Not able to connect to remote Amazon Instance via SSH (Permission denied(publickey)) - linux

Can anyone help me fix this issue, I am trying to access Amazon Instance via ssh from another amazon instance, but I am getting the following error-
[ec2-user#ip-172-31-28-27 jmeter-ec2-master]$ ssh -i "JmeterCloud-Updated.pem"
Permission denied (publickey).
Any help will be much appreciated

Did You Use the chmod command to make sure your private key file isn't publicly viewable. For example, if the name of your private key file is my-key-pair.pem, use the following command:
chmod 400 /path/my-key-pair.pem

Use the following:
chmod 600 JmeterCloud-Updated.pem
to give adequate access to the key and then try to login into that instance.


key issues : aws EC2-instance

I am facing some login problem for accessing instance. While login to the server console (its a live server) it shows as Permission denied (publickey), Also am accessing with sudo also same issue persists. AWS instance, should reboot, no change while login issue persists.
As explained in AWS docs your key needs correct permissions:
If you are connecting from MacOS or Linux, run the following command to fix this error, substituting the path for your private key file.
chmod 0400 .ssh/my_private_key.pem
If you got a public key when you set up the server and you saved it (.pem file), you first need to change permissions to it. If in Linux cd to the directory holding the .pem file, then do this:
chmod 400 /path/to/your_public_key.pem for only-read permission.
Then with your EC2 instance public DNS ( get it in AWS EC2 console when you click on your instance ID) which is similar to ,you can ssh into your server as follows. Assuming your user account name in the server is ubuntu like in most of the Linux based AMIs in AWS, do:
ssh -i your_public_key.pem and if prompted for a password, provide it.
Good luck:)

Get permission denied for ssh

I followed this link to install SSH key using shell executor.
all the steps were running fine but at the final step when I tried to log in to the remote server in order to accept the fingerprint
by this script ssh
I receive the following error
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
I added the ssh public key in settings >> sshkey
also add it into variables as SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS
I couldnt find what is the issue , could you help me , thanks
Try a ssh -Tv in order to check which exact key and paths are considered when trying to read the remote server.
That will give you a clue why the connection fails, when you compare those paths with the ones set up when you inject an SSH key into your build environment by extending your .gitlab-ci.yml.

Not able access a file when using chmod 400

I need to give a user in AWS permission to a key pair using chmod 400 command, but when I do that in the terminal I get an error as attached
devmoki#devmoki-HP-250-G2-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo chmod 400 jenkinskeypair.pem
chmod: cannot access 'jenkinskeypair.pem': No such file or directory
Have also do this
devmoki#devmoki-HP-250-G2-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo !!
sudo chmod 400 jenkins us-west-2 jenkinskeypair.pem
[sudo] password for devmoki:
chmod: cannot access 'jenkins': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access 'us-west-2': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access 'jenkinskeypair.pem': No such file or directory
still getting the same error any assist on the same
Based on comments. The key was found.
Useful materials with AWS provided info about connection to EC2 are:
Connecting to your Linux instance using SSH
New: Using Amazon EC2 Instance Connect for SSH access to your EC2 Instances

Unable to SSH into EC2 Instance pem 'Permissions 0777 for '.ssh/intuit-tke-qe.pem' are too open'

I'm unable to ssh into my EC2 instance, seems to be an issue with the permission level of the ssh .pem file I'm passing to ssh, googling around this seems to be a problem many others have faced but their solutions didn't work for me.
Here is what I tried, someone please help...
Atempt 1:
asemani$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/secure.pem root#
This is a private computer system containing information that is proprietary
and confidential to the owner of the system. Only individuals or entities
authorized by the owner of the system are allowed to access or use the system.
Any unauthorized access or use of the system or information is strictly
All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Permissions 0777 for '.ssh/secure.pem' are too open.
It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.
Load key ".ssh/secure.pem": bad permissions
Permission denied (publickey).
Attempt 2:
asemani$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/secure.pem
asemani$ ls -l ~/.ssh/
total 56
-rw-r--r-- 1 asemani CORP\Domain Users 782 Apr 29 11:14 config
-rw-------# 1 asemani CORP\Domain Users 1696 Apr 29 21:32 secure.pem
asemani$ ssh -i .ssh/secure.pem root#
This is a private computer system containing information that is proprietary
and confidential to the owner of the system. Only individuals or entities
authorized by the owner of the system are allowed to access or use the system.
Any unauthorized access or use of the system or information is strictly
All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Permission denied (publickey).
I don't get the warning anymore but Permission is still denied. I then also tried doing a chmod 400 on the .pem file but that also didn't work. I won't paste that here since that may be overkill.
What is happening here? How can I ssh into my ec2? This should be a simple thing??
Change permission to chmod 400 ~/.ssh/secure.pem
Are you able to login as the default user using your pem key? For Ubuntu instances, default user should be ubuntu; for most other instances it should be ec2-user. If you're able to login as the default user, chances are that root isn't allowed for ssh login. To change that, login as the default user and do the following:
# Edit sshd_config and modify 'PermitRootLogin XX' to 'PermitRootLogin yes'
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# Reload sshd configuration
sudo service sshd reload
NOTE: This only serves as a how-to. It's generally not recommended to allow root login over ssh for security reason.
You need to launch the instance through your AWS EC2 management console. Once it is launched, copy the public DNS IPv4 and paste it after the linux distribution name being used (e.g. ubuntu#IPv4). Also, make sure you are working in the directory that houses your private access key.
For clarification, once your EC2 instance is launched and you're in the directory that holds your private access key, type in the following in the command-line:
ssh -i private_access_key.pem linux#IPv4
to windows users can change the premise of files through wsl doing this:
Edit or create (using sudo) /etc/wsl.conf
options = "metadata"
Restart wsl: (powershell)
PS Get-Service LxssManager | Restart-Service
and finally, do:
chmod 400 key.pem

AWS - Access the volume and fix own of the folders

My server was perfect until I used some chown commands.
So after that I even could not connect via putty or FTP.
I received:
Server refused our key.
So then I created a new instance and attached my volume to it.
I had mounted the volume but i cannot access anything because every folder is permission denied
What should I do? It is getting me crazy!
Change the user from 'ec2-user' to 'root' using sudo su and then you will be able to access all the directories.
