it is because the cookie is being set for localhost instead of the application/port (although, not too much I can do about this in development).
Based on this, how secure is the default authentication?
1. Is there anyway to check from the code that the user doesn't have a "faked" cookie? / Check the user has logged in from my application?
2. I was just wondering if there are any sort of check lists or anything I can go through before deploying?
Sort of - 3.As of writing this, For question 1. I am guessing I could add a column with a random number that is saved to the cookie, and then that number is checked every time any authentication is done... however, I did not want to start mucking around with the membership provider... but I think this could work. Is this a good idea?
Try using IIS on your machine instead of VS Dev Server. Solves your problem 1.
Other than that I don't think you will need any extra effort to make default membership mechanisms of to make more secure if of course you don't need a real custom things to do in your projects. These things are around for a while now and I think they have been well tested in terms of security.
You just need to remember to put [Authorize] attribute to right places. If not on your controllers put them to right methods.
Basic Web Authentication shouldn't be trusted for applications which contain truly sensitive information. That being said it's sufficient for most applications. Be sure to check your application as often as possible before and after release for XSS vulnerabilities.
Here is Microsoft's recommended "Secure yourself" list.
No matter how strong your authentication is, one small XSS mistake and a malicious user can do as they wish to your site, and your users data!
I recently read a good book: Worx Professional ASP.NET, it talks about these steps in more detail on securing yourself as well as exposing examples of problems. After reading this I was able to "deface and steal" my own sites information with relative ease, was a good eye opener on the importance of securing for XSS.
